33 research outputs found

    Equinodermes dos Açores : biodiversidade e conservação

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    A secção Biologia é coordenada pelo Professor Universitário Armindo Rodrigues.Os estudos desenvolvidos pelo CIBIO-UAç acerca da biologia, ecologia e genética dos equinodermes permitirão desenvolver uma estratégia de conservação holística e integrada

    O guano como alicerce do Império Inca e da conservação da Natureza

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    A secção UAciência é coordenada pelo Professor Universitário Armindo Rodrigues.A origem da conservação da Natureza tem sido associada à Revolução Industrial no século XIX quando George Perkins Marsh deu a conhecer os impactos irreversíveis das ações humanas sobre a Natureza no seu livro Man and Nature (O Homem e a Natureza) de 1864. Poucos anos depois, em 1872, surgiu a criação do primeiro Parque Natural do Mundo, o Yellowstone National Park. No entanto, as origens da conservação da Natureza e da aplicação de medidas para proteção de espécies selvagens e seus habitats naturais, podem ser bem mais antigas do que se pensava. O Império Inca (1400-1533 CE), foi o maior Império da América Pré-Colombiana estendendo-se por 4000 km desde a Amazónia até ao Pacífico, passando pela cordilheira dos Andes e o deserto do Atacama. A rápida expansão deste Império, que chegou a albergar 10 milhões de pessoas, teve por base de sustento da população à agricultura e, como grande parte do território era árido, os Incas aproveitaram o conhecimento ancestral dos povos costeiros sobre o potencial do guano (excremento) de aves marinhas como fertilizante. […].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Iceland: a laboratory for non-indigenous ascidians

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    Non-indigenous species (NIS) represent a serious problem worldwide, where ascidians are one of the most important taxa. However, little has been done to document the non-indigenous ascidians in Iceland, and over the past decade only two species had been recorded prior to the present study, Ciona intestinalis in 2007 and Botryllus schlosseri in 2011. To increase the knowledge of this taxon, extensive sampling was carried out in shallow waters around Iceland, during the summer 2018, in ports and on ropes of a long-line mussel aquaculture. In total, eleven species were identified, four native and seven NIS, of which Diplosoma listerianum, Ascidiella aspersa, Botrylloides violaceus, Molgula manhattensis and Ciona cf. robusta, are now reported for the first time in Iceland. The highest abundance of non-indigenous ascidians appeared among the ports in southwestern Iceland (Sandgerði, Hafnarfjörður). As pointed out for other regions, the most likely vector is maritime traffic (hull fouling and ballast water), although other vectors cannot be ruled out. The future expansion of these non-indigenous ascidians around Iceland must be monitored, where local maritime traffic could play an important role. Furthermore, global warming may facilitate the access and establishment of these species in colder areas with arctic influence (north and east of Iceland), which are likely still free of these species.This work was partly supported by the Suðurnes Regional Development Fund under grant no. 34/2017. One of the authors (ARE) received two grants for stays for research staff in foreign centers from the University of Alicante (2018) and from the Generalitat Valenciana (BEST-2019 program)

    Allocation of nutrients during the reproductive cycle of Ophidiaster ophidianus (Echinodermata: Asteroidea)

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    Copyright © 2011 Taylor & Francis.The reproductive cycle of Ophidiaster ophidianus (strictly protected status) from Sa˜o Miguel Island, in the Azorean Archipelago was studied. The reproductive strategy; the energy allocation of each sex during the reproductive cycle and the nutritional condition of the population were analyzed. Gonadal index (GI) showed a clear seasonal pattern with spawning between August and October but histological examination revealed that gamete release can occur throughout the entire year. The pyloric caeca index (PCI) showed little annual variation but with an inverse relationship with the GI. Allocation of energy to the gonads and to the pyloric caeca reflected the seasonal reproductive strategy of this species. Individuals were able to simultaneously develop gonads, pyloric caeca, and quickly regenerate lost arms. There was a major expenditure of energy by females compared to males but, sexual size dimorphism was not observed. The reproductive pattern observed in O. ophidianus combining rich food availability and seawater temperatures characteristic of a temperate zone may be the key to the success of this species in the Azorean oceanic Island.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)

    Contributo para o conhecimento da biodiversidade marinha da ilha das Flores

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    XIII Expedição Científica do Departamento de Biologia - Flores e Corvo 2007.No âmbito da XIII Expedição Científica Flores e Corvo/2007, organizada pelo Departamento de Biologia da Universidade dos Açores, efectuaram-se várias observações e recolhas de organismos marinhos, utilizando 3 metodologias: mergulho (bentos), arrasto (plâncton) e prospecção no intertidal

    Scientific collaboration for early detection of invaders results in a significant update on estimated range: lessons from Stenothoe georgiana Bynum & Fox 1977

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    Detection of new non-indigenous species is often delayed when taxonomically challenging taxa are involved, such as small-sized marine organisms. The present study highlights the relevance of scientific cooperation in the early detection of the invader amphipod Stenothoe georgiana. Originally described from North Carolina (USA), the species was recently found in Chile and the Western Mediterranean. Here, we provide the first record of the species in Macaronesia, Atlantic coasts of continental Europe, North Africa and Australia, and extend its known distribution along the Mediterranean coast. Just like other small crustaceans, shipping (including recreational boating) and aquaculture are probably the main vectors of introduction and secondary spread for this amphipod species. This case of S. georgiana sheds light on the importance of promoting taxonomical knowledge, and building multidisciplinary expertise networks that ensure an effective spread of alien species information. We also encourage the implementation of standardized monitoring methodologies to facilitate early detection of small mobile invaders

    A presença do texto na dança e no teatro contemporâneos

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    Este trabalho é financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito dos projetos «SFRH/BPD/120028/2016», «UIDB/00279/2020» e «UIDP/00279/2020».A presença do texto na dança e no teatro contemporâneos participa da reflexão iniciada no contexto do Colóquio Internacional de título homónimo, que decorreu em Maio de 2018 (Lisboa) e que contou com a participação de investigadores e artistas como Pedro Alves, Nelson Guerreiro, António Figueiredo Marques, Elena Gordienko, María Luisa F. Falcón, Cláudia Galhós, Rui Catalão, Tiago Cadete, Raquel André, Samuel Viana Meyler, Ana Baião e Everton Melo, Rosa Figueiredo, Julia L Dobson, Gustavo Gonçalves, John Romão, Mariana Tengner Barros, Miguel Moreira, David Antunes, Nara Keiserman, Jorge Palinhos, Victor Nóvoa, Juarez Guimarães Dias. Os trabalhos reunidos neste e-book foram acompanhados por Alexandra Moreira da Silva, Daniel Tércio, Fernando Matos de Oliveira, Maria Helena Werneck, Maria João Brilhante, Mickael de Oliveira, Rui Pina Coelho, que integraram o seu Conselho Científico e Editorial.The presence of text in contemporary dance and theatre takes part of the reflection process that started in the international conference of the same name, which took place in Lisbon, in May 2018, and which featured the participation of renowned researchers and artists including Pedro Alves, Nelson Guerreiro, António Figueiredo Marques, Elena Gordienko, María Luisa F. Falcón, Cláudia Galhós, Rui Catalão, Tiago Cadete, Raquel André, Samuel Viana Meyler, Ana Baião e Everton Melo, Rosa Figueiredo, Julia L Dobson, Gustavo Gonçalves, John Romão, Mariana Tengner Barros, Miguel Moreira, David Antunes, Nara Keiserman, Jorge Palinhos, Victor Nóvoa, Juarez Guimarães Dias. The essays included in this e-book were reviewed by the Scientific and Editorial Board, composed by Alexandra Moreira da Silva, Daniel Tércio, Fernando Matos de Oliveira, Maria Helena Werneck, Maria João Brilhante, Mickael de Oliveira, and Rui Pina Coelho.CET - Centro de Estudos de Teatro; INET-MD - Instituto de Etnomusicologia, Centro de Estudos de Música e Dança; FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Marine algal flora of São Miguel Island, Azores

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    Este artículo contiene 52 páginas, 4 tablas, 15 figuras.Background The macroalgal flora of the Island of São Miguel (eastern group of the Azores Archipelago) has attracted the interest of many researchers in the past, the first publications going back to the nineteenth century. Initial studies were mainly taxonomic, resulting in the publication of a checklist of the Azorean benthic marine algae. Later, the establishment of the University of the Azores on the Island permitted the logistic conditions to develop both temporal studies and long-term research and this resulted in a significant increase on research directed at the benthic marine algae and littoral communities of the Island and consequent publications. Prior to the present paper, the known macroalgal flora of São Miguel Island comprised around 260 species. Despite this richness, a significant amount of the research was never made public, notably Masters and PhD theses encompassing information regarding presence data recorded at littoral and sublittoral levels down to a depth of approximately 40 m around the Island and the many collections made, which resulted in vouchers deposited in the AZB Herbarium Ruy Telles Palhinha and the LSM- Molecular Systematics Laboratory at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of the Azores. The present publication lists the macroalgal taxonomic records, together with information on their ecology and occurrence around São Miguel Island, improving the knowledge of the Azorean macroalgal flora at local and regional scales. New information A total of 12,781 specimens (including some identified only to genus) belonging to 431 taxa of macroalgae are registered, comprising 284 Rhodophyta, 59 Chlorophyta and 88 Ochrophyta (Phaeophyceae). Of these, 323 were identified to species level (212 Rhodophyta, 48 Chlorophyta and 63 Ochrophyta), of which 61 are new records for the Island (42 Rhodophyta, 9 Chlorophyta and 10 Ochrophyta), one an Azorean endemic (Predaea feldmannii subsp. azorica Gabriel), five are Macaronesian endemisms (the red algae Botryocladia macaronesica Afonso-Carrillo, Sobrino, Tittley & Neto, Laurencia viridis Gil-Rodríguez & Haroun, Millerella tinerfensis (Seoane-Camba) S.M.Boo & J.M.Rico, Phyllophora gelidioides P.Crouan & H.Crouan ex Karsakoff and the green alga Codium elisabethiae O.C.Schmidt), 19 are introduced species (15 Rhodophyta, two Chlorophyta and two Ochrophyta) and 32 are of uncertain status (21 Rhodophyta, five Chlorophyta and six Ochrophyta).This research was supported by several projects, expeditions and campaigns (see Funding above) and lately by the project “ACORES-01-0145-FEDER-000072” funded the Operational Programme Azores 2020 (85% ERDF and 15% regional funds). Thanks are due to the campaign teams for their critical involvement in this project (Abel Sentíes, Aina del Alcázar, Ana Alfaya, Ana Belén Villalba Lapeña, Ana Santos, Ana Sofia Carreiro, André Amaral, Andrea Tracana, Ane Laborda, Anna Lloveras Armengol, António Brigos Plafon, Berta Solé Nadal, Camille Fontaine, Carlos Rius, Carles Mir, Caroline Terral, Catarina Santos, Cláudia Hipólito, Daniela Gabriel, Edward Hehre, Emanuel Xavier, Eduardo García, Enrique Almira, Esteban Belles, Eunice Nogueira, Fátima Vaz Pinto, Francisco Wallenstein, Gustavo M Martins, Heather Baldwin, Isadora Moniz, Jana Verdura, Joana Pombo, João Brum, João Faria Santos, João Ferreira, Laura Busquier, Marco Enoch, Maria Ana Dionísio, Maria Machín-Sánchez, Maria Vale, Marlene Terra, Mónica Martínez, Mutue Toyota Fujii, Patrícia Madeira, Pedro Raposeiro, Richard Fralick, Richard Thompson, Rocío Sánchez, Ruben Couto, Rubén Mosquera, Rui Sousa, Sara Peres, Tarso Costa, Tito Silva, Valeria Cassano, Virginie Leyendecker). Edgar Rosas Alquicira and Karla León Cisneros were supported by the Programme AlBan, the European Union Programme of High Level Scholarships for Latin America (through scholarships E05D060221MX and E05D060520MX), “Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología” (doctoral scholarships 176162 and 157904) and the UNAMUNO Programme of PhD Scholarships for Europe. Eva Cacabelos was supported by a postdoctoral grant (Project M1420-09-5369-FSE-000002) from ARDITI (Regional Agency for Development of Research, Technology and Innovation of Madeira). Andrea Z. Botelho was supported by a PhD grant (M3.1.a/F/083/2015), awarded by Fundo Regional da Ciência e Tecnologia (FRCT). Afonso C.L. Prestes was supported by a PhD grant (M3.1.a/F/083/2015), awarded by Fundo Regional da Ciência e Tecnologia (FRCT). Rita F. Patarra was supported by a Science and Technology Management Fellowship grant (SFRH/BGCT/135478/2018), awarded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT I.P.). Manuela I. Parente was supported by a Postdoc grant (SFRH/BPD/34246/2006), awarded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).Peer reviewe

    Non-indigenous species refined national baseline inventories : A synthesis in the context of the European Union's Marine Strategy Framework Directive

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    Refined baseline inventories of non-indigenous species (NIS) are set per European Union Member State (MS), in the context of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The inventories are based on the initial assessment of the MSFD (2012) and the updated data of the European Alien Species Information Network, in collaboration with NIS experts appointed by the MSs. The analysis revealed that a large number of NIS was not reported from the initial assessments. Moreover, several NIS initially listed are currently considered as native in Europe or were proven to be historical misreportings. The refined baseline inventories constitute a milestone for the MSFD Descriptor 2 implementation, providing an improved basis for reporting new NIS introductions, facilitating the MSFD D2 assessment. In addition, the inventories can help MSs in the establishment of monitoring systems of targeted NIS, and foster cooperation on monitoring of NIS across or within shared marine subregions. Highlights • Refined MSFD baseline inventories of non-indigenous species (NIS) are set in EU. • The inventories are given per EU Member State (MS) and MSFD subregion up to 2012. • The NIS lists provide a basis for reporting new NIS introductions in EU after 2012. • Our work constitutes a milestone for the MSFD Descriptor 2 implementation

    Non-indigenous species refined national baseline inventories: A synthesis in the context of the European Union's Marine Strategy Framework Directive

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    Refined baseline inventories of non-indigenous species (NIS) are set per European Union Member State (MS), in the context of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The inventories are based on the initial assessment of the MSFD (2012) and the updated data of the European Alien Species Information Network, in collaboration with NIS experts appointed by the MSs. The analysis revealed that a large number of NIS was not reported from the initial assessments. Moreover, several NIS initially listed are currently considered as native in Europe or were proven to be historical misreportings. The refined baseline inventories constitute a milestone for the MSFD Descriptor 2 implementation, providing an improved basis for reporting new NIS introductions, facilitating the MSFD D2 assessment. In addition, the inventories can help MSs in the establishment of monitoring systems of targeted NIS, and foster cooperation on monitoring of NIS across or within shared marine subregions.Henn Ojaveer and Maiju Lehtiniemi wish to acknowledge the project COMPLETE (Completing management options in the Baltic Sea region to reduce risk of invasive species introduction by shipping), co-financed by the European Union's funding Programme Interreg Baltic Sea Region (European Regional Development Fund). João Canning-Clode was supported by a starting grant in the framework of the 2014 FCT Investigator Programme (IF/01606/2014/CP1230/CT0001) and wish to acknowledge the support of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), through the strategic project UID/MAR/04292/2019 granted to MARE