16 research outputs found

    Comparative study and assessment of the knowledge, attitude and practice of pharmacovigilance among first, second and third professional medical students of PMCH, Dhanbad

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    Background: Pharmacovigilance awareness among medical students is very important for preventing ADR underreporting. Present study was conducted to know extent of Pharmacovigilance awareness among students and impact of Pharmacovigilance teaching.Methods: Questionnaire based study about KAP towards ADR and Pharmacovigilance was carried out at Patliputra Medical College, Dhanbad. Of 150 questionnaires distributed to first, second and third professional students, 106 were returned.Results: Pharmacovigilance Awareness was 20% in 1st, 91% in 2nd and 94% in 3rd Professional students. Only 10% of 1st, 82% of 2nd and 88% of 3rd Professional students knew about Pharmacovigilance and its purpose. Regarding International and National ADR monitoring body, only 7% of 1st, 50% of 2nd and 63% of 3rd professional students knew. Only 13% of 1st, 45% of 2nd and 56% of 3rd Professional students knew about local AMC. 40% of 1st, 86% of 2nd and 88% of 3rd professional students wanted detailed curricular teaching of Pharmacovigilance. 17% of 1st professional students had seen ADR, none (0%) had seen /reported ADR form. Of 2nd and 3rd professional students, 45% and 75% had seen ADR but only 34% and 56% had seen ADR form and 19% and 38% had reported ADR/seen ADR reporting.Conclusions: 2nd and 3rd professional students had better knowledge and attitude towards pharmacovigilance. As 1st professional students underwent pharmacovigilance teaching, their KAP improved significantly. There existed huge gap between ADR experienced and ADR reporting by all medical students

    Citizens discourses and the logic of policy deliberation: a postpositivist evaluation of the Sardar Sarovar Project in India

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    This study is an empirical examination of the Logic of Policy Deliberation which is a multimethodological framework for policy evaluation advanced by Frank Fischer and is a widely acknowledged contribution to the postpositivist approach. Built around four interrelated discourses that constitute an evaluative deliberation, the Logic extends from concrete empirical questions to abstract normative issues concerning the way of life. According to Fischer, the Logic of Policy Deliberation is based upon ‘ordinary language philosophy’ of Toulmin and Taylor, which is based on a reconstruction of how people actually think when they evaluate an action or event. The framework is therefore not a prescription for how we ought to deliberate about issues, it is an empirical approach to how people actually do think about things. That is, to the degree that the Logic of Policy Deliberation is accurately formulated, the framework is more than simply Fischer’s conception of how we should talk about issues; rather it seeks to represent the way people in fact make arguments and is subject to empirical confirmation. This study seeks to verify the claim that the model represents the way ordinary citizens argue. Although the logic of policy deliberation has been applied to several policy cases, there has been no empirical test of how ordinary citizens relate to it; more specifically how citizens respond to the different phases of the Logic of Policy Deliberation in general as well as in specific cases.The Logic of Policy Deliberation is tested through a discursive analysis of the Sardar Sarovar dam conflict in India. The study tests the Logic in a two step process. First, the study undertakes a theoretical application of the Logic of Policy Deliberation to organize and analyze the arguments in the Narmada debate that are carried out in textual material produced by the anti dam movement, the government, academicians, media, etc. This is done to explore how well the range of arguments in the Narmada debate can be distributed across the different levels of the Logic. This theoretical application of the Logic shows that the range of arguments in the Narmada debate are widely and extensively distributed across the four levels of the Logic of Policy Deliberation. Having established that, the study undertakes an empirical examination of the Logic through citizens discourses about the Narmada conflict. Specifically, the study examines the extent to which citizens identify, relate and respond to the various levels of the Logic in ‘everyday type’ conversations regarding the Sardar Sarovar dam. This empirical examination finds that citizens may start out making arguments for or against the dam at a particular level of the Logic, typically the levels of either Situational Validation or Technical Verification but as the conversation proceeds and they are faced with counter arguments and scenarios, they will inevitably expand their arguments to the other levels of the Logic to defend their original position on the dam. Overall, the study confirms that to a greater or lesser extent, citizens are attuned to all the various phases of the Logic of Policy Deliberation.Ph.D.Includes bibliographical references (p. 197-208)by Mona Choudhar

    An unusual case of heart failure due to Plasmodium vivax infection with a favorable outcome

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    Although malaria is one of the oldest types of parasitic infection, we have recently witnessed substantial changes in the outcome of malarial infections. Severe Plasmodium vivax infections have recently become more frequent, and are occasionally associated with fatal outcomes. Cardiac arrhythmia and myocardial failure have also been reported, typically in association with Plasmodium falciparum infections. We report a case of myocarditis and heart failure, due to Plasmodium vivaxinfection, along with the favorable outcome

    Assessment of Genotype Against Major Insect Pests of Cluster Bean in Gird Region of Madhya Pradesh

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    In order to assess cluster bean genotypes against the major insect during the kharif 2022, Nine cluster bean genotypes were investigated in a randomised block design with three replications: T1 - RGr 20-7, T2 - GD-567, T3 - HG 2-20 (ch), T4 - CAZG 17-4-5, T5 - RGC 1066 (ch), T6 - GD-565, T7 - RGR 20-15, T8 - RGC 1033 (ch), and T9 - X-25. Aphid, whitefly, jassid, and thrips minimum infestation were found in genotype GD-565, which was succeeded by CAZG 17-4-5. Whereas, Aphid, whitefly, jassid, and thrips populations reached their maximum in genotype RGC 1066 (ch). The GD-565 genotype was shown to be the best appropriate for growing in Madhya Pradesh's Gird area

    Ecological weed management and square planting influenced the weed management, and crop productivity in direct-seeded rice

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    Abstract Herbicide use may pose a risk of environmental pollution or evolution of resistant weeds. As a result, an experiment was carried out to assess the influence of different non-chemical weed management tactics (one hoeing (HH) at 12 DAS followed by (fb) one hand weeding at 30 DAS, one HH at 12 DAS fb Sesbania co-culture and its mulching, one HH at 12 DAS fb rice straw mulching @ 4t ha−1, one HH at 12 DAS fb rice straw mulching @ 6 t ha−1) on weed control, crop growth and yield, and economic returns in direct-seeded rice (DSR). Experiment was conducted during kharif season in a split-plot design and replicated thrice. Zero-till seed drill-sown crop (PN) had the lowest weed density at 25 days after sowing (DAS), while square planting geometry (PS) had the lowest weed density at 60 DAS. PS also resulted in a lower weed management index (WMI), agronomic management index (AMI), and integrated weed management index (IWMI), as well as higher growth attributes, grain yield (4.19 t ha–1), and net return (620.98 USha1).ThecultivarArize6444significantlyreducedweeddensityandrecordedhighergrowthattributes,yield,andeconomicreturn.Inthecaseofweedmanagementtreatments,oneHHat12DASfbSesbaniacocultureanditsmulchinghadthelowestweeddensity,Shannonweinnerindexandevenessat25DAS.However,onehoeingat12DASfbonehandweedingat30DAS(HH+WH)achievedthehighestgrainyield(4.85 t ha1)andnetreturns(851.03US ha–1). The cultivar Arize 6444 significantly reduced weed density and recorded higher growth attributes, yield, and economic return. In the case of weed management treatments, one HH at 12 DAS fb Sesbania co-culture and its mulching had the lowest weed density, Shannon-weinner index and eveness at 25 DAS. However, one hoeing at 12 DAS fb one hand weeding at 30 DAS (HH + WH) achieved the highest grain yield (4.85 t ha–1) and net returns (851.03 US ha–1) as well as the lowest weed density at 60 DAS. PS × HH + WH treatment combination had the lowest weed persistent index (WPI), WMI, AMI, and IWMI, and the highest growth attributes, production efficiency, and economic return

    Improvements in effluent treatment technologies in Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs): Review and recent advances

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