414 research outputs found

    The enregisterment of late modern Derbyshire dialect (1850-1950)

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    [ES] En el marco de la investigación sociolingüística de tercera ola, la teoría del enregisterment de Asif Agha (2003) ha demostrado ser un enfoque exitoso para explorar la conexión entre lengua e ideología. Como es sabido, el extenso y pionero trabajo de Johnstone (2006, 2009, 2013, entre otros) y Johnstone et al. (2006) sobre el Pittsburghese ha sentado las bases para estudiar los procesos de enregisterment de dialectos modernos, mientras que Beal (2009a, 2012a, 2012b, 2016, 2020), Beal y Cooper (2015), Cooper (2013, 2016, 2020) y Ruano-García (2012, 2020a, 2021a) han investigado este fenómeno en variedades norteñas del inglés británico desde una perspectiva diacrónica. En la mayoría de estos trabajos se examinan ejemplos de escritura dialectal, ya que, como explica Beal (2009a: 3), a través de este material se da forma a la imagen abstracta de un dialecto y se proporcionan modelos para la representación de una determinada identidad local, lo que en última instancia contribuye al enregisterment. Esta tesis pretende contribuir a este campo de investigación a través del análisis de las representaciones literarias del habla de Derbyshire (1850-1950) desde la perspectiva del enregisterment. El presente estudio se propone tres objetivos principales: (1) arrojar luz sobre la historia y las principales características lingüísticas y sociolingüísticas del dialecto de Derbyshire, así como (2) examinar el enregisterment de esta variedad en el período y el papel que la escritura y comentarios dialectales desempeñaron en dicho proceso. De este modo, se pretende (3) mejorar nuestra comprensión no solo del panorama sociolingüístico de la Inglaterra moderna tardía, sino también de los mecanismos que determinan el desarrollo sociocultural y la variación y cambio lingüístico en general. El análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de los datos obtenidos en este estudio ha revelado claros patrones en la representación de un conjunto de rasgos lingüísticos de transición asociados con la variedad que se correlacionan con valores e identidades sociales específicos. Asimismo, se han observado discrepancias en el grado de localidad percibida de algunos de estos rasgos, lo que apunta a cambios indexicales y procesos de deregisterment que parecen depender no solo del tiempo, sino también del tipo de representación. En otras palabras, los resultados sugieren que el dialecto de Derbyshire se ha percibido y, por lo tanto, se ha representado de manera variable tanto a lo largo de los siglos como por parte de autores nativos y no nativos del dialecto, lo que evidencia la naturaleza dinámica de los procesos de enregisterment y subraya el papel agentivo de escritores y lectores a la hora de establecer y reformular la relación entre lenguaje e identidad

    A linguistic analysis of cant language in Thomas Shadwell’s The Squire of Alsatia (1688)

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    [ES]El inglés moderno temprano fue un período fructífero en la representación del estilo de vida y el lenguaje de vagabundos y criminales, el argot, lo que llevó a la publicación de obras literarias y glosarios sobre el tema. The Squire of Alsatia (1688), de Thomas Shadwell, contiene numerosos ejemplos de argot que se documentan por primera vez en la obra, lo que la convierte en un texto clave en posteriores estudios de lexicografía del argot. Su uso del argot nos permite entender la función que éste tenía dentro de la sociedad alternativa que creaba, y el funcionamiento de esta comunidad. Además, The Squire of Alsatia demuestra ser un retrato del escenario lingüístico del siglo XVII, en el que el debate entre el inglés estándar y otras variedades como el argot estaba a la orden del día.[EN]The Early Modern English period was a fruitful time in the depiction of rogues and criminals` lifestyle and language, cant, which led to the publication of literary works and glossaries on the subject. Thomas Sadwell´s The Squire of Alsatia (1688) contains an important number of cant terms which are fist documented in this play that is a pivotal text in later studies of canting lexicography. It use of the canting tongue allows us to gain insight both into the function that this variety had within the alternative society it created, and also into the functioning of this community. In addition, the play proves to be a portrayal of the 17th century linguistic setting, in which the debate between Standard English and other varieties such as cant was the order of the day

    Performance evaluation of a tracking system for intermodal traffic: an experimentation in the Tyrrhenian area

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    Monitoring shipments along intermodal chains is crucial to ensuring the fast, reliable and secure transport of goods. In this regard, the paper describes the results of a real-life tracking experimentation carried out in June 2018 in the Tyrrhenian area with a twofold objective: 1) to evaluate the performance of a state-of-art tracking system to effectively monitor Ro-Ro freight units moving along intermodal chains; 2) to get an objective view of the intermodal chains currently connecting the two main Italian islands to the mainland. The experimentation was performed by means of a tracking device using the GSM network for data connection and geographical position detection. In addition, the Automatic Identification System (AIS) data were used to improve positioning during navigation. Quantitative analyses carried out on the recorded tracking data revealed that a significant share of the total transport time of the monitored transport chains is unproductive time that goods spend waiting at the port and logistics nodes. From a technical point of view, the experimentation raised several problems of the tracking technology employed vis-à-vis real-time tracking, continuous monitoring, signal coverage and positioning accuracy. A discussion of the main detected limitations is provided in the paper along with some possible solutions to overcome them

    Microbiological environmental monitoring in high-risk departments during building activities in a hospital site

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    Background. This study examines the microbial and fungal contamination associated with the presence of renovation works in a hospital site in Sardinia (Italy). Methods. Microbiological environmental monitoring was carried out before, during and at the conclusion of the works in the Ophthalmology Department in view of a risk assessment procedure. Results. Although the median values of microbial and fungal counts were found raised during the works, protective measures set out by the internal procedures limited the contamination level. Conclusions. This study emphasizes the benefits of environmental surveillance for airborne contamination to help prevent outbreaks of nosocomial mycosis associated with construction work

    Changing your body changes your eating attitudes: embodiment of a slim virtual avatar induces avoidance of high-calorie food

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    The virtual-reality full-body illusion paradigm has been suggested to not only trigger the illusory ownership of the avatar's body but also the attitudinal and behavioral components stereotypically associated to that kind of virtual body. In the present study, we investigated whether this was true for stereotypes related to body size: body satisfaction and eating control behavior. Healthy participants underwent the full-body illusion paradigm with an avatar having either a larger or a slimmer body than their own, and were assessed for implicit attitudes towards body image and food calorie content at baseline and after each full-body illusion session. Results showed that the illusion emerged regardless of the avatar's body size, whereas the perceived dimension of the own body size changed according to the avatar's body size (i.e., participants felt to be slimmer after embodying their slim avatar and larger after embodying their large avatar). Crucially, we found that implicit attitudes towards food, but not those towards one's own body, were modulated by the size of the virtual body. Compared to baseline, ownership of a slimmer avatar increased the avoidance of high-calorie food, whereas ownership of a larger avatar did not induce changes. Our findings suggest that the illusory feeling of being slimmer drives also the food-related stereotypes associated with that body size, increasing the regulation of eating behaviors
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