17 research outputs found

    Application of lagrange equations for a rotating system with angular misalignment

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    El desbalanceo del motor y el desalineamiento son las causas principales de la generación de vibraciones en las máquinas rotativas. Estos problemas ocasionan daños en los rodamientos, árbol de transmisión y acoples. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el comportamiento de rotación de un árbol de transmisión con un desalineamiento angular inducido. Esta primera parte consiste en desarrollar un modelo analítico utilizando las ecuaciones de Lagrange, teniendo en cuenta la energía disipativa de los rodamientos y el efecto del momento inercial de la masa del árbol. La metodología y los resultados obtenidos mostraron una buena correlación de los parámetros que caracterizan el desalineamiento angular.Abstract: The motor unbalance and misalignment are the main causes of the generation of vibrations in rotating machinery. These problems cause damage to the bearings and shaft couplings. The aim of this study is to analyze the behavior of a rotating shaft with an angular misalignment induced. This first part is to develop an analytical model using the Lagrange equations, taking into account the dissipative energy of the bearings and the effect of the inertial moment of the mass of the shaft. The methodology and the results showed a good correlation between the parameters characterizing the angular misalignment

    Modelo de gestión urbana sostenible

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    Este libro tiene como propósito brindar al lector un compendio de opiniones y puntos de vista generados por expertos desde diferentes áreas del conocimiento, que le permitan tener una visión global de los elementos que se deben considerar cuando se busca entender y generar soluciones a problemas que emergen de sistemas urbanos. Vale mencionar que lo presentado aquí no contiene todos los puntos de vista y opiniones posibles, y que en muchos casos es factible aportar desde algún tópico no incluido aquí. Este libro está dirigido a todas aquellas personas que tengan algún interés en el análisis de problemas urbanos, así como a un público más amplio que pueda encontrar aquí ideas y opiniones que le permitan formarse las suyas propias sobre estos asuntos

    Innovar para Educar: Prácticas universitarias exitosas. Tomo 5

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    La Universidad del Norte y el Centro para la Excelencia Docente (CEDU), interesados en compartir con la comunidad académica y público en general las experiencias pedagógicas exitosas realizadas por docentes de diferentes áreas disciplinares, trae ahora el tomo 5 de la colección “Innovar para Educar: Prácticas universitarias exitosas”, en donde encontrarán 8 capítulos que describen las diferentes propuestas de 14 docentes de la institución, que en un momento de reflexión decidieron cambiar el desarrollo habitual de sus clases. Este impulso los condujo por caminos de planificación, implementación y evaluación sistemática que hoy se ven reflejados en su buena práctica de aula y en los resultados de aprendizaje de sus estudiantes

    Multi-parametric MR Imaging Biomarkers Associated to Clinical Outcomes in Gliomas: A Systematic Review

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    [EN] Purpose: To systematically review evidence regarding the association of multi-parametric biomarkers with clinical outcomes and their capacity to explain relevant subcompartments of gliomas. Materials and Methods: Scopus database was searched for original journal papers from January 1st, 2007 to February 20th , 2017 according to PRISMA. Four hundred forty-nine abstracts of papers were reviewed and scored independently by two out of six authors. Based on those papers we analyzed associations between biomarkers, subcompartments within the tumor lesion, and clinical outcomes. From all the articles analyzed, the twenty-seven papers with the highest scores were highlighted to represent the evidence about MR imaging biomarkers associated with clinical outcomes. Similarly, eighteen studies defining subcompartments within the tumor region were also highlighted to represent the evidence of MR imaging biomarkers. Their reports were critically appraised according to the QUADAS-2 criteria. Results: It has been demonstrated that multi-parametric biomarkers are prepared for surrogating diagnosis, grading, segmentation, overall survival, progression-free survival, recurrence, molecular profiling and response to treatment in gliomas. Quantifications and radiomics features obtained from morphological exams (T1, T2, FLAIR, T1c), PWI (including DSC and DCE), diffusion (DWI, DTI) and chemical shift imaging (CSI) are the preferred MR biomarkers associated to clinical outcomes. Subcompartments relative to the peritumoral region, invasion, infiltration, proliferation, mass effect and pseudo flush, relapse compartments, gross tumor volumes, and high-risk regions have been defined to characterize the heterogeneity. For the majority of pairwise cooccurrences, we found no evidence to assert that observed co-occurrences were significantly different from their expected co-occurrences (Binomial test with False Discovery Rate correction, alpha=0.05). The co-occurrence among terms in the studied papers was found to be driven by their individual prevalence and trends in the literature. Conclusion: Combinations of MR imaging biomarkers from morphological, PWI, DWI and CSI exams have demonstrated their capability to predict clinical outcomes in different management moments of gliomas. Whereas morphologic-derived compartments have been mostly studied during the last ten years, new multi-parametric MRI approaches have also been proposed to discover specific subcompartments of the tumors. MR biomarkers from those subcompartments show the local behavior within the heterogeneous tumor and may quantify the prognosis and response to treatment of gliomas.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry for Investigation, Development and Innovation project with identification number DPI2016-80054-R.Oltra-Sastre, M.; Fuster García, E.; Juan -Albarracín, J.; Sáez Silvestre, C.; Perez-Girbes, A.; Sanz-Requena, R.; Revert-Ventura, A.... (2019). Multi-parametric MR Imaging Biomarkers Associated to Clinical Outcomes in Gliomas: A Systematic Review. Current Medical Imaging Reviews. 15(10):933-947. https://doi.org/10.2174/1573405615666190109100503S9339471510Louis D.N.; Perry A.; Reifenberger G.; The 2016 world health organization classification of tumors of the central nervous system: a summary. Acta Neuropathol 2016,131(6),803-820Ostrom Q.T.; Gittleman H.; Fulop J.; CBTRUS statistical report: primary brain and central nervous system tumors diagnosed in the United States in 2008-2012. Neuro-oncol 2015,17(Suppl. 4),iv1-iv62Yachida S.; Jones S.; Bozic I.; Distant metastasis occurs late during the genetic evolution of pancreatic cancer. Nature 2010,467(7319),1114-1117Gerlinger M.; Rowan A.J.; Horswell S.; Intratumor heterogeneity and branched evolution revealed by multiregion sequencing. N Engl J Med 2012,366(10),883-892Sottoriva A.; Spiteri I.; Piccirillo S.G.M.; Intratumor heterogeneityin human glioblastoma reflects cancer evolutionary dynamics. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2013,110(10),4009-4014Whiting P.F.; Rutjes A.W.; Westwood M.E.; QUADAS-2: a revised tool for the quality assessment of diagnostic accuracy studies. Ann Intern Med 2011,155(8),529-536Stupp R.; Mason W.P.; van den Bent M.J.; Radiotherapy plus concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide for glioblastoma. N Engl J Med 2005,352(10),987-996Ponte K.F.; Berro D.H.; Collet S.; In vivo relationship between hypoxia and angiogenesis in human glioblastoma: a multimodal imaging study. J Nucl Med 2017,58(10),1574-1579Pope W.B.; Kim H.J.; Huo J.; Recurrent glioblastoma multiforme: ADC histogram analysis predicts response to bevacizumab treatment. Radiology 2009,252(1),182-189Mörén L.; Bergenheim A.T.; Ghasimi S.; Brännström T.; Johansson M.; Antti H.; Metabolomic screening of tumor tissue and serum in glioma patients reveals diagnostic and prognostic information. Metabolites 2015,5(3),502-520Prager A.J.; Martinez N.; Beal K.; Omuro A.; Zhang Z.; Young R.J.; Diffusion and perfusion MRI to differentiate treatment-related changes including pseudoprogression from recurrent tumors in high-grade gliomas with histopathologic evidence. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2015,36(5),877-885Kickingereder P.; Burth S.; Wick A.; Radiomic profiling of glioblastoma: identifying an imaging predictor of patient survival with improved performance over established clinical and radiologic risk models. Radiology 2016,280(3),880-889Yoo R-E.; Choi S.H.; Cho H.R.; Tumor blood flow from arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI: a key parameter in distinguishing high-grade gliomas from primary cerebral lymphomas, and in predicting genetic biomarkers in high-grade gliomas. J Magn Reson Imaging 2013,38(4),852-860Liberman G.; Louzoun Y.; Aizenstein O.; Automatic multi-modal MR tissue classification for the assessment of response to bevacizumab in patients with glioblastoma. Eur J Radiol 2013,82(2),e87-e94Ramadan S.; Andronesi O.C.; Stanwell P.; Lin A.P.; Sorensen A.G.; Mountford C.E.; Use of in vivo two-dimensional MR spectroscopy to compare the biochemistry of the human brain to that of glioblastoma. Radiology 2011,259(2),540-549Xintao H.; Wong K.K.; Young G.S.; Guo L.; Wong S.T.; Support vector machine multi-parametric MRI identification of pseudoprogression from tumor recurrence in patients with resected glioblastoma. J Magn Reson Imaging 2011,33(2),296Ingrisch M.; Schneider M.J.; Nörenberg D.; Radiomic Analysis reveals prognostic information in T1-weighted baseline magnetic resonance imaging in patients with glioblastoma. Invest Radiol 2017,52(6),360-366Ulyte A.; Katsaros V.K.; Liouta E.; Prognostic value of preoperative dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI perfusion parameters for high-grade glioma patients. Neuroradiology 2016,58(12),1197-1208O’Neill A.F.; Qin L.; Wen P.Y.; de Groot J.F.; Van den Abbeele A.D.; Yap J.T.; Demonstration of DCE-MRI as an early pharmacodynamic biomarker of response to VEGF Trap in glioblastoma. J Neurooncol 2016,130(3),495-503Kickingereder P.; Bonekamp D.; Nowosielski M.; Radiogenomics of glioblastoma: machine learning-based classification of molecular characteristics by using multiparametric and multiregional mr imaging features. Radiology 2016,281(3),907-918Roberto S-R.; Antonio R-V.; Luis M-B.; Angel A-B.; Gracián G-M.; Quantitative mr perfusion parameters related to survival time in high-grade gliomas. European Radiology 2013,23(12),3456-3465Jain R.; Poisson L.; Narang J.; Genomic mapping and survival prediction in glioblastoma: molecular subclassification strengthened by hemodynamic imaging biomarkers. Radiology 2013,267(1),212-220Fathi K.A.; Mohseni M.; Rezaei S.; Bakhshandehpour G.; Saligheh R.H.; Multi-parametric (ADC/PWI/T2-W) image fusion approach for accurate semi-automatic segmentation of tumorous regions in glioblastoma multiforme. MAGMA 2015,28(1),13-22Caulo M.; Panara V.; Tortora D.; Data-driven grading of brain gliomas: a multiparametric MR imaging study. Radiology 2014,272(2),494-503Alexiou G.A.; Zikou A.; Tsiouris S.; Comparison of diffusion tensor, dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI and (99m)Tc-Tetrofosmin brain SPECT for the detection of recurrent high-grade glioma. Magn Reson Imaging 2014,32(7),854-859Van Cauter S.; De Keyzer F.; Sima D.M.; Integrating diffusion kurtosis imaging, dynamic susceptibility-weighted contrast-enhanced MRI, and short echo time chemical shift imaging for grading gliomas. Neuro-oncol 2014,16(7),1010-1021Seeger A.; Braun C.; Skardelly M.; Comparison of three different MR perfusion techniques and MR spectroscopy for multiparametric assessment in distinguishing recurrent high-grade gliomas from stable disease. Acad Radiol 2013,20(12),1557-1565Chawalparit O.; Sangruchi T.; Witthiwej T.; Diagnostic performance of advanced mri in differentiating high-grade from low-grade gliomas in a setting of routine service. J Med Assoc Thai 2013,96(10),1365-1373Li Y.; Lupo J.M.; Parvataneni R.; Survival analysis in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma using pre- and postradiotherapy MR spectroscopic imaging. Neuro-oncol 2013,15(5),607-617Shankar J.J.S.; Woulfe J.; Silva V.D.; Nguyen T.B.; Evaluation of perfusion CT in grading and prognostication of high-grade gliomas at diagnosis: a pilot study. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2013,200(5)Zinn P.O.; Mahajan B.; Sathyan P.; Radiogenomic mapping of edema/cellular invasion MRI-phenotypes in glioblastoma multiforme. PLoS One 2011,6(10)Matsusue E.; Fink J.R.; Rockhill J.K.; Ogawa T.; Maravilla K.R.; Distinction between glioma progression and post-radiation change by combined physiologic MR imaging. Neuroradiology 2010,52(4),297-306Juan-Albarracín J.; Fuster-Garcia E.; Manjón J.V.; Automated glioblastoma segmentation based on a multiparametric structured unsupervised classification. PLoS One 2015,10(5)Itakura H.; Achrol A.S.; Mitchell L.A.; Magnetic resonance image features identify glioblastoma phenotypic subtypes with distinct molecular pathway activities. Sci Transl Med 2015,7(303)Ion-Margineanu A.; Van Cauter S.; Sima D.M.; Tumour relapse prediction using multiparametric MR data recorded during follow-up of GBM patients. BioMed Res Int 2015,2015Durst C.R.; Raghavan P.; Shaffrey M.E.; Multimodal MR imaging model to predict tumor infiltration in patients with gliomas. Neuroradiology 2014,56(2),107-115Yoon J.H.; Kim J.H.; Kang W.J.; Grading of cerebral glioma with multi-parametric MR Imaging and 18F-FDG-PET: concordance and accuracy. European Radiol 2014,24(2),380-389Demerath T.; Simon-Gabriel C.P.; Kellner E.; Mesoscopic imaging of glioblastomas: are diffusion, perfusion and spectroscopic measures influenced by the radiogenetic phenotype? Neuroradiol J 2017,30(1),36-47Qin L.; Li X.; Stroiney A.; Advanced MRI assessment to predict benefit of anti-programmed cell death 1 protein immunotherapy response in patients with recurrent glioblastoma. Neuroradiology 2017,59(2),135-145Boult J.K.R.; Borri M.; Jury A.; Investigating intracranial tumour growth patterns with multiparametric MRI incorporating Gd-DTPA and USPIO-enhanced imaging. NMR Biomed 2016,29(11),1608-1617Server A.; Kulle B.; Gadmar Ø.B.; Josefsen R.; Kumar T.; Nakstad P.H.; Measurements of diagnostic examination performance using quantitative apparent diffusion coefficient and proton MR spectroscopic imaging in the preoperative evaluation of tumor grade in cerebral gliomas. Eur J Radiol 2011,80(2),462-470Chang P.D.; Chow D.S.; Yang P.H.; Filippi C.G.; Lignelli A.; Predicting glioblastoma recurrence by early changes in the apparent diffusion coefficient value and signal intensity on FLAIR images. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2017,208(1),57-65Yi C.; Shangjie R.; Volume of high-risk intratumoralsubregions at multi-parametric MR imaging predicts overall survival and complements molecular analysis of glioblastoma. Eur Radiol 2017,27,3583-3592Khalifa J.; Tensaouti F.; Chaltiel L.; Identification of a candidate biomarker from perfusion MRI to anticipate glioblastoma progression after chemoradiation. Eur Radiol 2016,26(11),4194-4203Prateek P.; Jay P.; Partovi S.; Madabhushi A.; Tiwari P.; Radiomic features from the peritumoral brain parenchyma on treatment-naïve multi-parametric MR imaging predict long versus short-term survival in glioblastomamultiforme: preliminary findings. Eur Radiol 2017,27(10),4188-4197Lemasson B.; Chenevert T.L.; Lawrence T.S.; Impact of perfusion map analysis on early survival prediction accuracy in glioma patients. Transl Oncol 2013,6(6),766-774Inano R.; Oishi N.; Kunieda T.; Visualization of heterogeneity and regional grading of gliomas by multiple features using magnetic resonance-based clustered images. Sci Rep 2016,6,30344Delgado-Goñi T.; Ortega-Martorell S.; Ciezka M.; MRSI-based molecular imaging of therapy response to temozolomide in preclinical glioblastoma using source analysis. NMR Biomed 2016,29(6),732-743Cui Y.; Tha K.K.; Terasaka S.; Prognostic imaging biomarkers in glioblastoma: development and independent validation on the basis of multiregion and quantitative analysis of MR images. Radiology 2016,278(2),546-553Price S.J.; Young A.M.H.; Scotton W.J.; Multimodal MRI can identify perfusion and metabolic changes in the invasive margin of glioblastomas. J Magn Reson Imaging 2016,43(2),487-494Sauwen N.; Acou M.; Van Cauter S.; Comparison of unsupervised classification methods for brain tumor segmentation using multi-parametric MRI. Neuroimage Clin 2016,12,753-764Jena A.; Taneja S.; Gambhir A.; Glioma recurrence versus radiation necrosis: single-session multiparametric approach using simultaneous O-(2-18F-Fluoroethyl)-L-Tyrosine PET/MRI. Clin Nucl Med 2016,41(5),e228-e236Kim H.S.; Goh M.J.; Kim N.; Choi C.G.; Kim S.J.; Kim J.H.; Which combination of MR imaging modalities is best for predicting recurrent glioblastoma? Study of diagnostic accuracy and reproducibility. Radiology 2014,273(3),831-843Christoforidis G.A.; Yang M.; Abduljalil A.; “Tumoral pseudoblush” identified within gliomas at high-spatial-resolution ultrahigh-field-strength gradient-echo MR imaging corresponds to microvascularity at stereotactic biopsy. Radiology 2012,264(1),210-217Wang S.; Kim S.; Chawla S.; Differentiation between glioblastomas, solitary brain metastases, and primary cerebral lymphomas using diffusion tensor and dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced MR imaging. 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    International nosocomial infection control consortium (INICC) report, data summary of 36 countries, for 2004-2009

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    The results of a surveillance study conducted by the International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) from January 2004 through December 2009 in 422 intensive care units (ICUs) of 36 countries in Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Europe are reported. During the 6-year study period, using Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN; formerly the National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance system [NNIS]) definitions for device-associated health care-associated infections, we gathered prospective data from 313,008 patients hospitalized in the consortium's ICUs for an aggregate of 2,194,897 ICU bed-days. Despite the fact that the use of devices in the developing countries' ICUs was remarkably similar to that reported in US ICUs in the CDC's NHSN, rates of device-associated nosocomial infection were significantly higher in the ICUs of the INICC hospitals; the pooled rate of central line-associated bloodstream infection in the INICC ICUs of 6.8 per 1,000 central line-days was more than 3-fold higher than the 2.0 per 1,000 central line-days reported in comparable US ICUs. The overall rate of ventilator-associated pneumonia also was far higher (15.8 vs 3.3 per 1,000 ventilator-days), as was the rate of catheter-associated urinary tract infection (6.3 vs. 3.3 per 1,000 catheter-days). Notably, the frequencies of resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates to imipenem (47.2% vs 23.0%), Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates to ceftazidime (76.3% vs 27.1%), Escherichia coli isolates to ceftazidime (66.7% vs 8.1%), Staphylococcus aureus isolates to methicillin (84.4% vs 56.8%), were also higher in the consortium's ICUs, and the crude unadjusted excess mortalities of device-related infections ranged from 7.3% (for catheter-associated urinary tract infection) to 15.2% (for ventilator-associated pneumonia). Copyright © 2012 by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Celdas de combustible Una alternativa amigable con el medio ambiente para la generación de potencia y su impacto en el desarrollo sostenible de Colombia en el siglo xxi

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    Este artículo trata sobre la utilización en un futuro próximo de las celdas de combustible como fuente de generación de potencia; así como también de su forma de operación, su eficiencia y rendimiento, previa descripción de la misma

    Aplicación de las ecuaciones de lagrange para un sistema rotatorio con desalineamiento angular

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    The motor unbalance and misalignment are the main causes of the generation of vibrations in rotating machinery. These problems cause damage to the bearings and shaft couplings. The aim of this study is to analyze the behavior of a rotating shaft with an angular misalignment induced. This first part is to develop an analytical model using the Lagrange equations, taking into account the dissipative energy of the bearings and the effect of the inertial moment of the mass of the shaft. The methodology and the results showed a good correlation between the parameters characterizing the angular misalignment.El desbalanceo del motor y el desalineamiento son las causas principales de la generación de vibraciones en las máquinas rotativas. Estos problemas ocasionan daños en los rodamientos, árbol de transmisión y acoples. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el comportamiento de rotación de un árbol de transmisión con un desalineamiento angular inducido. Esta primera parte consiste en desarrollar un modelo analítico utilizando las ecuaciones de Lagrange, teniendo en cuenta la energía disipativa de los rodamientos y el efecto del momento inercial de la masa del árbol. La metodología y los resultados obtenidos mostraron una buena correlación de los parámetros que caracterizan el desalineamiento angular

    Análisis comparativo de un modelo teórico de mediciones sonoras y el software SOUNDPLAN Ver. 6.2 aplicado a el tráfico vehicular

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    A nivel internacional se ha demostrado que la contaminación acústica es uno de los principales impactos ambientales que afecta a la población y al medio urbano, y su diversidad en fuentes e intensidades sonoras dificulta mucho su control. El control y la evaluación del impacto ambiental en la infraestructura vial es relativamente reciente en los países en vía de desarrollo y la tendencia mundial apunta en la incorporación de los estudios de impacto ambiental dentro de los planes de ordenamiento territorial y la disponibilidad de herramientas ambientales que permitan desarrollar los planes, programas y proyectos preventivos correctivos o de seguimiento con el fin de identificar las fuentes generadoras potenciales que futuros proyectos urbanos generarían en el medio ambiente. Debido a la importancia en el ámbito urbano, el Ministerio De Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial, MAVDT, emitió la resolución 0627 del 7 de abril de 2006, con el fin de establecer niveles máximos de ruido y la elaboración de los mapas de ruidos por parte de las autoridades ambientales. Un modelo de predicción de ruido del parque vehicular es una herramienta que permite determinar los niveles de intensidades sonoras y simular varias situaciones adversas y favorables que se producirán en una vía de circulación de tráfico rodado o bien una modificación a una vía existente.En este estudio se realizará una comparación de los resultados arrojados por un modelo teórico y uno computacional, la cual nos permitirá validar el modelo teórico y reconocer la desviación porcentual entre sus intensidades sonoras calculadas. Con los resultados obtenidos se realizará una correlación con la normatividad vigente colombiana y otra norma alemana RLS90 con el fin de conocer la desviación existente con los niveles permisibles legales. La modelación computacional también nos permitirá predecir el ruido generado por el crecimiento del flujo vehicular y realizar recomendaciones para reducir la contaminación acústica en el sector urbano

    Artificial intelligence for aging and longevity research: Recent advances and perspectives

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