46 research outputs found

    Large Scale Full-Length cDNA Sequencing Reveals a Unique Genomic Landscape in a Lepidopteran Model Insect, \u3cem\u3eBombyx mori\u3c/em\u3e

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    The establishment of a complete genomic sequence of silkworm, the model species of Lepidoptera, laid a foundation for its functional genomics. A more complete annotation of the genome will benefit functional and comparative studies and accelerate extensive industrial applications for this insect. To realize these goals, we embarked upon a large-scale full-length cDNA collection from 21 full-length cDNA libraries derived from 14 tissues of the domesticated silkworm and performed full sequencing by primer walking for 11,104 full-length cDNAs. The large average intron size was 1904 bp, resulting from a high accumulation of transposons. Using gene models predicted by GLEAN and published mRNAs, we identified 16,823 gene loci on the silkworm genome assembly. Orthology analysis of 153 species, including 11 insects, revealed that among three Lepidoptera including Monarch and Heliconius butterflies, the 403 largest silkworm-specific genes were composed mainly of protective immunity, hormone-related, and characteristic structural proteins. Analysis of testis-/ovary-specific genes revealed distinctive features of sexual dimorphism, including depletion of ovary-specific genes on the Z chromosome in contrast to an enrichment of testis-specific genes. More than 40% of genes expressed in specific tissues mapped in tissue-specific chromosomal clusters. The newly obtained FL-cDNA sequences enabled us to annotate the genome of this lepidopteran model insect more accurately, enhancing genomic and functional studies of Lepidoptera and comparative analyses with other insect orders, and yielding new insights into the evolution and organization of lepidopteran-specific genes

    Retinopathy of prematurity care in peripheral districts in Odisha, India: Pilot for a sustainable model.

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    The outcome of a retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) program initiated in five districts of Odisha over 3 years with partnerships between the government and non-government organizations was prospectively analyzed. The mentoring partners trained the district ophthalmologists and neonatal care providers; the program was handed over when the trainees were considered competent enough to diagnose and treat babies with ROP. During the project period (July 2016-June 2019), 3058 babies were examined; ROP was detected in 33.81% (n = 1034) and 5.06% (n = 159) babies required treatment. At the end of the project, ROP screening was possible in all five districts, and treatment was possible in three districts. ROP care nodal centers were built in one government medical college. To strengthen the initial gain, we recommend creating an Odisha Retinopathy of Prematurity (OD-ROP) steering committee with private-public partnerships to support the program and monitor its progress in other districts of Odisha

    Multifunctional luminescent down-shifting fluoropolymer coatings: A straightforward strategy to improve the UV-light harvesting ability and long-term outdoor stability of organic dye-sensitized solar cells

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    A new multifunctional coating for photovoltaic cells incorporating light-management, UV-protection, and easy-cleaning capabilities is presented. Such coating consists of a new photocurable fluorinated polymer embedding a luminescent europium complex that acts as luminescent down-shifting (LDS) material converting UV photons into visible light. The combination of this system with ruthenium-free organic dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) gives a 70% relative increase in power conversion efficiency as compared with control uncoated devices, which is the highest efficiency enhancement reported to date on organic DSSC systems by means of a polymeric LDS layer. Long-term (>2000 h) weathering tests in real outdoor conditions reveal the excellent stabilizing effect of the new coating on DSSC devices, which fully preserve their initial performance. This excellent outdoor stability is attributed to the combined action of the luminescent material that acts as UV-screen and the highly photostable, hydrophobic fluoropolymeric carrier that further prevents photochemical and physical degradation of the solar cell components. The straightforward approach presented to simultaneously improve performance and outdoor stability of DSSC devices may be readily extended to a large variety of sensitizer/luminophore combinations, thus enabling the fabrication of highly efficient and extremely stable DSSCs in an easy and versatile fashio