32 research outputs found
Modeling Microorganism Transmission with Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches: An Inquiry Activity
Students will test Madagascar hissing cockroach’s capacity as a vector for transmission of microorganisms. By comparing a cockroach exposed to human contact (handled by students) and a cockroach with limited exposure (not handled), students can assess the ability of cockroaches to transmit microorganisms from one location (hands) to another (agar plate where the microorganism will be grown). This will allow students to determine if the Madagascar hissing cockroach, the classroom pet, is a potential vector for microorganisms. Students then will be able to question and relate the concept of insects and objects as vectors for common pathogen transfer
Purification of Legiobactin and Importance of This Siderophore in Lung Infection by Legionella pneumophilaâ–ż
When cultured in a low-iron medium, Legionella pneumophila secretes a siderophore (legiobactin) that is both reactive in the chrome azurol S (CAS) assay and capable of stimulating the growth of iron-starved legionellae. Using anion-exchange high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), we purified legiobactin from culture supernatants of a virulent strain of L. pneumophila. In the process, we detected the ferrated form of legiobactin as well as other CAS-reactive substances. Purified legiobactin had a yellow-gold color and absorbed primarily from 220 nm and below. In accordance, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed that legiobactin lacks aromatic carbons, and among the 13 aliphatics present, there were 3 carbonyls. When examined by HPLC, supernatants from L. pneumophila mutants inactivated for lbtA and lbtB completely lacked legiobactin, indicating that the LbtA and LbtB proteins are absolutely required for siderophore activity. Independently derived lbtA mutants, but not a complemented derivative, displayed a reduced ability to infect the lungs of A/J mice after intratracheal inoculation, indicating that legiobactin is required for optimal intrapulmonary survival by L. pneumophila. This defect, however, was not evident when the lbtA mutant and its parental strain were coinoculated into the lung, indicating that legiobactin secreted by the wild type can promote growth of the mutant in trans. Legiobactin mutants grew normally in murine lung macrophages and alveolar epithelial cells, suggesting that legiobactin promotes something other than intracellular infection of resident lung cells. Overall, these data represent the first documentation of a role for siderophore expression in the virulence of L. pneumophila
Type II Secretion-Dependent Aminopeptidase LapA and Acyltransferase PlaC Are Redundant for Nutrient Acquisition during Legionella pneumophila Intracellular Infection of Amoebas
Legionella pneumophila genes encoding LapA, LapB, and PlaC were identified as the most highly upregulated type II secretion (T2S) genes during infection of Acanthamoeba castellanii, although these genes had been considered dispensable on the basis of the behavior of mutants lacking either lapA and lapB or plaC. A plaC mutant showed even higher levels of lapA and lapB transcripts, and a lapA lapB mutant showed heightening of plaC mRNA levels, suggesting that the role of the LapA/B aminopeptidase is compensatory with respect to that of the PlaC acyltransferase. Hence, we made double mutants and found that lapA plaC mutants have an ~50-fold defect during infection of A. castellanii. These data revealed, for the first time, the importance of LapA in any sort of infection; thus, we purified LapA and defined its crystal structure, activation by another T2S-dependent protease (ProA), and broad substrate specificity. When the amoebal infection medium was supplemented with amino acids, the defect of the lapA plaC mutant was reversed, implying that LapA generates amino acids for nutrition. Since the LapA and PlaC data did not fully explain the role of T2S in infection, we identified, via proteomic analysis, a novel secreted protein (NttD) that promotes infection of A. castellanii. A lapA plaC nttD mutant displayed an even greater (100-fold) defect, demonstrating that the LapA, PlaC, and NttD data explain, to a significant degree, the importance of T2S. LapA-, PlaC-, and NttD-like proteins had distinct distribution patterns within and outside the Legionella genus. LapA was notable for having as its closest homologue an A. castellanii protein