282 research outputs found

    Student-Athletes with Learning Disabilities: Unique Problems, Unique Solutions

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    This paper explored the issues/acing student-athletes with learning disabilities and their academic counselors. Understanding the nature of learning disabilities and their effects can enhance the counselor's ability to address the complex needs of the student-athlete with a learning disability. The increasing numbers of college student-athletes who have diagnosed learning disabilities demands notice. This paper provided an explanation of the problems of diagnosis and treatment. Suggestions for academic counselors were provided, as well

    Planet Hunters. VI: An Independent Characterization of KOI-351 and Several Long Period Planet Candidates from the Kepler Archival Data

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    We report the discovery of 14 new transiting planet candidates in the Kepler field from the Planet Hunters citizen science program. None of these candidates overlapped with Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs) at the time of submission. We report the discovery of one more addition to the six planet candidate system around KOI-351, making it the only seven planet candidate system from Kepler. Additionally, KOI-351 bears some resemblance to our own solar system, with the inner five planets ranging from Earth to mini-Neptune radii and the outer planets being gas giants; however, this system is very compact, with all seven planet candidates orbiting 1\lesssim 1 AU from their host star. A Hill stability test and an orbital integration of the system shows that the system is stable. Furthermore, we significantly add to the population of long period transiting planets; periods range from 124-904 days, eight of them more than one Earth year long. Seven of these 14 candidates reside in their host star's habitable zone.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables, Accepted to AJ (in press) (updated title from original astro-ph submission

    The impact of lidocaine plaster prescribing reduction strategies: A comparison of two national health services in Europe

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    AIMS: In 2017, two distinct interventions were implemented in Ireland and England to reduce prescribing of lidocaine medicated plasters. In Ireland, restrictions on reimbursement were introduced through implementation of an application system for reimbursement. In England, updated guidance on items which should not be routinely prescribed in primary care, including lidocaine plasters, was published. This study aims to compare how the interventions impacted prescribing of lidocaine plasters in these countries. METHODS: We conducted an interrupted time-series study using general practice data. For Ireland, monthly dispensing data (2015-2019) from the means-tested General Medical Services (GMS) scheme was used. For England, data covered all patients. Outcomes were the rate of dispensings, quantity and costs of lidocaine plasters, and we modelled level and trend changes from the first full month of the policy/guidance change. RESULTS: Ireland had higher rates of lidocaine dispensings compared to England throughout the study period; this was 15.22/1000 population immediately pre-intervention, and there was equivalent to a 97.2% immediate reduction following the intervention. In England, the immediate pre-intervention dispensing rate was 0.36/1000, with an immediate reduction of 0.0251/1000 (a 5.8% decrease), followed by a small but significant decrease in the monthly trend relative to the pre-intervention trend of 0.0057 per month. CONCLUSIONS: Among two different interventions aiming to decrease low-value lidocaine plaster prescribing, there was a substantially larger impact in Ireland of reimbursement restriction compared to issuing guidance in England. However, this is in the context of much higher baseline rates of use in Ireland compared to England

    Leptospira interrogans Stably Infects Zebrafish Embryos, Altering Phagocyte Behavior and Homing to Specific Tissues

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    Leptospirosis is an extremely widespread zoonotic infection with outcomes ranging from subclinical infection to fatal Weil's syndrome. Despite the global impact of the disease, key aspects of its pathogenesis remain unclear. To examine in detail the earliest steps in the host response to leptospires, we used fluorescently labelled Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni to infect 30 hour post fertilization zebrafish embryos by either the caudal vein or hindbrain ventricle. These embryos have functional innate immunity but have not yet developed an adaptive immune system. Furthermore, they are optically transparent, allowing direct visualization of host–pathogen interactions from the moment of infection. We observed rapid uptake of leptospires by phagocytes, followed by persistent, intracellular infection over the first 48 hours. Phagocytosis of leptospires occasionally resulted in formation of large cellular vesicles consistent with apoptotic bodies. By 24 hours, clusters of infected phagocytes were accumulating lateral to the dorsal artery, presumably in early hematopoietic tissue. Our observations suggest that phagocytosis may be a key defense mechanism in the early stages of leptospirosis, and that phagocytic cells play roles in immunopathogenesis and likely in the dissemination of leptospires to specific target tissues

    AMI radio continuum observations of young stellar objects with known outflows

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    We present 16 GHz (1.9 cm) deep radio continuum observations made with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI) of a sample of low-mass young stars driving jets. We combine these new data with archival information from an extensive literature search to examine spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for each source and calculate both the radio and sub-mm spectral indices in two different scenarios: (1) fixing the dust temperature (Td) according to evolutionary class; and (2) allowing Td to vary. We use the results of this analysis to place constraints on the physical mechanisms responsible for the radio emission. From AMI data alone, as well as from model fitting to the full SED in both scenarios, we find that 80 per cent of the objects in this sample have spectral indices consistent with freefree emission. We find an average spectral index in both Td scenarios, consistent with freefree emission. We examine correlations of the radio luminosity with bolometric luminosity, envelope mass and outflow force, and find that these data are consistent with the strong correlation with envelope mass seen in lower luminosity samples. We examine the errors associated with determining the radio luminosity and find that the dominant source of error is the uncertainty on the opacity index, beta. We examine the SEDs for variability in these young objects, and find evidence for possible radio flare events in the histories of L1551 IRS 5 and Serpens SMM 1

    Chemical shielding of H2O and HF encapsulated inside a C60 cage

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    Molecular surgery provides the opportunity to study relatively large molecules encapsulated within a fullerene cage. Here we determine the location of an H2O molecule isolated within an adsorbed buckminsterfullerene cage, and compare this to the intrafullerene position of HF. Using normal incidence X-ray standing wave (NIXSW) analysis, coupled with density functional theory and molecular dynamics simulations, we show that both H2O and HF are located at an off-centre position within the fullerene cage, caused by substantial intra-cage electrostatic fields generated by surface adsorption of the fullerene. The atomistic and electronic structure simulations also reveal significant internal rotational motion consistent with the NIXSW data. Despite this substantial intra-cage interaction, we find that neither HF or H2O contribute to the endofullerene frontier orbitals, confirming the chemical isolation of the encapsulated molecules. We also show that our experimental NIXSW measurements and theoretical data are best described by a mixed adsorption site model

    Structural basis of the filamin A actin-binding domain interaction with F-actin

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    Cryo-EM reconstructions were deposited in the Electron Microscopy Data Bank with the following accession numbers: F20-F-actin-FLNaABD, EMD-7833; F20-F-actin-FLNaABD-Q170P, EMD-7832; F20-F-actin-FLNaABD-E254K, EMD-8918; Krios-F-actin-FLNaABD-E254K, EMD-7831. The corresponding FLNaABD-E254K filament model was deposited in the PDB with accession number 6D8C. Source data for F-actin-targeting analyses (Figs. 2c,d,g,h, 3b,c,e,f, 4d,e, 5c,d, and 6a,b) and co-sedimentation assays (Figs. 5g and 6d) are available with the paper online. Other data are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. We thank Z. Razinia for generating numerous FLNa constructs, S. Wu for expertise in using the Krios microscope, J. Lees for advice on model refinement, and M. Lemmon for helpful comments in preparing the manuscript. We also thank the Yale Center for Research Computing for guidance and use of the Farnam Cluster, as well as the staff at the YMS Center for Molecular Imaging for the use of the EM Core Facility. This work was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health (R01-GM068600 (D.A.C.), R01-NS093704 (D.A.C.), R37-GM057247 (C.V.S.), R01-GM110530 (C.V.S.), T32-GM007324, T32-GM008283) and an award from American Heart Association (15PRE25700119 (D.V.I.)).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Hybridization and adaptive evolution of diverse Saccharomyces species for cellulosic biofuel production

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    Additional file 15. Summary of whole genome sequencing statistics