239 research outputs found

    Levels in the toposes of simplicial sets and cubical sets

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    The essential subtoposes of a fixed topos form a complete lattice, which gives rise to the notion of a level in a topos. In the familiar example of simplicial sets, levels coincide with dimensions and give rise to the usual notions of n-skeletal and n-coskeletal simplicial sets. In addition to the obvious ordering, the levels provide a stricter means of comparing the complexity of objects, which is determined by the answer to the following question posed by Bill Lawvere: when does n-skeletal imply k-coskeletal? This paper answers this question for several toposes of interest to homotopy theory and higher category theory: simplicial sets, cubical sets, and reflexive globular sets. For the latter, n-skeletal implies (n+1)-coskeletal but for the other two examples the situation is considerably more complicated: n-skeletal implies (2n-1)-coskeletal for simplicial sets and 2n-coskeletal for cubical sets, but nothing stronger. In a discussion of further applications, we prove that n-skeletal cyclic sets are necessarily (2n+1)-coskeletal.Comment: This paper subsumes earlier work of the first, third, and fourth authors. 19 page

    Using haloperidol as an anti-emetic in palliative care: informing practice through evidence from cancer treatment and post-operative contexts

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    YesNausea and vomiting are common symptoms in palliative care. Haloperidol is often used as an antiemetic in this context, although direct evidence supporting this practice is limited. To evaluate the efficacy and clinical use of haloperidol as an antiemetic in nonpalliative care contexts to inform practice, the authors conducted a rapid review of (i) published evidence to supplement existing systematic reviews, and (ii) practical aspects affecting the use of haloperidol including formulations and doses that are commonly available internationally. In nausea and vomiting related to cancer treatment, haloperidol was superior to control in two small studies. In postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), two randomized controlledtrials found treatment with haloperidol comparable to ondansetron. In palliative care, an observational study found a complete response rate of 24% with haloperidol (one in four patients) which would be consistent with a number needed to treat (NNT) of 3 to 5 derived from PONV. There remains insufficient direct evidence to definitively support the use of haloperidol for the management of nausea and vomiting in palliative care. However, generalizing evidence from other clinical contexts may have some validity

    Deep crustal earthquakes in North Tanzania, East Africa: Interplay between tectonic and magmatic processes in an incipient rift

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    International audienceIn this study, we explore the origin of lower crustal seismicity and the factors controlling rift propagation using seismological data recorded within the youngest part of the East African Rift System, the North Tanzanian Divergence (NTD). Most earthquakes below Lake Manyara occur at depth ranging between 20 and 40 km and have a swarm-like distribution. Focal mechanisms of 26 events indicate a combination of strike-slip and normal faulting involving Archaean basement structures and forming a relay zone. The derived local stress regime is transtensive and the minimum principal stress is oriented N110°E. Crustal seismic tomography reveals low-velocity anomalies below the rifted basins in the NTD, interpreted as localized thermomechanical perturbations promoting fluid release and subsequent seismicity in the lower crust. SKS splitting analysis in the NTD indicates seismic anisotropy beneath 17 stations most likely due to aligned magma lenses and/or dikes beneath the rift and to the lithospheric fabrics. Our results favor a strain pattern intermediate between purely mechanical and purely magmatic. We suggest that melt products arising from a large asthenospheric thermal anomaly enhance lithospheric weakening and facilitate faulting and creeping on critically oriented inherited structures of the Precambrian lower crust. Although the crust is unlikely weakened at a point comparable to other parts of the East African Rift System, this deep-seated thermomechanical process is efficient enough to allow slow rift propagation within the eastern Tanzanian cratonic edge

    Prevalence of HPV Infection in Racial-Ethnic Subgroups of Head and Neck Cancer Patients

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    The landscape of HPV infection in racial/ethnic subgroups of head and neck cancer (HNC) patients has not been evaluated carefully. In this study, a meta-analysis examined the prevalence of HPV in HNC patients of African ancestry. Additionally, a pooled analysis of subject-level data was also performed to investigate HPV prevalence and patterns of p16 (CDNK2A) expression amongst different racial groups. Eighteen publications (N = 798 Black HNC patients) were examined in the meta-analysis, and the pooled analysis included 29 datasets comprised of 3,129 HNC patients of diverse racial/ethnic background. The meta-analysis revealed that the prevalence of HPV16 was higher among Blacks with oropharyngeal cancer than Blacks with non-oropharyngeal cancer. However, there was great heterogeneity observed among studies (Q test P<0.0001). In the pooled analysis, after adjusting for each study, year of diagnosis, age, gender and smoking status, the prevalence of HPV16/18 in oropharyngeal cancer patients was highest in Whites (61.1%), followed by 58.0% in Blacks and 25.2% in Asians (P<0.0001). There was no statistically significant difference in HPV16/18 prevalence in non-oropharyngeal cancer by race (P=0.682). With regard to the pattern of HPV16/18 status and p16 expression, White patients had the highest proportion of HPV16/18+/p16+ oropharyngeal cancer (52.3%), while Asians and Blacks had significantly lower proportions (23.0% and 22.6%, respectively) [P <0.0001]. Our findings suggest that the pattern of HPV16/18 status and p16 expression in oropharyngeal cancer appears to differ by race and this may contribute to survival disparities

    Submarine back-arc lava with arc signature : Fonualei Spreading Center, northeast Lau Basin, Tonga

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 113 (2008): B08S07, doi:10.1029/2007JB005451.We present major, volatile, and trace elements for quenched glasses from the Fonualei Spreading Center, a nascent spreading system situated very close to the Tofua Volcanic Arc (20 km at the closest), in the northeast Lau Basin. The glasses are basalts and basaltic andesites and are inferred to have originated from a relatively hot and depleted mantle wedge. The Fonualei Spreading Center shows island arc basalt (IAB) affinities, indistinguishable from the Tofua Arc. Within the Fonualei Spreading Center no geochemical trends can be seen with depth to the slab and/or distance to the arc, despite a difference in depth to the slab of >50 km. Therefore we infer that all the subduction-related magmatism is captured by the back arc as the adjacent arc is shut off. There is a sharp contrast between the main spreading area of the Fonualei Spreading Center (FSC) and its northernmost termination, the Mangatolu Triple Junction (MTJ). The MTJ samples are characteristic back-arc basin basalts (BABB). We propose that the MTJ and FSC have different mantle sources, reflecting different mantle origins and/or different melting processes. We also document a decrease in mantle depletion from the south of the FSC to the MTJ, which is the opposite to what has been documented for the rest of the Lau Basin where depletion generally increases from south to north. We attribute this reverse trend to the influx of less depleted mantle through the tear between the Australian and the Pacific plates, at the northern boundary of the Lau Basin.NSK acknowledges the support of an A.E. Ringwood Scholarship from the RSES