132 research outputs found

    Fermionic observables in Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory

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    We present technical details of fermionic observables computations in NSPT. In particular we discuss the construction of composite operators starting from the inverse Dirac operator building block, the subtraction of UV divergences and the treatment of irrelevant contributions in extracting the continuum limit.Comment: 6 page, 2 figure, poster presented at Lattice 2005 (machines and algorithms

    Renormalization constants for Lattice QCD: new results from Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory

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    By making use of Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory (NSPT) we can compute renormalization constants for Lattice QCD to high orders, e.g. three or four loops for quark bilinears. We report on the status of our computations, which provide several results for Wilson quarks and in particular (values and/or ratios of) Z_V, Z_A, Z_S, Z_P. Results are given for various number of flavors (n_f = 0, 2, 3, 4). While we recall the care which is due for the computation of quantities for which an anomalous dimension is in place, we point out that our computational framework is well suited to a variety of other calculations and we briefly discuss the application of NSPT to other regularizations (in particular the Clover action).Comment: 7 pages, talk given at Lattice 2006 (Quark Masses, Gauge Couplings, and Renormalization

    Development of an experimental test rig for cogeneration based on a Stirling engine and a biofuel burner

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    A system consisting of a last-generation Stirling engine (SE) and a fuel burner for distributed power generation has been developed and experimentally investigated. The heat generated by the combustion of two liquid fuels, a standard Diesel fuel and a rapeseed oil, is used as a heat source for the SE, that converts part of the thermal energy into mechanical and then electric energy. The hot head of the SE is kept in direct contact with the flame generated by the burner. The burner operating parameters, designed for Diesel fuel, were changed to make it possible to burn vegetable oils, not suitable for internal combustion engines. The possibility of adopting different configurations of the combustion chamber was taken into account to increase the system efficiency. The preliminary configurations adopted allowed to operate this integrated system, obtaining an electric power up to 4.4 kW(el)with a net efficiency of 11.6%


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    ABSTRACT Presently, the combustion at low temperature is receiving a great deal of interest because emissions of micro-and nanopollutants are expected to be greatly reduced. Following previous studies on the low temperature combustion behavior, the authors report results and discussion of steady-state experiments on an atmospheric, pre-pilot scale, 140 mm ID, FB reactor, equipped with an under-bed, airassisted, liquid-fuel injector. The experimental program was focused on the operation at temperatures lower than the classical value for FBC of solid fuels (i.e., 850°C). The data series taken into consideration are the concentrations of the main unburned species in the splash zone, those of oxygen measured in the bed and in the splash zone as well as the freeboard pressure. The interpretation of the results is mainly based on the statistical analysis in the time domain. The combustion pattern of bio-diesel is compared to that of the diesel fuel under varying operating conditions (e.g., bed temperature, dispersion air velocity at the fuel nozzle, injector height in the bed). Conclusions that were previously published on the base of labscale results are checked against new data obtained on the pilot scale. An innovative technique for the analysis of the micro-explosive regime is presented. It consists in the comparison of oxygen concentration measured by the zirconia-based probes at different heights in the bed and in the splash region, pressure signals measured in the freeboard and purposely filtered, and video-recordings of the bed surface phenomena. INTRODUCTION From a viewpoint directed at application of fluidized bed combustion (FBC), conventional, petroleum-derived liquid fuels are usually not taken into consideration. Vice versa, the cheap biomass-derived liquid fuels are worth of being exploited, at least for some specific applications. The combustion at low temperature is presently receiving a great deal of interest in view of depressing emission of micro-and nano-pollutants. The operation of a fluidized bed combustor (FBC) at a temperature lower than the classical value for FBC of solid fuels (i.e., 850°C) presents a number of interesting issues the mechanisms of which are not completely revealed yet. The combustion of a liquid fuel in a fluidized bed can be considered as the result of a number of serial stages: atomization, vaporization, pyrolysis, mixing with air and oxidation, formation of pollutant. They occur in an ideal sequence moving from the fuel inlet port to the bed exit, provided that the residence time in the bed is long enough [2] at the laboratory scale, i.e., with an 80 mm ID fluidized combustor. They identified a combustion behavior at a bed temperature below 750°C that was described as "regime with micro-explosions". Because of the periodic eruption of air bubbles the properties of th

    Geopolymer oxygen carriers for chemical-looping combustion

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    One of the best alternatives to reduce the economic cost of CO2 capture is represented by the chemical looping combustion (CLC). This technology accomplishes indirect fuel combustion by use of a solid oxygen carrier (OC), generally a metal oxide having the capability of transporting the oxygen needed for the combustion from an air reactor to a fuel reactor, usually designed as two coupled fluidized beds. The combustion takes place in the fuel reactor through the reaction between the fuel and the solid OC, which is consequently reduced to a lower oxidation state. The reduced OC is then transferred to the air reactor, where it is regenerated by oxidation in air at high temperature. Therefore, the CLC process enables the inherent separation of the produced CO2, the stream exiting the fuel reactor being only composed of CO2 and H2O, easily separable by water condensation. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Fluidized Bed Design and Process Calculations for the Continuous Torrefaction of Tomato Peels with Solid Product Separation

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    This work reports the Authors’ concept idea and the gross design of a plant system capable of continuously separating the torrefied solids from the inert bed material downstream from a fluidized bed reactor, where biomass torrefaction is performed in a continuous operation mode. It is constituted of three units that process solids: i. a bubbling fluidized bed, equipped with a heat exchanging tube bundle, acting as a torrefaction reactor; ii. an inclined plate sieve separator for collection of the torrefied product as oversize solids; iii. a loop-seal for reinjection of undersize particles, i.e., the inert solids, back into the bed.A simple model of the torrefaction reactor as a well-stirred system has been devised to predict the conversion of feedstock (i.e., tomato peel particles) on the basis of an empirical correlation previously established by the Authors under batch conditions; the variability of biomass particle residence time in the bed as induced by the fluidization of inert solids has been accounted for by introducing a distribution function of the biomass residence time, and this latter has been suitably incorporated within the equations yielding the bed inventory of biomass. The recycling system of undersize inert solids back into the bed through a standpipe and a loop-seal for reinjection has been simply designed according to literature.The resulting set of equations is easily handled and smoothly provides the plant design variables and the relevant process calculations

    Chemical Looping Combustion in a Bed of Iron Loaded Geopolymers

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    Abstract The chemical looping combustion allows for inherent CO 2 separation when burning fossil fuels in presence of a suitable oxygen carrier. The choice of the material to be used should take into account not only chemical/physical properties but also economical, environmental, and safety concerns, addressing for more common materials, like Fe oxides. In this research a geopolymeric oxygen carrier, based on Fe 2 O 3 , was tested for the first time in a laboratory CLC plant operated at high temperature for the combustion of a CO rich gas from char gasification in CO 2 . The CLC plant reliably performed in repeated cycles without decay of the CO conversion during the chemical looping combustion. The maximum CO content in the flue gas was around 1% vol. and carbon monoxide conversion achieved 97%. The calculated oxygen transport capacity was 0.66%. The plant results were confirmed by the XRD analysis that proved the presence of reduced phases in samples after chemical looping stage and by significant peaks obtained during H 2 reduction in TPR equipment

    CMS physics technical design report : Addendum on high density QCD with heavy ions

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