100 research outputs found

    Dropping Lipids for Epidermal Defense

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    The Effect of LXR Activators on AP-1 Proteins in Keratinocytes

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    Oxysterols, via activation of liver X receptor (LXR), regulate keratinocyte differentiation by stimulating transglutaminase cross-linking of several constituent proteins leading to the formation of the cornified envelope. We previously reported that oxysterols increase the expression of one of these cross-linked proteins, involucrin, and that this effect can be abolished by mutations of the distal activator protein (AP)-1 response element in the involucrin promoter. Furthermore, oxysterols increase AP-1 binding in an electrophoretic gel mobility shift assay and increase the expression of an AP-1 reporter. In this study, we describe the individual components of the AP-1 complex that are involved in the oxysterol-mediated AP-1 activation and stimulation of keratinocyte differentiation. We identified Fra-1 within the AP-1 DNA binding complex by supershift analysis of nuclear extracts from oxysterol-treated, cultured keratinocytes and confirmed that oxysterol treatment increased the levels of Fra-1 by western blot analysis. Additionally, on Western and Northern analysis, oxysterol treatment increased two other AP-1 proteins, Jun-D and c-Fos, whereas Fra-2, Jun-B, and c-Jun were not changed. Similar alterations in AP-1 proteins occurred when 25-OH-cholesterol or non-steroidal LXR agonists (GW3965, TO-901317) were used. These results indicate that oxysterols induce specific AP-1 proteins, thereby activating involucrin, one of the genes required for epidermal differentiation

    hiPSC-Derived Epidermal Keratinocytes from Ichthyosis Patients Show Altered Expression of Cornification Markers

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    Inherited ichthyoses represent a large heterogeneous group of skin disorders characterised by impaired epidermal barrier function and disturbed cornification. Current knowledge about disease mechanisms has been uncovered mainly through the use of mouse models or human skin organotypic models. However, most mouse lines suffer from severe epidermal barrier defects causing neonatal death and human keratinocytes have very limited proliferation ability in vitro. Therefore, the development of disease models based on patient derived human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) is highly relevant. For this purpose, we have generated hiPSCs from patients with congenital ichthyosis, either non-syndromic autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis (ARCI) or the ichthyosis syndrome trichothiodystrophy (TTD). hiPSCs were successfully differentiated into basal keratinocyte-like cells (hiPSC-bKs), with high expression of epidermal keratins. In the presence of higher calcium concentrations, terminal differentiation of hiPSC-bKs was induced and markers KRT1 and IVL expressed. TTD1 hiPSC-bKs showed reduced expression of FLG, SPRR2B and lipoxygenase genes. ARCI hiPSC-bKs showed more severe defects, with downregulation of several cornification genes. The application of hiPSC technology to TTD1 and ARCI demonstrates the successful generation of in vitro models mimicking the disease phenotypes, proving a valuable system both for further molecular investigations and drug development for ichthyosis patients

    Cystatin M/E Variant Causes Autosomal Dominant Keratosis Follicularis Spinulosa Decalvans by Dysregulating Cathepsins L and V

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    Keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans (KFSD) is a rare cornification disorder with an X-linked recessive inheritance in most cases. Pathogenic variants causing X-linked KFSD have been described in MBTPS2, the gene for a membrane-bound zinc metalloprotease that is involved in the cleavage of sterol regulatory element binding proteins important for the control of transcription. Few families have been identified with an autosomal dominant inheritance of KFSD. We present two members of an Austrian family with a phenotype of KFSD, a mother and her son. The disease was not observed in her parents, pointing to a dominant inheritance with a de novo mutation in the index patient. Using whole-exome sequencing, we identified a heterozygous missense variant in CST6 in DNA samples from the index patient and her affected son. In line with family history, the variant was not present in samples from her parents. CST6 codes for cystatin M/E, a cysteine protease inhibitor. Patient keratinocytes showed increased expression of cathepsin genes CTSL and CTSV and reduced expression of transglutaminase genes TGM1 and TGM3. A relative gain of active, cleaved transglutaminases was found in patient keratinocytes compared to control cells. The variant found in CST6 is expected to affect protein targeting and results in marked disruption of the balance between cystatin M/E activity and its target proteases and eventually transglutaminases 1 and 3. This disturbance leads to an impairment of terminal epidermal differentiation and proper hair shaft formation seen in KFSD

    Unknown mutations and genotype/phenotype correlations of autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis in patients from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan

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    Background Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis (ARCI) is a genetically and phenotypically heterogeneous skin disease, associated with defects in the skin permeability barrier. Several but not all genes with underlying mutations have been identified, but a clear correlation between genetic causes and clinical picture has not been described to date. Methods Our study included 19 families from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Pakistan. All patients were born to consanguineous parents and diagnosed with ARCI. Mutations were analyzed by homozygosity mapping and direct sequencing. Results We have detected mutations in all families in five different genes: TGM1, ABCA12, CYP4F22, NIPAL4, and ALOXE3. Five likely pathogenic variants were unknown so far, a splice site and a missense variant in TGM1, a splice site variant in NIPAL4, and missense variants in ABCA12 and CYP4F22. We attributed TGM1 and ABCA12 mutations to the most severe forms of lamellar and erythematous ichthyoses, respectively, regardless of treatment. Other mutations highlighted the presence of a phenotypic spectrum in ARCI. Conclusion Our results contribute to expanding the mutational spectrum of ARCI and revealed new insights into genotype/phenotype correlations. The findings are instrumental for a faster and more precise diagnosis, a better understanding of the pathophysiology, and the definition of targets for more specific therapies for ARCI

    Skin Barrier Development Depends on CGI-58 Protein Expression during Late-Stage Keratinocyte Differentiation

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    Adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) and its coactivator comparative gene identification-58 (CGI-58) are limiting in cellular triglyceride catabolism. Although ATGL deficiency is compatible with normal skin development, mice globally lacking CGI-58 die postnatally and exhibit a severe epidermal permeability barrier defect, which may originate from epidermal and/or peripheral changes in lipid and energy metabolism. Here, we show that epidermis-specific disruption of CGI-58 is sufficient to provoke a defect in the formation of a functional corneocyte lipid envelope linked to impaired ω-O-acylceramide synthesis. As a result, epidermis-specific CGI-58-deficient mice show severe skin dysfunction, arguing for a tissue autonomous cause of disease development. Defective skin permeability barrier formation in global CGI-58-deficient mice could be reversed via transgenic restoration of CGI-58 expression in differentiated but not basal keratinocytes suggesting that CGI-58 is essential for lipid metabolism in suprabasal epidermal layers. The compatibility of ATGL deficiency with normal epidermal function indicated that CGI-58 may stimulate an epidermal triglyceride lipase beyond ATGL required for the adequate provision of fatty acids as a substrate for ω-O-acylceramide synthesis. Pharmacological inhibition of ATGL enzyme activity similarly reduced triglyceride-hydrolytic activities in wild-type and CGI-58 overexpressing epidermis implicating that CGI-58 participates in ω-O-acylceramide biogenesis independent of its role as a coactivator of epidermal triglyceride catabolism

    Holistic health record for Hidradenitis suppurativa patients.

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    Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a recurrent inflammatory skin disease with a complex etiopathogenesis whose treatment poses a challenge in the clinical practice. Here, we present a novel integrated pipeline produced by the European consortium BATMAN (Biomolecular Analysis for Tailored Medicine in Acne iNversa) aimed at investigating the molecular pathways involved in HS by developing new diagnosis algorithms and building cellular models to pave the way for personalized treatments. The objectives of our european Consortium are the following: (1) identify genetic variants and alterations in biological pathways associated with HS susceptibility, severity and response to treatment; (2) design in vitro two-dimensional epithelial cell and tri-dimensional skin models to unravel the HS molecular mechanisms; and (3) produce holistic health records HHR to complement medical observations by developing a smartphone application to monitor patients remotely. Dermatologists, geneticists, immunologists, molecular cell biologists, and computer science experts constitute the BATMAN consortium. Using a highly integrated approach, the BATMAN international team will identify novel biomarkers for HS diagnosis and generate new biological and technological tools to be used by the clinical community to assess HS severity, choose the most suitable therapy and follow the outcome.This work was supported by a Biomolecular Analyses for Tailored Medicine in AcneiNversa (BATMAN) project, funded by ERA PerMed (JTC_2018) through the Italian Ministry of Health, the “Fondazione Regionale per la Ricerca Biomedica” (FRRB), the Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport (MIZŠ), the Austrian Science fund (I 4229), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research Germany (BMBF), and ANR automate (ANR-20-CE15-0018-01). This work was also supported by and by a grant from the Institute for Maternal and Child Health IRCCS ‘Burlo Garofolo/Italian Ministry of Health (RC16/2018) and by a Starting Grant (SG-2019-12369421) founded by the Italian Ministry of Health. Figures were created with BioRender.com

    Meta-Analysis of Mutations in ALOX12B or ALOXE3 Identified in a Large Cohort of 224 Patients

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    The autosomal recessive congenital ichthyoses (ARCI) are a nonsyndromic group of cornification disorders that includes lamellar ichthyosis, congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma, and harlequin ichthyosis. To date mutations in ten genes have been identified to cause ARCI: TGM1, ALOX12B, ALOXE3, NIPAL4, CYP4F22, ABCA12, PNPLA1, CERS3, SDR9C7, and SULT2B1. The main focus of this report is the mutational spectrum of the genes ALOX12B and ALOXE3, which encode the epidermal lipoxygenases arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase, i.e., 12R type (12R-LOX), and the epidermis-type lipoxygenase-3 (eLOX3), respectively. Deficiency of 12R-LOX and eLOX3 disrupts the epidermal barrier function and leads to an abnormal epidermal differentiation. The type and the position of the mutations may influence the ARCI phenotype; most patients present with a mild erythrodermic ichthyosis, and only few individuals show severe erythroderma. To date, 88 pathogenic mutations in ALOX12B and 27 pathogenic mutations in ALOXE3 have been reported in the literature. Here, we presented a large cohort of 224 genetically characterized ARCI patients who carried mutations in these genes. We added 74 novel mutations in ALOX12B and 25 novel mutations in ALOXE3. We investigated the spectrum of mutations in ALOX12B and ALOXE3 in our cohort and additionally in the published mutations, the distribution of these mutations within the gene and gene domains, and potential hotspots and recurrent mutations

    Periodontal Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Is Caused by Mutations in C1R and C1S, which Encode Subcomponents C1r and C1s of Complement

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    Periodontal Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (pEDS) is an autosomal-dominant disorder characterized by early-onset periodontitis leading to premature loss of teeth, joint hypermobility, and mild skin findings. A locus was mapped to an approximately 5.8 Mb region at 12p13.1 but no candidate gene was identified. In an international consortium we recruited 19 independent families comprising 107 individuals with pEDS to identify the locus, characterize the clinical details in those with defined genetic causes, and try to understand the physiological basis of the condition. In 17 of these families, we identified heterozygous missense or in-frame insertion/deletion mutations in C1R (15 families) or C1S (2 families), contiguous genes in the mapped locus that encode subunits C1r and C1s of the first component of the classical complement pathway. These two proteins form a heterotetramer that then combines with six C1q subunits. Pathogenic variants involve the subunit interfaces or inter-domain hinges of C1r and C1s and are associated with intracellular retention and mild endoplasmic reticulum enlargement. Clinical features of affected individuals in these families include rapidly progressing periodontitis with onset in the teens or childhood, a previously unrecognized lack of attached gingiva, pretibial hyperpigmentation, skin and vascular fragility, easy bruising, and variable musculoskeletal symptoms. Our findings open a connection between the inflammatory classical complement pathway and connective tissue homeostasis