982 research outputs found

    Inner Derivations and Weak-2-Local Derivations on the C*-Algebra C-0(L, A)

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    [EN] Let L be a locally compact Hausdorff space. Suppose A is a -algebra with the property that every weak-2-local derivation on A is a (linear) derivation. We prove that every weak-2-local derivation on is a (linear) derivation. Among the consequences we establish that if B is an atomic von Neumann algebra or a compact -algebra, then every weak-2-local derivation on is a linear derivation. We further show that, for a general von Neumann algebra M, every 2-local derivation on is a linear derivation. We also prove several results representing derivations on and on as inner derivations determined by multipliers.Jorda Mora, E.; Peralta, A. (2017). Inner Derivations and Weak-2-Local Derivations on the C*-Algebra C-0(L, A). Integral Equations and Operator Theory. 89(1):89-110. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00020-017-2390-xS89110891Akemann, C.A., Elliott, G.E., Pedersen, G.K., Tomiyama, J.: Derivations and multipliers of  C ∗\text{ C }^* C ∗ -algebras. Am. J. 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    Embarazo en la adolescencia: cómo ocurre en la sociedad actual

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    ResumenEn México, el 20% de los nacimientos anuales se presenta en madres menores de 20 años. Su importancia radica en el hecho de que el impacto de los embarazos en adolescentes comienza con los riesgos para la salud de la madre y su hijo. Estos riesgos son mayores a medida que la edad de la gestante es menor y en especial cuando, debido a las condiciones sociales y económicas, el cuidado de la salud es inferior a lo ideal, lo cual es determinante en el desarrollo psicosocial materno posterior. Se ha señalado que los jóvenes con baja escolaridad, con menores expectativas académicas y laborales, y con menor autoestima y asertividad tienden a iniciar a más temprana edad su vida sexual activa, a utilizar menos los anticonceptivos y, en el caso de las jóvenes, a quedarse embarazadas, con el riesgo de llegar al aborto por la falta de condiciones y conocimientos que faciliten una decisión mejor. Por ello es imprescindible tener en cuenta el contexto cultural y las características especiales de la familia para entender de forma preventiva la situación de la adolescente con riesgo de embarazo.AbstractIn Mexico, 20% of annual births occur in mothers younger than 20 years old. The importance of this is that the impact of pregnancies in adolescents begins with the risks for the mothers’ health and their children. The younger the age of the woman, the bigger the risk, especially when the social and economic conditions result in healthcare below the ideal, which is decisive in later maternal psychosocial development. It has been pointed out that youngsters with low-level education, with lower academic and work expectations and with lower self-esteem and assertiveness tend to begin their active sexual life at an earlier age, to use contraceptives less and, in the case of young women, to get pregnant. These young pregnant women are at risk of aborting because of the lack of conditions and knowledge that might facilitate a better decision. It is consequently indispensable to take the social context and special family characteristics into account to understand preventatively the situation of an adolescent with pregnancy risk

    Mono-dimensional blue native-PAGE and bi-dimensional blue native/urea-PAGE or /SDS-PAGE combined with nLC-ESI-LIT-MS/MS unveil membrane protein heteromeric and homomeric complexes in streptococcus thermophilus

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    Protein interactions are essential elements for the biological machineries underlying biochemical and physiological mechanisms indispensable for microorganism life. By using mono-dimensional blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1D-BN-PAGE), two-dimensional blue native/urea-PAGE (2D-BN/urea-PAGE) and two-dimensional blue native/SDS-PAGE (2D-BN/SDS-PAGE), membrane protein complexes of Streptococcus thermophilus were resolved and visualized. Protein complex and oligomer constituents were then identified by nLC-ESI-LIT-MS/MS. In total, 65 heteromeric and 30 homomeric complexes were observed, which were then associated with 110 non-redundant bacterial proteins. Protein machineries involved in polysaccharide biosynthesis, molecular uptake, energy metabolism, cell division, protein secretion, folding and chaperone activities were highly represented in electrophoretic profiles; a number of homomeric moonlighting proteins were also identified. Information on hypothetical proteins was also derived. Parallel genome sequencing unveiled that the genes coding for the enzymes involved in exopolysaccharide biosynthesis derive from two separate clusters, generally showing high variability between bacterial strains, which contribute to a unique, synchronized and active synthetic module. The approach reported here paves the way for a further functional characterization of these protein complexes and will facilitate future studies on their assembly and composition during various growth conditions and in different mutant backgrounds, with important consequences for biotechnological applications of this bacterium in dairy productions. Biological significance Combined proteomic procedures have been applied to the characterization of heteromultimeric and homomeric protein complexes from the membrane fraction of S. thermophilus. Protein machineries involved in polysaccharide biosynthesis, molecular uptake, energy metabolism, cell division, protein secretion, folding and chaperone activities were identified; information on hypothetical and moonlighting proteins were also derived. This study is original in the lactic bacteria context and maybe considered as preliminary to a deeper functional characterization of the corresponding protein complexes. Due to the large use of S. thermophilus as a starter for dairy productions, the data reported here may facilitate future investigations on protein complex assembly and composition under different experimental conditions or for bacterial strains having specific biotechnological applications

    A perspective of medical students on 3D printing for anatomy education

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    Ponencia presentada a INTED2020 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia (Spain), 2-4 Marzo de 2020.For centuries, the dissection of full-body corpses has been the gold standard in Anatomy education, promoting deep anatomical comprehension. In the last years, with the growth of medical training on several fronts, the hours devoted to Anatomy practice have been reduced. This reduction has led to dissection giving way to prosection: students do not dissect human bodies but study the morphology of corpses already dissected by another person

    Validation of a reduced scale to assess basic learning skills of university students

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    [ES] La relación entre evaluación y desarrollo de las competencias básicas para el aprendizaje del alumnado universitario es indiscutible, pues la evaluación juega un papel relevante al determinar lo que aprende el alumnado y la forma en la que realiza sus tareas académicas. Con el objetivo de contribuir en el avance de la metodología evaluativa para la valoración de dichas competencias, este estudio pretende validar una escala reducida la cual ha sido adaptada del Autoinforme de desarrollo de las competencias básicas de los estudiantes –COMPES-. Dicha escala busca medir, de forma concisa y breve, el nivel competencial percibido por parte del alumnado respecto a un conjunto de competencias básicas relacionadas con la participación del discente en la evaluación del aprendizaje. A través de un estudio de validación, a partir de las respuestas ofrecidas por una muestra de 480 estudiantes universitarios, se analiza la estructura factorial y la consistencia interna de la escala reducida. Los análisis factoriales, exploratorio y confirmatorio, así como el análisis de consistencia asociado, muestran un modelo ajustado con 14 ítems distribuidos en cuatro dimensiones: Análisis; Resolución y Argumentación Creativa; Valoración y comunicación; Evaluación como proceso de aprendizaje y Trabajo en equipo. En conclusión, se hace patente, en primer lugar, el binomio evaluación y aprendizaje universitario y, en segundo lugar, la necesidad y utilidad de contar con una escala validada y reducida de autopercepción de las competencias básicas de aprendizaje del alumnado universitario.[EN] The relationship between evaluation and development of the basic competences for the learning of the university students is indisputable, since the evaluation plays an important role in determining what the students learn and the way in which they carry out their academic tasks. With the aim of contributing to the advancement of the evaluation methodology for the assessment of these competences, this study aims to validate a small scale which has been adapted from the Self-report on the development of the basic competences of the students –COMPES-. This scale seeks to measure, in a concise and brief way, the level of competence perceived by the students with respect to a set of basic competences related to the participation of the student in the evaluation of learning. Through a validation study, based on the answers offered by a sample of 480 university students, the factorial structure and internal consistency of the reduced scale are analyzed. The factorial, exploratory and confirmatory analyses, as well as the associated consistency analysis, show an adjusted model with 14 items distributed in four dimensions: Analysis; Resolution and Creative Argumentation; Assessment and communication; Evaluation as a learning process and Teamwork. In conclusion, it becomes clear, firstly, the binomial evaluation and university learning and, secondly, the need and usefulness of having a validated and reduced scale of self-perception of the basic learning competences of university students.Chiva Sanchis, I.; Ramos Santana, G.; Moral Mora, A.; Pérez Carbonell, A. (2021). Validación de una escala reducida para valorar competencias básicas de aprendizaje del alumnado universitario. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 19(1):129-145. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2021.15125OJS129145191Abal, F.J.P., Auné, S.E., Lozzia, G.S. y Attorresi, H.F. (2017). Funcionamiento de la categoría central en ítems de Confianza para la Matemática. Revista Evaluar, 17(2), 18-31. https://doi.org/10.35670/1667-4545.v17.n2.18717Albareda, S. y Gonzalvo, M. (2013). Competencias genéricas en sostenibilidad en Educación Superior. Revisión y compilación. 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    Chatbots and messaging platforms in the classroom: An analysis from the teacher’s perspective

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    Messaging platforms are applications, generally mediated by an app, desktop program or the web, mainly used for synchronous communication among users. As such, they have been widely adopted officially by higher education establishments, after little or no study of their impact and perception by the teachers. We think that the introduction of these new tools and the opportunities and challenges they have needs to be studied carefully in order to adopt the model, as well as the tool, that is the most adequate for all parties involved. We already studied the perception of these tools by students, in this paper we examine the teachers’ experiences and perceptions through a survey that we validated with peers, and what they think these tools should make or serve so that it enhances students learning and helps them achieve their learning objectives. The survey has been distributed among tertiary education teachers, both in universitary and other kind of tertiary establishments, based in Spain (mainly) and Spanish-speaking countries. We have focused on collecting teachers’ preferences and opinions on the introduction of messaging platforms in their day-to-day work, as well as other services attached to them, such as chatbots. What we intend with this survey is to understand their needs and to gather information about the various educational use cases where these tools could be valuable. In addition, an analysis of how and when teachers’ opinions towards the use of these tools varies across gender, experience, and their discipline of specialization is presented. The key findings of this study highlight the factors that can contribute to the advancement of the adoption of messaging platforms and chatbots in higher education institutions to achieve the desired learning outcomes

    Root ABA and H+-ATPase are key players in the root and shoot growth-promoting action of humic acids

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    Although the ability of humic (HA) and fulvic acids (FA) to improve plant growth has been demonstrated, knowledge about the mechanisms responsible for the direct effects of HA and FA on the promotion of plant growth is scarce and fragmentary. Our study investigated the causal role of both root PM H+-ATPase activity and ABA in the SHA-promoting action on both root and shoot growth. The involvement of these processes in the regulation of shoot cytokinin concentration and activity was also studied. Our aim was to integrate such plant responses for providing new insights to the current model on the mode of action of HA for promoting root and shoot growth. Experiments employing specific inhibitors and using Cucumis sativus L. plants show that both the root PM H+-ATPase activity and root ABA play a crucial role in the root growth-promoting action of SHA. With regard to the HA-promoting effects on shoot growth, two pathways of events triggered by the interaction of SHA with plant roots are essential for the increase in root PM H+-ATPase activity-which also mediates an increase in cytokinin concentration and action in the shoot-and the ABA-mediated increase in hydraulic conductivity (Lp(r))

    In vivo CRISPR/Cas9 targeting of fusion oncogenes for selective elimination of cancer cells

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    This work was supported by CaixaImpulse (CI18-00017;FuGe) to S.R-P. RT-R. is supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC). J.C.S. is supported by the Spanish Cell Therapy cooperative research network (TERCEL)(RD16/0011/0011). P.M. also acknowledges the financial support from the Obra Social La Caixa-Fundaciò Josep Carreras. P.M. is an investigator of the Spanish Cell Therapy cooperative research network (TERCEL). A.M.C. acknowledges funding fromXarxa de Bancs de Tumors de Catalunya (XBTC; sponsored by Pla Director d'Oncologia de Catalunya).Fusion oncogenes (FOs) are common in many cancer types and are powerful drivers of tumor development. Because their expression is exclusive to cancer cells and their elimination induces cell apoptosis in FO-driven cancers, FOs are attractive therapeutic targets. However, specifically targeting the resulting chimeric products is challenging. Based on CRISPR/Cas9 technology, here we devise a simple, efficient and non-patient-specific gene-editing strategy through targeting of two introns of the genes involved in the rearrangement, allowing for robust disruption of the FO specifically in cancer cells. As a proof-of-concept of its potential, we demonstrate the efficacy of intron-based targeting of transcription factors or tyrosine kinase FOs in reducing tumor burden/mortality in in vivo models. The FO targeting approach presented here might open new horizons for the selective elimination of cancer cells

    Bio-based substances from urban waste as auxiliaries for solar photo-Fenton treatment under mild conditions: Optimization of operational variables

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    The use of soluble bio-based organic substances (SBO) obtained from urban wastes to expand the pH region where the photo-Fenton process can be applied has been investigated in this study. For this purpose, a mixture of six pollutants, namely acetaminophen, carbamazepine, amoxicillin, acetamiprid, clofibric acid and caffeine, at an initial concentration of 5 mg L-1 each, has been employed. Surface response methodology, based on the Doehlert matrix, has shown to be a useful tool to determine the effect of pH (in the range 3-7), concentration of SBO (15-25 mg L-1) and iron (2-6 mg L-1) on the performance of the photodegradation of the studied pollutants, measured by their half-life. Results indicate that, at high SBO concentration, the optimum pH shifts in most cases to a higher value (between 3 and 4) and that a significant loss of efficiency of the process was only observed at pH values above 5. An iron concentration of 4-5 mg L-1 and an amount of SBO of 19-22 mg L-1 have been determined to be the optimal conditions for the degradation of most of the studied pollutants at pH = 5. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The authors want to thank the financial support of the European Union (PIRSES-GA-2010-269128, EnvironBOS) and Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (CTQ2012-38754-C03-02). Juan Gomis would like to thank UPV for his FPI grant (2010-07).Gomis Vicens, J.; Carlos, L.; Bianco Prevot, A.; Teixeira, ACSC.; Mora Carbonell, M.; Amat Payá, AM.; Vicente Candela, R.... (2015). Bio-based substances from urban waste as auxiliaries for solar photo-Fenton treatment under mild conditions: Optimization of operational variables. Catalysis Today. 240(Part A):39-45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2014.03.034S3945240Part
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