73 research outputs found

    Giant Keplerate molecule Fe30 - the first octopole magnet

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    The multipole expansion technique is applied to one of the largest magnetic molecules, Fe30. The molecule's dipole, toroid and quadrupole magnetic moments are equal to zero (in the absence of magnetic field) so the multipole expansion starts from the octopole moment. Probably the Fe30 molecule is the most symmetrical magnetic body synthesized so far. The magnetization process is considered theoretically in different geometries. Some components of the octopole moment experience a jump while the magnetization rises linearly up to its saturation value. An elementary octopole moment consisting of four magnetic dipoles is proposed as a hint for designing of an experiment for measurement of octopole magnetic moment components.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Student Youth Legal Consciousness: Formation Problems and Prospects

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    The Article Relevance. In order to build the state of law and civic society, it is necessary to increase legal education of all citizens of the state in the field of human rights and freedoms, forms and methods of their protection. It is especially important to involve young people in this process actively, instill in them the desire to know more about their rights and show more interest in the legal field. The aim of the study is a systematic analysis of the legal consciousness of young people and the forms of organization of legal education of young people. Research methods: as a research method, a questionnaire survey was used as a method of collecting primary information, which allows determining the level of development of the legal consciousness of students. Research results: the article analyzes the forms of organization of young people’s legal education; recommendations on the use of forms of organization of young people’s legal education are developed. The novelty and originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the legal activity of students was studied. The low awareness of students about the laws on the rights of youth and the youth environment was revealed. It is shown that the core in the formation of a young person’s social activity is ideological nature. It is revealed that students allocate informing, training, consulting and propagandizing forms of legal education of young people. It is shown that in higher educational institutions, legal education of young people is organized through training, informing and propagandizing forms through seminars, lectures, round tables, discussion clubs, mass media, printed publications, the Internet, social advertising. It is determined that for the organization of youth legal education one should take into account the wishes of the students: to develop programs of volunteerism, including the legal education of young people as activity; to develop a network of free youth agencies, in which young people can get all kinds of advice; regularly hold free legal aid. Insufficient legal literacy of students and unwillingness of the majority of students to participate in the solution of any social problems are revealed. It is shown that students demonstrate political passivity due to frustration and distraction of moral guidelines. Practical significance: The data obtained in this work can be used in legal psychology, jurisprudence, pedagogy, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue

    Противоэпидемическая эффективность санитарно -просветительской работы с контингентами риска заражения чумой в Горно-Алтайском высокогорном природном очаге чумы

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    Objective is to reduce the risk of infection of people with plague in the territory of a natural focus on the basis of the targeted public health educational work with risk groups.Materials and methods. In 2017, 30 visits were made by epidemiological groups to livestock farms in the epizootic zone to inform the population about the existing risks of plague infection and to conduct interviews to assess the level of alertness regarding the risk of the disease. Work was carried out with risk contingents with coverage of 1652 people (81% of the total number of people living in livestock camps).Results. It was found that 64% of the respondents knew about the danger of plague infection in the region. 91% are aware of the role of marmots in infecting people with plague. 96.3% of respondents are aware of the ban on hunting groundhogs, while 39% continue to prey upon the grey (Altai) groundhog. The identified gaps in the population’s alertness regarding the risk of plague infection were eliminated through active sanitary and educational work with the population.Conclusion. Direct work with the population, anti-epidemic groups, significantly affected the provision of epidemiological welfare as regards plague, which is confirmed by the absence of human plague cases in the natural focus in 2017-2019. Цель – снижение риска заражения людей чумой на территории природного очага на основе кампании целенаправленной санитарно-просветительской работы с контингентами риска.Материалы и методы. В 2017 г. было осуществлено 30 выездов эпидемиологических групп на стоянки животноводов в зоне эпизоотии для информирования населения о существующих рисках заражения чумой и анкетирования с целью оценки уровня настороженности в отношении риска заболевания. Проведена работа с контингентами риска с охватом в 1652 человека (81% от общего количества людей, проживающих на животноводческих стоянках).Результаты. В ходе работы установлено, что знали об опасности заражения чумой в регионе 64% опрошенных. Осведомлены о роли сурков в заражении человека чумой – 91%. О запрете охоты на сурков известно 96,3% опрошенных, при этом 39% продолжают промысел серого (алтайского) сурка. Выявленные пробелы в настороженности населения в отношении риска заражения чумой удалось устранить за счет активной санитарно-просветительской работы с населением.Заключение. Прямая работа противоэпидемических групп с населением существенным образом сказалась на обеспечении санитарно-эпидемиологического благополучия по чуме, что подтверждается отсутствием заболеваний людей чумой в природном очаге в 2017–2019 гг.

    The internal structure of poly(methyl methacrylate) latexes in nonpolar solvents

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    Hypothesis: Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) latexes in nonpolar solvents are an excellent model system to understand phenomena in low dielectric media, and understanding their internal structure is critical to characterizing their performance in both fundamental studies of colloidal interactions and in potential industrial applications. Both the PMMA cores and the poly(12-hydroxystearic acid) (PHSA) shells of the latexes are known to be penetrable by solvent and small molecules, but the relevance of this for the properties of these particles is unknown. Experiments: These particles can be prepared in a broad range of sizes, and two PMMA latexes dispersed in n-dodecane (76 and 685 nm in diameter) were studied using techniques appropriate to their size. Small-angle scattering (using both neutrons and X-rays) was used to study the small latexes, and analytical centrifugation was used to study the large latexes. These studies enabled the calculation of the core densities and the amount of solvent in the stabilizer shells for both latexes. Both have consequences on interpreting measurements using these latexes. Findings: The PHSA shells are highly solvated (∼85% solvent by volume), as expected for effective steric stabilizers. However, the PHSA chains do contribute to the intensity of neutron scattering measurements on concentrated dispersions and cannot be ignored. The PMMA cores have a slightly lower density than PMMA homopolymer, which shows that only a small free volume is required to allow small molecules to penetrate into the cores. Interestingly, the observations are essentially the same, regardless of the size of the particle; these are general features of these polymer latexes. Despite the latexes being used as a model physical system, the internal chemical structure is complex and must be fully considered when characterizing them

    The sensorium at work: the sensory phenomenology of the working body

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    The sociology of the body and the sociology of work and occupations have both neglected to some extent the study of the ‘working body’ in paid employment, particularly with regard to empirical research into the sensory aspects of working practices. This gap is perhaps surprising given how strongly the sensory dimension features in much of working life. This article is very much a first step in calling for a more phenomenological, embodied and ‘fleshy’ perspective on the body in employment, and examines some of the theoretical and conceptual resources available to researchers wishing to focus on the lived working-body experiences of the sensorium. We also consider some possible representational forms for a more evocative, phenomenologically-inspired portrayal of sensory, lived-working-body experiences, and offer suggestions for future avenues of research

    Optimization of the calculation of the toric IOL optical power in patients with cataract and changed cornea

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    Purpose. To study the effectiveness of astigmatism correction in patients with cataract and corneal changes based on modified approaches to the calculation of toric IOL optical power.Material and methods. The results of toric IOLs implantation (model Acrysof IQ Toric and Rayner T-Flex) were analyzed in 86 patients (121 eyes) with cataract and an altered corneal topography (keratectasia of various origins, scarring, etc.). The optical properties of the cornea were examined using the complex tomographic Pentacam scanner and Refractive software, Holladay EKR Detail Report and Fourier – Analysis. Depending on the method of calculation of toric IOL optical power the patients were divided into 2 groups. In the group 1 (30 patients, 47 eyes), the corneal topography data of refractive properties of the cornea along the main meridians in a 4.5mm zone were took into account. In the group 2 (56 patients, 74 eyes) the optical corneal parameters, including the optical profile and regular astigmatism, were investigated in the actual area, distinguishing by the position of the apex of the cornea and pupil diaphragmatic function.The results were evaluated 1 year after surgery on the basis of residual refractive spherical and cylindrical components, visual acuity, efficiency ratio (the ratio of indicators of uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) after surgery and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) before surgery).Results. In the standard approach for the optical power calculation of toric IOL the residual astigmatism within 0.75- 1.0D was noted in 27.6% of cases (13 eyes), within 1.25D or more – in 17.0% of cases (8 eyes) 12 months after surgery. In case of the modified calculation procedure of IOL power taking into account the actual zone the frequency of differences between the calculated and achieved refraction was smaller: residual astigmatism 0.75-1.0D occurred in 18.9% of cases (14 eyes), 1.25D or more – in 9.4% of cases (7 eyes). The coefficient of efficiency in the patients of the group 2 was 20% higher than in patients of the group 1.Conclusion. The proposed approach to the choice of toric IOL power in patients with cataract and altered cornea using the Pentacam corneal topography data in the actual zone, is a highly efficient and predictable

    Student Youth Legal Consciousness: Formation Problems and Prospects

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    The Article Relevance. In order to build the state of law and civic society, it is necessary to increase legal education of all citizens of the state in the field of human rights and freedoms, forms and methods of their protection. It is especially important to involve young people in this process actively, instill in them the desire to know more about their rights and show more interest in the legal field. The aim of the study is a systematic analysis of the legal consciousness of young people and the forms of organization of legal education of young people. Research methods: as a research method, a questionnaire survey was used as a method of collecting primary information, which allows determining the level of development of the legal consciousness of students. Research results: the article analyzes the forms of organization of young people’s legal education; recommendations on the use of forms of organization of young people’s legal education are developed. The novelty and originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the legal activity of students was studied. The low awareness of students about the laws on the rights of youth and the youth environment was revealed. It is shown that the core in the formation of a young person’s social activity is ideological nature. It is revealed that students allocate informing, training, consulting and propagandizing forms of legal education of young people. It is shown that in higher educational institutions, legal education of young people is organized through training, informing and propagandizing forms through seminars, lectures, round tables, discussion clubs, mass media, printed publications, the Internet, social advertising. It is determined that for the organization of youth legal education one should take into account the wishes of the students: to develop programs of volunteerism, including the legal education of young people as activity; to develop a network of free youth agencies, in which young people can get all kinds of advice; regularly hold free legal aid. Insufficient legal literacy of students and unwillingness of the majority of students to participate in the solution of any social problems are revealed. It is shown that students demonstrate political passivity due to frustration and distraction of moral guidelines. Practical significance: The data obtained in this work can be used in legal psychology, jurisprudence, pedagogy, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue.La relevancia del artículo. Para construir el estado de derecho y la sociedad cívica, es necesario incrementar la educación jurídica de todos los ciudadanos del estado en el campo de los derechos humanos y las libertades, formas y métodos de su protección. Es especialmente importante involucrar a los jóvenes en este proceso de forma activa, inculcarles el deseo de conocer más sobre sus derechos y mostrar más interés en el ámbito jurídico. El objetivo del estudio es un análisis sistemático de la conciencia jurídica de los jóvenes y las formas de organización de la educación jurídica de los jóvenes. Métodos de investigación: como método de investigación se utilizó una encuesta por cuestionario como método de recolección de información primaria, que permite determinar el nivel de desarrollo de la conciencia jurídica de los estudiantes. Resultados de la investigación: el artículo analiza las formas de organización de la educación jurídica de los jóvenes; se elaboran recomendaciones sobre el uso de formas de organización de la educación jurídica de los jóvenes. La novedad y originalidad del estudio radica en que por primera vez se estudió la actividad jurídica de los estudiantes. Se puso de manifiesto el escaso conocimiento de los estudiantes sobre las leyes sobre los derechos de la juventud y el entorno juvenil. Se demuestra que el núcleo en la formación de la actividad social de un joven es de naturaleza ideológica. Se revela que los estudiantes destinan formas de informar, capacitar, asesorar y difundir la educación jurídica de los jóvenes. Se demuestra que en las instituciones de educación superior la educación jurídica de los jóvenes se organiza a través de formas de formación, divulgación y propaganda a través de seminarios, conferencias, mesas redondas, clubes de discusión, medios de comunicación, publicaciones impresas, Internet, publicidad social. Se determina que para la organización de la educación jurídica juvenil se deben tener en cuenta los deseos de los estudiantes: desarrollar programas de voluntariado, incluyendo la educación jurídica de los jóvenes como actividad; desarrollar una red de agencias juveniles gratuitas, en las que los jóvenes puedan recibir todo tipo de consejos; obtener asistencia jurídica gratuita con regularidad. Se revelan la falta de conocimientos legales de los estudiantes y la falta de voluntad de la mayoría de los estudiantes para participar en la solución de cualquier problema social. Se demuestra que los estudiantes demuestran pasividad política debido a la frustración y distracción de las pautas morales. Importancia práctica: Los datos obtenidos en este trabajo pueden ser utilizados en psicología jurídica, jurisprudencia, pedagogía, así como para un mayor desarrollo teórico de este tema