1,566 research outputs found

    Semiótica de las pasiones: música y erotismo en Areúsa en los conciertos, de Muñiz-Huberman

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    En el presente artículo se establecerá cómo surge la identidad de la novela Areúsa en los conciertos, de Angelina Muñiz Huberman, por lo menos en los concerniente a las conexiones que existen entre el discurso la música y el erotismo, vías que fungen como columnas de la operatividad de la historia y el discurso.A partir de la segunda década del siglo pasado, la teoría literaria amplió sus líneas de investigación al incluir a la semiótica como ciencia que caracteriza la forma en que un sujeto figurativiza o representa el mundo y, así, se vuelve participante en diversos procesos de significación. La semiótica, grosso modo, aborda la manera en que se lleva a cabo la comunicación mientras estudia cómo se entreteje el sentido. Sin embargo, desde hace no más de treinta años, la semiótica de las pasiones se propuso centrarse en la comprensión del texto (cualquiera que sea su naturaleza), teniendo como detonante no sólo la racionalidad, sino la pasión en tanto estrategia textual. Con base en dicha teoría, en el presente artículo se establecerá cómo surge la identidad de la novela Areúsa en los conciertos, de Angelina Muñiz-Huberman, por lo menos en lo concerniente a las conexiones que existen entre el discurso, la música y el erotismo, vías que fungen como columnas de la operatividad de la historia y el discurso. En un primer momento, se presentarán los antecedentes de la integración de la pasión como categoría de análisis para la semiótica de las 62 Oderay Fabiola Espinosa Moneti Semiótica de las pasiones: música y erotismo en Areúsa... La Colmena 80 octubre-diciembre de 2013 pasiones, los cuales se rescatan de las propuestas de estudiosos del proceso del pensamiento, como Aristóteles y Descartes. Según Paolo Fabbri (2000), Aristóteles preconfigura la pasión en la Poética al referirse al ‘ánimo’ y no al ‘alma’ como principio vital; esto es, al sugerir que el ánimo, consecuencia de los acontecimientos que ocurren alrededor del individuo, influye en el movimiento de la vida, por ende, en su representación o figurativización. Como resultado, el semiotista pugna por una malversación del término ‘catarsis’, considerado tradicionalmente como “liberación de las pasiones”, cuando, para él, implica transformabilidad, es decir, cambios que producen sentido a partir de la transformación de las pasiones, no desde su omisión

    Mid-infrared imaging and spectroscopy of the enigmatic cocoon stars in the Quintuplet Cluster

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    In an attempt to determine the nature of the enigmatic cocoon stars in the Quintuplet Cluster, we have obtained mid-infrared imaging and spectrophotometry of the cluster, using the CAM and SWS instruments on ISO, using SpectroCam-10 on the Palomar 5m telescope, and NICMOS on HST. The spectra show smooth continua with various dust and ice absorption features. These features are all consistent with an interstellar origin, and there is no clear evidence for any circumstellar contribution to these features. We find no spectral line or feature that could elucidate the nature of these sources. Detailed modeling of the silicate absorption features shows that they are best reproduced by the mu Cep profile, which is typical of the interstellar medium, with tau(sil) \sim 2.9. The high spatial resolution mid-IR images show that three of the five cocoon stars have spatially extended and asymmetric envelopes, with diameters of \sim 20,000 AUs. A reddening law similar to that of Lutz (1999) but with silicate features based on the mu Cep profile and normalized to our value of tau(sil) is used to deredden the observed spectrophotometry. The dereddened energy distributions are characterised by temperatures of 750-925 K, somewhat cooler than determined from near IR data alone. Models of optically thin and geometrically thick dust shells, as used by Williams et al. (1987) for very dusty, late-type WC stars, reproduce the observed SEDs from 4 to 17 mic, and imply shell luminosities of log(L/L(sun)) \sim 4.5-4.9 for the brightest four components. An analysis of the various suggestions proposed to explain the nature of the cocoon stars reveals serious problems with all the hypotheses, and the nature of these sources remains an enigma.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, A&A style. Accepted by A&

    The Double-Lined Spectrum of LBV 1806-20

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    Despite much theoretical and observational progress, there is no known firm upper limit to the masses of stars. Our understanding of the interplay between the immense radiation pressure produced by massive stars in formation and the opacity of infalling material is subject to theoretical uncertainties, and many observational claims of ``the most massive star'' have failed the singularity test. LBV 1806-20 is a particularly luminous object, L~10^6 Lsun, for which some have claimed very high mass estimates (M_initial>200 Msun), based, in part, on its similarity to the Pistol Star. We present high-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy of LBV 1806-20, showing that it is possibly a binary system with components separated in velocity by ~70 kms. If correct, then this system is not the most massive star known, yet it is a massive binary system. We argue that a binary, or merged, system is more consistent with the ages of nearby stars in the LBV 1806-20 cluster. In addition, we find that the velocity of V_LSR=36 kms is consistent with a distance of 11.8 kpc, a luminosity of 10^6.3 Lsun, and a system mass of ~130 Msun.Comment: ApJL, accepte

    Cold H2O and CO ice and gas toward the Galactic Center

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    We present observations of CO, 13CO and of H2O in the middle and far-infrared taken with the ISO-SWS and ISO-LWS spectrometers toward two positions in the Galactic Center region (Sgr A* and GCS-3). Both ice and gas phase molecules are detected. The ISO data have been complemented with observations of the J=3-2 and J=7-6 lines of CO carried out at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory. The ISO and CSO data indicate that the absorbing gas is extremely cold, T_K ~ 10 K, suggesting that it is located in the dark clouds of the different spiral arms that intersect the line of sight towards the Galactic Center. From the analysis of the CO absorption we derive 13CO gas phase column densities of 1.1 and 0.7E17 cm-2 towards Sgr A* and GCS-3, respectively. The H2O gas column density in the direction of Sgr A* is ~ 2E16 cm-2. The derived CO/H2O and gas/solid abundance ratios corresponding to these cold clouds are remarkably similar along the two lines of sight. We find that nearly all the CO is in the gas phase, while the H2O is almost entirely frozen onto the surfaces of cold dust grains. Finally, the N_{gas+ice}(CO)/N_{gas+ice}(H2O) abundance ratio is ~5 implying that H2O formation processes are highly efficient.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letter

    A Second Luminous Blue Variable in the Quintuplet Cluster

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    H and K band moderate resolution and 4 μ\mum high resolution spectra have been obtained for FMM#362, a bright star in the Quintuplet Cluster near the Galactic Center. The spectral features in these bands closely match those of the Pistol Star, a luminous blue variable and one of the most luminous stars known. The new spectra and previously-obtained photometry imply a very high luminosity for FMM#362, L 106\geq 10^6 \Lsun, and a temperature of 10,000 - 13,000 K. Based on its luminosity, temperature, photometric variability, and similarities to the Pistol Star, we conclude that FMM#362 is a luminous blue variable.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 4 PostScript figures, 2 table

    The Quintuplet Cluster I. A K-band spectral catalog of stellar sources

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    Three very massive clusters are known to reside in the Galactic Center region, the Arches cluster, the Quintuplet cluster and the Central parsec cluster. We obtained spectroscopic observations of the Quintuplet cluster with the Integral Field Spectrograph SINFONI-SPIFFI at the ESO-VLT. The spectral range comprises the near-IR K-band from 1.94 to 2.45 micrometer. The 3D data cubes of the individual fields were flux-calibrated and combined to one contiguous cube, from which the spectra of all detectable point sources were extracted. We present a catalog of 160 stellar sources in the inner part of the Quintuplet cluster.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, accepted by A&

    Euclid preparation: XVII. Cosmic Dawn Survey: Spitzer Space Telescope observations of the Euclid deep fields and calibration fields

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    Artículo escrito por un elevado núnmero de autores, sólo se referencian el qque aparece en primer lugar, los autores pertenecientes a la UAM y el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si lo hubiereWe present a new infrared survey covering the three Euclid deep fields and four other Euclid calibration fields using Spitzer Space Telescope's Infrared Array Camera (IRAC). We combined these new observations with all relevant IRAC archival data of these fields in order to produce the deepest possible mosaics of these regions. In total, these observations represent nearly 11 % of the total Spitzer Space Telescope mission time. The resulting mosaics cover a total of approximately 71.5 deg2 in the 3.6 and 4.5 μm bands, and approximately 21.8 deg2 in the 5.8 and 8 μm bands. They reach at least 24 AB magnitude (measured to 5σ, in a 2″​​.5 aperture) in the 3.6 μm band and up to ∼5 mag deeper in the deepest regions. The astrometry is tied to the Gaia astrometric reference system, and the typical astrometric uncertainty for sources with 16 "< "[3.6]< 19 is ≲ 0″​​.15. The photometric calibration is in excellent agreement with previous WISE measurements. We extracted source number counts from the 3.6 μm band mosaics, and they are in excellent agreement with previous measurements. Given that the Spitzer Space Telescope has now been decommissioned, these mosaics are likely to be the definitive reduction of these IRAC data. This survey therefore represents an essential first step in assembling multi-wavelength data on the Euclid deep fields, which are set to become some of the premier fields for extragalactic astronomy in the 2020