262 research outputs found

    Implications of X-Ray Line Variations for 4U1822-371

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    4U 1822-371 is one of the proto-type accretion disk coronal sources with an orbital period of about 5.6 hours. The binary is viewed almost edge-on at a high inclination angle of 83 degrees, which makes it a unique candidate to study binary orbital and accretion disk dynamics in high powered X-ray sources. We observed the X-ray source in 4U 1822-371 with the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (HETGS) for almost nine binary orbits. X-ray eclipse times provide an update of the orbital ephemeris. We find that our result follows the quadratic function implied by previous observations; however, it suggests a flatter trend. Detailed line dynamics also confirm a previous suggestion that the observed photo-ionized line emission originates from a confined region in the outer edge of the accretion disk near the hot spot. Line properties allow us to impose limits on the size of accretion disk, the central corona, and the emission region. The photo-ionized plasma is consistent with ionization parameters of log(xi) > 2, and when combined with disk size and reasonable assumptions for the plasma density, this suggests illuminating disk luminosities which are over an order of magnitude higher than what is actually observed. That is, we do not directly observe the central emitting X-ray source. The spectral continua are best fit by a flat power law with a high energy cut-off and partial covering absorption (N_H ranging from 5.4-6.3x10^{22} cm^{-2}) with a covering fraction of about 50%. We discuss some implications of our findings with respect to the photo-ionized line emission for the basic properties of the X-ray source.Comment: Submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Dynamical Ne K Edge and Line Variations in the X-Ray Spectrum of the Ultra-compact Binary 4U 0614+091

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    We observed the ultra-compact binary candidate 4U 0614+091 for a total of 200 ksec with the high-energy transmission gratings onboard the \chandra X-ray Observatory. The source is found at various intensity levels with spectral variations present. X-ray luminosities vary between 2.0×1036\times10^{36} \ergsec and 3.5×1036\times10^{36} \ergsec. Continuum variations are present at all times and spectra can be well fit with a powerlaw component, a high kT blackbody component, and a broad line component near oxygen. The spectra require adjustments to the Ne K edge and in some occasions also to the Mg K edge. The Ne K edge appears variable in terms of optical depths and morphology. The edge reveals average blue- and red-shifted values implying Doppler velocities of the order of 3500 \kms. The data show that Ne K exhibits excess column densities of up to several 1018^{18} cm2^{-2}. The variability proves that the excess is intrinsic to the source. The correponding disk velocities also imply an outer disk radius of the order of <109< 10^9 cm consistent with an ultra-compact binary nature. We also detect a prominent soft emission line complex near the \oviii Lα\alpha position which appears extremely broad and relativistic effects from near the innermost disk have to be included. Gravitationally broadened line fits also provide nearly edge-on angles of inclination between 86 and 89^{\circ}. The emissions appear consistent with an ionized disk with ionization parameters of the order of 104^4 at radii of a few 107^7 cm. The line wavelengths with respect to \oviiia\ are found variably blue-shifted indicating more complex inner disk dynamics.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, submitted to the Astrophyscial Main Journa

    Multi-wavelength Observations of the Type IIb Supernova 2009mg

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    We present Swift UVOT and XRT observations, and visual wavelength spectroscopy of the Type IIb supernova (SN) 2009mg, discovered in the Sb galaxy ESO 121-G26. The observational properties of SN 2009mg are compared to the prototype Type IIb SNe 1993J and 2008ax, with which we find many similarities. However, minor differences are discernible including SN 2009mg not exhibiting an initial fast decline or u-band upturn as observed in the comparison objects, and its rise to maximum is somewhat slower leading to slightly broader light curves. The late-time temporal index of SN 2009mg, determined from 40 days post-explosion, is consistent with the decay rate of SN 1993J, but inconsistent with the decay of 56Co. This suggests leakage of gamma-rays out of the ejecta and a stellar mass on the small side of the mass distribution. Our XRT non-detection provides an upper limit on the mass-loss rate of the progenitor of <1.5x10^-5 Msun per yr. Modelling of the SN light curve indicates a kinetic energy of 0.15 (+0.02,-0.13) x10^51 erg, an ejecta mass of 0.56(+0.10,-0.26) Msun and a 56Ni mass of 0.10\pm0.01 Msun.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Magnetic inflation and Stellar Mass. II. On the radii of wingle, rapidly rotating, fully convective M-dwarf stars

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    Main-sequence, fully convective M dwarfs in eclipsing binaries are observed to be larger than stellar evolutionary models predict by as much as 10%–15%. A proposed explanation for this discrepancy involves effects from strong magnetic fields, induced by rapid rotation via the dynamo process. Although, a handful of single, slowly rotating M dwarfs with radius measurements from interferometry also appear to be larger than models predict, suggesting that rotation or binarity specifically may not be the sole cause of the discrepancy. We test whether single, rapidly rotating, fully convective stars are also larger than expected by measuring their RsiniR\sin i distribution. We combine photometric rotation periods from the literature with rotational broadening (vsiniv\sin i) measurements reported in this work for a sample of 88 rapidly rotating M dwarf stars. Using a Bayesian framework, we find that stellar evolutionary models underestimate the radii by 10 \% \mbox{--}15{ \% }_{-2.5}^{+3}, but that at higher masses (0.18 < M < 0.4 M Sun), the discrepancy is only about 6% and comparable to results from interferometry and eclipsing binaries. At the lowest masses (0.08 < M < 0.18 M Sun), we find that the discrepancy between observations and theory is 13%–18%, and we argue that the discrepancy is unlikely to be due to effects from age. Furthermore, we find no statistically significant radius discrepancy between our sample and the handful of M dwarfs with interferometric radii. We conclude that neither rotation nor binarity are responsible for the inflated radii of fully convective M dwarfs, and that all fully convective M dwarfs are larger than models predict.The authors would like to thank the referee for the thoughtful report, which greatly improved the manuscript. The authors would also like to thank Lisa Prato and Larissa Nofi for IGRINS training, and Heidi Larson, Jason Sanborn, and Andrew Hayslip for operating the DCT during our observations. We would also like to thank Jen Winters, Jonathan Irwin, Paul Dalba, Mark Veyette, Eunkyu Han, and Andrew Vanderburg for useful discussions and helpful comments on this work. Some of this work was supported by the NASA Exoplanet Research Program (XRP) under grant No. NNX15AG08G issued through the Science Mission Directorate.These results made use of the Lowell Observatory's Discovery Channel Telescope, supported by Discovery Communications, Inc., Boston University, the University of Maryland, the University of Toledo and Northern Arizona University; the Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrograph (IGRINS) that was developed under a collaboration between the University of Texas at Austin and the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) with the financial support of the US National Science Foundation under grant AST-1229522, of the University of Texas at Austin, and of the Korean GMT Project of KASI; data taken at The McDonald Observatory of The University of Texas at Austin; and data products from the Two Micron All Sky Survey, which is a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/California Institute of Technology, funded by NASA and the NSF. (NNX15AG08G - NASA Exoplanet Research Program (XRP); Discovery Communications, Inc.; Boston University; University of Maryland; University of Toledo; Northern Arizona University; AST-1229522 - US National Science Foundation; University of Texas at Austin; Korean GMT Project of KASI; NASA; NSF

    Calpain-mediated vimentin cleavage occurs upstream of MT1-MMP membrane translocation to facilitate endothelial sprout initiation

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    Endothelial cells normally line the vasculature and remain quiescent. However, these cells can be rapidly stimulated to undergo morphogenesis and initiate new blood vessel formation given the proper cues. This study reports a new mechanism for initiating angiogenic sprout formation that involves vimentin, the major intermediate filament protein in endothelial cells. Initial studies confirmed vimentin was required for sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P)- and growth factor (GF)-induced endothelial cell invasion, and vimentin was cleaved by calpains during invasion. Calpains were predominantly activated by GF and were required for sprout initiation. Because others have reported membrane type 1-matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) is required for endothelial sprouting responses, we tested whether vimentin and calpain acted upstream of MT1-MMP. Both calpain and vimentin were required for successful MT1-MMP membrane translocation, which was stimulated by S1P. In addition, vimentin complexed with MT1-MMP in a manner that required both the cytoplasmic domain of MT1-MMP and calpain activation, which increased the soluble pool of vimentin in endothelial cells. Altogether, these data indicate that pro-angiogenic signals converge to activate calpain-dependent vimentin cleavage and increase vimentin solubility, which act upstream to facilitate MT1-MMP membrane translocation, resulting in successful endothelial sprout formation in three-dimensional collagen matrices. These findings help explain why S1P and GF synergize to stimulate robust sprouting in 3D collagen matrices

    Do intoxicated witnesses produce poor facial composite images?

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    The effect of alcohol intoxication on witness memory and performance has been the subject of research for some time, however, whether intoxication affects facial composite construction has not been investigated. Intoxication was predicted to adversely affect facial composite construction. Thirty-two participants were allocated to one of four beverage conditions consisting of factorial combinations of alcohol or placebo at face encoding, and later construction. Participants viewed a video of a target person and constructed a composite of this target the following day. The resulting images were presented as a full face composite, or a part face consisting of either internal or external facial features to a second sample of participants who provided likeness ratings as a measure of facial composite quality. Intoxication at face encoding had a detrimental impact on the quality of facial composites produced the following day, suggesting that alcohol impaired the encoding of the target faces. The common finding that external compared to internal features are more accurately represented was demonstrated, even following alcohol at encoding. This finding was moderated by alcohol and target face gender such that alcohol at face encoding resulted in reduced likeness of external features for male composite faces only. Moderate alcohol intoxication impairs the quality of facial composites, adding to existing literature demonstrating little effect of alcohol on line-up studies. The impact of intoxication on face perception mechanisms, and the apparent narrowing of processing to external face areas such as hair, is discussed in the context of alcohol myopia theory

    A catalog of chromospherically active binary stars (third edition)

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    Chromospherically Active Binaries (CAB) catalogue have been revised and updated. With 203 new identifications, the number of CAB stars is increased to 409. Catalogue is available in electronic format where each system has various number of lines (sub-orders) with a unique order number. Columns contain data of limited number of selected cross references, comments to explain peculiarities and position of the binarity in case it belongs to a multiple system, classical identifications (RS CVn, BY Dra), brightness and colours, photometric and spectroscopic data, description of emission features (Ca II H&K, HαH_{\alpha}, UV, IR), X-Ray luminosity, radio flux, physical quantities and orbital information, where each basic entry are referenced so users can go original sources.Comment: 5 pages, including 2 figures and 3 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Origins of Lactase Persistence in Europe

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    Lactase persistence (LP) is common among people of European ancestry, but with the exception of some African, Middle Eastern and southern Asian groups, is rare or absent elsewhere in the world. Lactase gene haplotype conservation around a polymorphism strongly associated with LP in Europeans (−13,910 C/T) indicates that the derived allele is recent in origin and has been subject to strong positive selection. Furthermore, ancient DNA work has shown that the −13,910*T (derived) allele was very rare or absent in early Neolithic central Europeans. It is unlikely that LP would provide a selective advantage without a supply of fresh milk, and this has lead to a gene-culture coevolutionary model where lactase persistence is only favoured in cultures practicing dairying, and dairying is more favoured in lactase persistent populations. We have developed a flexible demic computer simulation model to explore the spread of lactase persistence, dairying, other subsistence practices and unlinked genetic markers in Europe and western Asia's geographic space. Using data on −13,910*T allele frequency and farming arrival dates across Europe, and approximate Bayesian computation to estimate parameters of interest, we infer that the −13,910*T allele first underwent selection among dairying farmers around 7,500 years ago in a region between the central Balkans and central Europe, possibly in association with the dissemination of the Neolithic Linearbandkeramik culture over Central Europe. Furthermore, our results suggest that natural selection favouring a lactase persistence allele was not higher in northern latitudes through an increased requirement for dietary vitamin D. Our results provide a coherent and spatially explicit picture of the coevolution of lactase persistence and dairying in Europe