291 research outputs found

    Dinâmica de frações de fósforo em latossolos de cerrado com diferentes históricos de uso.

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    O histórico de uso e a mineralogia do solo podem modificar a dinâmica das formas de P, em função de diferenças na energia de ligação com os colóides do solo. No presente estudo objetivou-se quantificar frações lábeis de P e avaliar a participação dessas no crescimento do feijoeiro em Latossolos com diferentes históricos de uso. Os solos foram coletados na profundidade de 0-20 cm em áreas cultivadas por longos períodos, com calagem e adubações fosfatadas periódicas e, também, em áreas adjacentes não cultivadas (cerrado nativo). Foi conduzido um experimento com cada solo concomitantemente, obedecendo a um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, num esquema fatorial 2 x 4 (duas condições de histórico de uso do solo e quatro doses de P) com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por duas condições de histórico de uso do solo (não cultivado ou cultivado) e quatro doses de P (0, 120, 240 e 480 mg dm-3), na fonte superfosfato triplo. Amostras de solo foram tomadas antes e após o cultivo do feijão, e o fósforo no solo foi quimicamente fracionado. A adição de doses crescentes de P aos solos promove aumento das frações orgânicas e inorgânicas de P bicarbonato. A fração de Po constituiu em fonte de P para o crescimento do feijão e, sendo a magnitude de uso dessa fração dependente da interação entre tipo de solo, histórico de uso e manejo do solo

    The Spectral Energy Distribution of Fermi bright blazars

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    (Abridged) We have conducted a detailed investigation of the broad-band spectral properties of the \gamma-ray selected blazars of the Fermi LAT Bright AGN Sample (LBAS). By combining our accurately estimated Fermi gamma-ray spectra with Swift, radio, infra-red, optical and other hard X-ray/gamma-ray data, collected within three months of the LBAS data taking period, we were able to assemble high-quality and quasi-simultaneous Spectral Energy Distributions (SED) for 48 LBAS blazars.The SED of these gamma-ray sources is similar to that of blazars discovered at other wavelengths, clearly showing, in the usual Log ν\nu - Log ν\nu Fν_\nu representation, the typical broad-band spectral signatures normally attributed to a combination of low-energy synchrotron radiation followed by inverse Compton emission of one or more components. We have used these SEDs to characterize the peak intensity of both the low and the high-energy components. The results have been used to derive empirical relationships that estimate the position of the two peaks from the broad-band colors (i.e. the radio to optical and optical to X-ray spectral slopes) and from the gamma-ray spectral index. Our data show that the synchrotron peak frequency νpS\nu_p^S is positioned between 1012.5^{12.5} and 1014.5^{14.5} Hz in broad-lined FSRQs and between 101310^{13} and 101710^{17} Hz in featureless BL Lacertae objects.We find that the gamma-ray spectral slope is strongly correlated with the synchrotron peak energy and with the X-ray spectral index, as expected at first order in synchrotron - inverse Compton scenarios. However, simple homogeneous, one-zone, Synchrotron Self Compton (SSC) models cannot explain most of our SEDs, especially in the case of FSRQs and low energy peaked (LBL) BL Lacs. (...)Comment: 85 pages, 38 figures, submitted to Ap

    Bright AGN Source List from the First Three Months of the Fermi Large Area Telescope All-Sky Survey

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    The first three months of sky-survey operation with the Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope (Fermi) Large Area Telescope (LAT) reveals 132 bright sources at |b|>10 deg with test statistic greater than 100 (corresponding to about 10 sigma). Two methods, based on the CGRaBS, CRATES and BZCat catalogs, indicate high-confidence associations of 106 of these sources with known AGNs. This sample is referred to as the LAT Bright AGN Sample (LBAS). It contains two radio galaxies, namely Centaurus A and NGC 1275, and 104 blazars consisting of 57 flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs), 42 BL Lac objects, and 5 blazars with uncertain classification. Four new blazars were discovered on the basis of the LAT detections. Remarkably, the LBAS includes 10 high-energy peaked BL Lacs (HBLs), sources which were so far hard to detect in the GeV range. Another 10 lower-confidence associations are found. Only thirty three of the sources, plus two at |b|>10 deg, were previously detected with EGRET, probably due to the variable nature of these sources. The analysis of the gamma-ray properties of the LBAS sources reveals that the average GeV spectra of BL Lac objects are significantly harder than the spectra of FSRQs. No significant correlation between radio and peak gamma-ray fluxes is observed. Blazar log N - log S and luminosity functions are constructed to investigate the evolution of the different blazar classes, with positive evolution indicated for FSRQs but none for BLLacs. The contribution of LAT-blazars to the total extragalactic gamma-ray intensity is estimated.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. Not yet refereed. 61 pages, 26 figure

    Fermi Large Area Telescope Bright Gamma-ray Source List

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    Following its launch in June 2008, the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (Fermi) began a sky survey in August. The Large Area Telescope (LAT) on Fermi in 3 months produced a deeper and better-resolved map of the gamma-ray sky than any previous space mission. We present here initial results for energies above 100 MeV for the 205 most significant (statistical significance greater than ~10-sigma) gamma-ray sources in these data. These are the best-characterized and best-localized point-like (i.e., spatially unresolved) gamma-ray sources in the early-mission data.Comment: Accepted by ApJS. Many helpful comments by referee incorporated 57 pages, 12 figure

    Observations of Milky Way Dwarf Spheroidal galaxies with the Fermi-LAT detector and constraints on Dark Matter models

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    We report on the observations of 14 dwarf spheroidal galaxies with the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope taken during the first 11 months of survey mode operations. The Fermi telescope provides a new opportunity to test particle dark matter models through the expected gamma-ray emission produced by pair annihilation of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies, the largest galactic substructures predicted by the cold dark matter scenario, are attractive targets for such indirect searches for dark matter because they are nearby and among the most extreme dark matter dominated environments. No significant gamma-ray emission was detected above 100 MeV from the candidate dwarf galaxies. We determine upper limits to the gamma-ray flux assuming both power-law spectra and representative spectra from WIMP annihilation. The resulting integral flux above 100 MeV is constrained to be at a level below around 10^-9 photons cm^-2 s^-1. Using recent stellar kinematic data, the gamma-ray flux limits are combined with improved determinations of the dark matter density profile in 8 of the 14 candidate dwarfs to place limits on the pair annihilation cross-section of WIMPs in several widely studied extensions of the standard model. With the present data, we are able to rule out large parts of the parameter space where the thermal relic density is below the observed cosmological dark matter density and WIMPs (neutralinos here) are dominantly produced non-thermally, e.g. in models where supersymmetry breaking occurs via anomaly mediation. The gamma-ray limits presented here also constrain some WIMP models proposed to explain the Fermi and PAMELA e^+e^- data, including low-mass wino-like neutralinos and models with TeV masses pair-annihilating into muon-antimuon pairs. (Abridged)Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, accepted to ApJ, Corresponding authors: J. Cohen-Tanugi, C. Farnier, T.E. Jeltema, E. Nuss, and S. Profum

    Fermi observations of high-energy gamma-ray emission from GRB 080825C

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    The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (FGST) has opened a new high-energy window in the study of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs). Here we present a thorough analysis of GRB 080825C, which triggered the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM), and was the first firm detection of a GRB by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT). We discuss the LAT event selections, background estimation, significance calculations, and localization for Fermi GRBs in general and GRB 080825C in particular. We show the results of temporal and time-resolved spectral analysis of the GBM and LAT data. We also present some theoretical interpretation of GRB 080825C observations as well as some common features observed in other LAT GRBs.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Corresponding authors: A. Bouvier, J. Granot, A.J. van der Hors

    Fermi detection of delayed GeV emission from the short GRB 081024B

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    We report on the detailed analysis of the high-energy extended emission from the short Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) 081024B, detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. Historically, this represents the first clear detection of temporal extended emission from a short GRB. The light curve observed by the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor lasts approximately 0.8 seconds whereas the emission in the Fermi Large Area Telescope lasts for about 3 seconds. Evidence of longer lasting high-energy emission associated with long bursts has been already reported by previous experiments. Our observations, together with the earlier reported study of the bright short GRB 090510, indicate similarities in the high-energy emission of short and long GRBs and open the path to new interpretations.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Fermi Large Area Telescope Observations of the Crab Pulsar and Nebula

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    We report on gamma-ray observations of the Crab Pulsar and Nebula using 8 months of survey data with the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT). The high quality light curve obtained using the ephemeris provided by the Nancay and Jodrell Bank radio telescopes shows two main peaks stable in phase with energy. The first gamma-ray peak leads the radio main pulse by (281 \pm 12 \pm 21) mus, giving new constraints on the production site of non-thermal emission in pulsar magnetospheres. The improved sensitivity and the unprecedented statistics afforded by the LAT enable precise measurement of the Crab Pulsar spectral parameters: cut-off energy at E_c = (5.8 \pm 0.5 \pm 1.2) GeV, spectral index of Gamma = (1.97 \pm 0.02 \pm 0.06) and integral photon flux above 100 MeV of (2.09 \pm 0.03 \pm 0.18) x 10^{-6} cm^{-2} s^{-1}. The first errors represent the statistical error on the fit parameters, while the second ones are the systematic uncertainties. Pulsed gamma-ray photons are observed up to ~ 20 GeV which precludes emission near the stellar surface, below altitudes of around 4 to 5 stellar radii in phase intervals encompassing the two main peaks. The spectrum of the nebula in the energy range 100 MeV - 300 GeV is well described by the sum of two power-laws of indices Gamma_{sync} = (3.99 \pm 0.12 \pm 0.08) and Gamma_{IC} = (1.64 \pm 0.05 \pm 0.07), corresponding to the falling edge of the synchrotron and the rising edge of the inverse Compton components, respectively. This latter, which links up naturally with the spectral data points of Cherenkov experiments, is well reproduced via inverse Compton scattering from standard Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) nebula models, and does not require any additional radiation mechanism.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publications in Astrophysical Journa

    Fermi observations of high-energy gamma-ray emission from GRB 090217A

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    The Fermi observatory is advancing our knowledge of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) through pioneering observations at high energies, covering more than 7 decades in energy with the two on-board detectors, the Large Area Telescope (LAT) and the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM). Here we report on the observation of the long GRB 090217A which triggered the GBM and has been detected by the LAT with a significance greater than 9 sigma. We present the GBM and LAT observations and on-ground analyses, including the time-resolved spectra and the study of the temporal profile from 8 keV up to 1 GeV. All spectra are well reproduced by a Band model. We compare these observations to the first two LAT-detected, long bursts GRB 080825C and GRB 080916C. These bursts were found to have time-dependent spectra and exhibited a delayed onset of the high-energy emission, which are not observed in the case of GRB 090217A. We discuss some theoretical implications for the high-energy emission of GRBs.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures. Contact Authors: Fred, Piron; Sara, Cutini; Andreas, von Kienli

    Fermi LAT observations of cosmic-ray electrons from 7 GeV to 1 TeV

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    We present the results of our analysis of cosmic-ray electrons using about 8 million electron candidates detected in the first 12 months on-orbit by the Fermi Large Area Telescope. This work extends our previously-published cosmic-ray electron spectrum down to 7 GeV, giving a spectral range of approximately 2.5 decades up to 1 TeV. We describe in detail the analysis and its validation using beam-test and on-orbit data. In addition, we describe the spectrum measured via a subset of events selected for the best energy resolution as a cross-check on the measurement using the full event sample. Our electron spectrum can be described with a power law E3.08±0.05\propto {\rm E}^{-3.08 \pm 0.05} with no prominent spectral features within systematic uncertainties. Within the limits of our uncertainties, we can accommodate a slight spectral hardening at around 100 GeV and a slight softening above 500 GeV.Comment: 20 pages, 23 figures, 2 tables, published in Physical Review D 82, 092004 (2010) - contact authors: C. Sgro', A. Moisee