2,784 research outputs found

    THBD sequence variants potentially related to recurrent pregnancy loss

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    Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) is a frequently occurring disease, which is classified as idiopathic in more than 50% of cases. THBD, the endothelial cell receptor for thrombin, has been associated with distinct biological processes and considered a coherent RPL-related candidate gene. In the present study, we have sequenced the complete coding region of THBD in 262 patients affected by RPL. Bioinformatics analysis and screening of controls strongly suggested that the THBD-p.Trp153Gly mutation might be related to RPL aetiology. It could be used, after its validation by functional assays, as a molecular marker for diagnostic/prognostic purposes. © 2017 The Author(s)

    Geographical distribution and epidemiological features of Old World Leishmania infantum and Leishmania donovani foci, based on the isoenzyme analysis of 2277 strains

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    A series of 2277 Leishmania strains from Old World visceral leishmaniasis foci, isolated between 1973 and 2008, were studied by isoenzyme analysis. The strains were obtained from humans, domestic and wild carnivores, rodents and phlebotomine sandflies, and came from 36 countries. In all, 60 different zymodemes were identified and clustered by a phenetic analysis into 3 different groups corresponding to the typically visceralizing species L. donovani (20 zymodemes, 169 strains), L. archibaldi (3 zymodemes, 46 strains) and L. infantum (37 zymodemes, 2,062 strains). The taxonomic position of these isoenzymatic groups is discussed in view of contradictory results obtained from recent molecular studie

    Experimental observation of strong light-matter coupling in ZnO microcavities: influence of large excitonic absorption

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    We present experimental observation of the strong light-matter coupling regime in ZnO bulk microcavities grown on silicon. Angle resolved reflectivity measurements, corroborated by transfer-matrix simulations, show that Rabi splittings in the order of 70 meV are achieved even for low finesse cavities. The impact of the large excitonic absorption, which enables a ZnO bulk-like behavior to be observed even in the strong coupling regime, is illustrated both experimentally and theoretically by considering cavities with increasing thickness

    Relaxation and emission of Bragg-mode and cavity-mode polaritons in a ZnO microcavity at room temperature

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    The strong coupling regime in a ZnO microcavity is investigated through room temperature photoluminescence and reflectivity experiments. The simultaneous strong coupling of excitons to the cavity mode and the first Bragg mode is demonstrated at room temperature. The polariton relaxation is followed as a function of the excitation density. A relaxation bottleneck is evidenced in the Bragg-mode polariton branch. It is partly broken under strong excitation density, so that the emission from this branch dominates the one from cavity-mode polaritons

    ESR dating of Middle Pleistocene archaeo-paleontological sites from the Manzanares and Jarama river valleys (Madrid basin, Spain)

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    In this work, three important Pleistocene sites of the Madrid basin located close to the junction of the Manzanares (PRERESA site) and the Jarama (Valdocarros site and Maresa quarry) rivers have been studied in order to improve the existing chronological framework of the basin and to clarify the geological evolution of these fluvial systems and their relationship with human occupations. To do so, Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) dating was applied to four fossil teeth and nine optically bleached quartz grain samples. Most of the obtained dates are consistent with the existing preliminary age estimates by biostratigraphy, luminescence (OSL and TL) or Amino Acid Racemization (AAR) dating. This ESR dating study suggests an age of Late Middle Pleistocene (early MIS6) for PRERESA site. At the Jarama valley (Valdocarros site and Maresa quarry), the Arganda I unit could be correlated to the MIS 9 and MIS10, the Arganda II unit seems to belong to MIS8 and MIS7 and the Arganda III to the MIS

    Datación por ESR del yacimiento arqueológico del Pleistoceno inferior de Vallparadís (Terrassa, Cataluña, España)

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    Excavated between 2005 and 2007, the site of Vallparadís (Terrassa, Spain) has given an abundant and diversified fauna associated with a rich Mode 1 industry. In order to complete the chronostratigraphic framework, we performed ESR and combined US-ESR dating applied to quartz grains extracted from sediments and fossil teeth, respectively. The results obtained are very significant, giving a weighted mean ESR age of 0.83 ± 0.13 Ma (2σ) for the reference archaeological level of the site (level 10) and another of 0.79 ± 0.23 Ma (2σ) for the archaeological level 12 of the Vallparadís sequence. These ESR results are in total agreement with the ones derived from biochronology and paleomagnetism. This whole dataset allows the elaboration of a reliable and consistent chronostratigraphic framework which chronologically places Vallparadís site in the late Early Pleistocene period, i.e. within a time range comprised between Jaramillo and Brunhes geomagnetic events. Consequently, as well as Gran Dolina-TD6 and Sima del Elefante- TE9 sites, in Atapuerca, Burgos, Vallparadís can be therefore considered as a key site for the study of early hominid settlements in Europe.Excavado entre 2005 y 2007, el yacimiento de Vallparadís (Terrassa, España) ha aportado una fauna rica y diversa en asociación con un importante conjunto lítico de Modo 1. Con el objetivo de completar el marco cronoestratigráfico, se hicieron dataciones por los métodos de Resonancia Paramagnética Electrónica (Electron Spin Resonance, ESR) y ESR combinada con uranio-torio sobre algunas muestras de granos de cuarzo extraídos de sedimentos y dientes fósiles, respectivamente. Los resultados obtenidos son muy significativos, ofreciendo edades ESR promedias de 0,83 ± 0,13 Ma (2σ) para el nivel arqueológico de referencia del yacimiento (nivel 10) y de 0,79 ± 0,23 Ma (2σ) para el nivel arqueológico 12 de la secuencia de Vallparadís. Dichos resultados por ESR concuerdan con los obtenidos a partir de la biocronología y del paleomagnetismo. El yacimiento de Vallparadís dispone ahora de un marco cronoestratigráfico fiable y coherente, que permite situarlo cronológicamente a finales del Pleistoceno inferior, dentro de un rango temporal comprendido entre los eventos geomagnéticos de Jaramillo y Brunhes. Dicho yacimiento junto a los de Gran Dolina TD-6 y Sima del Elefante TE-9, en Atapuerca, Burgos, se posiciona como un yacimiento clave para el estudio de los primeros poblamientos humanos de Europa

    Recent advances in alcohol-related liver disease (ALD): summary of a Gut roundtable meeting

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    Alcohol-related liver disease (ALD), which includes a range of disorders of different severity and is one of the most prevalent types of liver disease worldwide, has recently regained increased attention. Among other reasons, the realisation that any alcohol intake, regardless of type of beverage represents a health risk, and the new therapeutic strategies tested in recently published or undergoing clinical trials spur scientific interest in this area. In April 2019, Gut convened a round table panel of experts during the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) International Liver Congress (ILC) in Vienna to discuss critical and up-to-date issues and clinical trial data regarding ALD, its epidemiology, diagnosis, management, pathomechanisms, possible future treatments and prevention. This paper summarises the discussion and its conclusions

    Guidance on allergenicity assessment of genetically modified plants

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    This document provides supplementary guidance on specific topics for the allergenicity risk assessment of genetically modified plants. In particular, it supplements general recommendations outlined in previous EFSA GMO Panel guidelines and Implementing Regulation (EU) No 503/2013. The topics addressed are non-IgE-mediated adverse immune reactions to foods, in vitro protein digestibility tests and endogenous allergenicity. New scientific and regulatory developments regarding these three topics are described in this document. Considerations on the practical implementation of those developments in the risk assessment of genetically modified plants are discussed and recommended, where appropriate. (C) 2017 European Food Safety Authority. EFSA Journal published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd on behalf of European Food Safety Authority

    Plant physiology and proteomics reveals the leaf response to drought in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)

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    Despite its relevance, protein regulation, metabolic adjustment, and the physiological status of plants under drought is not well understood in relation to the role of nitrogen fixation in nodules. In this study, nodulated alfalfa plants were exposed to drought conditions. The study determined the physiological, metabolic, and proteomic processes involved in photosynthetic inhibition in relation to the decrease in nitrogenase (Nase) activity. The deleterious effect of drought on alfalfa performance was targeted towards photosynthesis and Nase activity. At the leaf level, photosynthetic inhibition was mainly caused by the inhibition of Rubisco. The proteomic profile and physiological measurements revealed that the reduced carboxylation capacity of droughted plants was related to limitations in Rubisco protein content, activation state, and RuBP regeneration. Drought also decreased amino acid content such as asparagine, and glutamic acid, and Rubisco protein content indicating that N availability limitations were caused by Nase activity inhibition. In this context, drought induced the decrease in Rubisco binding protein content at the leaf level and proteases were up-regulated so as to degrade Rubisco protein. This degradation enabled the reallocation of the Rubisco-derived N to the synthesis of amino acids with osmoregulant capacity. Rubisco degradation under drought conditions was induced so as to remobilize Rubisco-derived N to compensate for the decrease in N associated with Nase inhibition. Metabolic analyses showed that droughted plants increased amino acid (proline, a major compound involved in osmotic regulation) and soluble sugar (D-pinitol) levels to contribute towards the decrease in osmotic potential (Ψs). At the nodule level, drought had an inhibitory effect on Nase activity. This decrease in Nase activity was not induced by substrate shortage, as reflected by an increase in total soluble sugars (TSS) in the nodules. Proline accumulation in the nodule could also be associated with an osmoregulatory response to drought and might function as a protective agent against ROS. In droughted nodules, the decrease in N2 fixation was caused by an increase in oxygen resistance that was induced in the nodule. This was a mechanism to avoid oxidative damage associated with reduced respiration activity and the consequent increase in oxygen content. This study highlighted that even though drought had a direct effect on leaves, the deleterious effects of drought on nodules also conditioned leaf responsiveness