140 research outputs found
: Les Struthionidae et les Pelagornithidae (Aves, Struthioniformes et Odontopterygiformes) du PliocĂšne final d'Ahl al Oughlam, Maroc
International audienceThe Pliocene locality of Ahl al Oughlam is situated at the southeastern limit of the city of Casablanca, in Morocco, on an ancient seashore of the Atlantic Ocean. It has yielded a very rich vertebrate fauna (macro- and micromammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes) including both terrestrial and marine forms. On the basis of biostratigraphy, the fauna has been dated at about 2.5 Ma, which corresponds to the latest Pliocene. The avifauna is very diverse and includes birds belonging to twelve different orders. In this paper we describe only the Struthionidae and the Pelagornithidae. Ostriches are represented by a large-sized form, referred to the extinct species Struthio asiaticus Milne-Edwards, and its eggshells, of struthioid type, are comparable to those of the recent species Struthio camelus, but thicker. The Pelagornithidae, giant marine birds with bony pseudoteeth, are represented by an extinct species of the genus Pelagornis. As far as we know, this species was probably the latest representative of the order Odontopterygiformes.Le gisement pliocĂšne d'Ahl al Oughlam est situĂ© Ă la limite sud-est de la ville de Casablanca, au Maroc, sur un ancien rivage de l'OcĂ©an Atlantique. Il a livrĂ© une trĂšs riche faune de VertĂ©brĂ©s (macro- et micromammifĂšres, oiseaux, reptiles, amphibiens et poissons), appartenant surtout Ă des formes terrestres, mais comportant aussi des formes marines. Des arguments biostratigraphiques ont permis de dater cette faune de 2,5 Ma, ce qui correspond au PliocĂšne final. L'avifaune est trĂšs diversifiĂ©e et comporte des oiseaux appartenant Ă douze ordres diffĂ©rents. Dans cette Ă©tude nous dĂ©crivons seulement les Struthionidae et les Pelagornithidae. Les autruches sont reprĂ©sentĂ©es par une forme de grande taille, attribuĂ©e Ă l'espĂšce Ă©teinte Struthio asiaticus Milne-Edwards, et leurs coquilles d'Ćufs, de type struthioĂŻde, sont comparables Ă celles de l'espĂšce actuelle Struthio camelus, mais sont plus Ă©paisses. Les Pelagornithidae, oiseaux marins gĂ©ants Ă pseudodents, sont reprĂ©sentĂ©s par une espĂšce Ă©teinte du genre Pelagornis. Les restes trouvĂ©s Ă Ahl al Oughlam correspondent probablement aux derniers rĂ©prĂ©sentants connus de l'ordre des Odontopterygiformes
Description of the skull of the genus Syluiornis Poplin, 1980 (Aves, Galliformes, Sylviornithidae new family), a giant extinct bird from the Holocene of New Caledonia.
El crani de Sylviornismostra una articulaciĂł crania rostral completament mĂČbil, amb dos cĂČndils articulars situats sobre el rostrum, el qual s'insereix al crani en dues superfĂcies articulars allargades. La presĂšncia de dos procesos rostropterigoideus sobre el basisfenoide del rostrum i la forma dels palatins permet confirmar que aquest gĂšnere pertany als Galliformes, perĂČ les caracterĂstiques altament derivades del crani justifiquen el seu emplaçament a una nova famĂlia, extingida, Sylviornithidae. El crani de Syluiornis estĂ extremadament eixamplat i dorsoventralment aplanat, mentre que el rostrum Ă©s massĂs, lateralment comprimit, dorsoventralment aixecat i mostra unes cristae tomiales molt fondes. El rostrum exhibeix un ornament ossi gran. La mandĂbula mostra una sĂmfisi molt allargada, les branques laterals tambĂ© presenten unes cristae tomiales fondes, i la part posterior de la mandĂbula Ă©s molt gruixada. Es discuteix el possible origen i l'alimentaciĂł de Syluiornis.The skull of Syluiornis shows a completely mobile craniorostral articulation, with two articular condyles situated on the rostrum, which insert into two elongated articular surfaces on the cranium. The presence of two rostropterygoĂd processes on the basisphenoid rostrum and the shape of the palatines make it possible to confirm that this genus belongs to the Galliformes, but the highly derived characteristics of the skull justify its placement in a new, extinct family Sylviornithidae. The cranium of Syluiornis is extremely widened and dorsoventrally flattened, while the rostrum is massive, laterally compressed, dorsoventrally raised and displays very sharp cristae tomiales. The rostrum bears a large bony ornament. The mandible shows a very elongated symphysis, the lateral branches also show sharp cristae tomiales, and the posterior part of the mandible is very thick. The possible diet of Syluiornis is discussed
Early Eocene birds from La Borie, southern France
The early Eocene locality of La Borie is located in the village of Saint-Papoul, in southern France. These Eocene flu-vio-lacustrine clay deposits have yielded numerous vertebrate remains. Mammalian taxa found in the fossiliferous levels indicate an age near the reference level MP 8â9, which corresponds to the middle Ypresian, early Eocene. Here we provide a detailed description of the avian remains that were preliminarily reported in a recent study of the vertebrate fauna from La Borie. A maxilla, a quadrate, cervical vertebrae, a femur and two tibiotarsi are assigned to the giant ground bird Gastornis parisiensis (Gastornithidae). These new avian remains add to the fossil record of Gastornis, which is known from the late Paleocene to middle Eocene of Europe, early Eocene of Asia and early Eocene of North America. Gastornis parisiensis differs from the North American Gastornis giganteus in several features, including the more ventral position of the narial openings and the slender orbital process of quadrate. Two tibiotarsi and one tarsometatarsus are assigned to a new genus and species of Geranoididae, Galligeranoides boriensis gen. et sp. nov. So far, this family was known only from the early and middle Eocene of North America. The fossils from La Borie constitute the first record of the Geranoididae in Europe. We show that Gastornis coexisted with the Geranoididae in the early Eocene of both Europe (La Borie) and North America (Willwood Formation). The presence of Geranoididae and the large flightless bird Gastornis on either side of the present-day North Atlantic provides further evidence that a high-latitude land connection existed between Europe and North America in the early Eocene
Upper Pleistocene and Holocene fossil avifauna from Moleta Cave (Mallorca, Balearic Islands)
Abstract not availabl
Els Ocells pleistocĂšnics d'Es PouĂ s, Eivissa. Nota preliminar
Es presenta l'ornitofauna fĂČssil lliurada pel jaciment pleistocĂšnic d'Es PouĂ s, Eivissa. Fins ara s'han identificat 21 tĂ xons, essent tots, llevat d'un, nous per al registre fossilifer eivissenc. La fauna obtinguda al depĂČsit d'Es PouĂ s permet reinterpretar biogeogrĂ ficament
les diferĂšncies faunĂstiques existents entre les GimnĂšsies i les PitiĂŒses.The fossil ornithofauna obtained in Es Pouas, Eivissa, is presented in this paper. Until now they are 21 identified taxa, all of them, excepting one, new for the Eivissan fossil record. The obtained fauna allows to develop a new biogeographical interpretation of actual faunistic differences between, Gymnesic and Pityusic Islands
Les niveaux du Paléolithique supérieur à la grotte du Bison (Arcy-sur-Cure, Yonne) : couches a à d
La grotte du Bison est prĂ©sentĂ©e dans son cadre gĂ©ologique et son Ă©volution au cours du temps est proposĂ©e. Les niveaux du PalĂ©olithique supĂ©rieur conservĂ©s dans cette cavitĂ© se situent entre un ChĂątelperronien rĂ©cent et un niveau post-Gravettien.Lâanalyse pollinique des sĂ©diments montre une succession de phases steppiques sĂ©parĂ©es par plusieurs hiatus qui correspondent vraisemblablement Ă des amĂ©liorations climatiques. La prĂ©sence de niveaux caractĂ©risĂ©s par une abondance de Chardons (Carduaceae) permet dâĂ©tablir de fortes corrĂ©lations entre la couche D du Bison et la couche VIII du Renne, celle des ours corroborant cette hypothĂšse dans les deux grottes. Les autres Ă©tudes palĂ©oenvironnementales mettent en Ă©vidence un contexte climatique qui Ă©volue de la steppe froide Ă la steppe trĂšs froide « à mammouths ». La faune est dominĂ©e par les ours et les oiseaux proviennent pour la plupart de pelotes de rĂ©gurgitation de rapaces nocturnes dont lâun dâeux devait ĂȘtre spĂ©cialisĂ© dans la capture des Cincles plongeurs. L'Ă©tude du matĂ©riel lithique du D montre un dĂ©ficit en produits corticaux et la rĂ©partition spatiale de lâensemble du matĂ©riel, lithique et faunique, met en Ă©vidence deux pĂŽles de densitĂ©, prĂšs des parois latĂ©rales. Il y a absence de foyer reconnaissable. Lâensemble suggĂšre une frĂ©quentation annexe de la grotte par les hommes.This paper present the geological framework of the Grotte du Bison and proposes its evolutionary timescale. The Upper Paleolithic levels preserved in the cavity are situated between a Late ChĂątelperronian and a post-Gravettian level. Palynological analysis of the sediments shows a succession of steppic phases separated by several hiatus periods which probably correspond to climatic ameliorations. The presence of levels characterised by thistles (Carduaceae) establishes strong correlations between level D at the Bison and level VIII at the Renne, bears present in the two caves corroborate this hypothesis. Other paleoenvironmental studies indicate a climatic context which evolved from a cold steppe to a very cold « mammoth » steppe. The fauna is dominated by bear. Birds are primarily represented by owls pellets. One of the owls species seem to have been specialized in predation of dippers. Study of the lithic materials of level D indicates a deficit in cortical products. Spatial distribution of the lithic and faunal assemblage exhibits two concentrations of density along the lateral walls of the cave. No hearths were apparent in level D. The ensemble suggests a secondary or intermittant occupation of the cave by Humans. Translated by J.G. EnloeDie âGrotte du Bisonâ wird im Rahmen ihres geologischen Umfelds und ihrer Entwicklung innerhalb der behandelten Periode dargestellt. Die jungpalĂ€olithischen Fundhorizonte in dieser Höhle datieren aus der Zeit zwischen dem jĂŒngeren ChĂątelperronien und der Folgezeit des Gravettien.Die pollenanalytische Untersuchung der Sedimente zeigt eine chronologische Abfolge, bei der Steppenphasen mehrfach von Zeitabschnitten unterbrochen waren, die wahrscheinlich einer Verbesserung des Klimas entsprachen. Die PrĂ€senz von Schichten, die sich durch eine groĂe Anzahl von Disteln (Carduaceae) auszeichnen, lĂ€sst starke Wechselbeziehungen zwischen der Schicht D der âGrotte du Bisonâ und der Schicht VIII der âGrotte du Renneâ erkennen. Diese Korrelationen werden von der âGrotte des Oursâ noch bekrĂ€ftigt. Die anderen Untersuchungen der PalĂ€oumwelt weisen auf eine Entwicklung von der kalten Steppenlandschaft zur noch kĂ€lteren Mammutsteppe. In der Fauna ĂŒberwiegt der BĂ€r, die Vogelreste stammen ĂŒberwiegend vom Gewölle von Nachtraubvögeln, von denen einer eine Vorliebe fĂŒr Wasseramseln gehabt haben muss. Die Untersuchung des lithischen Materials der D-Schicht weist ein Defizit an Kortexen auf und die rĂ€umliche Verteilung der lithischen und faunischen Fundgattungen lĂ€sst auf zwei intensiv genutzte PlĂ€tze in der NĂ€he der SeitenwĂ€nde schlieĂen. Eine Feuerstelle ist nicht zu erkennen. Der Befund legt nahe, dass auch diese Höhle gelegentlich von Menschen besucht wurde
Les niveaux du Paléolithique supérieur à la grotte du Bison (Arcy-sur-Cure, Yonne) : couches a à d
La grotte du Bison est prĂ©sentĂ©e dans son cadre gĂ©ologique et son Ă©volution au cours du temps est proposĂ©e. Les niveaux du PalĂ©olithique supĂ©rieur conservĂ©s dans cette cavitĂ© se situent entre un ChĂątelperronien rĂ©cent et un niveau post-Gravettien.Lâanalyse pollinique des sĂ©diments montre une succession de phases steppiques sĂ©parĂ©es par plusieurs hiatus qui correspondent vraisemblablement Ă des amĂ©liorations climatiques. La prĂ©sence de niveaux caractĂ©risĂ©s par une abondance de Chardons (Carduaceae) permet dâĂ©tablir de fortes corrĂ©lations entre la couche D du Bison et la couche VIII du Renne, celle des ours corroborant cette hypothĂšse dans les deux grottes. Les autres Ă©tudes palĂ©oenvironnementales mettent en Ă©vidence un contexte climatique qui Ă©volue de la steppe froide Ă la steppe trĂšs froide « à mammouths ». La faune est dominĂ©e par les ours et les oiseaux proviennent pour la plupart de pelotes de rĂ©gurgitation de rapaces nocturnes dont lâun dâeux devait ĂȘtre spĂ©cialisĂ© dans la capture des Cincles plongeurs. L'Ă©tude du matĂ©riel lithique du D montre un dĂ©ficit en produits corticaux et la rĂ©partition spatiale de lâensemble du matĂ©riel, lithique et faunique, met en Ă©vidence deux pĂŽles de densitĂ©, prĂšs des parois latĂ©rales. Il y a absence de foyer reconnaissable. Lâensemble suggĂšre une frĂ©quentation annexe de la grotte par les hommes.This paper present the geological framework of the Grotte du Bison and proposes its evolutionary timescale. The Upper Paleolithic levels preserved in the cavity are situated between a Late ChĂątelperronian and a post-Gravettian level. Palynological analysis of the sediments shows a succession of steppic phases separated by several hiatus periods which probably correspond to climatic ameliorations. The presence of levels characterised by thistles (Carduaceae) establishes strong correlations between level D at the Bison and level VIII at the Renne, bears present in the two caves corroborate this hypothesis. Other paleoenvironmental studies indicate a climatic context which evolved from a cold steppe to a very cold « mammoth » steppe. The fauna is dominated by bear. Birds are primarily represented by owls pellets. One of the owls species seem to have been specialized in predation of dippers. Study of the lithic materials of level D indicates a deficit in cortical products. Spatial distribution of the lithic and faunal assemblage exhibits two concentrations of density along the lateral walls of the cave. No hearths were apparent in level D. The ensemble suggests a secondary or intermittant occupation of the cave by Humans. Translated by J.G. EnloeDie âGrotte du Bisonâ wird im Rahmen ihres geologischen Umfelds und ihrer Entwicklung innerhalb der behandelten Periode dargestellt. Die jungpalĂ€olithischen Fundhorizonte in dieser Höhle datieren aus der Zeit zwischen dem jĂŒngeren ChĂątelperronien und der Folgezeit des Gravettien.Die pollenanalytische Untersuchung der Sedimente zeigt eine chronologische Abfolge, bei der Steppenphasen mehrfach von Zeitabschnitten unterbrochen waren, die wahrscheinlich einer Verbesserung des Klimas entsprachen. Die PrĂ€senz von Schichten, die sich durch eine groĂe Anzahl von Disteln (Carduaceae) auszeichnen, lĂ€sst starke Wechselbeziehungen zwischen der Schicht D der âGrotte du Bisonâ und der Schicht VIII der âGrotte du Renneâ erkennen. Diese Korrelationen werden von der âGrotte des Oursâ noch bekrĂ€ftigt. Die anderen Untersuchungen der PalĂ€oumwelt weisen auf eine Entwicklung von der kalten Steppenlandschaft zur noch kĂ€lteren Mammutsteppe. In der Fauna ĂŒberwiegt der BĂ€r, die Vogelreste stammen ĂŒberwiegend vom Gewölle von Nachtraubvögeln, von denen einer eine Vorliebe fĂŒr Wasseramseln gehabt haben muss. Die Untersuchung des lithischen Materials der D-Schicht weist ein Defizit an Kortexen auf und die rĂ€umliche Verteilung der lithischen und faunischen Fundgattungen lĂ€sst auf zwei intensiv genutzte PlĂ€tze in der NĂ€he der SeitenwĂ€nde schlieĂen. Eine Feuerstelle ist nicht zu erkennen. Der Befund legt nahe, dass auch diese Höhle gelegentlich von Menschen besucht wurde
Oletta â Castiglione
En 1998, le creusement dâun nouveau puits a permis lâaccĂšs aux niveaux profonds de la cavitĂ© Cast. 1 et la reprise des fouilles de cette cavitĂ© qui a Ă©galement bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© dâun Ă©clairage adaptĂ©. De nouveaux restes de deux, semble-t-il, CervidĂ©s diffĂ©rents (le Cerf de Caziot et un ĂlaphinĂ© (?)), du CuonidĂ© Cynotherium sardous, de la musaraigne Episoriculus corsicanus et de nombreux et trĂšs beaux restes de la chevĂȘche Athene angelis ont, en particulier, ont Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©s. HĂ©las, seules les parois t..
Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences
The question whether taxonomic descriptions naming new animal species without type specimen(s) deposited in collections should be accepted for publication by scientific journals and allowed by the Code has already been discussed in Zootaxa (Dubois & NemĂ©sio 2007; Donegan 2008, 2009; NemĂ©sio 2009aâb; Dubois 2009; Gentile & Snell 2009; Minelli 2009; Cianferoni & Bartolozzi 2016; Amorim et al. 2016). This question was again raised in a letter supported
by 35 signatories published in the journal Nature (Pape et al. 2016) on 15 September 2016. On 25 September 2016, the following rebuttal (strictly limited to 300 words as per the editorial rules of Nature) was submitted to Nature, which on
18 October 2016 refused to publish it. As we think this problem is a very important one for zoological taxonomy, this text is published here exactly as submitted to Nature, followed by the list of the 493 taxonomists and collection-based
researchers who signed it in the short time span from 20 September to 6 October 2016
Les Oiseaux
The deposits of La Baume de Gigny include a rich and varied avifauna (69 species), spreading over practically all the duration of the WĂŒrm glacial period. The bird remains mainly come from Owl pellets. This is confirmed by the overrepresentation of some skeletal elements such as carpometacarpi and tarsometatarsi for the middle-sized preys which are constituted mainly of Willow grouse and Ptarmigans. The variations of percentages of the different ecological and climatic groups of birds make it possible to follow the variations of the environment during the time of the filling of the cave. One of the most interesting species found in Gigny is Plautus alle, the Little Auk or Dovekie, which is an arctic oceanic form. Its occurrence can be explained by abnormal meteorological conditions such as persistent gales.Le remplissage de La Baume de Gigny renferme une faune d'oiseaux abondante et variĂ©e (69 espĂšces) s'Ă©tendant pratiquement sur toute la durĂ©e du WĂŒrm. Les restes d'oiseaux proviennent principalement de l'alimentation de Rapaces nocturnes. Les variations des diffĂ©rents groupes Ă©cologiques et climatiques d'oiseaux permettent de retracer les variations de l'environnement au cours du remplissage. Une des formes les plus intĂ©ressantes trouvĂ©es Ă Gigny est Plautus alle, le Mergule nain, espĂšce ocĂ©anique arctique, dont la prĂ©sence doit ĂȘtre liĂ©e Ă des conditions mĂ©tĂ©orologiques difficiles.Mourer-ChauvirĂ© CĂ©cile. Les Oiseaux. In: Gallia prĂ©histoire. SupplĂ©ments, supplĂ©ment 27, 1989. La baume de Gigny (Jura) pp. 121-129
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