271 research outputs found

    O turismo rural em Panambi/RS

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    This paper aims to observe and analyze the practices, options and possibilities of Rural Tourism, with the study of the municipality of locus Panambi / RS, located in the northwest of Rio Grande do Sul. In theoretical and methodological terms, there was a study the field, getting to know the existing rural tourism practices, as well as to map new possibilities. This research deals with the space issue, a result of the relationship nature and society, specific place, emphasizing the study of tourist options in the receiving space of the city of Panambi important issue given its importance and relevance in the socio-spatial context of this century, investigating the possibilities and alternatives for the development of rural tourism Panambi. Tourism needs to be reconciled with the agropastoral activities and be aware of the four pillars which it is based: being environmentally friendly, economically viable, socially just be and be truly rural. According Swarbrooke (2000), rural tourism can be called effectively for sustainable rural tourism when stimulating the understanding of the impacts that could result in the environments.O presente trabalho teve como objetivo observar e analisar as práticas, opções e possibilidades do Turismo Rural, tendo como lócus de estudo o município de Panambi/RS, localizado no noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Em termos teórico-metodológicos, foi realizado um estudo a campo, buscando conhecer as práticas de turismo rural existentes, bem como mapear novas possibilidades. Essa pesquisa trata da questão espacial, resultado da relação natureza e sociedade, específica do lugar, com ênfase ao estudo das opções turísticas no espaço receptor do município, temática importante dada a sua relevância e atualidade, no contexto socioespacial deste século, investigando as possibilidades e alternativas para o desenvolvimento do turismo rural de Panambi. O turismo precisa ser conciliado com as atividades agropastoris e deve estar atento aos quatro pilares que o fundamentam: ser ecologicamente correto, ser economicamente viável, ser socialmente justo e ser verdadeiramente rural. Segundo Swarbrooke (2000), o turismo rural pode ser chamado, efetivamente, de turismo rural sustentável quando for estimulador da compreensão sobre os impactos que poderá causar nos ambientes

    Preparing Students in Professional Programs for Rural Practice: A Case Study

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    Understanding the supports and constraints available in rural communities is integral to the education of professionals who choose to practise in rural settings. Previous research has indicated that many professionals do not have an accurate understanding of rural contexts and how rural settings impact personal life and professional practice. To address this gap, an interprofessional course centring on professional practice in rural and remote communities was developed. This course was designed to be reflective of rural practice, not only in content but also in the way the course was delivered. Findings from this case study indicated that students’ understanding of the complexity of rural settings was enhanced on multiple levels. The interactive and experiential nature of the course allowed students to develop working relationships that increased both their understanding of the value of interprofessional collaboration as well as the professional opportunities that are available in rural areas.  Comprendre les soutiens accessibles dans les communautés rurales et leurs contraintes fait partie intégrante de la formation des professionnels qui choisissent de pratiquer en milieu rural. Des recherches antérieures ont indiqué que de nombreux professionnels n’ont pas une compréhension adéquate des contextes ruraux ni des répercussions de ces paramètres sur la vie personnelle et la pratique professionnelle. Pour combler cette lacune, un cours interprofessionnel centré sur la pratique professionnelle dans les collectivités rurales et éloignées a été créé. Ce cours se veut le reflet de la pratique rurale, non seulement dans son contenu mais aussi dans sa façon d’être enseigné. Les résultats de cette étude de cas ont indiqué que la compréhension qu’ont les élèves de la complexité du milieu rural a été renforcée à plusieurs niveaux. La nature interactive et expérientielle du cours a permis aux étudiants de parfaire leurs relations de travail, ce qui a augmenté à la fois leur compréhension de la valeur de la collaboration interprofessionnelle ainsi que celle des occasions professionnelles disponibles dans les zones rurales

    Resgatando, registrando e divulgando a história do município de Panambi: 1898 a 1954

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    This article was presented at the III International Congress on Environmental Education / Specialization in Environmental Education Course - UFSM Polo Presencial UAB Panambi / RS and IX City Seminar of the Environment. It reports an activity among several others developed by the Team that operates in the Museum and Historical Archive Prof. Hermann Wegermann - MAHP, in 2013. The activity consisted in drawing up a magazine and had as general objective to support the educational work of teachers enabling them to use it in classroom in full or, from this create activities that may put into practice with students and make the collection of the Museum and Historical Archive Prof. Hermann Wegermann (MAHP) accessible. Themethodology used in the preparation triggered several steps: bibliographic researches, interviews, field research; selection of iconographic images and documents, analysis of legislation, translations of parts of carbonless books, quantitative and budget surveys, typesetting, proofreading and printing of magazines with resources from the Darcy Ribeiro Award, edition 2012. The Magazine publishes the Museum's collection, unpublished historical sources left by our ancestors and that challenges us to further research for future productions, and makes this material available to the public, disseminating the history and challenging the Panambi citizen himself to complement the research of topics of interest available in the Historical Archive Museum. To date there have been two editions of the Magazine.Este artigo foi apresentado no III Congresso Internacional de Educação Ambiental/Curso de Especialização em Educação Ambiental - UFSM Polo Presencial UAB Panambi/RS e IX Seminário Municipal do Meio Ambiente. Este relata uma atividade entre as várias desenvolvidas pela Equipe que atua no Museu e Arquivo Histórico Professor Hermann Wegermann – MAHP, no ano de 2013. A atividade consistiu na elaboração de uma revista e teve como objetivo geral dar suporte ao trabalho pedagógico dos professores, podendo utilizá-la em sala de aula na íntegra ou, ainda, a partir desta, criar atividades que poderão colocar em prática com os alunos e tornar acessível o acervo do Museu e Arquivo Histórico Professor Hermann Wegermann (MAHP). A metodologia utilizada na elaboração desencadeou várias etapas: pesquisas bibliográficas, entrevistas, pesquisa de campo; seleção de imagens iconográficas e documentos, análise da legislação, traduções de partes de livros copiativos, levantamento quantitativo e de orçamentos, diagramação, revisão e impressão de revistas com recursos do Prêmio Darcy Ribeiro, edição 2012. A Revista divulga parte do acervo do Museu, fontes históricas inéditas deixadas pelos nossos antepassados e que nos desafiam à continuidade de pesquisas para produções futuras, bem como tornam este material acessível ao público, divulgando a história e desafiando o próprio panambiense a complementar a pesquisa de temas de seu interesse, disponíveis no Arquivo Histórico do Museu. Até o presente momento houve duas edições da Revista


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    The preparation and editing of the video, entitled "Documentary of the Fiúza River" had the general objective to draw up and provide educational didactic material, showing the situation of the Fiúza River from the spring to its mouth, in order to dialogue, mobilize and instruct the communities to develop actions of preservation in Panambi and the region which belongs to the watershed. It is essential to discuss the importance and the facets that water resources cover, along with the intrinsic importance of the landscape, as well as its multifunctionality. To carry out the Video Documentary of the Fiúza River we sought partnerships with the City Department of Education and Culture, City Council on the Environment, City Hall of Panambi (RS), Museum and Historic Archive Professor Hermann Wegermann and Volunteer Teachers. To carry out the Video Documentary of the Fiúza River we used bibliographical research, field research, interviews, filming, video analysis, among others. The organizers are satisfied with the acceptance by the Schools and the Community in general. In this you can explore a range of contents, e.g.: agricultural activities, areas of APP (Area of Permanent Preservation) in light of the legislation in force, the usage and occupations that are installed in the vicinity and that do not meet the regulations, environmental problems, starting from the river's spring, among others.A elaboração e a edição do vídeo intitulado “Documentário do Rio Fiúza” teve por objetivo geral elaborar e disponibilizar material didático pedagógico, mostrando a situação do rio Fiúza da nascente até a foz, a fim de dialogar, mobilizar e conscientizar as comunidades para desenvolver ações de preservação no município de Panambi e região a qual pertence à bacia hidrográfica. Considera-se imprescindível problematizar sobre a importância e as facetas que os recursos hídricos abrangem, juntamente com a importância intrínseca da paisagem, assim como sua multifuncionalidade. Para realização do Vídeo Documentário do Rio Fiúza, buscou-se parcerias com a Secretaria Municipal de Educação e Cultura, Conselho Municipal do Meio Ambiente, Prefeitura Municipal de Panambi (RS), Museu e Arquivo Histórico Professor Hermann Wegermann e Professores Voluntários. Para realização do vídeo Documentário do rio Fiúza, foi utilizado, além de pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa de campo, entrevistas, filmagens, análise de vídeos, entre outros. Os organizadores estão satisfeitos com a aceitação por parte das escolas e da comunidade em geral. Neste, é possível explorar uma série de conteúdos, por exemplo: as atividades agropecuárias, áreas de APP’s a luz da legislação vigente, uso e ocupações que estão instaladas nas proximidades e que não atendem a legislação, os problemas ambientais iniciando na nascente do rio, entre outras

    Development of propitious environment for innovation in the service sector: an analysis of accounting businesses in Itajaí valley - SC - Brazil

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    O presente estudo buscou verificar a percepção dos colaboradores e gestores de escritórios contábeis no que se refere a ambientes propícios ao desenvolvimento de inovação. Para tanto se escolheu realizar uma pesquisa quantitativa descritiva transversal, com levantamento de dados primários por meio de questionários. Para aplicação da pesquisa foram selecionados cinco escritórios contábeis da cidade de Gaspar, localizada no Vale do Itajaí, Santa Catariana. Três deles possuem onze colaboradores, um nove, e o último, oito, totalizando 50 (cinquenta) funcionários. Dados coletados foram tratados pela análise de componentes principais (ACP). Como principais resultados observou-se que as características que os funcionários dos escritórios contábeis percebem como influenciadores em um ambiente que promova a inovação estão ligados às dimensões: D1 - relacionamento interno; D2 - recursos; D3 - liderança e D4 - resolução de conflito.This study aimed to verify the perception of employees and managers in accounting offices regarding the development of propitious environments toward innovation. We chose to carry a cross quantitative-descriptive survey with primary data collection through questionnaire. For research appliance there were selected five accounting offices of the city of Gaspar, located in the Itajaí Valley, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Three of them have eleven employees, one has nine and the last one has eight, totalizing 50 (fifty) employees. The collected data was treated by principal component analysis (PCA). As main results it was observed that the features that accounting office workers perceive as influencing a propitious environment toward innovation are linked to the dimensions: D1 - internal relationship; D2 - resources; D3 - leadership and D4 - conflict resolution

    Reply to Response to Vacuous standards – subversion of the OSAC standards-development process

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    This Letter to the Editor is a reply to Mohammed et al. (2021) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsisyn.2021.100145, which in turn is a response to Morrison et al. (2020) “Vacuous standards – subversion of the OSAC standards-development process” https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsisyn.2020.06.005

    Genome sequencing in families with congenital limb malformations

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    The extensive clinical and genetic heterogeneity of congenital limb malformation calls for comprehensive genome-wide analysis of genetic variation. Genome sequencing (GS) has the potential to identify all genetic variants. Here we aim to determine the diagnostic potential of GS as a comprehensive one-test-for-all strategy in a cohort of undiagnosed patients with congenital limb malformations. We collected 69 cases (64 trios, 1 duo, 5 singletons) with congenital limb malformations with no molecular diagnosis after standard clinical genetic testing and performed genome sequencing. We also developed a framework to identify potential noncoding pathogenic variants. We identified likely pathogenic/disease-associated variants in 12 cases (17.4%) including four in known disease genes, and one repeat expansion in HOXD13. In three unrelated cases with ectrodactyly, we identified likely pathogenic variants in UBA2, establishing it as a novel disease gene. In addition, we found two complex structural variants (3%). We also identified likely causative variants in three novel high confidence candidate genes. We were not able to identify any noncoding variants. GS is a powerful strategy to identify all types of genomic variants associated with congenital limb malformation, including repeat expansions and complex structural variants missed by standard diagnostic approaches. In this cohort, no causative noncoding SNVs could be identified. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00439-021-02295-y

    Patient decision-making about emergency and planned stoma surgery for IBD: a qualitative exploration of patient and clinician perspectives

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    Background: Many IBD patients worry about stoma forming surgery (SFS), sometimes enduring poor bowel-related quality of life to avoid it. Anticipation of SFS and whether expectations match experience is under-reported. This qualitative study explored influences on patients’ SFS decision-making, and compared pre-operative concerns with post-operative outcomes. Methods: We purposively recruited participants with IBD from UK hospital outpatient and community sources, and IBD clinicians from public hospitals. Four focus groups and 29 semi-structured patient participant interviews, and 18 clinician interviews were audio recorded, transcribed, and analysed thematically. Participants had a current temporary, recently-reversed, or permanent stoma, or were stoma naïve. Results: Four themes emerged: Pre-operative concerns and expectations, Patient decision-making, Surgery and recovery, and Long-term outcomes. Participants and clinicians agreed about most pre-operative concerns, that outcomes were often better than expected, and support from others with a stoma is beneficial. Patient decision-making involves multiple factors, including disease status. Some clinicians avoid discussing SFS, and the phrase ‘last resort’ can bias patient perceptions; others recommend early discussion, increasing dialogue when medical management becomes ineffective. The post-operative period is particularly challenging for patients. Stoma acceptance is influenced by personal perceptions and pre- and post-operative clinical and social support. Conclusion: Patients need balanced information on all treatment options, including surgery, from an early stage. Early multi-disciplinary team dialogue about SFS, and contact with others living well with a stoma, could enable informed decision-making. Life with a stoma is often better than anticipated, improving quality of life and control. Ongoing specialist nursing support aids recovery and adjustment

    Методические указания к выполнению индивидуальных заданий практикума по дисциплине «Энергетический потенциал природных возобновляемых энергоресурсов и эффективность его преобразования в электроэнергию»

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    В методических указаниях рассмотрены вопросы оценки энергетического потенциала природных возобновляемых энергоресурсов: ветра, солнечного излучения и потоков воды и эффективности их преобразования в электроэнергию. Пособие предназначено для студентов дневного обучения по направлению13.04.02 «Электроэнергетика и электротехника» по профилям магистерской подготовки «Возобновляемые источники энергии» и «Оптимизация развивающихся систем электроснабжения»