663 research outputs found

    Investigating local policy drivers for alcohol harm prevention: a comparative case study of two local authorities in England

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    Background: The considerable challenges associated with implementing national level alcohol policies have encouraged a renewed focus on the prospects for local-level policies in the UK and elsewhere. We adopted a case study approach to identify the major characteristics and drivers of differences in the patterns of local alcohol policies and services in two contrasting local authority (LA) areas in England. Methods: Data were collected via thirteen semi-structured interviews with key informants (including public health, licensing and trading standards) and documentary analysis, including harm reduction strategies and statements of licensing policy. A two-stage thematic analysis was used to categorize all relevant statements into seven over-arching themes, by which document sources were then also analysed. Results: Three of the seven over-arching themes (drink environment, treatment services and barriers and facilitators), provided for the most explanatory detail informing the contrasting policy responses of the two LAs: LA1 pursued a risk-informed strategy via a specialist police team working proactively with problem premises and screening systematically to identify riskier drinking. LA2 adopted a more upstream regulatory approach around restrictions on availability with less emphasis on co-ordinated screening and treatment measures. Conclusion: New powers over alcohol policy for LAs in England can produce markedly different policies for reducing alcohol-related harm. These difference are rooted in economic, opportunistic, organisational and personnel factors particular to the LAs themselves and may lead to closely tailored solutions in some policy areas and poorer co-ordination and attention in others

    The organics revolution: new narratives and how we can achieve them

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    Organic remains from excavated sites include a wide range of materials, from distinct organisms (‘ecofacts’) to biomolecules. Biomolecules provide a variety of new research avenues, while ecofacts with longer histories of study are now being re-harnessed in unexpected ways. These resources are unlocking research potential, transcending what was previously imagined possible. However, this ‘organics revolution’ comes with a salutary corollary: our approaches to recovering and curating organics, and making accessible research data, are not developing as quickly as we need. In this paper, we review retention guidelines for institutions in Britain and Ireland, setting this against the backdrop of a ‘curation crisis’ that is affecting museums throughout Europe, and beyond. We suggest key themes, including the state of existing documentation and considerations of intrinsic and allied research potential, that should be used to open a discussion about the development of more comprehensive and standardised approaches to archiving in the future. Engaging in this conversation is the only way that we can hope to ensure the long-term retention and preservation of organics, while safeguarding associated research data. These changes are needed to ensure future global research collaborations across the academic, curatorial and professional archaeological sectors

    Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) and Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) Conceptual Design Report Volume 2: The Physics Program for DUNE at LBNF

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    The Physics Program for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) at the Fermilab Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) is described

    Global and local perceptual style, field-independence, and central coherence: An attempt at concept validation.

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    Historically, the concepts of field-independence, closure flexibility, and weak central coherence have been used to denote a locally, rather globally, dominated perceptual style. To date, there has been little attempt to clarify the relationship between these constructs, or to examine the convergent validity of the various tasks purported to measure them. To address this, we administered 14 tasks that have been used to study visual perceptual styles to a group of 90 neuro-typical adults. The data were subjected to exploratory factor analysis. We found evidence for the existence of a narrowly defined weak central coherence (field-independence) factor that received loadings from only a few of the tasks used to operationalise this concept. This factor can most aptly be described as representing the ability to dis-embed a simple stimulus from a more complex array. The results suggest that future studies of perceptual styles should include tasks whose theoretical validity is empirically verified, as such validity cannot be established merely on the basis of a priori task analysis. Moreover, the use of multiple indices is required to capture the latent dimensions of perceptual styles reliably

    Recent advances on the development of phantoms using 3D printing for imaging with CT, MRI, PET, SPECT, and ultrasound

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    Purpose: Printing technology, capable of producing three‐dimensional (3D) objects, has evolved in recent years and provides potential for developing reproducible and sophisticated physical phantoms. 3D printing technology can help rapidly develop relatively low cost phantoms with appropriate complexities, which are useful in imaging or dosimetry measurements. The need for more realistic phantoms is emerging since imaging systems are now capable of acquiring multimodal and multiparametric data. This review addresses three main questions about the 3D printers currently in use, and their produced materials. The first question investigates whether the resolution of 3D printers is sufficient for existing imaging technologies. The second question explores if the materials of 3D‐printed phantoms can produce realistic images representing various tissues and organs as taken by different imaging modalities such as computer tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), single‐photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound (US), and mammography. The emergence of multimodal imaging increases the need for phantoms that can be scanned using different imaging modalities. The third question probes the feasibility and easiness of “printing” radioactive or nonradioactive solutions during the printing process. Methods: A systematic review of medical imaging studies published after January 2013 is performed using strict inclusion criteria. The databases used were Scopus and Web of Knowledge with specific search terms. In total, 139 papers were identified; however, only 50 were classified as relevant for this paper. In this review, following an appropriate introduction and literature research strategy, all 50 articles are presented in detail. A summary of tables and example figures of the most recent advances in 3D printing for the purposes of phantoms across different imaging modalities are provided. Results: All 50 studies printed and scanned phantoms in either CT, PET, SPECT, mammography, MRI, and US—or a combination of those modalities. According to the literature, different parameters were evaluated depending on the imaging modality used. Almost all papers evaluated more than two parameters, with the most common being Hounsfield units, density, attenuation and speed of sound. Conclusions: The development of this field is rapidly evolving and becoming more refined. There is potential to reach the ultimate goal of using 3D phantoms to get feedback on imaging scanners and reconstruction algorithms more regularly. Although the development of imaging phantoms is evident, there are still some limitations to address: One of which is printing accuracy, due to the printer properties. Another limitation is the materials available to print: There are not enough materials to mimic all the tissue properties. For example, one material can mimic one property—such as the density of real tissue—but not any other property, like speed of sound or attenuation

    Vegetation Succession, Carbon Accumulation and Hydrological Change in Subarctic Peatlands, Abisko, Northern Sweden

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    High-resolution analyses of plant macrofossils, testate amoebae, pollen, mineral content, bulk density, and carbon and nitrogen were undertaken to examine the late Holocene dynamics of two permafrost peatlands in Abisko, Subarctic Sweden. The peat records were dated using tephrochronology, 14C and 210Pb. Local plant succession and hydrological changes in peatlands were synchronous with climatic shifts, although autogenous plant succession towards ombrotrophic status during peatland development was also apparent. The Marooned peatland experienced a shift ca. 2250 cal yr BP from rich to poor fen, as indicated by the appearance of Sphagnum fuscum. At Stordalen, a major shift to wetter conditions occurred between 500 and 250 cal yr BP, probably associated with climate change during the Little Ice Age. During the last few decades, the testate amoeba data suggest a deepening of the water table and an increase in shrub pollen, coinciding with recent climate warming and the associated expansion of shrub communities across the Arctic. Rates of carbon accumulation vary greatly between the sites, illustrating the importance of local vegetation communities, hydrology and permafrost dynamics. Multiproxy data elucidate the palaeoecology of S. lindbergii and show that it indicates wet conditions in peatlands

    On the mechanisms governing gas penetration into a tokamak plasma during a massive gas injection

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    A new 1D radial fluid code, IMAGINE, is used to simulate the penetration of gas into a tokamak plasma during a massive gas injection (MGI). The main result is that the gas is in general strongly braked as it reaches the plasma, due to mechanisms related to charge exchange and (to a smaller extent) recombination. As a result, only a fraction of the gas penetrates into the plasma. Also, a shock wave is created in the gas which propagates away from the plasma, braking and compressing the incoming gas. Simulation results are quantitatively consistent, at least in terms of orders of magnitude, with experimental data for a D 2 MGI into a JET Ohmic plasma. Simulations of MGI into the background plasma surrounding a runaway electron beam show that if the background electron density is too high, the gas may not penetrate, suggesting a possible explanation for the recent results of Reux et al in JET (2015 Nucl. Fusion 55 093013)

    Modelling of the effect of ELMs on fuel retention at the bulk W divertor of JET

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    Effect of ELMs on fuel retention at the bulk W target of JET ITER-Like Wall was studied with multi-scale calculations. Plasma input parameters were taken from ELMy H-mode plasma experiment. The energetic intra-ELM fuel particles get implanted and create near-surface defects up to depths of few tens of nm, which act as the main fuel trapping sites during ELMs. Clustering of implantation-induced vacancies were found to take place. The incoming flux of inter-ELM plasma particles increases the different filling levels of trapped fuel in defects. The temperature increase of the W target during the pulse increases the fuel detrapping rate. The inter-ELM fuel particle flux refills the partially emptied trapping sites and fills new sites. This leads to a competing effect on the retention and release rates of the implanted particles. At high temperatures the main retention appeared in larger vacancy clusters due to increased clustering rate

    Long-baseline neutrino oscillation physics potential of the DUNE experiment

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    The sensitivity of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) to neutrino oscillation is determined, based on a full simulation, reconstruction, and event selection of the far detector and a full simulation and parameterized analysis of the near detector. Detailed uncertainties due to the flux prediction, neutrino interaction model, and detector effects are included. DUNE will resolve the neutrino mass ordering to a precision of 5σ, for all ΑCP values, after 2 years of running with the nominal detector design and beam configuration. It has the potential to observe charge-parity violation in the neutrino sector to a precision of 3σ (5σ) after an exposure of 5 (10) years, for 50% of all ΑCP values. It will also make precise measurements of other parameters governing long-baseline neutrino oscillation, and after an exposure of 15 years will achieve a similar sensitivity to sin22Ξ13 to current reactor experiments

    Volume III. DUNE far detector technical coordination

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    open966siAcknowledgments This document was prepared by the DUNE collaboration using the resources of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), a U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, HEP User Facility. Fermilab is managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC (FRA), acting under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359. The DUNE collaboration also acknowledges the international, national, and regional funding agencies supporting the institutions who have contributed to completing this Technical Design Report.The preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early universe, the dynamics of the supernovae that produced the heavy elements necessary for life, and whether protons eventually decay-these mysteries at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics are key to understanding the early evolution of our universe, its current state, and its eventual fate. The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international world-class experiment dedicated to addressing these questions as it searches for leptonic charge-parity symmetry violation, stands ready to capture supernova neutrino bursts, and seeks to observe nucleon decay as a signature of a grand unified theory underlying the standard model. The DUNE far detector technical design report (TDR) describes the DUNE physics program and the technical designs of the single- A nd dual-phase DUNE liquid argon TPC far detector modules. Volume III of this TDR describes how the activities required to design, construct, fabricate, install, and commission the DUNE far detector modules are organized and managed. This volume details the organizational structures that will carry out and/or oversee the planned far detector activities safely, successfully, on time, and on budget. It presents overviews of the facilities, supporting infrastructure, and detectors for context, and it outlines the project-related functions and methodologies used by the DUNE technical coordination organization, focusing on the areas of integration engineering, technical reviews, quality assurance and control, and safety oversight. Because of its more advanced stage of development, functional examples presented in this volume focus primarily on the single-phase (SP) detector module.openAbi B.; Acciarri R.; Acero M.A.; Adamov G.; Adams D.; Adinolfi M.; Ahmad Z.; Ahmed J.; Alion T.; Monsalve S.A.; Alt C.; Anderson J.; Andreopoulos C.; Andrews M.; Andrianala F.; Andringa S.; Ankowski A.; Antonova M.; Antusch S.; Aranda-Fernandez A.; Ariga A.; Arnold L.O.; Arroyave M.A.; Asaadi J.; Aurisano A.; Aushev V.; Autiero D.; Azfar F.; Back H.; Back J.J.; Backhouse C.; Baesso P.; Bagby L.; Bajou R.; Balasubramanian S.; Baldi P.; Bambah B.; Barao F.; Barenboim G.; Barker G.; Barkhouse W.; Barnes C.; Barr G.; Monarca J.B.; Barros N.; Barrow J.L.; Bashyal A.; Basque V.; Bay F.; Alba J.B.; Beacom J.F.; Bechetoille E.; Behera B.; Bellantoni L.; Bellettini G.; Bellini V.; Beltramello O.; Belver D.; Benekos N.; Neves F.B.; Berger J.; Berkman S.; Bernardini P.; Berner R.M.; Berns H.; Bertolucci S.; Betancourt M.; Bezawada Y.; Bhattacharjee M.; Bhuyan B.; Biagi S.; Bian J.; Biassoni M.; Biery K.; Bilki B.; Bishai M.; Bitadze A.; Blake A.; Siffert B.B.; Blaszczyk F.; Blazey G.; Blucher E.; Boissevain J.; Bolognesi S.; Bolton T.; Bonesini M.; Bongrand M.; Bonini F.; Booth A.; Booth C.; Bordoni S.; Borkum A.; Boschi T.; Bostan N.; Bour P.; Boyd S.; Boyden D.; Bracinik J.; Braga D.; Brailsford D.; Brandt A.; Bremer J.; Brew C.; Brianne E.; Brice S.J.; Brizzolari C.; Bromberg C.; Brooijmans G.; Brooke J.; Bross A.; Brunetti G.; Buchanan N.; Budd H.; Caiulo D.; Calafiura P.; Calcutt J.; Calin M.; Calvez S.; Calvo E.; Camilleri L.; Caminata A.; Campanelli M.; Caratelli D.; Carini G.; Carlus B.; Carniti P.; Terrazas I.C.; Carranza H.; Castillo A.; Castromonte C.; Cattadori C.; Cavalier F.; Cavanna F.; Centro S.; Cerati G.; Cervelli A.; Villanueva A.C.; Chalifour M.; Chang C.; Chardonnet E.; Chatterjee A.; Chattopadhyay S.; Chaves J.; Chen H.; Chen M.; Chen Y.; Cherdack D.; Chi C.; Childress S.; Chiriacescu A.; Cho K.; Choubey S.; Christensen A.; Christian D.; Christodoulou G.; Church E.; Clarke P.; Coan T.E.; Cocco A.G.; Coelho J.; Conley E.; Conrad J.; Convery M.; Corwin L.; Cotte P.; Cremaldi L.; Cremonesi L.; Crespo-Anadon J.I.; Cristaldo E.; Cross R.; Cuesta C.; Cui Y.; Cussans D.; Dabrowski M.; Motta H.D.; Peres L.D.S.; David Q.; Davies G.S.; Davini S.; Dawson J.; De K.; Almeida R.M.D.; Debbins P.; Bonis I.D.; Decowski M.; Gouvea A.D.; Holanda P.C.D.; Astiz I.L.D.I.; Deisting A.; Jong P.D.; Delbart A.; Delepine D.; Delgado M.; Dell'acqua A.; Lurgio P.D.; Neto J.R.D.M.; Demuth D.M.; Dennis S.; Densham C.; Deptuch G.; Roeck A.D.; Romeri V.D.; Vries J.D.; Dharmapalan R.; Dias M.; Diaz F.; Diaz J.; Domizio S.D.; Giulio L.D.; Ding P.; Noto L.D.; Distefano C.; Diurba R.; Diwan M.; Djurcic Z.; Dokania N.; Dolinski M.; Domine L.; Douglas D.; Drielsma F.; Duchesneau D.; Duffy K.; Dunne P.; Durkin T.; Duyang H.; Dvornikov O.; Dwyer D.; Dyshkant A.; Eads M.; Edmunds D.; Eisch J.; Emery S.; Ereditato A.; Escobar C.; Sanchez L.E.; Evans J.J.; Ewart E.; Ezeribe A.C.; Fahey K.; Falcone A.; Farnese C.; Farzan Y.; Felix J.; Fernandez-Martinez E.; Menendez P.F.; Ferraro F.; Fields L.; Filkins A.; Filthaut F.; Fitzpatrick R.S.; Flanagan W.; Fleming B.; Flight R.; Fowler J.; Fox W.; Franc J.; Francis K.; Franco D.; Freeman J.; Freestone J.; Fried J.; Friedland A.; Fuess S.; Furic I.; Furmanski A.P.; Gago A.; Gallagher H.; Gallego-Ros A.; Gallice N.; Galymov V.; Gamberini E.; Gamble T.; Gandhi R.; Gandrajula R.; Gao S.; Garcia-Gamez D.; Garcia-Peris M.A.; Gardiner S.; Gastler D.; Ge G.; Gelli B.; Gendotti A.; Gent S.; Ghorbani-Moghaddam Z.; Gibin D.; Gil-Botella I.; Girerd C.; Giri A.; Gnani D.; Gogota O.; Gold M.; Gollapinni S.; Gollwitzer K.; Gomes R.A.; Bermeo L.G.; Fajardo L.S.G.; Gonnella F.; Gonzalez-Cuevas J.; Goodman M.C.; Goodwin O.; Goswami S.; Gotti C.; Goudzovski E.; Grace C.; Graham M.; Gramellini E.; Gran R.; Granados E.; Grant A.; Grant C.; Gratieri D.; Green P.; Green S.; Greenler L.; Greenwood M.; Greer J.; Griffith C.; Groh M.; Grudzinski J.; Grzelak K.; Gu W.; Guarino V.; Guenette R.; Guglielmi A.; Guo B.; Guthikonda K.; Gutierrez R.; Guzowski P.; Guzzo M.M.; Gwon S.; Habig A.; Hackenburg A.; Hadavand H.; Haenni R.; Hahn A.; Haigh J.; Haiston J.; Hamernik T.; Hamilton P.; Han J.; Harder K.; Harris D.A.; Hartnell J.; Hasegawa T.; Hatcher R.; Hazen E.; Heavey A.; Heeger K.M.; Hennessy K.; Henry S.; Morquecho M.H.; Herner K.; Hertel L.; Hesam A.S.; Hewes J.; Pichardo A.H.; Hill T.; Hillier S.J.; Himmel A.; Hoff J.; Hohl C.; Holin A.; Hoppe E.; Horton-Smith G.A.; Hostert M.; Hourlier A.; Howard B.; Howell R.; Huang J.; Huang J.; Hugon J.; Iles G.; Iliescu A.M.; Illingworth R.; Ioannisian A.; Itay R.; Izmaylov A.; James E.; Jargowsky B.; Jediny F.; Jesus-Valls C.; Ji X.; Jiang L.; Jimenez S.; Jipa A.; Joglekar A.; Johnson C.; Johnson R.; Jones B.; Jones S.; Jung C.; Junk T.; Jwa Y.; Kabirnezhad M.; Kaboth A.; Kadenko I.; Kamiya F.; Karagiorgi G.; Karcher A.; Karolak M.; Karyotakis Y.; Kasai S.; Kasetti S.P.; Kashur L.; Kazaryan N.; Kearns E.; Keener P.; Kelly K.J.; Kemp E.; Ketchum W.; Kettell S.; Khabibullin M.; Khotjantsev A.; Khvedelidze A.; Kim D.; King B.; Kirby B.; Kirby M.; Klein J.; Koehler K.; Koerner L.W.; Kohn S.; Koller P.P.; Kordosky M.; Kosc T.; Kose U.; Kostelecky V.; Kothekar K.; Krennrich F.; Kreslo I.; Kudenko Y.; Kudryavtsev V.; Kulagin S.; Kumar J.; Kumar R.; Kuruppu C.; Kus V.; Kutter T.; Lambert A.; Lande K.; Lane C.E.; Lang K.; Langford T.; Lasorak P.; Last D.; Lastoria C.; Laundrie A.; Lawrence A.; Lazanu I.; Lazur R.; Le T.; Learned J.; Lebrun P.; Miotto G.L.; Lehnert R.; De Oliveira M.L.; Leitner M.; Leyton M.; Li L.; Li S.; Li S.; Li T.; Li Y.; Liao H.; Lin C.; Lin S.; Lister A.; Littlejohn B.R.; Liu J.; Lockwitz S.; Loew T.; Lokajicek M.; Lomidze I.; Long K.; Loo K.; Lorca D.; Lord T.; Losecco J.; Louis W.C.; Luk K.; Luo X.; Lurkin N.; Lux T.; Luzio V.P.; MacFarland D.; MacHado A.; MacHado P.; MacIas C.; MacIer J.; Maddalena A.; Madigan P.; Magill S.; Mahn K.; Maio A.; Maloney J.A.; Mandrioli G.; Maneira J.C.; Manenti L.; Manly S.; Mann A.; Manolopoulos K.; Plata M.M.; Marchionni A.; Marciano W.; Marfatia D.; Mariani C.; Maricic J.; Marinho F.; Marino A.D.; Marshak M.; Marshall C.; Marshall J.; Marteau J.; Martin-Albo J.; Martinez N.; Caicedo D.A.M.; Martynenko S.; Mason K.; Mastbaum A.; Masud M.; Matsuno S.; Matthews J.; Mauger C.; Mauri N.; Mavrokoridis K.; Mazza R.; Mazzacane A.; Mazzucato E.; McCluskey E.; McConkey N.; McFarland K.S.; McGrew C.; McNab A.; Mefodiev A.; Mehta P.; Melas P.; Mellinato M.; Mena O.; Menary S.; Mendez H.; Menegolli A.; Meng G.; Messier M.; Metcalf W.; Mewes M.; Meyer H.; Miao T.; Michna G.; Miedema T.; Migenda J.; Milincic R.; Miller W.; Mills J.; Milne C.; Mineev O.; Miranda O.G.; Miryala S.; Mishra C.; Mishra S.; Mislivec A.; Mladenov D.; Mocioiu I.; Moffat K.; Moggi N.; Mohanta R.; Mohayai T.A.; Mokhov N.; Molina J.A.; Bueno L.M.; Montanari A.; Montanari C.; Montanari D.; Zetina L.M.M.; Moon J.; Mooney M.; Moor A.; Moreno D.; Morgan B.; Morris C.; Mossey C.; Motuk E.; Moura C.A.; Mousseau J.; Mu W.; Mualem L.; Mueller J.; Muether M.; Mufson S.; Muheim F.; Muir A.; Mulhearn M.; Muramatsu H.; Murphy S.; Musser J.; Nachtman J.; Nagu S.; Nalbandyan M.; Nandakumar R.; Naples D.; Narita S.; Navas-Nicolas D.; Nayak N.; Nebot-Guinot M.; Necib L.; Negishi K.; Nelson J.K.; Nesbit J.; Nessi M.; Newbold D.; Newcomer M.; Newhart D.; Nichol R.; Niner E.; Nishimura K.; Norman A.; Northrop R.; Novella P.; Nowak J.A.; Oberling M.; Campo A.O.D.; Olivier A.; Onel Y.; Onishchuk Y.; Ott J.; Pagani L.; Pakvasa S.; Palamara O.; Palestini S.; Paley J.M.; Pallavicini M.; Palomares C.; Pantic E.; Paolone V.; Papadimitriou V.; Papaleo R.; Papanestis A.; Paramesvaran S.; Parke S.; Parsa Z.; Parvu M.; Pascoli S.; Pasqualini L.; Pasternak J.; Pater J.; Patrick C.; Patrizii L.; Patterson R.B.; Patton S.; Patzak T.; Paudel A.; Paulos B.; Paulucci L.; Pavlovic Z.; Pawloski G.; Payne D.; Pec V.; Peeters S.J.; Penichot Y.; Pennacchio E.; Penzo A.; Peres O.L.; Perry J.; Pershey D.; Pessina G.; Petrillo G.; Petta C.; Petti R.; Piastra F.; Pickering L.; Pietropaolo F.; Pillow J.; Plunkett R.; Poling R.; Pons X.; Poonthottathil N.; Pordes S.; Potekhin M.; Potenza R.; Potukuchi B.V.; Pozimski J.; Pozzato M.; Prakash S.; Prakash T.; Prince S.; Prior G.; Pugnere D.; Qi K.; Qian X.; Raaf J.; Raboanary R.; Radeka V.; Rademacker J.; Radics B.; Rafique A.; Raguzin E.; Rai M.; Rajaoalisoa M.; Rakhno I.; Rakotondramanana H.; Rakotondravohitra L.; Ramachers Y.; Rameika R.; Delgado M.R.; Ramson B.; Rappoldi A.; Raselli G.; Ratoff P.; Ravat S.; Razafinime H.; Real J.; Rebel B.; Redondo D.; Reggiani-Guzzo M.; Rehak T.; Reichenbacher J.; Reitzner S.D.; Renshaw A.; Rescia S.; Resnati F.; Reynolds A.; Riccobene G.; Rice L.C.; Rielage K.; Rigaut Y.; Rivera D.; Rochester L.; Roda M.; Rodrigues P.; Alonso M.R.; Rondon J.R.; Roeth A.; Rogers H.; Rosauro-Alcaraz S.; Rossella M.; Rout J.; Roy S.; Rubbia A.; Rubbia C.; Russell B.; Russell J.; Ruterbories D.; Saakyan R.; Sacerdoti S.; Safford T.; Sahu N.; Sala P.; Samios N.; Sanchez M.; Sanders D.A.; Sankey D.; Santana S.; Santos-Maldonado M.; Saoulidou N.; Sapienza P.; Sarasty C.; Sarcevic I.; Savage G.; Savinov V.; Scaramelli A.; Scarff A.; Scarpelli A.; Schaffer T.; Schellman H.; Schlabach P.; Schmitz D.; Scholberg K.; Schukraft A.; Segreto E.; Sensenig J.; Seong I.; Sergi A.; Sergiampietri F.; Sgalaberna D.; Shaevitz M.; Shafaq S.; Shamma M.; Sharma H.R.; Sharma R.; Shaw T.; Shepherd-Themistocleous C.; Shin S.; Shooltz D.; Shrock R.; Simard L.; Simos N.; Sinclair J.; Sinev G.; Singh J.; Singh V.; Sipos R.; Sippach F.; Sirri G.; Sitraka A.; Siyeon K.; Smargianaki D.; Smith A.; Smith A.; Smith E.; Smith P.; Smolik J.; Smy M.; Snopok P.; Nunes M.S.; Sobel H.; Soderberg M.; Salinas C.J.S.; Soldner-Rembold S.; Solomey N.; Solovov V.; Sondheim W.E.; Sorel M.; Soto-Oton J.; Sousa A.; Soustruznik K.; Spagliardi F.; Spanu M.; Spitz J.; Spooner N.J.; Spurgeon K.; Staley R.; Stancari M.; Stanco L.; Steiner H.; Stewart J.; Stillwell B.; Stock J.; Stocker F.; Stokes T.; Strait M.; Strauss T.; Striganov S.; Stuart A.; Summers D.; Surdo A.; Susic V.; Suter L.; Sutera C.; Svoboda R.; Szczerbinska B.; Szelc A.; Talaga R.; Tanaka H.; Oregui B.T.; Tapper A.; Tariq S.; Tatar E.; Tayloe R.; Teklu A.; Tenti M.; Terao K.; Ternes C.A.; Terranova F.; Testera G.; Thea A.; Thompson J.L.; Thorn C.; Timm S.; Tonazzo A.; Torti M.; Tortola M.; Tortorici F.; Totani D.; Toups M.; Touramanis C.; Trevor J.; Trzaska W.H.; Tsai Y.T.; Tsamalaidze Z.; Tsang K.; Tsverava N.; Tufanli S.; Tull C.; Tyley E.; Tzanov M.; Uchida M.A.; Urheim J.; Usher T.; Vagins M.; Vahle P.; Valdiviesso G.; Valencia E.; Vallari Z.; Valle J.W.; Vallecorsa S.; Berg R.V.; De Water R.G.V.; Forero D.V.; Varanini F.; Vargas D.; Varner G.; Vasel J.; Vasseur G.; Vaziri K.; Ventura S.; Verdugo A.; Vergani S.; Vermeulen M.A.; Verzocchi M.; De Souza H.V.; Vignoli C.; Vilela C.; Viren B.; Vrba T.; Wachala T.; Waldron A.V.; Wallbank M.; Wang H.; Wang J.; Wang Y.; Wang Y.; Warburton K.; Warner D.; Wascko M.; Waters D.; Watson A.; Weatherly P.; Weber A.; Weber M.; Wei H.; Weinstein A.; Wenman D.; Wetstein M.; While M.R.; White A.; Whitehead L.H.; Whittington D.; Wilking M.J.; Wilkinson C.; Williams Z.; Wilson F.; Wilson R.J.; Wolcott J.; Wongjirad T.; Wood K.; Wood L.; Worcester E.; Worcester M.; Wret C.; Wu W.; Wu W.; Xiao Y.; Yang G.; Yang T.; Yershov N.; Yonehara K.; Young T.; Yu B.; Yu J.; Zalesak J.; Zambelli L.; Zamorano B.; Zani A.; Zazueta L.; Zeller G.; Zennamo J.; Zeug K.; Zhang C.; Zhao M.; Zhivun E.; Zhu G.; Zimmerman E.D.; Zito M.; Zucchelli S.; Zuklin J.; Zutshi V.; Zwaska R.Abi B.; Acciarri R.; Acero M.A.; Adamov G.; Adams D.; Adinolfi M.; Ahmad Z.; Ahmed J.; Alion T.; Monsalve S.A.; Alt C.; Anderson J.; Andreopoulos C.; Andrews M.; Andrianala F.; Andringa S.; Ankowski A.; Antonova M.; Antusch S.; Aranda-Fernandez A.; Ariga A.; Arnold L.O.; Arroyave M.A.; Asaadi J.; Aurisano A.; Aushev V.; Autiero D.; Azfar F.; Back H.; Back J.J.; Backhouse C.; Baesso P.; Bagby L.; Bajou R.; Balasubramanian S.; Baldi P.; Bambah B.; Barao F.; Barenboim G.; Barker G.; Barkhouse W.; Barnes C.; Barr G.; Monarca J.B.; Barros N.; Barrow J.L.; Bashyal A.; Basque V.; Bay F.; Alba J.B.; Beacom J.F.; Bechetoille E.; Behera B.; Bellantoni L.; Bellettini G.; Bellini V.; Beltramello O.; Belver D.; Benekos N.; Neves F.B.; Berger J.; Berkman S.; Bernardini P.; Berner R.M.; Berns H.; Bertolucci S.; Betancourt M.; Bezawada Y.; Bhattacharjee M.; Bhuyan B.; Biagi S.; Bian J.; Biassoni M.; Biery K.; Bilki B.; Bishai M.; Bitadze A.; Blake A.; Siffert B.B.; Blaszczyk F.; Blazey G.; Blucher E.; Boissevain J.; Bolognesi S.; Bolton T.; Bonesini M.; Bongrand M.; Bonini F.; Booth A.; Booth C.; Bordoni S.; Borkum A.; Boschi T.; Bostan N.; Bour P.; Boyd S.; Boyden D.; Bracinik J.; Braga D.; Brailsford D.; Brandt A.; Bremer J.; Brew C.; Brianne E.; Brice S.J.; Brizzolari C.; Bromberg C.; Brooijmans G.; Brooke J.; Bross A.; Brunetti G.; Buchanan N.; Budd H.; Caiulo D.; Calafiura P.; Calcutt J.; Calin M.; Calvez S.; Calvo E.; Camilleri L.; Caminata A.; Campanelli M.; Caratelli D.; Carini G.; Carlus B.; Carniti P.; Terrazas I.C.; Carranza H.; Castillo A.; Castromonte C.; Cattadori C.; Cavalier F.; Cavanna F.; Centro S.; Cerati G.; Cervelli A.; Villanueva A.C.; Chalifour M.; Chang C.; Chardonnet E.; Chatterjee A.; Chattopadhyay S.; Chaves J.; Chen H.; Chen M.; Chen Y.; Cherdack D.; Chi C.; Childress S.; Chiriacescu A.; Cho K.; Choubey S.; Christensen A.; Christian D.; Christodoulou G.; Church E.; Clarke P.; Coan T.E.; Cocco A.G.; Coelho J.; Conley E.; Conrad J.; Convery M.; Corwin L.; Cotte P.; Cremaldi L.; Cremonesi L.; Crespo-Anadon J.I.; Cristaldo E.; Cross R.; Cuesta C.; Cui Y.; Cussans D.; Dabrowski M.; Motta H.D.; Peres L.D.S.; David Q.; Davies G.S.; Davini S.; Dawson J.; De K.; Almeida R.M.D.; Debbins P.; Bonis I.D.; Decowski M.; Gouvea A.D.; Holanda P.C.D.; Astiz I.L.D.I.; Deisting A.; Jong P.D.; Delbart A.; Delepine D.; Delgado M.; Dell'acqua A.; Lurgio P.D.; Neto J.R.D.M.; Demuth D.M.; Dennis S.; Densham C.; Deptuch G.; Roeck A.D.; Romeri V.D.; Vries J.D.; Dharmapalan R.; Dias M.; Diaz F.; Diaz J.; Domizio S.D.; Giulio L.D.; Ding P.; Noto L.D.; Distefano C.; Diurba R.; Diwan M.; Djurcic Z.; Dokania N.; Dolinski M.; Domine L.; Douglas D.; Drielsma F.; Duchesneau D.; Duffy K.; Dunne P.; Durkin T.; Duyang H.; Dvornikov O.; Dwyer D.; Dyshkant A.; Eads M.; Edmunds D.; Eisch J.; Emery S.; Ereditato A.; Escobar C.; Sanchez L.E.; Evans J.J.; Ewart E.; Ezeribe A.C.; Fahey K.; Falcone A.; Farnese C.; Farzan Y.; Felix J.; Fernandez-Martinez E.; Menendez P.F.; Ferraro F.; Fields L.; Filkins A.; Filthaut F.; Fitzpatrick R.S.; Flanagan W.; Fleming B.; Flight R.; Fowler J.; Fox W.; Franc J.; Francis K.; Franco D.; Freeman J.; Freestone J.; Fried J.; Friedland A.; Fuess S.; Furic I.; Furmanski A.P.; Gago A.; Gallagher H.; Gallego-Ros A.; Gallice N.; Galymov V.; Gamberini E.; Gamble T.; Gandhi R.; Gandrajula R.; Gao S.; Garcia-Gamez D.; Garcia-Peris M.A.; Gardiner S.; Gastler D.; Ge G.; Gelli B.; Gendotti A.; Gent S.; Ghorbani-Moghaddam Z.; Gibin D.; Gil-Botella I.; Girerd C.; Giri A.; Gnani D.; Gogota O.; Gold M.; Gollapinni S.; Gollwitzer K.; Gomes R.A.; Bermeo L.G.; Fajardo L.S.G.; Gonnella F.; Gonzalez-Cuevas J.; Goodman M.C.; Goodwin O.; Goswami S.; Gotti C.; Goudzovski E.; Grace C.; Graham M.; Gramellini E.; Gran R.; Granados E.; Grant A.; Grant C.; Gratieri D.; Green P.; Green S.; Greenler L.; Greenwood M.; Greer J.; Griffith C.; Groh M.; Grudzinski J.; Grzelak K.; Gu W.; Guarino V.; Guenette R.; Guglielmi A.; Guo B.; Guthikonda K.; Gutierrez R.; Guzowski P.; Guzzo M.M.; Gwon S.; Habig A.; Hackenburg A.; Hadavand H.; Haenni R.; Hahn A.; Haigh J.; Haiston J.; Hamernik T.; Hamilton P.; Han J.; Harder K.; Harris D.A.; Hartnell J.; Hasegawa T.; Hatcher R.; Hazen E.; Heavey A.; Heeger K.M.; Hennessy K.; Henry S.; Morquecho M.H.; Herner K.; Hertel L.; Hesam A.S.; Hewes J.; Pichardo A.H.; Hill T.; Hillier S.J.; Himmel A.; Hoff J.; Hohl C.; Holin A.; Hoppe E.; Horton-Smith G.A.; Hostert M.; Hourlier A.; Howard B.; Howell R.; Huang J.; Huang J.; Hugon J.; Iles G.; Iliescu A.M.; Illingworth R.; Ioannisian A.; Itay R.; Izmaylov A.; James E.; Jargowsky B.; Jediny F.; Jesus-Valls C.; Ji X.; Jiang L.; Jimenez S.; Jipa A.; Joglekar A.; Johnson C.; Johnson R.; Jones B.; Jones S.; Jung C.; Junk T.; Jwa Y.; Kabirnezhad M.; Kaboth A.; Kadenko I.; Kamiya F.; Karagiorgi G.; Karcher A.; Karolak M.; Karyotakis Y.; Kasai S.; Kasetti S.P.; Kashur L.; Kazaryan N.; Kearns E.; Keener P.; Kelly K.J.; Kemp E.; Ketchum W.; Kettell S.; Khabibullin M.; Khotjantsev A.; Khvedelidze A.; Kim D.; King B.; Kirby B.; Kirby M.; Klein J.; Koehler K.; Koerner L.W.; Kohn S.; Koller P.P.; Kordosky M.; Kosc T.; Kose U.; Kostelecky V.; Kothekar K.; Krennrich F.; Kreslo I.; Kudenko Y.; Kudryavtsev V.; Kulagin S.; Kumar J.; Kumar R.; Kuruppu C.; Kus V.; Kutter T.; Lambert A.; Lande K.; Lane C.E.; Lang K.; Langford T.; Lasorak P.; Last D.; Lastoria C.; Laundrie A.; Lawrence A.; Lazanu I.; Lazur R.; Le T.; Learned J.; Lebrun P.; Miotto G.L.; Lehnert R.; De Oliveira M.L.; Leitner M.; Leyton M.; Li L.; Li S.; Li S.; Li T.; Li Y.; Liao H.; Lin C.; Lin S.; Lister A.; Littlejohn B.R.; Liu J.; Lockwitz S.; Loew T.; Lokajicek M.; Lomidze I.; Long K.; Loo K.; Lorca D.; Lord T.; Losecco J.; Louis W.C.; Luk K.; Luo X.; Lurkin N.; Lux T.; Luzio V.P.; MacFarland D.; MacHado A.; MacHado P.; MacIas C.; MacIer J.; Maddalena A.; Madigan P.; Magill S.; Mahn K.; Maio A.; Maloney J.A.; Mandrioli G.; Maneira J.C.; Manenti L.; Manly S.; Mann A.; Manolopoulos K.; Plata M.M.; Marchionni A.; Marciano W.; Marfatia D.; Mariani C.; Maricic J.; Marinho F.; Marino A.D.; Marshak M.; Marshall C.; Marshall J.; Marteau J.; Martin-Albo J.; Martinez N.; Caicedo D.A.M.; Martynenko S.; Mason K.; Mastbaum A.; Masud M.; Matsuno S.; Matthews J.; Mauger C.; Mauri N.; Mavrokoridis K.; Mazza R.; Mazzacane A.; Mazzucato E.; McCluskey E.; McConkey N.; McFarland K.S.; McGrew C.; McNab A.; Mefodiev A.; Mehta P.; Melas P.; Mellinato M.; Mena O.; Menary S.; Mendez H.; Menegolli A.; Meng G.; Messier M.; Metcalf W.; Mewes M.; Meyer H.; Miao T.; Michna G.; Miedema T.; Migenda J.; Milincic R.; Miller W.; Mills J.; Milne C.; Mineev O.; Miranda O.G.; Miryala S.; Mishra C.; Mishra S.; Mislivec A.; Mladenov D.; Mocioiu I.; Moffat K.; Moggi N.; Mohanta R.; Mohayai T.A.; Mokhov N.; Molina J.A.; Bueno L.M.; Montanari A.; Montanari C.; Montanari D.; Zetina L.M.M.; Moon J.; Mooney M.; Moor A.; Moreno D.; Morgan B.; Morris C.; Mossey C.; Motuk E.; Moura C.A.; Mousseau J.; Mu W.; Mualem L.; Mueller J.; Muether M.; Mufson S.; Muheim F.; Muir A.; Mulhearn M.; Muramatsu H.; Murphy S.; Musser J.; Nachtman J.; Nagu S.; Nalbandyan M.; Nandakumar R.; Naples D.; Narita S.; Navas-Nicolas D.; Nayak N.; Nebot-Guinot M.; Necib L.; Negishi K.; Nelson J.K.; Nesbit J.; Nessi M.; Newbold D.; Newcomer M.; Newhart D.; Nichol R.; Niner E.; Nishimura K.; Norman A.; Northrop R.; Novella P.; Nowak J.A.; Oberling M.; Campo A.O.D.; Olivier A.; Onel Y.; Onishchuk Y.; Ott J.; Pagani L.; Pakvasa S.; Palamara O.; Palestini S.; Paley J.M.; Pallavicini M.; Palomares C.; Pantic E.; Paolone V.; Papadimitriou V.; Papaleo R.; Papanestis A.; Paramesvaran S.; Parke S.; Parsa Z.; Parvu M.; Pascoli S.; Pasqualini L.; Pasternak J.; Pater J.; Patrick C.; Patrizii L.; Patterson R.B.; Patton S.; Patzak T.; Paudel A.; Paulos B.; Paulucci L.; Pavlovic Z.; Pawloski G.; Payne D.; Pec V.; Peeters S.J.; Penichot Y.; Pennacchio E.; Penzo A.; Peres O.L.; Perry J.; Pershey D.; Pessina G.; Petrillo G.; Petta C.; Petti R.; Piastra F.; Pickering
