458 research outputs found

    <i>Schistosoma mansoni</i> cercariae experience influx of macromolecules during skin penetration

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    We have observed that when cercariae penetrate the skin of mice, there is influx into their tissues of Lucifer Yellow and certain labelled molecules of up to 20 kDa molecular weight. This observation was made using a variety of fluorescent membrane-impermeant compounds injected into the skin before the application of cercariae. This unexpected phenomenon was investigated further by transforming cercariae in vitro in the presence of the membrane-impermeant compounds and examining the distribution by microscopy. In schistosomula derived from this procedure, the nephridiopore and surface membrane were labelled while the pre- and post-acetabular glands were not labelled. The region associated with the oesophagus within the pharyngeal muscle clearly contained the fluorescent molecules, as did the region adjacent to the excretory tubules and the germinal mass. We used cercariae stained with carmine to aid identification of regions labelled with Lucifer Yellow. Although the mechanism of this influx is unclear, the observation is significant. From it, we can suggest an hypothesis that, during skin penetration, exposure of internal tissues of the parasite to external macromolecules represents a novel host-parasite interfac

    Child mortality in South Africa: Fewer deaths, but better data are needed

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    South Africa is committed to reducing under-5 mortality rates in line with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets. Policymakers and healthcare service managers require accurate and complete data on the number and causes of child deaths to plan and monitor healthcare service delivery and health outcomes. This study aimed to review nationally representative data on under-5 mortality and the cause of deaths among children under 5 years of age. We also reviewed systems that are currently used for generating these data. Child mortality has declined substantially in the past decade. Under-5 mortality in 2015 is estimated at 37 - 40 deaths per 1 000 live births, with an estimated infant mortality rate of 27 - 33 deaths per 1 000 live births. Approximately one-third of under-5 deaths occur during the newborn period, while diarrhoea, pneumonia and HIV infection remain the most important causes of death outside of the newborn period. The proportion of deaths owing to non-natural causes, congenital disorders and non-communicable diseases has increased. However, many discrepancies in data collected through different systems are noted, especially at the sub-national level. There is a need to improve the completeness and accuracy of existing data systems and to strengthen reconciliation and triangulation of data

    Assessing sedation need and managing referred dentally anxious patients:is there a role for the Index of Sedation Need?

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    Aim: To conduct an exploratory investigation of public dental service (PDS) practitioners' planned sedation modality using a structural equation modelling approach, in order to identify the explanatory value of using the Index of Sedation Need (IOSN), or its component parts, to predict sedation modality in patients referred with dental anxiety. Methods: A convenience sample of patients referred to the PDS for dental anxiety management was invited to take part. The IOSN was completed for each patient (patient dental anxiety, medical and behavioural indicators and dental treatment complexity) as well as the American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Classification System and the Case Mix Tool. The practitioners completed details of their planned sedation modality and identified normative dental treatment need. The data were entered onto an SPSS v21 database and subjected to frequency distributions, t-tests, correlation analysis and exploratory partial structural equation modelling (SEM). Results: Ninety-five percent of patients were ranked as MDAS 3 or 4, indicating high dental anxiety; 69% had a medical condition, which might impact on dental treatment and 82% had a dental treatment need, which was classified as intermediate/complex according to the IOSN. Eighty-eight percent of the patients in accordance with the IOSN required sedation: 62% of patients were assessed as requiring intravenous sedation. The IOSN discriminated between patients who were assessed as requiring more complex sedation modalities and had a greater normative treatment need. The SEM showed that the patient dental anxiety (P &lt;0.02) and dental treatment complexity (P &lt;0.02) predicted planned sedation modality. Functional morbidity was less strong, as a predictor, and was significant at the ten percent level. Conclusions: The IOSN is a useful and valid assessment of sedation need and predicted sedation modality for patients referred with high dental anxiety states and secondly, that component parts of the IOSN add explanatory value in practitioners' choice of planned sedation modality

    Computational Identification of Uncharacterized Cruzain Binding Sites

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    Chagas disease, caused by the unicellular parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, claims 50,000 lives annually and is the leading cause of infectious myocarditis in the world. As current antichagastic therapies like nifurtimox and benznidazole are highly toxic, ineffective at parasite eradication, and subject to increasing resistance, novel therapeutics are urgently needed. Cruzain, the major cysteine protease of Trypanosoma cruzi, is one attractive drug target. In the current work, molecular dynamics simulations and a sequence alignment of a non-redundant, unbiased set of peptidase C1 family members are used to identify uncharacterized cruzain binding sites. The two sites identified may serve as targets for future pharmacological intervention

    Select pyrimidinones inhibit the propagation of the malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum

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    Plasmodium falciparum, the Apicomplexan parasite that is responsible for the most lethal forms of human malaria, is exposed to radically different environments and stress factors during its complex lifecycle. In any organism, Hsp70 chaperones are typically associated with tolerance to stress. We therefore reasoned that inhibition of P. falciparum Hsp70 chaperones would adversely affect parasite homeostasis. To test this hypothesis, we measured whether pyrimidinone-amides, a new class of Hsp70 modulators, could inhibit the replication of the pathogenic P. falciparum stages in human red blood cells. Nine compounds with IC50 values from 30 nM to 1.6 μM were identified. Each compound also altered the ATPase activity of purified P. falciparum Hsp70 in single-turnover assays, although higher concentrations of agents were required than was necessary to inhibit P. falciparum replication. Varying effects of these compounds on Hsp70s from other organisms were also observed. Together, our data indicate that pyrimidinone-amides constitute a novel class of anti-malarial agents. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Evaluation of Antigens for Development of a Serological Test for Human African Trypanosomiasis

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    BACKGROUND: Control and elimination of human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) can be accelerated through the use of diagnostic tests that are more accurate and easier to deploy. The goal of this work was to evaluate the immuno-reactivity of antigens and identify candidates to be considered for development of a simple serological test for the detection of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense or T. b. rhodesiense infections, ideally both. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The reactivity of 35 antigens was independently evaluated by slot blot and ELISA against sera from both T. b. gambiense and T. b. rhodesiense infected patients and controls. The antigens that were most reactive by both tests to T. b. gambiense sera were the membrane proteins VSG LiTat 1.3, VSG LiTat 1.5 and ISG64. Reactivity to T. b. rhodesiense sera was highest with VSG LiTat 1.3, VSG LiTat 1.5 and SRA, although much lower than with T. b. gambiense samples. The reactivity of all possible combinations of antigens was also calculated. When the slot blot results of 2 antigens were paired, a VSG LiTat 1.3- ISG75 combination performed best on T. b. gambiense sera, while a VSG LiTat 1.3-VSG LiTat 1.5 combination was the most reactive using ELISA. A combination of SRA and either VSG LiTat 1.3 or VSG LiTat 1.5 had the highest reactivity on T. b. rhodesiense sera according to slot blot, while in ELISA, pairing SRA with either GM6 or VSG LiTat 1.3 yielded the best results. CONCLUSIONS: This study identified antigens that were highly reactive to T. b. gambiense sera, which could be considered for developing a serological test for gambiense HAT, either individually or in combination. Antigens with potential for inclusion in a test for T. b. rhodesiense HAT were also identified, but because their reactivity was comparatively lower, a search for additional antigens would be required before developing a test for this form of the disease.Support was provided by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (http://www.gatesfoundation.org/), grant 39524 (JMN); National Institutes of Health (https://www.nih.gov/), grant 2R37AI034432 (MAP); National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (https://www.niaid.nih.gov/), grants AI035739 and AI056866 (JB); Wellcome Trust (https://wellcome.ac.uk/), grant 101842 (MF); The Sandler Foundation to University of California (JMK); Agence nationale de la recherche (http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr/), grant ANR-11-LABX-0024 (DRR); Wellcome Trust Centre for Molecular Parasitology (http://www.gla.ac.uk/researchinstitutes/iii/wtcmp/), grant 104111/Z/14/Z (MPB, RMC and JCM). The funders provided support in the form of salaries for authors JMN, SB, AA, GM, MR, MAP, JB, MF, JMK, DRR, MPB, RMC and JCM, but did not have any additional role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. HW is an employee of MicroCoat Biotechnologie GmbH. This company was contracted by FIND to evaluate the reactivity of the antigens by slot blot and ELISA against sera. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Modeling, optimizing and simulating robot calibration with accuracy improvement

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    This work describes techniques for modeling, optimizing and simulating calibration processes ofrobots using off-line programming. The identification of geometric parameters of the nominalkinematic model is optimized using techniques of numerical optimization of the mathematicalmodel. The simulation of the actual robot and the measurement system is achieved by introducingrandom errors representing their physical behavior and its statistical repeatability. An evaluationof the corrected nominal kinematic model brings about a clear perception of the influence ofdistinct variables involved in the process for a suitable planning, and indicates a considerableaccuracy improvement when the optimized model is compared to the non-optimized one
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