45 research outputs found

    Voies alimentaires d’amélioration des performances et de la qualité du poulet de chair: cas d’additif à base de produits naturels oasiens.

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    L’objectif de l’étude est d’examiner les effets de trois additifs alimentaires naturels (PHC) sur les performances zootechniques et hématobiochimiques chez le poulet de chair. Les PHC ont été formulés à partir du Coriandrum sativum L., Trigonella foenum-graecum L. et Pimpinella anisum L. Au total 360 poulets de chair Cobb 500 âgés d'un jour ont été répartis au hasard en 4 groupes de traitement alimentaire ; un groupe témoin et trois groupes nourris avec une alimentation de base complétée respectivement par 3% de Coriandre (PHC1), 3% d'une combinaison de 50% Coriandre- 50% Fenugrec (PHC2), et enfin 3% d'une combinaison de 50% Coriandre - 50% Anis vert (PHC3). Les résultats ont montré que les oiseaux du groupe PHC3 ont réalisé le poids corporel et des organes internes le plus élevé. Cependant, le poids de la graisse abdominale est affecté d’avantage avec PHC2. Les animaux du groupe PHC3 avaient un taux de lymphocytes significativement (P <0,05) plus élevé, de 120,103/μl. Le taux de monocytes dans les groupes PHC2 et PHC3 a été respectivement de 66.103/μl et 60.103/μl. Le taux des granulocytes ont été de 200.103 /μl dans le groupe PHC2, et 102.103 /μl dans PHC3. Une différence significative (P <0,05) a été enregistrée dans les taux d'acide urique avec 50,4 mg/l, 59,84 mg/l et 47,29 mg/l respectivement pour les groupes PHC1, PHC2 et PHC3. L'utilisation des additifs alimentaires phytogéniques peut avoir un effet positif à la fois sur le gain de poids et les paramètres hématobiochimiques chez le poulet de chair

    Fault diagnosis of rolling element bearings using artificial neural network

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    Bearings are essential components in the most electrical equipment. Procedures for monitoring the condition of bearings must be developed to prevent unexpected failure of these components during operation to avoid costly consequences. In this paper, the design of a monitoring system for the detection of rolling element-bearings failure is proposed. The method for detecting and locating this type of fault is carried out using advanced intelligent techniques based on a Perceptron Multilayer Artificial Neural Network (MLP-ANN); its database uses statistical indicators characterizing vibration signals. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated using experimentally obtained bearing vibration data, and the results have shown good accuracy in detecting and locating defects

    Sheep enteric cestodes and their influence on clinical indicators used in targeted selective treatments against gastrointestinal nematodes

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    Clinical indicators such as diarrhoea (DISCO) or anaemia (FAMACHA©) are used as a measure for targeted selective treatments against gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN). Enteric cestodes such as Moniezia may interfere directly with DISCO or indirectly with the FAMACHA© score. We investigated 821 Ouled Djellal rams naturally infected in a steppe environment (GIN alone, cestodes alone, GIN and cestodes) or not. The rams were treated with ivermectin 2 months before being slaughtered to reduce the impact of nematodes on the clinical scores; however, persistent or newly acquired GINs were not related to both scores. Of the non-infected rams (n = 296), 26% identified as needing treatment against GIN using the FAMACHA score, and 34.5% using DISCO would have been thus selected. This implies that the clinical indicators used for the targeted selective treatment of gastrointestinal nematodes are not fully reliable when a low infection is recorded and may well be influenced by confounding factors. As expected, only DISCO was affected by cestode infection, and we suggest that the presence of Moniezia should also be taken into consideration

    The effect of spices Coriandrum sativum L., Trigonella foenum-graecum L., Pimpinella anisum L., and their combinations on growth performance, carcass trait, and hematobiochemical parameters in broiler chicken

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    Background and Aim: The incorporation of herbs and species has been shown to enrich the food with antioxidants and bioactive antimicrobial compounds, thereby preserving the safety and productivity of broiler chicken production. This study aimed to determine the effects of three phytogenic feed additives (PHT) on certain zootechnical and hematobiochemical parameters in broiler chickens. Coriandrum sativum L. (coriander), Pimpinella anisum L. (green anise), and Trigonella foenum-graecum L. (fenugreek) were used to formulate the PHT. Materials and Methods: A total of 360 1-day-old Cobb broilers for 42 days were randomly assigned to four dietary treatment groups: A control group (CTLG) and three groups fed a basal diet supplemented with 3% of coriander (PHT1G), 3% of a combination 50% coriander-50% fenugreek (PHT2G), and finally, 3% of a combination 50% coriander-50% green anise (PHT3G), respectively, and each experimental group included three repetitions of 30 birds. Zootechnical parameters, carcass productivity, and hematobiochemical properties were measured. Results: The birds in the PHT3G had the greatest body weight and organ weight (p < 0.05). However, the weight of abdominal fat remained unchanged. The same group of broilers had a significantly (p < 0.05) higher lymphocyte level of 120.103/μL, followed by the PHT2G, which had 80.103/μL. The levels of monocytes in the PHT2G and PHT3G were 66.103/μL and 60.103/μL, respectively. Regarding granulocytes, we observed 200.103/μL in the PHT2 group and 102.103/μL in the PHT3G. There was a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between the uric acid levels of the PHT1G, PHT2G, and PHT3G, with 50.4 mg/L, 59.84 mg/L, and 47.29 mg/L, respectively. All experimental groups had significantly lower uric acid concentrations than the control group (84.36 mg/L). Conclusion: The use of phytogenic feed additives may positively affect both weight gain and hematobiochemical parameters in broiler chicken, particularly the levels of various white blood cell subtypes and the uric acid rate

    The Kurdish demand of federalism : liberation of Kurdistan through federalism in Iraq?

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    The theme of the thesis is the Kurdish demand for federalism in Iraq. The research question is What have been the factors behind the Kurdish demand for a federal system in Iraq ? My focus is on two main factors, the internal and external (regional and international) factors. This is a qualitative case study. The focus is on why the Kurds chose to remain a part of Iraq, though there would seem to be few reasons for this desire. Kurds in Iraqi Kurdistan/Southern Kurdistan have lived in a kind of independent mini-state since the Gulf War of 1991. They had developed good relationships with the outside world at the state level, although these relations were never recognized officially. The discussion also touches on the Kurds in other parts. This is because changes in any of the countries with Kurdish population (Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria) would have a significant impact on the Kurdish issue as a whole. The theoretical part are based on approaches from Lijphart s (1977) and Horowitz s (1985) mechanisms for conflict management and resolutions in divided societies, and from Lake and Rothschild s (ed. 1998) approach of confidence-building measures which includes power-sharing and federalism to keep internal conflicts at a local level and prevent it from spreading. The relationships that have developed after the fall of Ba ath regime indicate that the political system that is taking shape in Iraq will contain elements from both consociational, power-sharing and integrative approaches. The ethnic-religious conflict in Iraq has deep roots and there is a need for power-sharing at regional level, so that Kurds could run own regional affairs. On the other hand, it is necessary for the different groups to negotiate and cooperate in order to solve internal conflicts and future problems ahead in Iraq. The Kurdish issue bears an external dimension too. It is argued that federalism for Kurds seems to be a result of regional and international pressure, and that federalism is being applied to prevent the Kurdish conflict or the conflict in Iraq from escalating, and thereby maintain the geopolitical stability and balance of the region. The analytical part is divided into two, with the internal factors (chapter 4) and the external factors (chapter 5). Due to the internal situation, it would seem to be necessary for the Kurds to maintain their self-rule in a federal order, and also important to have a dialogue with Baghdad and participate in the political process and decision-making. In this way the Kurds could guarantee their future against possible discrimination, and at the same time, bring the Kurds a step further towards gaining control over territories. When it comes to the external factors, the argument is that the demand for federalism came as a result of external pressure on Kurdish decision-makers. The regional powers, especially countries with Kurdish population, have in the past rejected Kurdish demands and have in fact cooperated to prevent the Kurds from establishing autonomous regions. This is because success for Kurds in any neighboring country could awaken nationalistic movements among Kurds across the borders and thereby inspire them to come up with demands. At the international level, the United States seems to need the Kurds, who are struggling for a secular form of democracy in Iraq in order to maintain an internal balance of power, and probably prevent the Shiite majority s attempt to establish another Shiite regime there. Then, federalism with Kurdish regional self-rule satisfies the external powers and neighbors in the region, while the Kurdish population s desire for independency is ignored, again. I also have underlined that one should pay attention to external role regarding internal conflict management. And that the Kurdish conflict, which bears a strong external dimension, is a good example for further studies with similar cases

    Development of an engraving machineby designing a protection cabin for laser marking

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    The “Development of an existing engraving machine by designing a protection cabin for laser marking”project consists of the achievement of a protection cabin for a marking laser by applying the theory and the experience acquired during the courses in Mechanical Engineering program. Degree project is made with the Maskinteknik i Oskharsham AB by the Mechanical Engineering student, Ahmet Azman and Sabra Meradi. This protection cabin is design for the Deckel GK 21 engraving machine that company already bought it several years ago. The safety requirements for laser protection cabin shown in IEC and ISO standard will be observed. The design process explained in the GETTING DESIGN RIGHT: A Systems Approach book will be followed to achieve this project. Six steps of this method are followed: Define the problem, Measure the needs and set targets, Explore the design space, Optimize design choices, Develop the architecture, Validate the project