1,180 research outputs found

    Essays in Macroeconomics

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    During the last three decades, there have been many fundamental changes regarding the evolution of most advanced economies, particularly the United States. Some remarkable trends characterizing this evolution are the decline in business dynamism, the increase in average pro ts and average markups of rms, the rise in market concentration, the increase of robotization and automation, the decline in the labor share, the decline in the entry rate of new rms, and the stagnation of productivity growth. The combination of these facts has raised concerns, among others, about increasing inequality, declining entrepreneurship due to the crowding-out of new entrants, and declining consumer purchasing power. Although identifying the reasons underlying these facts is crucial from a policy-making perspective, there is little agreement on these macroeconomic trends' underlying cause(s). This dissertation consists of two chapters that attempt to shed light on this discussion. In the first chapter, `Inside the decline of the labor share: Bringing the tales together', I analyze the decline in the United States labor income share during the last two decades. This decline has been widely documented in the economic literature and is also contemporaneous to a strong structural change process from manufacturing to services. In other words, during the last two decades, the U.S. has continued its transformation into a more service-oriented economy. In particular, I document the following trends regarding both phenomena: i) the evolution of the labor share of income is widely heterogeneous across industries, with a much more substantial decline in manufacturing than in services; ii) the average wage, employment, and value added - the main components of the labor share - exhibit a different pattern between manufacturing and services industries; iii) there is a strong (relative) reallocation of labor and capital from manufacturing to services industries; and iv) substantial capital deepening has taken place, increasing of the capital-labor ratio of the economy together with the capital-output ratio of the economy. I analyze both phenomena through the lens of a multi-sector model in which the main mechanisms that have been proposed to explain the decline in the labor share - biased technological change and market power - also affect the process of structural change between sectors. Moreover, I show that structural change is relevant for the overall labor share as it affects the weight of each industry's labor share. I use the model to infer the rate of technological change and market power - in the form of exogenous markups - that match the U.S. data. The model can explain up to 87.4% of the decline in the labor share of the U.S. economy. Moreover, I find that the increase in markups in the manufacturing and services industries is the main reason underlying the decline. The remaining part is accounted for by technological change, which after 2008 becomes more important in explaining the decline in the labor share, especially in services industries. Although market power also a ects the pace of structural change from manufacturing to services, I show that technological change is its fundamental driver. In the second chapter, `Provider-driven complementarity and firm dynamics', I concentrate on the significant decline in business dynamism experienced in the U.S. since the mid-1980s. This decline is (non-exhaustively) characterized by the following trends: i) the entry rate of new firms has declined; ii) market concentration, measured by the share of sales accruing to the biggest firms, has increased; iii) expenditure on R&D activities, measured both as a fraction of total cost or total sales, has increased; and iv) the growth rate of the economy has slowed down. I offer a new explanation based on the assumption of provider-driven complementarity, which makes seemingly independent products become complements when provided by a single firm. Provider-driven complementarity boils down to the idea that during the process of product innovation - the introduction of new and improved products to the market - firms can embed differential characteristics to their products. These characteristics are such that, absent quality differences across products, consuming several goods from a single provider is preferable to purchasing each good from a di erent firm. Based on this idea, I propose a framework that explains increasing R&D expenditures and concentration yet decreasing entry rates and economic growth. Theoretically, I develop a quality ladder growth model where provider-driven complementarity is crucial in determining firms' incentives to challenge incumbents in their established markets. Specifically, I assume that the complementarity effect increases in the number of products supplied by each firm. Moreover, consumers buy each good from the firm that delivers the highest quality, adjusted by provider-driven complementarity, relative to its market price. I show that provider-driven complementarity generates an endogenous barrier to entry in new markets. Consequently, despite firms use innovation to increase profits, it also affects firms' industrial organization and can ultimately deter firm entry. I use the theory of provider-driven complementarity to perform a quantitative exercise in which I reduce the size of the average quality jump obtained after any successful innovation. The exercise is motivated by the recent literature on ideas becoming harder to find and can also be thought of as innovations becoming less radical over time. I show that such decline induces a growth slowdown. Additionally, I find that the entry rate declines, and incumbents become bigger and spend more resources on R&D, even as the economy's overall growth rate declines. This contrasts with the predictions of a standard quality ladder model without provider-driven complementarities, which implies the reverse.Programa de Doctorado en Economía por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Timothy Jerome Kehoe.- Secretario: Jaime Alonso Carrera.- Vocal: Yu Zhen

    De la disciplina a la transdisciplinareidad en arquitectura. Desafíos para la enseñanza y la práctica profesional.

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    La irrupción de innovaciones sociales y tecnológicas que inciden directa e indirectamente en la mayoría de las disciplinas, donde la arquitectura no es la excepción, requiere una revisión de los procesos de formación de sus futuros profesionales debido a la dinámica cambiante de los diferentes modelos de trabajo y sus incumbencias. The irruption of social and technological innovations that directly and indirectly affect most disciplines, where architecture is no exception, requires a review of the training processes of its future professionals due to the changing dynamics of the different work models and its liability. A irrupção de inovações sociais e tecnológicas que afetam direta e indiretamente a maioria das disciplinas, onde a arquitetura não é exceção, exige uma revisão dos processos de formação de seus futuros profissionais devido à dinâmica de mudança dos diferentes modelos de trabalho e sua responsabilidade.&nbsp

    Rubrics implementation on learning evaluation for superior basic students

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    This research aims to analyze the implementation of rubrics in the Evaluation of learning in the students of higher basic of the Educational Unit “June 5 N ° 34”, 2019. With a sampling strategy of probabilistic type, a survey of teachers of the upper basic level of the areas of Language and Literature has conducted Natural Sciences, Social Studies, Mathematics, Physical Education, Cultural and Artistic Education and English with results that favor stating the problem that has evidenced by the weak use of rubrics in the processes of learning evaluation. From the surveys, it has been concluded that the teaching professionals have the knowledge of this evaluation instrument and its singularities but that the overvaluation of systematic tests as a measuring instrument is part of the evaluation processes rooted in the conduct of these professionals who Do not open to innovation. From the researchers 'perspective, the methodology in the use of rubrics has to be implemented in classrooms to give real value to the evaluation of students' knowledge

    Monitoria de Espanhol adcional: básico e intermediário I

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    VII Seminário de Extensão Universitária da UNILA (SEUNI); VIII Encontro de Iniciação Científica e IV Encontro de Iniciação em Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação (EICTI 2019) e Seminário de Atividades Formativas da UNILA (SAFOR)En el contexto de Integración Intercultural de la Unila, aprender español es una herramienta necesaria para comunicarse e interactuar adecuadamente con el resto de la comunidad educativa. Bajo esta realidad, se han presentado diferentes iniciativas que buscan apoyar la incorporación efectiva del español como segunda lengua, tales como las Clases del Ciclo Común de Estudio. Está monitoria es presentada como un aporte a aquellas iniciativas, teniendo como objetivo aumentar la cantidad de participantes de esta actividad, dar accesibilidad y acercar los contenidos de una manera más atrayente utilizando metodologías tales como aulas invertidas, proyectos colectivos y simulaciones, por ello esperamos que estas acciones reporten resultados positivos y genere un avance hacia un laboratorio de aprendizaje, tanto para los estudiantes como para el monito

    Impact on high school students by the application of innovative methods in virtual education

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    This work aims to encourage and provide a global vision of the teacher's task during this difficult stage, where this pandemic has become an opportunity to apply the constructivist paradigm in the educational system with greater coherence, using active methodologies and technological tools that enrich the educational work and provide the student with a range of benefits, such as intrinsic motivation, leadership training and social contact to provide solutions to complex problems in real life with a professional projection. The experiences and points of view on the application of innovative methods and the benefits of the same are detailed, as well as the execution of project-based and problem-based learning, from the bibliographic review carried out and the application of the inductive method, it can be concluded that there is great interest on the part of teachers to implement information and communication technologies pedagogically in their teaching practice and generate high levels of competitiveness and satisfaction in students

    A development and implementation of a tinnitus treatment method

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    Tinnitus is a physiological phenomenon where a person listens sounds which have not been generated by any external source. Today, many people suffer this condition. Although, in very few cases therapeutic methods completely eliminate tinnitus, it is possible to apply a variety of techniques to improve the quality of life of people with this condition. One of the most used methods to treat tinnitus consists of masking the tinnitus using an external sound. The main goal of this work is to present the development of a tinnitus treatment method, which optimizes the synthesized sounds in order to improve the life's quality of the user. Subjective tests and experimental results are used to analyze the performance of the method.Fil: Uriz, Alejandro José. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Electrónica. Laboratorio de Comunicaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Agüero, Pablo Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Electrónica. Laboratorio de Comunicaciones; ArgentinaFil: Tulli, Juan Carlos. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Electrónica. Laboratorio de Comunicaciones; ArgentinaFil: Castiñeira Moreira, Jorge. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Electrónica. Laboratorio de Comunicaciones; ArgentinaFil: González, Esteban Lucio. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Electrónica. Laboratorio de Comunicaciones; ArgentinaFil: Moscardi, Graciela. Universidad FASTA "Santo Tomas de Aquino"; ArgentinaFil: Sajama, Elber Emanuel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Electrónica. Laboratorio de Comunicaciones; Argentin

    Mandible fracture in children: a case report

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    The type of maxillofacial fractures in children and young adults varies with evolving skeletal anatomy and social and environmental factors. The  general principles of treating mandibular fractures are the same for children and adults: Anatomic reduction along with rigid skeletal stabilization is mandatory until bone union has occurred. Here we present a female child with a fall trauma accident, presenting with fractures of the symphysis, horizontally and vertically unfavourable, with significant displacement. Open reduction and internal fixation with miniplates and screws was done, with good postoperative recovery and outcome. Keywords: maxillofacial fracture, paediatric trauma, skeletal stabilizatio

    El Catálogo de Protecciones como figura normativa para la protección del patrimonio arquitectónico del Centro Histórico de Portoviejo.

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    El presente artículo es una investigación de tipo descriptiva, con el objetivo conocer la situación actual del patrimonio arquitectónico en Portoviejo, para delimitar la zona urbana poseedora de un alto valor histórico, cultural y paisajístico en relación a los inmuebles patrimoniales existentes y de mayor relevancia, denominando a este espacio como Núcleo Central Tradicional. Se analizó el estado de conservación de este patrimonio construido, profundizando sobre lo acontecido luego del terremoto del 16 de abril de 2016, sus incidencias y los mecanismos de actuación frente al desastre. Se estudió la compleja situación actual a nivel jurídico y normativo sobre el patrimonio cultural arquitectónico en Ecuador, y la posible implementación de nuevas herramientas o instrumentos como el Catálogo de Protecciones, hasta ahora no contemplado en el país para la protección del patrimonio edificado, como una figura preceptiva en la regulación sobre patrimonio cultural y urbanismo. Este instrumento de protección y ordenación del patrimonio arquitectónico, pretende articular de forma coherente la conservación del patrimonio construido, a través de la regulación y control de los actos de intervención, enfocados en su preservación y mantenimiento; impidiendo la desaparición o transformación inadecuada de los bienes inmuebles, conjuntos urbanos y espacios con valores y atributos relevantes

    Plan de comunicación integral para el posicionamiento de marca de la Empresa Electroparc Cía. Ltda., en la ciudad de Riobamba

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    El presente trabajo de titulación tiene como objetivo diseñar estrategias y tácticas para posicionar la marca en el mercado riobambeño a través del estudio del mercado y diagnostico situacional de la empresa. Se consideró relevante la percepción de la población empleándose dos tipos de instrumentos para la recolección de datos, como fue la guía de entrevista realizada al gerente de la empresa y la encuesta que fue aplicada a los clientes internos y externos. Para establecer el tamaño de la muestra se empleó un tipo de muestreo probabilístico estratificado. El estudio de mercado en los clientes externos arrojo un alto desconocimiento de la marca y variables predominantes en compra como el precio y marca de un producto, además, por los medios que les gustaría recibir información son las redes sociales y vallas publicitarias; mientras que, el estudio a los clientes internos reflejó la carencia de un plan de comunicación integral y la insatisfacción por los medios de recepción de información, por otro lado, manifestaron que la elaboración de un plan de comunicación integral ayudaría a posicionar la marca de la empresa en la ciudad de Riobamba. La propuesta contiene estrategias y acciones comunicacionales que permite a la marca Electroparc alcanzar un posicionamiento y éxito empresarial, obteniendo mayor reconocimiento, fidelización en clientes, empoderamiento de empleados e incrementos en ventas. Se recomienda evaluar constantemente el mercado para tomar decisiones proactivas y encaminadas a un crecimiento empresarial.This degree work is aimed at designing strategies and tactics to position the brand in the Riobamba market through market research and situational diagnosis of the company. The perception of the population was considered relevant using two types of instruments for data collection, such as the interview guide conducted to the company manager and the survey which was applied to internal and external customers. In order to establish the sample size, a stratified probabilistic sampling type was used. The market study in external customers showed a high ignorance of the brand and predominant variables in regard to purchase such as the price and brand of a product, in addition, by means that they would like to receive information are social networks and billboards; while the study of internal clients reflected the lack of a comprehensive communication plan and dissatisfaction with the means of information reception, on the other hand, It was stated that the development of a comprehensive communication plan would help position the company's brand in Riobamba's city market. The proposal contains communication strategies and actions that allow the Electroparc brand to achieve business positioning and success, obtaining greater recognition, customer loyalty, employees' empowerment and sales increases. It is strongly recommended to constantly evaluate the market to make proactive decisions aimed at business growth

    Representación arquitectónica. Reflexiones sobre la “transposición tecnológica”, de herramientas análogas a herramientas digitales

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    A fin de contribuir en la comprensión de las vertiginosas transformaciones verificadas en las herramientas de representación arquitectónica disponibles resulta relevante plantear una breve historización de la problemática