882 research outputs found

    Constrained reconstruction of 3D curves and surfaces using integral spline operators

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    In the context of direct/reverse engineering processes one of the main problem is the reconstruction of curves and surfaces starting from a cloud of points. Most of the times the (re)constructed curves and surfaces have to satisfy some particular geometric constraints and functional properties related to the desired shapes. In this paper, referring to 3D curves and surfaces, we propose an algorithm based on an interpolatory variation diminishing integral spline operator characterized by the presence of shape parameters. In order to choose the best value for the shape parameters different functionals can be adopted. Some test cases are presented in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm: both academic and real world test cases are considered

    Optimal Growth Conditions for Selective Ge Islands Positioning on Pit-Patterned Si(001)

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    We investigate ordered nucleation of Ge islands on pit-patterned Si(001) using an original hybrid Kinetic Monte Carlo model. The method allows us to explore long time-scale evolution while using large simulation cells. We analyze the possibility to achieve selective nucleation and island homogeneity as a function of the various parameters (flux, temperature, pit period) able to influence the growth process. The presence of an optimal condition where the atomic diffusivity is sufficient to guarantee nucleation only within pits, but not so large to induce significant Ostwald ripening, is clearly demonstrated

    Driving and damping mechanisms in hybrid pressure-gravity modes pulsators

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    We study the energetic aspects of hybrid pressure-gravity modes pulsations. The case of hybrid beta Cephei-SPB pulsators is considered with special attention. In addition to the already known sensitivity of the driving mechanism to the heavy elements mixture (mainly the iron abundance), we show that the characteristics of the propagation and evanescent regions play also a major role, determining the extension of the stable gap in the frequency domain between the unstable low order pressure and high order gravity modes. Finally, we consider the case of hybrid delta Sct-gamma Dor pulsators.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, in the proceedings of the Helas II Conference: "Helioseismology, Asteroseismology and MHD Connections", Goettingen, August 200

    An observational asteroseismic study of the pulsating B-type stars in the open cluster NGC 884

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    Recent progress in the seismic interpretation of field β Cep stars has resulted in improvements of the physical description in the stellar structure and evolution model computations of massive stars. Further asteroseismic constraints can be obtained from studying ensembles of stars in a young open cluster, which all have similar age, distance and chemical composition. We present an observational asteroseismic study based on the discovery of numerous multi-periodic and mono-periodic B-type stars in the open cluster NGC 884 (χ Persei). Our study illustrates the current status of ensemble asteroseismology of this young open cluste

    Galactic Archaeology with CoRoT and APOGEE: Creating mock observations from a chemodynamical model

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    In a companion paper, we have presented the combined asteroseismic-spectroscopic dataset obtained from CoRoT lightcurves and APOGEE infra-red spectra for 678 solar-like oscillating red giants in two fields of the Galactic disc (CoRoGEE). We have measured chemical abundance patterns, distances, and ages of these field stars which are spread over a large radial range of the Milky Way's disc. Here we show how to simulate this dataset using a chemodynamical Galaxy model. We also demonstrate how the observation procedure influences the accuracy of our estimated ages.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures. To appear in Astronomische Nachrichten, special issue "Reconstruction the Milky Way's History: Spectroscopic surveys, Asteroseismology and Chemo-dynamical models", Guest Editors C. Chiappini, J. Montalb\'an, and M. Steffe

    Modelling a high-mass red giant observed by CoRoT

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    The G6 giant HR\,2582 (HD\,50890) was observed by CoRoT for approximately 55 days. Mode frequencies are extracted from the observed Fourier spectrum of the light curve. Numerical stellar models are then computed to determine the characteristics of the star (mass, age, etc...) from the comparison with observational constraints. We provide evidence for the presence of solar-like oscillations at low frequency, between 10 and 20\,μ\muHz, with a regular spacing of (1.7±0.1)μ(1.7\pm0.1)\muHz between consecutive radial orders. Only radial modes are clearly visible. From the models compatible with the observational constraints used here, We find that HR\,2582 (HD\,50890) is a massive star with a mass in the range (3--\,5\,MM_{\odot}), clearly above the red clump. It oscillates with rather low radial order (nn = 5\,--\,12) modes. Its evolutionary stage cannot be determined with precision: the star could be on the ascending red giant branch (hydrogen shell burning) with an age of approximately 155 Myr or in a later phase (helium burning). In order to obtain a reasonable helium amount, the metallicity of the star must be quite subsolar. Our best models are obtained with a mixing length significantly smaller than that obtained for the Sun with the same physical description (except overshoot). The amount of core overshoot during the main-sequence phase is found to be mild, of the order of 0.1\,HpH_{\rm p}.Comment: Accepted in A&

    Analysis of 70 Ophiuchi AB including seismic constraints

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    The analysis of solar-like oscillations for stars belonging to a binary system provides a unique opportunity to probe the internal stellar structure and to test our knowledge of stellar physics. Such oscillations have been recently observed and characterized for the A component of the 70 Ophiuchi system. A model of 70 Ophiuchi AB that correctly reproduces all observational constraints available for both stars is determined. An age of 6.2 +- 1.0 Gyr is found with an initial helium mass fraction Y_i=0.266 +- 0.015 and an initial metallicity (Z/X)_i=0.0300 +- 0.0025 when atomic diffusion is included and a solar value of the mixing-length parameter assumed. A precise and independent determination of the value of the mixing-length parameter needed to model 70 Oph A requires accurate measurement of the mean small separation, which is not available yet. Current asteroseismic observations, however, suggest that the value of the mixing-length parameter of 70 Oph A is lower or equal to the solar calibrated value. The effects of atomic diffusion and of the choice of the adopted solar mixture were also studied. We also tested and compared the theoretical tools used for the modeling of stars for which p-modes frequencies are detected by performing this analysis with three different stellar evolution codes and two different calibration methods. We found that the different evolution codes and calibration methods we used led to perfectly coherent results.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    CoRoT's view of newly discovered B-star pulsators: results for 358 candidate B pulsators from the initial run's exoplanet field data

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    We search for new variable B-type pulsators in the CoRoT data assembled primarily for planet detection, as part of CoRoT's Additional Programme. We aim to explore the properties of newly discovered B-type pulsators from the uninterrupted CoRoT space-based photometry and to compare them with known members of the Beta Cep and slowly pulsating B star (SPB) classes. We developed automated data analysis tools that include algorithms for jump correction, light-curve detrending, frequency detection, frequency combination search, and for frequency and period spacing searches. Besides numerous new, classical, slowly pulsating B stars, we find evidence for a new class of low-amplitude B-type pulsators between the SPB and Delta Sct instability strips, with a very broad range of frequencies and low amplitudes, as well as several slowly pulsating B stars with residual excess power at frequencies typically a factor three above their expected g-mode frequencies. The frequency data we obtained for numerous new B-type pulsators represent an appropriate starting point for further theoretical analyses of these stars, once their effective temperature, gravity, rotation velocity, and abundances will be derived spectroscopically in the framework of an ongoing FLAMES survey at the VLT.Comment: 22 pages, 30 figures, accepted for publication in A&