Revistas de Investigación UNHEVAL (Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán de Huánuco)
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    1031 research outputs found

    Impactos del liderazgo y la comunicación social entre el personal de limpieza pública de gobiernos locales peruanos en tiempos de la COVID-19

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    Objective. The study sought determine how the leadership and the communication social influenced in the performance job of the workers of cleaning public in governments local of the Peru during the pandemic by the COVID-19. Methods. It used the identification of articles that involve to the variables leadership, job performance and social communication, giving importance to those published from 2020 to 2024. The criteria of selection oriented to those works that contributed to the knowledge of the leadership, allowing verified besides the performance and the importance of the communication. The methodology used were the analysis of the discourse and the review bibliographic of the theory grounded, belonging to the paradigm interpretive. Results. It evidenced the leadership during the pandemic, since the performance job it was a consequence natural of the commitment of the workers' and the communication social informed with maturity and responsibility. Conclusions. The communication social was important during the pandemic, showing different types of leadership and influencing about the performance job in workers of cleaning public of governments local.Objetivo. El estudio buscó determinar cómo el liderazgo y la comunicación social influyeron en el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de limpieza pública en gobiernos locales del Perú durante la pandemia por la COVID-19. Métodos. Se utilizó la identificación de artículos que involucren a las variables liderazgo, desempeño laboral y comunicación social, dando importancia a los publicados desde 2020 hasta 2024. Los criterios de selección orientados a aquellos trabajos que contribuían al conocimiento del liderazgo, permitiendo verificar además el desempeño y la importancia de la comunicación. La metodología utilizada fueron el análisis del discurso y la revisión bibliográfica de la teoría fundamentada, pertenecientes al paradigma interpretativo. Resultados. Se evidenció el liderazgo durante la pandemia, ya que el desempeño laboral era consecuencia natural del compromiso de los trabajadores y la comunicación social informaba con madurez y responsabilidad. Conclusiones. La comunicación social fue importante durante la pandemia, mostrando diferentes tipos de liderazgo e influyendo sobre el desempeño laboral en trabajadores de limpieza pública de gobiernos locales

    Plan de acción para la gestión de calidad de la revista Gaceta Científica

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    En los últimos años, las revistas científicas o académicas han sido el medio más utilizado para publicar investigaciones de pregrado y posgrado en el ámbito de la educación superior universitaria. La revista Gaceta Científica es la revistaacadémica de la Escuela de Posgrado (EPG) de la Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán (UNHEVAL), Huánuco, Perú. Según su definición original, este es un medio de comunicación científica que tiene múltiples objetivos, incluida la promoción de la cooperación científica, la publicación de excelentes artículos científicos, la internacionalización del conocimiento y el fomento de la discusión

    Individual-level preventive measures during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic among Bangladeshi residents

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    COVID-19 causes mild to severe respiratory illness in humans. Government and non-government authorities along with telecommunication, print and electronic media undertook extensive advertising campaign regarding protective measures against COVID-19 to raise the public awareness. Therefore, this web-based cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate peoples' responses towards COVID-19 during the first wave of COVID-19 in Bangladesh. We performed univariate and multivariate analyses to estimate the association between demographic characteristics, awareness, and individual preventive measures. The overall awareness level of the majority of the respondents (89%, n=920) was good, but the overall score for individual-level preventive measures during lockdown was poor to moderate. The relation between a good level of awareness and a higher level of educational status was found statistically significant (aOR 5.87, 95% CI: 1.58-21.86). Service holders were two times more likely to follow COVID-19 prevention practices than students (aOR 2.08, 95% CI: 1.24-3.51). Despite having adequate knowledge on awareness, many respondents were reluctant to follow preventive measures during the lockdown. The outcomes of this study highlight the requirement for stringent execution of preventative measures by law enforcement agencies to stop the transmission of the COVID-19 virus

    Relationship of troponins with in-hospital mortality in adults with covid-19 in a colombian caribbean city: a nested case-control study

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    Background: myocardial injury, characterized by elevated cardiac troponin levels, is a common finding in severe COVID-19 cases, occurring in up to 38% of patients. It has been identified as an independent predictor of mortality. Objective: our aim is to assess the predictive value of cardiac troponin levels for in-hospital mortality among adults hospitalized with COVID-19 in Barranquilla, Colombia, during the period from January to June 2021. Methods: this study is a nested case-control analysis within a retrospective cohort. It encompasses individuals aged 18 and older with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 who were hospitalized between January and June 2021 (n = 358). We describe the demographic and paraclinical characteristics of the patients and their association with outcomes at the time of discharge. We also estimate the diagnostic accuracy, including sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values, of elevated troponin levels in predicting in-hospital mortality. Results: patients with elevated troponin levels demonstrated a significantly increased risk of in-hospital mortality (OR: 9.4; 95% CI: 5.5-16.0; p < 0.05) and had a notably higher in-hospital mortality rate (55.6%) compared to those with non-elevated troponin levels (11.7%). The troponin biomarker exhibited a sensitivity of 77.9% and specificity of 72.7%, with positive and negative predictive values of 55.6% and 88.3%, respectively, for in-hospital mortality. Conclusion: troponin elevation in subjects with COVID-19 is positively related to in-hospital mortality, independently of other conditions such as age group, comorbidities, or oxygen therapy requirement

    Hacia una nueva realidad “Fortaleciendo los Servicio de Patología Clínica en el Perú”

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    Escarabajo tigre (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) asociado a laderas con cultivos hortícolas en Silla Pando, Volcán, Chiriquí, Panamá

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    Tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) are important insects due to their role as predators, as well as serving as environmental indicators. This becomes more important in agroecosystems in which synthetic pesticides are frequently used; as is the case of the district of Tierras Altas, province of Chiriquí, the main horticultural area of ​​Panama. The aim of this study was to identify the tiger beetle species associated with cropped slopes on Silla Pando, Volcán, Tierras Altas. For this, the behavior of the beetles in the field was observed and specimens were collected to be reviewed in the laboratory and compared with specialized literature and material from the entomological collection of the G. B. Fairchild Invertebrate Museum, University of Panama (MIUP). Additionally, databases were consulted to confirm the known distribution of the insect in the country. According to the results, the species corresponds to Pseudoxycheila tarsalis Bates, 1869; being very active, including copulating, during the observation period. The metallic coloration, as well as the spots pattern on the elytra, are consistent with what has been described for the species; added to the fact that Müllerian mimicry with Mutillidae (Hymenotpera) is attributed to it. This beetle has been found in many places in the country, being widely distributed. However, when checking slopes with crops in other locations in Tierras Altas, no presence of the beetle was found, which may be a consequence of the frequent use of pesticides. In conclusion, the tiger beetle associated with slopes with horticultural crops in Silla Pando corresponds to P. tarsalis.Los escarabajos tigre (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae), son insectos importantes por su rol como depredadores, además de servir como indicadores ambientales. Lo anterior adquiere mayor importancia en agroecosistemas en los cuales frecuentemente se usan plaguicidas de síntesis; como es el caso del distrito de Tierras Altas, provincia de Chiriquí, principal zona hortícola de Panamá. El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar la especie de escarabajo tigre asociada a laderas con cultivos en Silla Pando, Volcán, Tierras Altas. Para ello, se observó el comportamiento de los escarabajos en el terreno y se recolectaron especímenes para ser revisados en el laboratorio y comparados con literatura especializada y material de la colección entomológica del Museo de Invertebrados G. B. Fairchild, Universidad de Panamá (MIUP). Complementariamente, se consultaron bases de datos para confirmar la distribución conocida del insecto en el país. Según los resultados, la especie corresponde a Pseudoxycheila tarsalis Bates, 1869; estando muy activos, inclusive copulando, durante el periodo de observación. La coloración metálica, así como los patrones de manchas en los élitros son concordantes con lo descrito para la especie; sumado a que se le atribuye mimetismo mülleriano con Mutillidae (Hymenotpera). Este escarabajo ha sido encontrado en varios sitios del país, por lo cual es de amplia distribución. Sin embargo, al revisarse laderas con cultivos en otras localidades de Tierras Altas, no se encontró presencia del escarabajo, lo cual puede ser consecuencia del uso frecuente de plaguicidas. En conclusión, el escarabajo tigre asociado a laderas con hortalizas en Silla Pando corresponde a P. tarsalis

    Filosofía ambiental y el buen vivir en los estudiantes universitarios

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    Environmental philosophy thinks about the death of nature and declares itself against anthropocentric subjectivity. Anthropocentric philosophy with its rational techno-science desacralizes and devastates nature and man. Environmental philosophy is the eco-centric subjectivity that seeks balance and cooperativism between man and nature, fights against androgen and its sexist effect, ethics and science must dignify life; The great leap from anthropocentrism to eco-centrism is possible. The Andean good life is the harmonious coexistence with all living beings: nature, society and with oneself. The objective of this study was to determine the incidence of environmental philosophy to improve the good life of university students; The research approach is quantitative, experimental and the design is pre-experimental with a single pre- and post-test group. The research used the scaling technique and the instrument is Likert scaling. The sample was 25 university students. The result was reached, with the t-Student test, at a value of -6.030 and a p-value of 0.000 < 0.05; It was concluded that environmental philosophy had a significant influence on improving the good life of university students.La filosofía ambiental piensa la muerte de la naturaleza y se declara contra la subjetividad antropocéntrica. La filosofía antropocéntrica con su tecno-ciencia racional desacraliza y devasta la naturaleza y al hombre. La filosofía ambiental es la subjetividad eco-céntrica que busca el equilibrio y el cooperativismo entre el hombre y la naturaleza, lucha contra el andrógeno y su efecto machista, la ética y la ciencia deben dignificar la vida; es posible el gran salto de antropocentrismo hacia el eco-centrismo. El buen vivir andino es la convivencia armónica con todos los seres vivos: naturaleza, sociedad y consigo mismo. El objetivo del presente fue determinar la incidencia de la filosofía ambiental para mejorar el buen vivir de los estudiantes universitarios; el enfoque de investigación es cuantitativo, de tipo experimental y el diseño es pre experimental con un solo grupo de pre y pos prueba. La investigación empleó la técnica de escala y el instrumento es el escalamiento de Likert. La muestra fue de 25 universitarios. El resultado se alcanzó, con la prueba t-Student, al valor de -6.030 y un p-valor de 0.000 < 0.05; se concluyó que, la filosofía ambiental influenció significativamente para mejorar el buen vivir en los estudiantes universitarios

    The role of platelets and neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) in sepsis: A comprehensive literature review

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    Sepsis is defined as "an organic dysfunction secondary to the dysregulated response of the patient to an infection." This concept only reveals the tip of the iceberg, the clinical expression of organic failures, without understanding their basis, which is currently explained by cellular and molecular phenomena. Neutrophils are crucial pillars of early innate immune responses, and their fundamental function is phagocytosis. Additionally, neutrophils can degranulate upon activation, releasing various antimicrobial enzymes and pro-inflammatory cytokines, and form neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), whose purpose is to trap pathogens by releasing their "sticky" nuclear content; the presence of activated platelets amplifies this phenomenon. NETosis is a beneficial process; however, deregulated, it can be detrimental, inducing "immunothrombosis" and compromising the microcirculation, thereby increasing the clinical severity of sepsis. The purpose of this review is to clearly describe the pathophysiological role therapeutic target of NETs, their interaction with platelets in sepsis, and their potential as therapeutic targets, since it has been shown that a therapeutic approach aimed at curbing NETs would be beneficial

    ¿Van las investigaciones en ciencias sociales y en humanidades en la dirección correcta?

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    Product of a post-rational vision and, therefore, apparently postmodern. Is the latter the central point, which prompts the question: how has this postmodern vision generated the increasing development of obscurantism, radical constructivism and relativism to the point of being filtered in academic spaces, reflecting today so much acceptance? That this work should not be understood as intolerance to freedom of expression, or a tendency towards scientific dogma, but rather, to problematize the correct path towards which work and academic life should be followed. Given what has been stated, it is proposed, -responding to the question of the topic that has been proposed- that indicated development it responds to a distorted and appropriate academic freedom to the needs of who expresses it, where the slogan; It is no longer how to approach understanding the world; rather, what is it that makes the academic decision and scientific and cultural production more viable for particularities.Producto de una visión post-racional y, por consiguiente, al parecer postmoderna. Es esto último el punto central, el cual propicia la pregunta ¿cómo esta visión postmoderna ha generado el acreciente desarrollo del obscurantismo, el constructivismo radical y el relativismo hasta el punto de estar filtrado en los espacios académicos reflejando hoy, tanta acogida? Que no se entienda el presente trabajo como intolerancia a la libertad de expresión, o una tendencia al dogma cientificista sino, problematizar el camino correcto hacia donde se debe seguir el trabajo y la vida académica. Dado lo planteado se propone, -respondiendo a la pregunta del tema que se ha propuesto- que indicado desarrollo responde a una libertad académica distorsionada y adecuada a las necesidades de quien la manifiesta, donde la consigna; ya no es, cómo aproximarnos a entender el mundo; sino, qué es lo que hace más viable para particularidades, la decisión académica y la producción científica y cultural

    Epidermólisis bullosa en recién nacido

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    Epidemolysis bullosa is a genetic disease. Clinical picture include blistering and ulcers after friction or trauma. Skin lesions may be cutaneous or extracutaneous. Family history, clinical findings, lab tests and microscopic examination are needed to make the diagnosis of the disease. A diagnosed case is presented in this paper, it is a 25 days female baby who was assisted at the Teaching Pediatric Hospital ″Jose Luis Miranda ″in Santa Clara. Clinical findings are described in the paper, as well as, comments about different types of Epidemolysis and their clinical manifestations, since this disease is not frequent in the pediatric age.La epidermólisis bullosa es una enfermedad genética. Se manifiesta por la aparición de ampollas, úlceras posteriores a roces o traumatismos. Las lesiones pueden tener una localización cutánea y extra cutánea. Para realizar el diagnostico se debe tener presente los antecedentes heredofamiliares, la clínica, la microscopia y exámenes de laboratorio. Presentamos un caso de Epidermólisis Bullosa diagnosticado en recién nacido, femenino de 25 días en el Hospital Pediátrico Docente José Luis Miranda de Santa Clara. Se describen los hallazgos clínicos del caso. Se comenta acerca de los diferentes tipos de Epidermolisis y las formas de presentación por considerarse una entidad poco frecuente en la edad pediátrica


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