96 research outputs found

    Cultura ambiental y prácticas ambientales en los estudiantes de nivel primaria de una institución educativa, Huancayo - 2023

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo general, determinar cómo influye la cultura ambiental en las prácticas ambientales en los estudiantes de nivel primaria de una institución educativa de Huancayo, 2023. En metodología pertenece a la investigación de tipo básico, con enfoque cuantitativo; diseño no experimental, correlacional causal; con una muestra conformado de 53 estudiantes, de muestreo probabilístico de tipo sistemático; como técnica para la recopilar datos fue la encuesta y como instrumento de investigación el cuestionario, ambos en escala tipo Likert; con 15 ítems para cada variable; para estimar la correlación se hizo uso la estadística descriptiva y para la constatación de la hipótesis se aplicó la prueba de cuestionario. Se obtuvo como resultados que el nivel de significancia de la regresión es menor al 5% (p < 0.05), con un R2 de Nagelkerke igual a 0.617, lo que indica que el nivel de cultura ambiental tiene una influencia directa en un 61.7% en prácticas ambientales (la hipótesis general es validada). Llegó a las Conclusiones, que la cultura ambiental influye significativamente en las prácticas ambientales, como también sus dimensiones en los estudiantes de nivel primaria de una institución educativa de Huancayo, 2023

    Impactos de la contaminación de microcuencas en Huánuco sobre la calidad de vida de los pobladores

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    Huanuco is located in the center of Peru. In its surroundings it is bathed by three basins such as the Marañón, Huallaga and Pachitea, which in turn receive the tribute of their waters from a set of micro-basins, such as the Nupe, Murmunya, Lauricocha, Carhuacocha, Vizcarra, Higueras, Huacar, the Eco , Llata, Quera, among others. The purpose of the research was to detect the factors of the contamination process of the basins and micro-basins of Huánuco, to test the inventory of the main micro-basins of Huánuco in the quality of life of its inhabitants and to determine the role of environmental education in the preservation of basins and micro-basins. The main method was observation, on-site view of the problem, information gathering, consultation of bibliographic sources and their analysis. The result was a high degree of contamination of the micro-watersheds, little preservation policy and poor ecological and environmental education on the part of the inhabitants that negatively affects the quality of life of the Huanuco population.Huánuco se ubica en el centro de Perú. En su entorno está bañando por tres cuencas como el Marañón, Huallaga y Pachitea, que a su vez reciben el tributo de sus aguas de un conjunto de microcuencas, como la Nupe, Murmunya, Lauricocha, Carhuacocha, Vizcarra, Higueras, Huácar, el Eco, Llata, Quera, entre otros. El propósito de la investigación fue detectar los factores del proceso de contaminación de las cuencas y microcuencas de Huánuco, ensayar el inventario de las principales microcuencas de Huánuco en la calidad de vida de sus pobladores y determinar el rol de la educación ambiental en la preservación de las cuencas y microcuencas. El método principal fue la observación, vista en sito de la problemática, recojo de información, consulta de fuentes bibliográficas y el análisis de los mismos. El resultado fue un alto grado de contaminación de las microcuencas, escasa política de preservación y una deficiente educación ecológica y ambiental por parte de los pobladores que repercute negativamente en la calidad de vida de la población huanuqueña

    Evaluation of the COVID-19 Lockdown-Adapted Online Methodology for the Cytology and Histology Course as Part of the Degree in Veterinary Medicine

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    [EN] The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown brought numerous teaching challenges requiring innovative approaches to teaching and learning, including novel modes of content delivery, virtual classrooms, and online assessment schemes. The aim of this study is to describe and assess the efficacy of the methods implemented at the University of León (Spain) to adapt to lockdowns in the context of the Cytology and Histology (CH) course for veterinary medicine undergraduate students. To evaluate the success of lockdown-adapted methodologies, we used inferential statistical analysis to compare the academic outcomes of two cohorts: 2018–2019 (traditional face-to-face—presential—learning and evaluation) and 2019–2020 (some face-to-face and some online lockdown-adapted learning and online lockdown-adapted evaluation). This analysis considered scores in both theoretical and practical exams and students’ final subject score. We also evaluated the number of logs onto the Moodle platform throughout the 2019–2020 period, as well as performing a student satisfaction survey in both courses. The use of explanatory pre-recorded lectures, continuous online self-assessment tests, and virtual microscopy (VM) may have produced significant improvements in the acquisition of histology competencies among students in the lockdown cohort. However, we need to implement further strategies to improve the assessment of students’ true level of knowledge acquisition. According to the student feedback, VM is a well-accepted resource that is perceived as a flexible and enjoyable tool to use. However, while students found that the resource enhances their ability to learn about microscopic structures, they felt that it should not completely replace optical microscopySIThe digital material used for teaching and student assessment was developed thanks to the funding of two grants from the University of León (Spain) from the Teaching Innovation Project Office titled “Introducción en el aula universitaria de una metodología docente virtual para la enseñanza práctica de asignaturas en los Grados en Veterinaria y Biología (PAGID2017)” and “Metodología docente virtual en la enseñanza práctica de asignaturas de los Grados en Veterinaria y Biología. Elaboración de nuevos materiales didácticos digitales (PAGID2018

    Lumbalgia durante la práctica del windsurfing

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    El windsurfing es, posiblemente, el deporte náutico más practicado hoy en el mundo. Pero tiene un aspecto negativo: las lesiones que provoca. Existe poca experiencia al respecto y la información no es abundante. Por estas razones, los autores realizaron una encuesta clínica a 55 personas que pratican este deporte para comprobar la incidencia de tales afecciones, especialmente de la lumbalgia, así como las razones de su presentación, muy frecuente entre ellos. Hallaron que el 66 % habían padecido dolor lumbar después de su práctica. Concluyen que la adopción de una postura incorrecta, motivada por el poco dominio de la técnica, el no poseer una buena preparación física previa y no efectuar un calentamiento muscular antes de cada sesión, constituyen las principales causas de las lesiones y molestias musculares causadas por la sobrecarga que debe enfrentar el sistema muscular, especialmente la región lumba

    Effect of acute exposure to moderate altitude on kinematic variables of the ipponseoi- nage and its relationship with the countermovement jump in elite judokas

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    This study aimed to assess the effect of acute exposure to moderate altitude on kinematic variables of the ippon-seoi-nage and on the mechanical outputs of the countermovement jump (CMJ). Thirteen elite male judokas from the Spanish Judo Training Centre in Valencia (age: 21.54 ± 2.15 years) participated in the study. All of them performed an incremental CMJ test and an ippon-seoi-nage technique test before (N) and after the ascent to a moderate altitude of 2320 m above the sea level (H). A linear velocity transducer was attached to the bar to assess the mechanical outputs of each loaded CMJ at different percentages of their own body weight (25, 50, 75 and 100%). A wearable sensor was used to assess the kinematic variables (times, accelerations and angular velocities) transferred to a dummy during the technique test. The kinematic variables showed great individual reliability (CV = 8.46% in N; CV = 8.37% in H), which contrasted with low reliability observed when the whole group was considered. The smallest important CV ratio (>1.15) showed that H caused changes in the reliability of the kinematic variables, with some variables becoming more reliable and others losing the reliability they had in N. H also caused small increments in peak velocity across all loads tested in the CMJ (+3.67%; P<0.05). In contrast, no changes in the kinematic variables were verified.This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (DEP2015-64350-P MINECO/FEDER), and by a FPI pre-doctoral grant (BES-2016- 078035) awarded to one of the authors (FA)

    Bowman-Birk protease inhibitor from Vigna unguiculata seeds enhances the action of bradykinin-related peptides

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    The hydrolysis of bradykinin (Bk) by different classes of proteases in plasma and tissues leads to a decrease in its half-life. Here, Bk actions on smooth muscle and in vivo cardiovascular assays in association with a protease inhibitor, Black eyed-pea trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitor (BTCI) and also under the effect of trypsin and chymotrypsin were evaluated. Two synthetic Bk-related peptides, Bk1 and Bk2, were used to investigate the importance of additional C-terminal amino acid residues on serine protease activity. BTCI forms complexes with Bk and analogues at pH 5.0, 7.4 and 9.0, presenting binding constants ranging from 103 to 104 M−1. Formation of BTCI-Bk complexes is probably driven by hydrophobic forces, coupled with slight conformational changes in BTCI. In vitro assays using guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) ileum showed that Bk retains the ability to induce smooth muscle contraction in the presence of BTCI. Moreover, no alteration in the inhibitory activity of BTCI in complex with Bk and analogous was observed. When the BTCI and BTCI-Bk complexes were tested in vivo, a decrease of vascular resistance and consequent hypotension and potentiating renal and aortic vasodilatation induced by Bk and Bk2 infusions was observed. These results indicate that BTCI-Bk complexes may be a reliable strategy to act as a carrier and protective approach for Bk-related peptides against plasma serine proteases cleavage, leading to an increase in their half-life. These findings also indicate that BTCI could remain stable in some tissues to inhibit chymotrypsin or trypsin-like enzymes that cleave and inactivate bradykinin in situ

    Cryopreservation of Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) spermatozoa obtained by electroejaculation

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    P. 628-638We tested extenders and freezing protocols for Iberian red deer semen. Samples were obtained by electroejaculation (10 stags), and analyzed for motility (CASA), viability (propidium ioide), acrosomal (PNA-FITC) and mitochondrial status (JC-1). Samples were diluted in extender, cooled and adjusted for glycerol (extender with higher glycerol concentration), brought to mL−1 and frozen. Four experiments were carried out, repeating sperm analysis after thawing to compare treatments. In a first experiment, seven samples were frozen using Triladyl® (20% egg yolk) and UL extender (Tes–Tris–fructose, 15% egg yolk, 4% glycerol). Triladyl® yielded higher motility after thawing. In a second trial, 17 samples were frozen using Triladyl®, Andromed®, Bioxcell®, and UL with 8% LDL (low-density lipoproteins). Triladyl® and Andromed® performed better than Bioxcell® on motility, and than UL-LDL on viability and acrosomal status. In a third experiment, the performance of freezing the sperm-rich ejaculate fraction versus the whole ejaculate was tested on nine samples. The sperm-rich ejaculate fraction not only rendered more motile and viable spermatozoa but also showed higher freezability (higher motile spermatozoa recovery). In a fourth experiment, we tried three modifications of the freezing protocol, for improving the freezability of low concentration samples: prior removal of seminal plasma; replacing extender (second fraction) for pure glycerol to reduce dilution; and performing only the dilution, not the second dilution. No differences were found, although only three samples could be used. Both Triladyl® and Andromed® were deemed appropriate for freezing Iberian red deer semen, and the rich fraction should be selected for freezing.S

    Reduced glutathione and Trolox (vitamin E) as extender supplements in cryopreservation of red deer epididymal spermatozoa

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    P. 37-46The use of assisted reproductive techniques in cervids is increasing as the commercial use of these species increase. We have tested the suitability of the antioxidants Trolox and reduced glutathione (GSH) for freezing red deer epididymal spermatozoa, aiming at improving post-thawing quality. Samples from 19 stags were frozen in a TES-Tris-fructose extender (20% egg yolk, 8% glycerol), with 1 or 5 mM of antioxidant. Motility (CASA), lipoperoxidation (malondialdehyde –MDA– production), membrane status, mitochondrial activity, acrosomal status (flow cytometry) and chromatin status (SCSA: %DFI and %HDS; flow cytometry) were assessed after thawing and after 6 h at 39 °C. There were few differences between treatments after thawing, with Trolox reducing MDA production in a dose–response manner. After the incubation, sperm quality decreased and %DFI increased moderately, with no change for MDA. GSH improved motility, kinematic parameters and mitochondrial status, with a slight increase in %HDS. GSH 5 mM also increased moderately MDA production and %DFI, possibly due to enhanced metabolic activity and reducing power. Trolox maintained MDA low, but was detrimental to sperm quality. Trolox might not be appropriate for the cryopreservation of red deer epididymal spermatozoa, at least at the millimolar range. GSH results are promising, especially regarding motility improvement after the post-thawing incubation, and should be selected for future fertility trials.S

    Fermentação in vitro de um suplemento com níveis crescentes de vagens maduras de alfarroba (Samanea saman)

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    Abstract Tree legume pods are characterized by their protein content; increasing protein in a supplement with tree legumes is an alternative to improve the productive parameters of ruminants. The objective was to evaluate in vitro biogas fermentation variables, kinetic estimators (A, b, and k), dry matter degradation (DMS) and detergent neutral fiber (DFDN) of a supplement with 0, 10, 20 and 30% inclusion of mature carob pods. The biodigester (120 mL serological vials) contained: 0.5 g of one type of supplement, 40 mL of culture medium and 10 mL of fresh rumen fluid (inoculum). The vials were incubated at 39 °C for 72 h. The experimental design was completely randomized. T20 presented higher biogas production at 12 and 24 h; whereas, at 48 and 72 h were T0 and T20. T20 was higher for A, T0 and T10 lower for k and T0 lower for b (p&lt;0.05). pH and DMS showed no differences between treatments (p&gt;0.05). The DFDN showed a tendency to decrease as the carob pod increased. It is concluded that the inclusion of 20% of mature carob pods in a supplement can be used as a feeding strategy in ruminants. Key words: Tree legume, fermentation, biogas, DMS, DFDN, carob.Las vainas de leguminosas arbóreas se caracterizan por su alto contenido de proteína, el aumento de proteína en un suplemento mediante leguminosas arbóreas es una alternativa para mejorar los parámetros productivos de rumiantes. El objetivo fue evaluar las variables de la fermentación in vitro un suplemento con 0, 10, 20 y 30% de inclusión de vainas maduras de algarrobo. El biodigestor (viales serológicos de 120 mL) contenía: 0.5 g de un tipo de suplemento, 40 mL de medio de cultivo y 10 mL de fluido ruminal fresco (inóculo). Los viales se incubaron a 39 °C por 72 h. El diseño experimental fue un completamente al azar. T20 presentó mayor producción de biogás a 12 y 24 h; mientras, a las 48 y 72 h fueron T0 y T20. T20 fue mayor para A, T0 y T10 menores para k y T0 menor para b (p&lt;0.05). pH y DMS no mostraron diferencias entre tratamientos (p&gt;0.05). LA DFDN mostró tendencia a disminuir conforme aumento la vaina de algarrobo. Se concluye, la inclusión de 20% de vaina madura de algarrobo en un suplemento, es posible utilizarse como una estrategia de alimentación en rumiantes. Palabras clave: Leguminosa arbórea, fermentación, biogás, DMS, DFDN, algarrobo.As vagens das leguminosas arbóreas, a alfarrobeira (Samanea saman) caracterizam-se pelo seu elevado teorproteico. O aumento de proteína em um suplemento por meio de leguminosas arbóreas é uma alternativa para melhorar os parâmetros produtivos de ruminantes. O objetivo foi avaliar as variáveis de fermentação in vitro do biogás, estimadores cinéticos (A= potencial de produção de biogás, b= lag time ou eficiência microbiana e k= taxa constante de produção de biogás de material potencialmente degradável), degradação da matéria seca (DMS) e degradação da fibra em detergente neutro (DFDN) de um suplemento com 0, 10, 20 e 30% de inclusão de alfarroba madura. O biodigestor (frascos sorológicos de 120 mL) continha: 0,5 g de um tipo de suplemento, 40 mL de meio de cultura e 10 mL de fluido ruminal fresco (inóculo). Os frascos foram incubados a 39 °C por 72 h. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado. T20 apresentou maior produção de biogás em 12 e 24 h; enquanto, às 48 e 72 h, foram T0 e T20. T20 foi maior para A, T0 e T10 menores para k e T0 menor para b (p&lt;0,05). O pH e o DMS não apresentaram diferenças entre os tratamentos (p&gt;0,05). O DFDN mostrou uma tendência de diminuir à medida que a alfarrobeira aumentava.Conclui-se que a inclusão de 20% de alfarroba madura em um suplemento pode ser utilizada como estratégia alimentar em ruminantes

    Estimates of recent and historical effective population size in turbot, seabream, seabass and carp selective breeding programmes

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    BACKGROUND: The high fecundity of fish species allows intense selection to be practised and therefore leads to fast genetic gains. Based on this, numerous selective breeding programmes have been started in Europe in the last decades, but in general, little is known about how the base populations of breeders have been built. Such knowledge is important because base populations can be created from very few individuals, which can lead to small effective population sizes and associated reductions in genetic variability. In this study, we used genomic information that was recently made available for turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) to obtain accurate estimates of the effective size for commercial populations. METHODS: Restriction-site associated DNA sequencing data were used to estimate current and historical effective population sizes. We used a novel method that considers the linkage disequilibrium spectrum for the whole range of genetic distances between all pairs of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and thus accounts for potential fluctuations in population size over time. RESULTS: Our results show that the current effective population size for these populations is small (equal to or less than 50 fish), potentially putting the sustainability of the breeding programmes at risk. We have also detected important drops in effective population size about five to nine generations ago, most likely as a result of domestication and the start of selective breeding programmes for these species in Europe. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings highlight the need to broaden the genetic composition of the base populations from which selection programmes start, and suggest that measures designed to increase effective population size within all farmed populations analysed here should be implemented in order to manage genetic variability and ensure the sustainability of the breeding programmes. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12711-021-00680-9