840 research outputs found

    Past permafrost dynamics can inform future permafrost carbon-climate feedbacks

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    Climate warming threatens to destabilize vast northern permafrost areas, potentially releasing large quantities of organic carbon that could further disrupt the climate. Here we synthesize paleorecords of past permafrost-carbon dynamics to contextualize future permafrost stability and carbon feedbacks. We identify key landscape differences between the last deglaciation and today that influence the response of permafrost to atmospheric warming, as well as landscape-level differences that limit subsequent carbon uptake. We show that the current magnitude of thaw has not yet exceeded that of previous deglaciations, but that permafrost carbon release has the potential to exert a strong feedback on future Arctic climate as temperatures exceed those of the Pleistocene. Better constraints on the extent of subsea permafrost and its carbon pool, and on carbon dynamics from a range of permafrost thaw processes, including blowout craters and megaslumps, are needed to help quantify the future permafrost-carbon-climate feedbacks

    A combined geomorphological and geophysical approach to characterising relict landslide hazard on the Jurassic Escarpments of Great Britain

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    The Jurassic Escarpment in the North York Moors in Northern Britain has a high density of deep-seated relict landslides but their regional hazard is poorly understood due to a lack of detailed case studies. Investigation of a typical relict landslide at Great Fryup Dale suggests that the crop of the Whitby Mudstone Formation is highly susceptible to landslide hazards. The mudstone lithologies along the Escarpment form large multiple rotational failures which break down at an accelerated rate during wetter climates and degrade into extensive frontal mudflows. Geomorphological mapping, high resolution LiDAR imagery, boreholes, and geophysical ERT surveys are deployed in a combined approach to delimit internal architecture of the landslide. Cross-sections developed from these data indicate that the main movement displaced a bedrock volume of c. 1 × 107 m3 with a maximum depth of rupture of c. 50 m. The mode of failure is strongly controlled by lithology, bedding, joint pattern, and rate of lateral unloading. Dating of buried peats using the AMS method suggests that the 10 m thick frontal mudflow complex was last active in the Late Holocene, after c. 2270 ± 30 calendar years BP. Geomorphic mapping and dating work indicates that the landslide is dormant, but slope stability modelling suggests that the slope is less stable than previously assumed; implying that this and other similar landslides in Britain may become more susceptible to reactivation or extension during future wetter climatic phases. This study shows the value of a multi-technique approach for landslide hazard assessment and to enhance national landslide inventories

    Glyconanoparticles for colorimetric bioassays

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    Carbohydrate molecules are involved in many of the cellular processes that are important for life. By combining the specific analyte targeting of carbohydrates with the multivalent structure and change of solution colour as a consequence of plasmonic interactions with the aggregation of metal nanoparticles, glyconanoparticles have been used extensively for the development of bioanalytical assays. The noble metals used to create the nanocore, the methodologies used to assemble the carbohydrates on the nanoparticle surface, the carbohydrate chosen for each specific target, the length of the tether that separates the carbohydrate from the nanocore and the density of carbohydrates on the surface all impact on the structural formation of metal based glyconanoparticles. This tutorial review highlights these key components, which directly impact on the selectivity and sensitivity of the developed bioassay, for the colorimetric detection of lectins, toxins and viruses

    The application of Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films (DGT) for improved understanding of metal behaviour at marine disposal sites

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    Assessment of the effects of sediment metal contamination on biological assemblages and function remains a key question in marine management, especially in relation to disposal activities. However, the appropriate description of bioavailable metal concentrations within pore-waters has rarely been reported. Here, metal behaviour and availability at contaminated dredged material disposal sites within UK waters were investigated using Diffusive Gradient in Thin films (DGT). Three stations, representing contrasting history and presence of dredge disposal were studied. Depth profiles of five metals were derived using DGT probes as well as discrete analysis of total metal concentrations from sliced cores. The metals analysed were: iron and manganese, both relevant to sediment biogeochemistry; cadmium, nickel and lead, classified as priority pollutants. DGT time-integrated labile flux profiles of the metals display behaviour consistent with increasingly reduced conditions at depth and availability to DGT (iron and manganese), subsurface peaks and a potential sedimentary source to the water column related to the disposal activity (lead and nickel) and release to pore-water linked to decomposition of enriched phytodetritus (cadmium). DGT data has the potential to improve our current understanding of metal behaviour at impacted sites and is suitable as a monitoring tool. DGT data can provide information on metal availability and fluxes within the sediment at high depth-resolution (5 mm steps). Differences observed in the resulting profiles between DGT and conventional total metal analysis illustrates the significance of considering both total metals and a potentially labile fraction. The study outcomes can help to inform and improve future disposal site impact assessment, and could be complemented with techniques such as Sediment Profile Imagery for improved biologically relevance, spatial coverage and cost-effective monitoring and sampling of dredge material disposal sites. Additionally, the application of this technology could help improve correlative work on biological impacts under national and international auspices when linking biological effects to more biologically relevant metal concentrations

    Cholera Toxin B Subunits Assemble into Pentamers - Proposition of a Fly-Casting Mechanism

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    The cholera toxin B pentamer (CtxB5), which belongs to the AB5 toxin family, is used as a model study for protein assembly. The effect of the pH on the reassembly of the toxin was investigated using immunochemical, electrophoretic and spectroscopic methods. Three pH-dependent steps were identified during the toxin reassembly: (i) acquisition of a fully assembly-competent fold by the CtxB monomer, (ii) association of CtxB monomer into oligomers, (iii) acquisition of the native fold by the CtxB pentamer. The results show that CtxB5 and the related heat labile enterotoxin LTB5 have distinct mechanisms of assembly despite sharing high sequence identity (84%) and almost identical atomic structures. The difference can be pinpointed to four histidines which are spread along the protein sequence and may act together. Thus, most of the toxin B amino acids appear negligible for the assembly, raising the possibility that assembly is driven by a small network of amino acids instead of involving all of them

    Gender differences in behavioral regulation in four societies: The United States, Taiwan, South Korea, and China

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    The current study investigates gender differences in behavioral regulation in four societies: the United States, Taiwan, South Korea, and China. Directly assessed individual behavioral regulation (Head–Toes–Knees–Shoulders, HTKS), teacher-rated classroom behavioral regulation (Child Behavior Rating Scale, CBRS) and a battery of school readiness assessments (mathematics, vocabulary, and early literacy) were used with 814 young children (ages 3–6 years). Results showed that girls in the United States had significantly higher individual behavioral regulation than boys, but there were no significant gender differences in any Asian societies. In contrast, teachers in Taiwan, South Korea, as well as the United States rated girls as significantly higher than boys on classroom behavioral regulation. In addition, for both genders, individual and classroom behavioral regulation were related to many aspects of school readiness in all societies for girls and boys. Universal and culturally specific findings and their implications are discussed

    Children must be protected from the tobacco industry's marketing tactics.

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