716 research outputs found

    Clustering and collisions of heavy particles in random smooth flows

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    Finite-size impurities suspended in incompressible flows distribute inhomogeneously, leading to a drastic enhancement of collisions. A description of the dynamics in the full position-velocity phase space is essential to understand the underlying mechanisms, especially for polydisperse suspensions. These issues are here studied for particles much heavier than the fluid by means of a Lagrangian approach. It is shown that inertia enhances collision rates through two effects: correlation among particle positions induced by the carrier flow and uncorrelation between velocities due to their finite size. A phenomenological model yields an estimate of collision rates for particle pairs with different sizes. This approach is supported by numerical simulations in random flows.Comment: 12 pages, 9 Figures (revTeX 4) final published versio

    Scientific controversies and popular science in translation: rewriting, transediting or transcreation?

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    Over the centuries, the circulation of scientific ideas has been granted in one or a limited number of languages. Despite the advantages of avoiding a scientific Babel, popular science is largely communicated to the public using their first language(s), and is often the result of translation from other languages \u2013 most notably English. While science may partly be communicated to the public for information, at the leading edge of research it is often popularised for its newsworthiness and/or to involve the public in debates concerning social issues or political decisions. The question addressed in this paper is how the \u2018news\u2019 elements in popular science are mediated in the target language and culture and to what extent processes such as rewriting, transediting and transcreation are at work. Methods and strategies for science communication are compared and contrasted using an Italian and English parallel/comparable corpus of newspaper, magazine and news agency articles reporting on the recent scientific controversy over vaccines. Corpus articles are collected using the LexisNexis database. Data are checked against a small monitor corpus of key articles collected as the controversies developed. Within corpus texts, mediating strategies are tested and issues concerning the achievement of intended effects in scientific controversy popularizations are considered. The discourse of controversies will be investigated in translation as a test case for rewriting, transediting or transcreation with an eye to different audiences, while bearing in mind that the ease of communication and circulation of ideas may have blurred cultural specificities and impacted the presentation of scientific topics to some extent

    A foot in both camps: Redressing the balance between the \u2018pure\u2019 and applied branches of translation studies

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    The aim of this article is to argue for an approach to translation research integrating/bridging the divide between the descriptive, theoretical and applied branches of Translation Studies (TS). Based on a perspective of translation as cross-cultural communication centred on language and as a professional activity where the translator makes decisions, the branch of Applied Translation Studies (ATS) is seen not just as an \u201cextension\u201d of the \u201cpure\u201d branches of TS (Theory and Description), or one where theoretical statements based on the results of descriptive studies are transmitted in a unidirectional way (Toury 1995: 17-19). Rather, the applied strand of TS covering translation teaching and practice, translation quality assessment, the development of translation aids etc. is effectively incorporated in the disciplinary core of TS, providing a site for testing theoretical statements, identifying problems and providing explanations to be fed into the theory


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    Estimation of the daily trend of sulfur dioxide and ash from the thermal infrared measurements of the Spin Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI), on board the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) geosynchronous satellite, has been carried out. The SO2 retrieval is validated vicariously by using satellite sensors and with ground measurements. The 24 November 2006 tropospheric eruption of Etna volcano is used as a test case. MSG-SEVIRI is an optical imaging radiometer characterized by 12 spectral channels, a high temporal resolution (one image every 15 minutes), and a 10 km2 footprint. The instrument’s spectral range includes the 7.3 and 8.7 mm bands (channels 6 and 7) used for SO2 retrieval and the 10.8 and 12.0 mm (channels 9 and 10) split window bands used for ash detection and retrievals. The SO2 columnar abundance and ash are retrieved simultaneously by means of a Look-Up Table least squares fit procedure for SO2 and using a Brightness Temperature Difference algorithm for ash. The SO2 retrievals obtained using different satellite sensors such as AIRS and MODIS have been carried out and compared with SEVIRI estimations. The results were validated using the permanent mini-DOAS ground system network (FLAME) installed and operated by INGV on Mt. Etna. Results show that the simultaneous presence of SO2 and ash in a volcanic plume yields a significant error in the SO2 columnar abundance retrieval in multispectral Thermal Infrared (TIR) data. The ash plume particles with high effective radius (from 1 to 10 mm) reduce the top of atmosphere radiance in the entire TIR spectral range, including the channels used for the SO2 retrieval. The net effect is a significant SO2 overestimation. To take this effect into account a novel ash correction procedure is presented and applied to the retrieval

    Dynamics and statistics of heavy particles in turbulent flows

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    We present the results of Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of turbulent flows seeded with millions of passive inertial particles. The maximum Taylor's Reynolds number is around 200. We consider particles much heavier than the carrier flow in the limit when the Stokes drag force dominates their dynamical evolution. We discuss both the transient and the stationary regimes. In the transient regime, we study the growt of inhomogeneities in the particle spatial distribution driven by the preferential concentration out of intense vortex filaments. In the stationary regime, we study the acceleration fluctuations as a function of the Stokes number in the range [0.16:3.3]. We also compare our results with those of pure fluid tracers (St=0) and we find a critical behavior of inertia for small Stokes values. Starting from the pure monodisperse statistics we also characterize polydisperse suspensions with a given mean Stokes.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 2 table

    Genome Wide Transcriptome Analysis of Dendritic Cells Identifies Genes with Altered Expression in Psoriasis

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    Activation of dendritic cells by different pathogens induces the secretion of proinflammatory mediators resulting in local inflammation. Importantly, innate immunity must be properly controlled, as its continuous activation leads to the development of chronic inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or peptidoglycan (PGN) induced tolerance, a phenomenon of transient unresponsiveness of cells to repeated or prolonged stimulation, proved valuable model for the study of chronic inflammation. Thus, the aim of this study was the identification of the transcriptional diversity of primary human immature dendritic cells (iDCs) upon PGN induced tolerance. Using SAGESeq approach, a tag-based transcriptome sequencing method, we investigated gene expression changes of primary human iDCs upon stimulation or restimulation with Staphylococcus aureus derived PGN, a widely used TLR2 ligand. Based on the expression pattern of the altered genes, we identified non-tolerizeable and tolerizeable genes. Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (Kegg) analysis showed marked enrichment of immune-, cell cycle- and apoptosis related genes. In parallel to the marked induction of proinflammatory mediators, negative feedback regulators of innate immunity, such as TNFAIP3, TNFAIP8, Tyro3 and Mer are markedly downregulated in tolerant cells. We also demonstrate, that the expression pattern of TNFAIP3 and TNFAIP8 is altered in both lesional, and non-lesional skin of psoriatic patients. Finally, we show that pretreatment of immature dendritic cells with anti-TNF-α inhibits the expression of IL-6 and CCL1 in tolerant iDCs and partially releases the suppression of TNFAIP8. Our findings suggest that after PGN stimulation/restimulation the host cell utilizes different mechanisms in order to maintain critical balance between inflammation and tolerance. Importantly, the transcriptome sequencing of stimulated/restimulated iDCs identified numerous genes with altered expression to date not associated with role in chronic inflammation, underlying the relevance of our in vitro model for further characterization of IFNprimed iDCs

    Polymer transport in random flow

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    The dynamics of polymers in a random smooth flow is investigated in the framework of the Hookean dumbbell model. The analytical expression of the time-dependent probability density function of polymer elongation is derived explicitly for a Gaussian, rapidly changing flow. When polymers are in the coiled state the pdf reaches a stationary state characterized by power-law tails both for small and large arguments compared to the equilibrium length. The characteristic relaxation time is computed as a function of the Weissenberg number. In the stretched state the pdf is unstationary and exhibits multiscaling. Numerical simulations for the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes flow confirm the relevance of theoretical results obtained for the delta-correlated model.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figure

    Esperanto for histones : CENP-A, not CenH3, is the centromeric histone H3 variant

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    The first centromeric protein identified in any species was CENP-A, a divergent member of the histone H3 family that was recognised by autoantibodies from patients with scleroderma-spectrum disease. It has recently been suggested to rename this protein CenH3. Here, we argue that the original name should be maintained both because it is the basis of a long established nomenclature for centromere proteins and because it avoids confusion due to the presence of canonical histone H3 at centromeres

    Aneuploidy Drives Genomic Instability in Yeast

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    Aneuploidy decreases cellular fitness, yet it is also associated with cancer, a disease of enhanced proliferative capacity. To investigate one mechanism by which aneuploidy could contribute to tumorigenesis, we examined the effects of aneuploidy on genomic stability. We analyzed 13 budding yeast strains that carry extra copies of single chromosomes and found that all aneuploid strains exhibited one or more forms of genomic instability. Most strains displayed increased chromosome loss and mitotic recombination, as well as defective DNA damage repair. Aneuploid fission yeast strains also exhibited defects in mitotic recombination. Aneuploidy-induced genomic instability could facilitate the development of genetic alterations that drive malignant growth in cancer
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