8,835 research outputs found

    Influence of pore-scale disorder on viscous fingering during drainage

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    We study viscous fingering during drainage experiments in linear Hele-Shaw cells filled with a random porous medium. The central zone of the cell is found to be statistically more occupied than the average, and to have a lateral width of 40% of the system width, irrespectively of the capillary number CaCa. A crossover length wf∝Ca−1w_f \propto Ca^{-1} separates lower scales where the invader's fractal dimension D≃1.83D\simeq1.83 is identical to capillary fingering, and larger scales where the dimension is found to be D≃1.53D\simeq1.53. The lateral width and the large scale dimension are lower than the results for Diffusion Limited Aggregation, but can be explained in terms of Dielectric Breakdown Model. Indeed, we show that when averaging over the quenched disorder in capillary thresholds, an effective law v∝(∇P)2v\propto (\nabla P)^2 relates the average interface growth rate and the local pressure gradient.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys Rev Letter

    Charge-coupled devices with fast timing for astrophysics and space physics research

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    A charge coupled device is under development with fast timing capability (15 millisecond full frame readout, 30 microsecond resolution for measuring the time of individual pixel hits). The fast timing CCD will be used in conjunction with a CsI microfiber array or segmented scintillator matrix detector to detect x rays and gamma rays with submillimeter position resolution. The initial application will be in conjunction with a coded aperture hard x ray/gamma ray astronomy instrument. We describe the concept and the readout architecture of the device

    The Highly Eccentric Pre-Main Sequence Spectroscopic Binary RX J0529.3+1210

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    The young system RX J0529.3+1210 was initially identified as a single-lined spectroscopic binary. Using high-resolution infrared spectra, acquired with NIRSPEC on Keck II, we measured radial velocities for the secondary. The method of using the infrared regime to convert single-lined spectra into double-lined spectra, and derive the mass ratio for the binary system, has been successfully used for a number of young, low-mass binaries. For RX J0529.3+1210, a long- period(462 days) and highly eccentric(0.88) binary system, we determine the mass ratio to be 0.78+/-0.05 using the infrared double-lined velocity data alone, and 0.73+/-0.23 combining visible light and infrared data in a full orbital solution. The large uncertainty in the latter is the result of the sparse sampling in the infrared and the high eccentricity: the stars do not have a large velocity separation during most of their ~1.3 year orbit. A mass ratio close to unity, consistent with the high end of the one sigma uncertainty for this mass ratio value, is inconsistent with the lack of a visible light detection of the secondary component. We outline several scenarios for a color difference in the two stars, such as one heavily spotted component, higher order multiplicity, or a unique evolutionary stage, favoring detection of only the primary star in visible light, even in a mass ratio ~1 system. However, the evidence points to a lower ratio. Although RX J0529.3+1210 exhibits no excess at near-infrared wavelengths, a small 24 micron excess is detected, consistent with circumbinary dust. The properties of this binary and its membership in Lambda Ori versus a new nearby stellar moving group at ~90 pc are discussed. We speculate on the origin of this unusual system and on the impact of such high eccentricity on the potential for planet formation.Comment: 4 Figure

    Magnetic Order and Dynamics in an Orbitally Degenerate Ferromagnetic Insulator

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    Neutron scattering was used to determine the spin structure and the magnon spectrum of the Mott--Hubbard insulator YTiO3_3. The magnetic structure is complex, comprising substantial G-type and A-type antiferromagnetic components in addition to the predominant ferromagnetic component. The magnon spectrum, on the other hand, is gapless and nearly isotropic. We show that these findings are inconsistent with the orbitally ordered states thus far proposed for YTiO3_3 and discuss general implications for a theoretical description of exchange interactions in orbitally degenerate systems.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. Let


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    The ability of the teleost gut to absorb microparticulate material was examined following rectal intubation (3.5 g kg -1 ) of commercial grade cornstarch (≈21 mm diameter), or potato starch (≈43 mm diameter). Tissue samples were taken from the mid - and hind-gut of control and treated fish 18 h postintubation. Collected samples were processed using standard plastic and staining protocols and resultant photomicrographs examined by computer-assisted image analysis. Cornstarch particles (8-14 mm), were observed to pass from gut lumen to the lamina propria via a paracellular or persorptive route only. No evidence for the like passage of potato starch was found.Mogućnost probavnog sustava koĆĄtunjavičastih vrsta riba da apsorbiraju sitne čestice pojedinih tvari bila je istraĆŸivana s pomoću rektalne intubacije (3, 5 g kg -1 ) komercijalnoga ĆĄkroba kukuruza (promjera ≈21 mm) i ĆĄkroba krumpira (promjera ≈ 43 mm). Uzorci tkiva uzeti su iz srednjeg i straĆŸnjeg dijela crijeva kontrolne i tretirane skupine riba, i to 18 sati nakon intubacije. Sakupljeni su uzorci spremljeni u standardne plastike i obojeni prema protokolu, te fotomikrografski snimljeni na računalu. Čestice ĆĄkroba kukuruza (8-14 mm) zapaĆŸene su da iz lumena crijeva prolaze u laminu propriju samo paracelularnim ili persorptivnim putem. No, nije zapaĆŸen prolazak čestica ĆĄkroba krumpira

    Scaling Relations of Viscous Fingers in Anisotropic Hele-Shaw Cells

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    Viscous fingers in a channel with surface tension anisotropy are numerically studied. Scaling relations between the tip velocity v, the tip radius and the pressure gradient are investigated for two kinds of boundary conditions of pressure, when v is sufficiently large. The power-law relations for the anisotropic viscous fingers are compared with two-dimensional dendritic growth. The exponents of the power-law relations are theoretically evaluated.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The K\"ahler-Ricci flow on surfaces of positive Kodaira dimension

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    The existence of K\"ahler-Einstein metrics on a compact K\"ahler manifold has been the subject of intensive study over the last few decades, following Yau's solution to Calabi's conjecture. The Ricci flow, introduced by Richard Hamilton has become one of the most powerful tools in geometric analysis. We study the K\"ahler-Ricci flow on minimal surfaces of Kodaira dimension one and show that the flow collapses and converges to a unique canonical metric on its canonical model. Such a canonical is a generalized K\"ahler-Einstein metric. Combining the results of Cao, Tsuji, Tian and Zhang, we give a metric classification for K\"aher surfaces with a numerical effective canonical line bundle by the K\"ahler-Ricci flow. In general, we propose a program of finding canonical metrics on canonical models of projective varieties of positive Kodaira dimension

    Clarifying the distal to proximal tephrochronology of the Millennium (B–Tm) eruption, Changbaishan Volcano, northeast China

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    Tephra dispersed during the Millennium eruption (ME), Changbaishan Volcano, NE China provides one of the key stratigraphic links between Asia and Greenland for the synchronization of palaeoenvironmental records. However, controversy surrounds proximal-distal tephra correlations because (a) the proposed proximal correlatives of the distal ME tephra (i.e. B-Tm) lack an unequivocal chronostratigraphic context, and (b) the ME tephra deposits have not been chemically characterized for a full spectrum of element using grain-specific techniques. Here we present grain-specific glass chemistry, including for the first time, single grain trace element data, for a composite proximal sequence and a distal tephra from Lake Kushu, northern Japan (ca. 1100 km away from Changbaishan). We demonstrate a robust proximal-distal correlation and that the Kushu tephra is chemically associated with the ME/B-Tm. We propose that three of the proximal pyroclastic fall units were erupted as part of the ME. The radiocarbon chronology of the Kushu sedimentary record has been utilised to generate a Bayesian age-depth model, providing an age for the Kushu tephra which is consistent with high resolution ages determined for the eruption and therefore supports our geochemical correlation. Two further Bayesian age-depth models were independently constructed each incorporating one of two ice-core derived ages for the B-Tm tephra, providing Bayesian modelled ages of 933-949 and 944-947 cal AD (95.4%) for the Kushu tephra. The high resolution ice-core tephra ages imported into the deposition models help test and ultimately constrain the radiocarbon chronology in this interval of the Lake Kushu sedimentary record. The observed geochemical diversity between proximal and distal ME tephra deposits clearly evidences the interaction of two compositionally distinct magma batches during this caldera forming eruption
