57 research outputs found

    Bio-, Magneto- and event-stratigraphy across the K-T boundary

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    Determining the time and the time structure of rare events in geology can be accomplished by applying three different and independent stratigraphic methods: Biostratigraphy, magneto-stratigraphy and event-stratigraphy. The optimal time resolution of the two former methods is about 1000 years, while by means of event-stratigraphy a resolution of approximately one year can be achieved. For biostratigraphy across the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary micro- and nannofossils have been found best suited. The qualitative and quantitative analyses of minerals and trace elements across the K-T boundary show anomalies on a millimeter scale and permit conclusions regarding the time structure of the K-T event itself. The results of the analyses find a most consistent explanation by the assumption of an extraterrestrial impact. The main portion of the material rain from the atmosphere evidently was deposited within a short time. The long-time components consist of the finest portion of the material rain from the atmosphere and the transported and redeposited fall-out


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    An archaeomagnetic study requires samples to be oriented very precisely prior to the removal from the site and to be transported safely since most of the times the collected samples are very soft and fragile. In this study we present new techniques for sampling and consolidation of sediments and unconsolidated soils, which are useful tools for palaeomagnetic and archaeomagnetic investigations. An application of the above techniques has been performed in burnt soils (roastbeds) in an archaeological site near Eisenerz (Austria), which used to be a cooper-smelting place in Bronze Age (around 1450 b.c.) Several roast beds have been collected and consolidated in order to investigate the distribution and the stability of the magnetization of these materials. We obtained around 350 samples and the natural remanent magnetization and the magnetic susceptibility of all these samples have been measured with a 2G squid cryogenetic magnetometer and a GEOFYSIKA KLY-2 susceptibility meter, respectively. Plots of the natural remanent magnetization and magnetic susceptibility versus depth indicate different layers of heating and give some first evidences for the use of these soils during the smelting procedure. Higher values of the intensity of the magnetization as well as of the magnetic susceptibility represent the more intense heating layer. Magnetic cleaning (thermal and Af demagnetization) of pilot samples revealed the presence of a stable component of magnetization. It seems, therefore, that these types of materials are suitable for an archaeomagnetic investigation, since they are able to record and preserve all the necessary magnetic information and provide important knowledge concerning the recent history of the Earth's magnetic field

    Palaeomagnetic data from the central part of the Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria

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    Palaeomagnetic data from the Osterhorngruppe in the Northern Calcareous Alps (NCA) southeast of Salzburg are presented. The investigations were concentrated on the red nodular Adneter Kalk (limestone) of Liassic age which carries a stable natural remanent magnetisation. Rockmagnetic investigations revealed magnetite as the carrier of the remanent magnetization. The obtained palaeomagnetic results do not contradict a northward shift of the NCA of the order of several hundred kilometres and indicate a clockwise rotation of about 45° of the Northern Calcareous Alps with respect to Eurasia, since the Jurassic. Time of possible shift and rotation are briefly discussed.           ARK: https://n2t.net/ark:/88439/y040372 Permalink: https://geophysicsjournal.com/article/256 &nbsp

    Low-temperature magnetic properties of pelagic carbonates: Oxidation of biogenic magnetite and identification of magnetosome chains

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    Pelagic marine carbonates provide important records of pastenvironmental change. We carried out detailed low-temperature magneticmeasurements on biogenic magnetite-bearing sediments from the SouthernOcean (Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Holes 738B, 738C, 689D, and 690C)and on samples containing whole magnetotactic bacteria cells. Wedocument a range of low-temperature magnetic properties, includingreversible humped low-temperature cycling (LTC) curves. Differentdegrees of magnetite oxidation are considered to be responsible for theobserved variable shapes of LTC curves. A dipole spring mechanism inmagnetosome chains is introduced to explain reversible LTC curves. Thisdipole spring mechanism is proposed to result from the uniaxialanisotropy that originates from the chain arrangement of biogenicmagnetite, similar to published results for uniaxial stable singledomain (SD) particles. The dipole spring mechanism reversibly restoresthe remanence during warming in LTC measurements. This supports aprevious idea that remanence of magnetosome chains is completelyreversible during LTC experiments. We suggest that this magneticfingerprint is a diagnostic indicator for intact magnetosome chains,although the presence of isolated uniaxial stable SD particles andmagnetically interacting particles can complicate this test. Magneticmeasurements through the Eocene section of ODP Hole 738B reveal aninterval with distinct magnetic properties that we interpret tooriginate from less oxidized biogenic magnetite and enrichment of abiogenic hard component. Co-occurrence of these two magneticfingerprints during the late Eocene in the Southern Ocean indicates lessoxic conditions, probably due to increased oceanic primary productivityand organic carbon burial

    Metamorphoses of Suffering: The Non-Thematisation of Sexual Violence Against Children in Ancient Historiography

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    Abstract: Metamorphoses of Suffering. The Non-Thematisation of Sexual Violence Against Children in Ancient Historiography. Children are seldom mentioned in ancient literature, and in contrast to modern efforts to protect children as well as possible, no corresponding idea was conceptualized in Greek and Roman antiquity. Even as girls and boys oen were victims of violence – especially in wartime but also in the hand of adults, with or without sexual abuse – their suffering never was understood as an aggression against them as individuals but only was used by historians and biographers as a means to depict the evil character of statesmen, generals or emperors. &e paper deals with the con'nements ancient historiography had to heed when describing acts of (sexual) violence.Abstract: Metamorphoses of Suffering. The Non-Thematisation of Sexual Violence Against Children in Ancient Historiography. Children are seldom mentioned in ancient literature, and in contrast to modern efforts to protect children as well as possible, no corresponding idea was conceptualized in Greek and Roman antiquity. Even as girls and boys oen were victims of violence – especially in wartime but also in the hand of adults, with or without sexual abuse – their suffering never was understood as an aggression against them as individuals but only was used by historians and biographers as a means to depict the evil character of statesmen, generals or emperors. &e paper deals with the con'nements ancient historiography had to heed when describing acts of (sexual) violence

    Sterbehilfe: Motive des Gesundheitspersonals zur Legalisierung in Österreich inklusive der Beratung zur Steigerung der LebensqualitĂ€t im Sterbeprozess

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    Durch eine stĂ€ndige Weiterentwicklung und Verbesserung der medizinischen Rahmenbedingungen kommt es in unserer Gesellschaft zu einer stetigen Zunahme der Lebenserwartung und damit verbunden zu Problemen wie chronischen Erkrankungen und MultimorbiditĂ€t. Wenn keine Aussicht auf Besserung besteht, ist das Sterben ein hĂ€ufig genannter Wunsch von Betroffenen. Doch welche Möglichkeiten stehen Personen, die ein solches Verlangen haben, offen? Um die Forschungsfragen beantworten zu können, erfolgte eine Literaturrecherche von September 2019 bis JĂ€nner 2020 in relevanten DatenbĂ€nken, wobei anhand von Ein- und Ausschlusskriterien 14 Studien in die LiteraturĂŒbersichtsarbeit inkludiert wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ein Sterbehilfeprozess einige Bedenken mit sich bringt, jedoch die Mehrheit der befragten Personen fĂŒr eine Legalisierung unter bestimmten UmstĂ€nden stimmt. Es zeigt sich eine Assoziation zwischen Pflegeerfahrung und der Meinungsbildung zur Legalisierung der Sterbehilfe. Wenn dem Sterbewunsch allerdings nicht nachgekommen werden kann, bleibt die Möglichkeit der Palliative Care, wobei diese verschiedene komplementĂ€re Therapieangebote zur Steigerung der LebensqualitĂ€t bietet.Due to a constant development and improvement of the medical framework conditions, life expectancy in our society is progressively increasing, which is associated with chronical diseases and multimorbidity. If there is no chance of curing or recovery, dying is a frequently mentioned wish. To answer the research questions, a literature research in relevant databases took place from September 2019 to January 2020. Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 14 surveys were included in the research paper. Even though the process of euthanasia is associated with an enormous amount of burdens, a considerable amount of the sampled population voted in favor of legalization under certain conditions. This review paper shows that the experience of care is option-forming. People with a lower experience are more likely to vote in favor of legalization. When the wish of dying couldn’t be fulfilled, there’s the opportunity of Palliative Care, which offers some complementary therapies to improve the patientsÂŽ quality of life
