Journal of Geophysics
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    255 research outputs found

    Two centuries-long mystery solved: the Sun acts as a magnetic alternator, not dynamo

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    The most important discovery of 2023: an excentral wobbling core (really) runs the Sun and trillions of Sun-like stars. The Sun mimics ordinary rotating machinery.             ARK: Permalink:   Omerbashich, M. (2023). The Sun as a revolving-field magnetic alternator with a wobbling-core rotator from real data. J. Geophys. 65(1):48-77   Read the press release for this article &nbsp

    Scientists now know that (and how) the Sun paces strong quakes — and not just on Earth

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    The discovery of clocking between the Sun-emitted waving jets of gas (solar wind) and seismicity on Earth, Moon, and Mars rewrites seismology and the astrophysics of stars and stellar systems.             ARK: Permalink:   Omerbashich (2023) Global coupling mechanism of Sun resonant forcing of Mars, Moon, and Earth seismicity. J. Geophys. 65(1):1-46   Read the press release for this article &nbsp

    The Sun as a revolving-field magnetic alternator with a wobbling-core rotator from real data

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    Rather than as a star classically assumed to feature elusive dynamo or a proverbial engine and impulsively alternating polarity, the Sun reveals itself in the 385.8–2.439-nHz (1-month–13-years) band of polar (φSun>|70°|) wind’s decadal dynamics, dominated by the fast (>700 km s−1) winds, as a globally completely vibrating revolving-field magnetic alternator at work at all times. Thus North–South separation of 1994–2008 Ulysses in situ <10nT polar-wind samplings reveals Gauss–Vaníček spectral signatures of an entirely ≥99%-significant, Sun-borne global incessant sharp Alfvén resonance (AR), Pi=PS/i, i=2…n, i∈ℤ ∧ n∈א, accompanied by a symmetrical sharp antiresonance P-. The ideal Sun (slow winds absent) AR imprints to the order u=136 into the fast winds nearly theoretically, with the northerly winds preferentially more so. The spectral peaks’ fidelity is very high (≫12) to high (>12) and reaches Φ>2∙103, validating the signatures as a global dynamical process. The fast-wind spectra reveal upward drifting low-frequency trends due to a rigid core and undertones due to a core offset away from the apex. While the consequent core wobble with a 2.2±0.1-yr return period is the AR trigger, the core offset causes northerly preferentiality of Sun magnetism. Multiple total (band-wide) spectral symmetries of solar activity represented by historical solar-cycle lengths and sunspot and calcium numbers expose the solar alternator and core wobble as the moderators of sunspots, nanoflares, and coronal mass ejections that resemble machinery sparking. The real Sun (slow winds inclusive) AR resolves to n=100+ and is governed by the PS=~11-yr Schwabe global damping (equilibrium) mode northside, its ~10-yr degeneration equatorially, and ~9-yr southside. The Sun is a typical ~3-dB-attenuated ring system, akin to rotating machinery with a wobbling rotator (core), featuring differentially revolving and contrarily (out-of-phase-) vibrating conveyor belts and layers, as well as a continuous global spectrum with patterns complete in both parities and the >81.3 nHz(S) and 55.6 nHz(N) resolution in lowermost frequencies (≲2 μHz in most modes). The global decadal vibration resonantly (quasi-periodically) flips the core, thus alternating the magnetic polarity of our host star. Unlike a resonating motor restrained from separating its casing, the cageless Sun lacks a stator and vibrates freely, resulting in all-spin and mass release (fast solar winds) in an axial shake-off beyond L1 at discrete wave modes generated highly coherently by the whole Sun. Thus, the northerly and southerly antiresonance tailing harmonic P-17 is the well-known PRg=154-day (or PS/3/3/3 to ±1‰) Rieger period from which the wind’s folded Rieger resonance (RR) sprouts, governing solar-system (including planetary) dynamics and space weather. AR and its causes were verified against remote data and the experiment, thus instantly replacing the dynamo with a magnetoalternator and advancing basic knowledge on the >100 billion trillions of solar-type stars. Shannon’s theory-based Gauss-Vanicek spectral analysis revolutionizes astrophysics and space science by rigorously simulating fleet formations from a single spacecraft and physics by computing nonlinear global dynamics directly (rendering spherical approximation obsolete).         ARK: Permalink:   News Feature (2023) Two centuries-long mystery solved: the Sun acts as a magnetic alternator, not dynamo. J. Geophys. 65(1):78-79   Global coupling mechanism of Sun resonant forcing of Mars, Moon, and Earth seismicity. J. Geophys. 65(1):1-46   Read the press release for this article Reprints & Permissions &nbsp

    Detection and mapping of Earth body resonances with continuous GPS

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    I recently reported temporal proof that Mw5.6+ strong earthquakes occur due to (as the lithosphere rides on) vast waves of the tidally driven and gravitationally aided 1–72h long-periodic Earth body resonance (EBR). Here I report a methodologically independent spatial proof of EBR, conclusively showing that tremors are not the only earthquake type caused by mechanical resonance: observations of actual EBR waves in solid matter using continuous Global Positioning System (cGPS) and of their triggering Mw5.6+ earthquakes. Superharmonic resonance periods from the EBR’s 55’–15 days (0.303 mHz–0.7716 μHz) band are thus recoverable in spectra of International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF2014) positional components solved kinematically from 30-s cGPS samplings. The signal is so pure, strong, and stable that even daylong components are constantly periodic at or above 99%-significance, with very high statistical fidelity, ϕ>>12, and ϕ<<12 characterizing overtones or undertones. cGPS stations have diurnal EBR fingerprints: unique sets of ~13–18 EBR frequencies, most clearly formed during ~Mw6+ quiescence, enabling depiction of EBR orientation for real-time EBR mapping. Furthermore, weeklong component time series reveal complete EBR and expected undertones as the signature of EBR’s companion sympathetic resonances, with very high ϕ>>12. Also, I demonstrate EBR mapping using the Mexico City–Los Angeles–San Francisco cGPS profile alongside a tectonic plate boundary, successfully depicting the preparation phase of the 2020 Puerto Rico Mw6.4–Mw6.6 earthquakes sequence. I finish by showing that the EBR triggered the 2019 Ridgecrest Mw6.4–Mw7.1 earthquakes sequence. EBR maps can now be produced for seismic prediction/forecasting and unobscuring (decoupling EBR frequencies) from geophysical observables like stress and strain. EBR engulfs the Earth’s crust, forming the resonance wind whose role and incessantness demote mantle convection from the working hypothesis of geophysics and whose applications include geophysical prospecting and detection at all scales and times. A previously unaccounted-for fundamental force of geophysics, the impulsive EBR spans the vastest energy bands, invalidating any previous claims of seismic detections of gravitational wave signals from deep space, such as by the LIGO experiment.         ARK: Permalink: Reprints & Permissions &nbsp

    Scaling relations for energy magnitudes

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    Homogenizing earthquake catalogs is an effort critical to fundamentally improving seismic studies for next-generation seismology. The preparation of a homogenous earthquake catalog for a seismic region requires scaling relations to convert different magnitude types, like the mb and Ms, to a homogenous magnitude, such as the seismic moment scale, Mwg, and energy magnitude scale, Me. Several recent studies addressed the preparation of homogenized earthquake catalogs, usually involving the estimation of proxies of moment magnitude Mw from local, ML, and teleseismic (Ms and mb) magnitude estimates. Instead of the standard least squares (SLR), most of such studies used the general orthogonal regression (GOR), while some used the Chi-square regression method. Here we critically discuss GOR and Chi-square regression theory and find that both are the same for the linear case — as expected since both stem from the same mathematical concept. Thus to foster an improved understanding of seismicity and seismic hazard, we used GOR methodology and derived global scaling relations individually between body, surface, energy, and seismic moment magnitude scales. For that purpose, we have compiled 13,576 and 13,282 events for Ms from ISC and NEIC, respectively, mb magnitude data for 1,266 events from ISC, 614 events from NEIC, and Mwg magnitude values for 6,690 events from NEIC and GCMT. We have also derived MS,ISC-to-Me and MS,NEIC-to-Me conversion relations in magnitude ranges of 4.7≤MS,ISC≤8.0 and 4.5≤MS,NEIC≤8.0, respectively. Likewise, we obtained mb,ISC-to-Me and mb,NEIC-to-Me conversion relations for ranges of 5.2≤mb,ISC≤6.2 and 5.3≤mb,NEIC≤6.5.  Since the number of data points was insufficient to derive the relations, we considered mb,NEIC up to M6.5.  Finally, we derived an MWg-to-Me conversion relation for the 5.2≤Mw≤8.2 range of magnitudes with focal depths <70 km.  Our scaling relations can be used for homogenizing earthquake catalogs and conducting seismicity and seismic hazard assessment studies with enhanced realism.         ARK: Permalink: Reprints & Permissions &nbsp

    An integrated approach to enhance community resilience in disaster response in Sri Lanka

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    Climate-related extreme geophysical events are among critical global challenges, and Sri Lanka is the second most-affected nation. To minimize disaster impacts and enhance the livability of human settlements, the concept of building community resilience has become crucial in disaster management and preparedness. This paper presents key results and recommendations from an integrated approach to post-disaster recovery interventions and improvements in preparedness activities, to reduce the impact of future disasters and associated risks. We tackled this goal by undertaking a reflective assessment using a case of post-disaster recovery interventions after the floods and landslides of May 2017 in three districts of Sri Lanka. This study emphasizes the need for capitalizing the immediate post-disaster response period to integrate risk reduction and resilience-building activities from the early stages of the recovery timeline.  Preparedness and resilience enhancement activities need to align with the Sri Lanka Community Resilience Framework as it can help optimally utilize time and resources to enhance resilience in resources-limited contexts.           ARK: Permalink: Reprints & Permissions &nbsp

    Earth body resonance

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    The full range of 72h-forced, 72 superharmonic resonance periods, is detected in time-series of all 866 earthquakes of (robust averages of) Mw5.6+ from USGS, EMSC, and GFZ, 2015-2019 catalogs. The resonance is in the 55’–15 days long-periodic band (0.303 mHz–0.771605 μHz) at 99–67% confidence. Moreover, omitting of the 21 overrepresenting events has improved the result. The signal is clear, strong, and stable – demonstrating beyond doubt that Mw6.2+ seismicity arises due to long-periodic resonance. Remarkably, the natural mode’s cluster was detected too; it averaged 60.1’, while the overall strongest resonance period was also 59.9’, at 2.3 var%, or to within the 1Hz sampling rate – revealing that the 72 h forcer is the modulator of the Earth’s natural period via synchronization. The dominance property of the forcer also follows from detection of its many other fractional multiples: 14/5, 3/2, 5/12, 5/36, etc. After Schumann resonance discovery in the short band (extremely long band of the EM Spectrum), this is the second report ever of a full resonance bundle in any global data, and the first ever in tectonic earthquakes occurrences. The Mw6.2+ seismotectonics arises via resonance-rupture response of tectonic plates and regions to the resonant phase or its fractional multiples. Fundamental questions of geophysics including earthquake prediction can be solved if the Earth is taken to be a multi-oscillator nonlinear system. As an immediate benefit, the find enables a reliable partial seismic anti-forecasting (prediction of seismic quiescence), months ahead globally. This discovery of mechanically induced extreme-band energy on Earth invalidates the main (heat-transfer) geophysical hypothesis and thus should drastically diminish the role of chemistry in geosciences, specifically of geochemistry.         ARK: Permalink: DOI:10.5281/2646487 | online first: 18 Apr 2019 CERN   Moon body resonance, 63(1):30-42   News Feature (2019). The most important scientific discovery of 2019: seismic universe. J. Geophys. 63(1):43-44   Read the press release for this article Reprints & Permissions &nbsp

    Moon body resonance

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    The full range of 50 initial, Moon-orbit-forced superharmonic resonance periods is detected in the 1969-1977 time-series of all 12474 consecutive 0.02 Hz moonquakes from the Apollo Program catalog. The resonance is found forcing the strongest-energy (highest-fidelity) part of the 10 hours–100 days (27.78–0.115741 μHz) long-periodic band at 99–67% confidence and below. Resonance signatures of the Moon’s other four long tidal periods – synodic, anomalistic, nodical, and tropical – were also identified but not as separate drivers of body resonance. The spectra were computed using a least-squares spectral analysis method that enabled separation of the signal driver and noise signatures of all lunar tides, as well as extraction of the exact sequence of resonance periods affecting the solid Moon. As the main disruptive phase, the Moon’s orbital period introduces nonlinearity into lunar vibration and thus forces lunar seismotectonics too, giving rise to superharmonic resonance and probably the so-called free librations as well. The spatiotemporally independent computations of Earth and Moon superharmonic resonances from seismicity time-series prove that (the magnification of) macroscopic mechanical resonance is from-quantum-to-macroscopic-scales universal, and therefore as important as gravitation and fundamental forces. I propose then that some of the craters and calderas in our Solar system are petrified evidence of polygonal Faraday latticing. Finally, since only planets with one moon are susceptible to resonance plate tectonics, to prevent Earth energy overload and disintegration, a global geoengineering scheme is proposed to reassign the smaller of Martian moons, Deimos, to Earth so to attenuate Earth plate tectonics while unlocking Mars plate tectonics for natural terraforming.         ARK: Permalink: DOI:10.5281/3376564 | online first: 24 Aug 2019 CERN   Earth body resonance, 63(1):15-29   News Feature (2019). The most important scientific discovery of 2019: seismic universe. J. Geophys. 63(1):43-44   Read the press release for this article Reprints & Permissions &nbsp

    The most important scientific discovery of 2019: seismic universe

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    Study of earthquakes and moonquakes finds strong (M6+) quakes and plate tectonics are caused by externally excited resonance instead of mantle convection/inner heat.             ARK: Permalink:   Omerbashich, M. (2019). Earth body resonance. J. Geophys. 63(1):15-29   Omerbashich, M. (2019). Moon body resonance. J. Geophys. 63(1):30-42   Read the press release for this article &nbsp

    Tomographic imaging of the Andravida blind strike-slip fault (Western Greece)

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    On 8 June 2008 at 12:25 GMT, a large (Mw6.4) earthquake occurred NE of the town of Andravida in Western Peloponnese, Greece – an area characterized by high seismicity during the last decade. In this study, the local velocity structure of the Andravida Fault Zone (AFZ) is investigated primarily using data recorded during the period 2012-2017 by the Hellenic Unified Seismological Network (HUSN). We selected about 1,500 seismic events recorded by the local HUSN stations as well as the Hellenic Strong-Motion Network (HSMN). By applying tomographic inversion, we produced and interpreted 3D models of VP, VS, and VP/VS ratio in the study area. The spatial distribution of the aftershocks, as well as the 3D model derived by Local Earthquake Tomography (LET), provided evidence for the rupture plane. Surface breaks and minor faults are found to be oblique to the main direction of the AFZ, as a result of a restraining bend in Mtn. Movri and the formation of a positive flower-structure in the shallow layers of the upper crust.         ARK: Permalink: Reprints & Permissions &nbsp


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