1,099 research outputs found

    Teatro uruguayo en el San Martín

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    La actitud hacia el bienestar animal en el ámbito educativo

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    La investigación que se presenta en esta tesis doctoral aborda un tema delicado pero subyacente en la sociedad: El bienestar de los animales. El concepto clásico de bienestar animal se limitaba a que los animales estuviesen físicamente sanos, bien alimentados y libres de agresiones físicas del ambiente, que recibieron la consideración de «las tres libertades». La nueva concepción de bienestar animal se basa en la capacidad de los animales para adaptarse con éxito a un ambiente dado y desarrollar todo su potencial fisiológico y etológico. Por tanto, a las tres primeras libertades de los animales ampliamente aceptadas se agregaron dos nuevas, las que se enuncian como libertad para expresar los comportamientos naturales de la especie, y que los animales estén libres de miedo o estrés.La recerca que es presenta en aquesta tesi doctoral aborda un tema delicat però subjacent en la societat: el benestar dels animals. El concepte clàssic de benestar animal es limitava al fet que els animals estiguessin físicament sans, ben alimentats i lliures d'agressions físiques de l'ambient, que van rebre la consideració de «les tres llibertats». La nova concepció de benestar animal es basa en la capacitat dels animals per adaptar-se amb èxit a un ambient donat i desenvolupar tot el seu potencial fisiològic i etològic. Per tant, a les tres primeres llibertats dels animals àmpliament acceptades es van agregar dues noves, les que s'enuncien com a llibertat per expressar els comportaments naturals de l'espècie, i que els animals estiguin lliures de por o estrès.The research presented in this thesis deals with a delicate but underlying theme in society: the welfare of animals. The classical concept of animal welfare merely that animals were physically healthy, well fed and free from physical attacks from the environment, receiving the consideration of "the three freedoms". The new concept of animal welfare is based on the ability of animals to adapt successfully to a given and realize their potential physiological and behavioral environment. Therefore, the first three freedoms widely animal accepted two new, those set as freedom to express natural behavior of the species, and that the animals are free from fear or stress were added

    Translation of puns and humour in Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s adventures in wonderland into Galician

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Lingua e Literatura Inglesas. Curso 2017-2018Humorous elements having to do with language, for instance puns or witty components, entail an interesting challenge when translating a text,since the humoristic effect needs to be reproduced in the target text for it not to lose its sense. My aim, with this proposal, is to observe how different translators were able to solve the difficulties that the mentioned elements present in a classical work like "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll, which contains a great number of idioms,cultural references, jokes and witty puns with humorous purposes that enrich the text, but that require from the translator a deep knowledge of the source and target languages,anda huge creative capacity. For this purpose, I am going to conducta comparative analysis of two different Galician versions of the original work in English,both of them being complete texts and addressed to a comparable audience. The first of the versions is translated by Teresa Barro and Fernando Pérez Barreiro, published in 1984, and the other one by Xabier Queipo, published thirty-one years later, in 2015. I am going to identify specific instances of puns and other forms of wordplay used by the author to create humorous effects, and analyse the different proposals of the translators toereate a similar effect In the target language


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    ABSTRAKAbstrak Karya Akhir diserahkan kepada Panitia Komisi Ujian untuk mendapatkan Gelar Magister Manajemen pada Program Pascasarjana Universitas Syiah Kuala PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN SPRITUAL TERHADAP MOTIVASI SPRITUAL DAN MOTIVASI MATERIAL SERTA DAMPAKNYA TERHADAP KUALITAS PELAYANAN DI HOTEL GRAND PERMATA HATI KOTA BANDA ACEHOlehICHSAN AKMAL MAZASNIM : 1701202010044Konsentrasi : PemasaranPembimbing Pertama : Dr. Sofyan, S.E, MBAPembimbing Kedua : Prof . Dr. M. Shabri, SE., M.EcTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepemimpinan spiritual terhadap motivasi spiritual karyawan, pengaruh kepemimpinan spiritual terhadap motivasi material karyawan, pengaruh kepemimpinan spiritual terhadap kualitas pelayanan karyawan, pengaruh motivasi spiritual terhadap kualitas pelayanan karyawan, pengaruh motivasi material terhadap kualitas pelayanan karyawan, pengaruh kepemimpinan spiritual terhadap kualitas pelayanan melalui motivasi spiritual dan pengaruh kepemimpinan spiritual terhadap kualitas pelayanan melalui motivasi material.Objek penelitian ini adalah kepemimpinan spiritual, motivasi spiritual, motivasi material dan kualitas pelayanan. Peralatan analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu uji verfikatif dengan menggunakan peralatan analisis data structural equation modelling (SEM) dengan bantuan program AMOS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan spiritual yang diterapkan oleh pihak Hotel Grand Permata Hati Banda Aceh berpengaruh terhadap motivasi spiritual karyawan, kepemimpinan spiritual berpengaruh terhadap motivasi material karyawan, kepemimpinan spiritual berpengaruh terhadap kualitas pelayanan karyawan, motivasi spiritual berpengaruh terhadap kualitas pelayanan karyawan, motivasi material berpengaruh terhadap kualitas pelayanan karyawan, kepemimpinan spiritual berpengaruh terhadap kualitas pelayanan melalui motivasi spiritual karyawan dan kepemimpinan spiritual berpengaruh terhadap kualitas pelayana melalui motivasi material karyawan.Kata Kunci: Kepemimpinan Spiritual, Motivasi Spiritual, Motivasi Material dan Kualitas Pelayanan.ABSTRACTAbstract of Final Paper Submitted to The Examination Committee in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management on Graduate Program of Syiah Kuala UniversityTHE INFLUENCE OF SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP ON SPIRITUAL AND MATERIAL MOTIVATION AND ITS IMPACT ON SERVICE QUALITY IN HOTELS GRAND PERMATA HATI KOTA BANDA ACEHByICHSAN AKMAL MAZASS/N : 1701202010044Specialization : MarketingSupervisor : Dr. Sofyan, S.E, MBACo-Supervisor : Prof. Dr. M. Shabri, SE., M.EcThe purpose of this study was to determine the effect of spiritual leadership on employee spiritual motivation, the influence of spiritual leadership on employee material motivation, the influence of spiritual leadership on employee service quality, the influence of spiritual motivation on employee service quality, the effect of material motivation on employee service quality, the influence of spiritual leadership on employee service quality. service quality through spiritual motivation and the influence of spiritual leadership on service quality through material motivation. The object of this research is spiritual leadership, spiritual motivation, material motivation and service quality. The data analysis tool used in this research is the verification test using structural equation modeling (SEM) data analysis equipment with the help of the AMOS program. The results showed that the spiritual leadership applied by the Hotel Grand Permata Hati Banda Aceh had an effect on employee spiritual motivation, spiritual leadership had an effect on employee material motivation, spiritual leadership had an effect on employee service quality, spiritual motivation had an effect on employee service quality, material motivation had an effect on employee service quality. Employee service quality, spiritual leadership influences service quality through employee spiritual motivation and spiritual leadership affects service quality through employee material motivation..Keywords : Spiritual Leadership, Spiritual Motivation, Material Motivation and Service Qualit

    La insólita estructura de Don Álvaro o la fuerza del sino

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    "Don Álvaro o la fuerza del sino", a pesar de ser la más afamada pieza teatral de su época, a pesar de ser considerada una obra revolucionaria, iniciadora de caminos nuevos para la escena española, apenas ha merecido la atención de los investigadores. Muchas veces he sido puesta en juicio por las diferencias estéticas entre románticos y clasicistas. Sólo recientes trabajos han abierto el camino a una más cabal, rigurosa y positiva valoración del drama."Don Álvaro o la fuerza del sino", despite being the most famous theatrical piece of his time, in spite of being considered a revolutionary work, the initiator of new pathways for the Spanish scene, is barely deserving the attention of researchers. Many times it have been put on trial by the aesthetic differences between romantic and classical. Only recents works have opened the way for a more comprehensive, rigorous and positive assessment of the drama.notPeerReviewe

    ¿Sueñan los androides con ovejas eléctricas? La memoria cinematográfica como dispositivo del poder

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    This text is structured according to three fundamental assumptions. The first say that memory is a device that regulates most influential contemporary life. The film, touted as a way that extends this dynamic, form behavior habits that not by chance coincides with consumption habits. The second delves into this mechanism and say that its deeper explanation lies in the different ways to reduce and neutralize the power of the anachronism in the present. In trying to represent the strength of this element that Giorgio Agamben locates in the nymph, the two cases arising out of this inertia, Gestalt and capitalist image, make it their denial, that is, a threat. Finally, the third suggests that the two previous thesis can bring existential and institutional memory with its opposite.El presente texto se estructura en función de tres hipótesis fundamentales. La primera afirma que la memoria es uno de los dispositivos que con más influencia regula la vida contemporánea. El cine, como medio que la promociona, extiende esta dinámica consiguiendo formar hábitos de conducta que no por casualidad vienen a coincidir con hábitos de consumo. La segunda ahonda en este mecanismo y afirma que su explicación más profunda se encuentra en los diferentes modos de reducir y neutralizar la fuerza de lo extemporáneo y lo anacrónico en el presente. Al tratar de representar la fuerza de este elemento intempestivo que Giorgio Agamben localiza en la ninfa, los dos casos derivados de esta inercia, la Gestalt y la imagen capitalista, lo convierten en negación, es decir, en una amenaza. Finalmente, la tercera sugiere que de darse por verosímiles las dos tesis anteriores, la promoción existencial e institucional de la memoria terminará coincidiendo con su contrario

    HLA DNA Sequence Variation among Human Populations: Molecular Signatures of Demographic and Selective Events

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    Molecular differences between HLA alleles vary up to 57 nucleotides within the peptide binding coding region of human Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) genes, but it is still unclear whether this variation results from a stochastic process or from selective constraints related to functional differences among HLA molecules. Although HLA alleles are generally treated as equidistant molecular units in population genetic studies, DNA sequence diversity among populations is also crucial to interpret the observed HLA polymorphism. In this study, we used a large dataset of 2,062 DNA sequences defined for the different HLA alleles to analyze nucleotide diversity of seven HLA genes in 23,500 individuals of about 200 populations spread worldwide. We first analyzed the HLA molecular structure and diversity of these populations in relation to geographic variation and we further investigated possible departures from selective neutrality through Tajima's tests and mismatch distributions. All results were compared to those obtained by classical approaches applied to HLA allele frequencies

    Biomaterials to suppress cancer stem cells and disrupt their tumoral niche

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    Lack of improvement in the treatment options of several types of cancer can largely be attributed to the presence of a subpopulation of cancer cells with stem cell signatures and to the tumoral niche that supports and protects these cells. This review analyses the main strategies that specifically modulate or suppress cancer stem cells (CSCs) and the tumoral niche (TN), focusing on the role of biomaterials (i.e. implants, nanomedicines, etc.) in these therapies. In the case of CSCs, we discuss differentiation therapies and the disruption of critical signaling networks. For the TN, we analyze diverse strategies to modulate tumor hypervascularization and hypoxia, tumor extracellular matrix, and the inflammatory and tumor immunosuppressive environment. Due to their capacity to control drug disposition and integrate diverse functionalities, biomaterial- based therapies can provide important benefits in these strategies. We illustrate this by providing case studies where biomaterial-based therapies either show CSC suppression and TN disruption or improved delivery of major modulators of these features. Finally, we discuss the future of these technologies in the framework of these emerging therapeutic conceptsFundación BBVA, Proyectos de Investigación en Biomedicina (2014-PO0110) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (SAF2014-58189-R, FEDER Funds)S

    The social psychology of citizenship, participation and social exclusion: introduction to the special thematic section

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    The aim of this special thematic section is to bring together recent social psychological research on the topic of citizenship with a view to discerning the emerging trends within the field and its potential contributions to the broader interdisciplinary area of citizenship studies. Eight papers spanning diverse theoretical traditions (including social identity, social representations and discursive approaches) apply an array of methods to consider different aspects of citizenship across a variety of cultural and national contexts. Some focus on individuals’ perceptions and discussions of citizenship, others examine the group dynamics which flow from these understandings, and the rest examine the potential for citizenship to exclude as well as include marginalised communities. While diverse, the contributions share some core commonalities: all share a concern in trying to understand citizenship from the perspective of the citizen; all conceptualise citizenship as an active and reflective process occurring between members of a community; and all highlight the irreducibly social and collective nature of the experience and practice of citizenship in everyday life. We propose that these elements of convergence have the potential to give the social psychology of citizenship a solid basis and recognisable profile in order to contribute to the broader arena of citizenship studies