1,794 research outputs found

    Low frequency seismic responses and the challenge for acquisition

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    Low frequency seismic responses have considerably different characteristics than conventional band responses and require acquisition technologies that are capable of meeting far greater requirements. Seismic sources must deliver forces at lower frequencies that are considerably larger than the forces delivered by modern sources at conventional band frequencies in order to achieve comparable signal-to-noise ratios for many traditional interface-related seismic responses. Source efforts that are only comparable to conventional band source efforts are not adequate. Low frequency seismic responses from certain non-interface related impedance changes may be greater, but still require improved low frequency seismic sources

    Unifying Gate Synthesis and Magic State Distillation

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    The leading paradigm for performing a computation on quantum memories can be encapsulated as distill-then-synthesize. Initially, one performs several rounds of distillation to create high-fidelity magic states that provide one good T gate, an essential quantum logic gate. Subsequently, gate synthesis intersperses many T gates with Clifford gates to realize a desired circuit. We introduce a unified framework that implements one round of distillation and multiquibit gate synthesis in a single step. Typically, our method uses the same number of T gates as conventional synthesis but with the added benefit of quadratic error suppression. Because of this, one less round of magic state distillation needs to be performed, leading to significant resource savings

    SMA CO(J=6-5) and 435 micron interferometric imaging of the nuclear region of Arp 220

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    We have used the Submillimeter Array (SMA) to make the first interferometric observations (beam size ~1") of the 12CO J=6-5 line and 435 micron (690 GHz) continuum emission toward the central region of the nearby ULIRG Arp 220. These observations resolve the eastern and western nuclei from each other, in both the molecular line and dust continuum emission. At 435 micron, the peak intensity of the western nucleus is stronger than the eastern nucleus, and the difference in peak intensities is less than at longer wavelengths. Fitting a simple model to the dust emission observed between 1.3 mm and 435 micron suggests that dust emissivity power law index in the western nucleus is near unity and steeper in the eastern nucleus, about 2, and that the dust emission is optically thick at the shorter wavelength. Comparison with single dish measurements indicate that the interferometer observations are missing ~60% of the dust emission, most likely from a spatially extended component to which these observations are not sensitive. The 12CO J=6-5 line observations clearly resolve kinematically the two nuclei. The distribution and kinematics of the 12CO J=6-5 line appear to be very similar to lower J CO lies observed at similar resolution. Analysis of multiple 12CO line intensities indicates that the molecular gas in both nuclei have similar excitation conditions, although the western nucleus is warmer and denser. The excitation conditions are similar to those found in other extreme environments, including M82, Mrk 231, and BR 1202-0725. Simultaneous lower resolution observations of the 12CO, 13CO, and C18O J=2-1 lines show that the 13CO and C18O lines have similar intensities, which suggests that both of these lines are optically thick, or possibly that extreme high mass star formation has produced in an overabundance of C18O.Comment: 13 pages (emulateapj), 10 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Molecular Outflow in NGC 253 at a Resolution of Two Parsecs

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    We present 0.'' 15 (similar to 2.5 pc) resolution ALMA CO(3-2) observations of the starbursting center in NGC 253. Together with archival ALMA CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) data, we decompose the emission into disk and nondisk components. We find similar to 7%-16% of the CO luminosity to be associated with the nondisk component (1.2-4.2 x 10(7) K km s(-1) pc(2)). The total molecular gas mass in the center of NGC 253 is similar to 3.6 x 10(8) M-circle dot with similar to 0.5 x 10(8) M-circle dot (similar to 15%) in the nondisk component. These measurements are consistent across independent mass estimates through three CO transitions. The high-resolution CO(3-2) observations allow us to identify the molecular outflow within the nondisk gas. Using a starburst conversion factor, we estimate the deprojected molecular mass outflow rate, kinetic energy, and momentum in the starburst of NGC 253. The deprojected molecular mass outflow rate is in the range of similar to 14-39 M-circle dot yr(-1) with an uncertainty of 0.4 dex. The large spread arises due to different interpretations of the kinematics of the observed gas while the errors are due to unknown geometry. The majority of this outflow rate is contributed by distinct outflows perpendicular to the disk, with a significant contribution by diffuse molecular gas. This results in a mass-loading factor eta = (M) over dot(out)/(M) over dot(SFR) in the range eta similar to 8-20 for gas ejected out to similar to 300 pc. We find the kinetic energy of the outflow to be similar to 2.5-4.5 x 10(54) erg and a typical error of similar to 0.8 dex, which is similar to 0.1% of the total or similar to 8% of the kinetic energy supplied by the starburst. The outflow momentum is 4.8-8.7 x 10(8) M-circle dot km s(-1) (similar to 0.5 dex error) or similar to 2.5%-4% of the kinetic momentum released into the ISM by the feedback. The unknown outflow geometry and launching sites are the primary sources of uncertainty in this study.Peer reviewe

    Exploring and Exploiting Acceptor Preferences of the Human Polysialyltransferases as a Basis for an Inhibitor Screen

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    Yesα2,8-Linked polysialic acid (polySia) is an oncofoetal antigen with high abundance during embryonic development. It reappears in malignant tumours of neuroendocrine origin. Two polysialyltransferases (polySTs) ST8SiaII and IV are responsible for polySia biosynthesis. During development, both enzymes are essential to control polySia expression. However, in tumours ST8SiaII is the prevalent enzyme. Consequently, ST8SiaII is an attractive target for novel cancer therapeutics. A major challenge is the high structural and functional conservation of ST8SiaII and -IV. An assay system that enables differential testing of ST8SiaII and -IV would be of high value to search for specific inhibitors. Here we exploited the different modes of acceptor recognition and elongation for this purpose. With DMB-DP3 and DMB-DP12 (fluorescently labelled sialic acid oligomers with a degree of polymerisation of 3 and 12, respectively) we identified stark differences between the two enzymes. The new acceptors enabled the simple comparative testing of the polyST initial transfer rate for a series of CMP-activated and N-substituted sialic acid derivatives. Of these derivatives, the non-transferable CMP-Neu5Cyclo was found to be a new, competitive ST8SiaII inhibitor

    Suppression of Star Formation in NGC 1266

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    NGC1266 is a nearby lenticular galaxy that harbors a massive outflow of molecular gas powered by the mechanical energy of an active galactic nucleus (AGN). It has been speculated that such outflows hinder star formation (SF) in their host galaxies, providing a form of feedback to the process of galaxy formation. Previous studies, however, indicated that only jets from extremely rare, high power quasars or radio galaxies could impart significant feedback on their hosts. Here we present detailed observations of the gas and dust continuum of NGC1266 at millimeter wavelengths. Our observations show that molecular gas is being driven out of the nuclear region at Ṁ_(out) ≈ 110M_⊙ yr^(−1), of which the vast majority cannot escape the nucleus. Only 2M_⊙ yr^(−1) is actually capable of escaping the galaxy. Most of the molecular gas that remains is very inefficient at forming stars. The far-infrared emission is dominated by an ultra-compact (≾50 pc) source that could either be powered by an AGN or by an ultra-compact starburst. The ratio of the SF surface density (Σ_(SFR)) to the gas surface density (Σ_(H2)) indicates that SF is suppressed by a factor of ≈ 50 compared to normal star-forming galaxies if all gas is forming stars, and ≈150 for the outskirt (98%) dense molecular gas if the central region is is powered by an ultra-compact starburst. The AGN-driven bulk outflow could account for this extreme suppression by hindering the fragmentation and gravitational collapse necessary to form stars through a process of turbulent injection. This result suggests that even relatively common, low-power AGNs are able to alter the evolution of their host galaxies as their black holes grow onto the M-σ relation

    Outflows from Super Star Clusters in the Central Starburst of NGC253

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    Young massive clusters play an important role in the evolution of their host galaxies, and feedback from the high-mass stars in these clusters can have profound effects on the surrounding interstellar medium. The nuclear starburst in the nearby galaxy NGC253 at a distance of 3.5 Mpc is a key laboratory in which to study star formation in an extreme environment. Previous high resolution (1.9 pc) dust continuum observations from ALMA discovered 14 compact, massive super star clusters (SSCs) still in formation. We present here ALMA data at 350 GHz with 28 milliarcsecond (0.5 pc) resolution. We detect blueshifted absorption and redshifted emission (P-Cygni profiles) towards three of these SSCs in multiple lines, including CS 7−-6 and H13^{13}CN 4−-3, which represents direct evidence for previously unobserved outflows. The mass contained in these outflows is a significant fraction of the cluster gas masses, which suggests we are witnessing a short but important phase. Further evidence of this is the finding of a molecular shell around the only SSC visible at near-IR wavelengths. We model the P-Cygni line profiles to constrain the outflow geometry, finding that the outflows must be nearly spherical. Through a comparison of the outflow properties with predictions from simulations, we find that none of the available mechanisms completely explains the observations, although dust-reprocessed radiation pressure and O star stellar winds are the most likely candidates. The observed outflows will have a very substantial effect on the clusters' evolution and star formation efficiency.Comment: Accepted to Ap

    Super Star Clusters in the Central Starburst of NGC 4945

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    The nearby (3.8Mpc) galaxy NGC 4945 hosts a nuclear starburst and Seyfert type 2 active galactic nucleus (AGN). We use the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to image the 93 GHz (3.2 mm) free-free continuum and hydrogen recombination line emission (H40 alpha and H42 alpha) at 2.2 pc (0 12) resolution. Our observations reveal 27 bright, compact sources with FWHM sizes of 1.4-4.0 pc, which we identify as candidate super star clusters. Recombination line emission, tracing the ionizing photon rate of the candidate clusters, is detected in 15 sources, six of which have a significant synchrotron component to the 93 GHz continuum. Adopting an age of similar to 5Myr, the stellar masses implied by the ionizing photon luminosities are log(10) (M*/M-circle dot) approximate to 4.7-6.1. We fit a slope to the cluster mass distribution and find beta = -1.8 +/-.0.4. The gas masses associated with these clusters, derived from the dust continuum at 350 GHz, are typically an order of magnitude lower than the stellar mass. These candidate clusters appear to have already converted a large fraction of their dense natal material into stars and, given their small freefall times of similar to 0.05 Myr, are surviving an early volatile phase. We identify a pointlike source in 93 GHz continuum emission that is presumed to be the AGN. We do not detect recombination line emission from the AGN and place an upper limit on the ionizing photons that leak into the starburst region of Q(0).<.10(52) s(-1)
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