595 research outputs found

    Nopol: Automatic Repair of Conditional Statement Bugs in Java Programs

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    International audienceWe propose NOPOL, an approach to automatic repair of buggy conditional statements (i.e., if-then-else statements). This approach takes a buggy program as well as a test suite as input and generates a patch with a conditional expression as output. The test suite is required to contain passing test cases to model the expected behavior of the program and at least one failing test case that reveals the bug to be repaired. The process of NOPOL consists of three major phases. First, NOPOL employs angelic fix localization to identify expected values of a condition during the test execution. Second, runtime trace collection is used to collect variables and their actual values, including primitive data types and objected-oriented features (e.g., nullness checks), to serve as building blocks for patch generation. Third, NOPOL encodes these collected data into an instance of a Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) problem; then a feasible solution to the SMT instance is translated back into a code patch. We evaluate NOPOL on 22 real-world bugs (16 bugs with buggy IF conditions and 6 bugs with missing preconditions) on two large open-source projects, namely Apache Commons Math and Apache Commons Lang. Empirical analysis on these bugs shows that our approach can effectively fix bugs with buggy IF conditions and missing preconditions. We illustrate the capabilities and limitations of NOPOL using case studies of real bug fixes

    Optogenetic Recruitment of Dorsal Raphe Serotonergic Neurons Acutely Decreases Mechanosensory Responsivity in Behaving Mice

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    The inhibition of sensory responsivity is considered a core serotonin function, yet this hypothesis lacks direct support due to methodological obstacles. We adapted an optogenetic approach to induce acute, robust and specific firing of dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons. In vitro, the responsiveness of individual dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons to trains of light pulses varied with frequency and intensity as well as between cells, and the photostimulation protocol was therefore adjusted to maximize their overall output rate. In vivo, the photoactivation of dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons gave rise to a prominent light-evoked field response that displayed some sensitivity to a 5-HT1A agonist, consistent with autoreceptor inhibition of raphe neurons. In behaving mice, the photostimulation of dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons produced a rapid and reversible decrease in the animals' responses to plantar stimulation, providing a new level of evidence that serotonin gates sensory-driven responses.ERC 250334, 5-HT OptogeneticMSCA 220098info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modelling human choices: MADeM and decision‑making

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    Research supported by FAPESP 2015/50122-0 and DFG-GRTK 1740/2. RP and AR are also part of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics FAPESP grant (2013/07699-0). RP is supported by a FAPESP scholarship (2013/25667-8). ACR is partially supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)

    The role of perceptual and cognitive load on inattentional blindness: A systematic review and three meta-analyses

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    International audienceThe inattentional blindness phenomenon refers to situations where a visible but unexpected stimulus remains consciously unnoticed by observers. This phenomenon is classically explained as the consequence of insufficient attention, because attentional resources are already engaged elsewhere or vary between individuals. However, this attentional-resources view is broad and often imprecise regarding the variety of attentional models, the different pools of resources that can be involved in attentional tasks and the heterogeneity of the experimental paradigms. Our aim was to investigate whether a classic theoretical model of attention, namely the Load Theory, could account for a large range of empirical findings in this field by distinguishing the role of perceptual and cognitive resources in attentional selection and attentional capture by irrelevant stimuli. Since this model has been mostly built on implicit measures of distractor interference, it is unclear whether its predictions also hold when explicit and subjective awareness of an unexpected stimulus is concerned. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analyses of inattentional blindness studies investigating the role of perceptual and/or cognitive resources. The results reveal that, in line with the perceptual account of the Load Theory, inattentional blindness significantly increases with the perceptual load of the task. However, the cognitive account of this theory is not clearly supported by the empirical findings analyzed here. Furthermore, the interaction between perceptual and cognitive load on inattentional blindness remains understudied. Theoretical implications for the Load Theory are discussed, notably regarding the difference between attentional capture and subjective awareness paradigms, and further research directions are provided

    Turbulence, inertial waves and vortex column formation in a rotating fluid

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    International audienceIn order to investigate turbulence in rotating fluids, we consider in this experimental-numerical study, the locally generated turbulence though inertial-wave focusing and the role of inertial waves in the inverse energy cascade and the transfer of momentum. With a vertically oscillating torus in a rotating fluid, two inertial waves cones are generated; their energy focusing at the apex of the wave cones. For large amplitude oscillations, turbulence is generated locally around the focal point resulting in angular momentum mixing and the generation of a columnar cyclonic vortex, suggesting that there are nonlinear dynamics underlying the wave induced transport of momentum towards columnar vortices in rotating turbulence (see [1]). Quantitative data is acquired from Stereo PIV measurements and complementary information about the flow is obtained from high resolution numerical simulations

    ViscositĂ© d’une suspension de bactĂ©ries : des efforts individuels aux efforts collectifs

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    En 1906, Albert Einstein [1] a montrĂ© que l’ajout de particules sphĂ©riques solides dans un fluide augmente sa viscositĂ©. En est-il encore ainsi quand les particules sont « actives » (c’est-Ă -dire motiles) ? Des expĂ©riences rĂ©centes avec des suspensions de bactĂ©ries Escherichia coli, qui sont de type « pousseur », dĂ©montrent un effet opposĂ© : aux faibles taux de cisaillement, la viscositĂ© macroscopique du liquide chute jusqu’à devenir nulle. Ce phĂ©nomĂšne vient essentiellement du fait que la puissance motrice des bactĂ©ries contribue Ă  la puissance mĂ©canique fournie au fluide pour assurer son Ă©coulement, cette contribution ayant une valeur nette non nulle en raison de l’organisation de la nage des bactĂ©ries soit individuellement, soit collectivement

    The impact of Enabling Collaborative Situations in AR-assisted consignment tasks

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    The introduction of emerging technologies is often an opportunity to redesign the workstation. The Enabling Collaborative Situation (ECS) is a theoretical proposal that aims to deploy the operator’s activity in a collaborative situation with an emerging technology. This approach often seems to be neglected by designers. It is a practical tool for industrialists to guide the design of new work situations as well as for the evaluation of existing situations. An experiment was designed to reproduce a consignment operation. The initial situation corresponded to a classic situation with a paper-based operating procedure. The second situation was assisted by an augmented reality (AR) device and corresponded to either a good intensity of ECS or a low intensity of ECS (which is classically observed in a factory). This study has succeeded in creating an ECS, and it is well perceived as such by the subjects, but the different improvements are not perceived as important enough to make the overall experience better (satisfaction, comprehension, accessibility, performance, etc.). As it was a first attempt, the transformations of the situation were limited. This low intensity of change may explain some of the results of the experiment, but this first attempt also shows the originality and the interest of this work

    Quantifying the contribution of the Megha-Tropiques mission to the estimation of daily accumulated rainfall in the Tropics

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    International audienceThis article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record

    OLFP recovery

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    The .zip file contains the values for the OLFP amplitude recovery experiment (Fig. 2K; see the paper and the supporting information for a detailed description of the protocol). The files ending with "_stim_Y" contain the normalized OLFP amplitude values in the stimulation period (in blue on Fig. 2K). The files ending with "_recov_Y" contain the normalized OLFP amplitude values in the recovery period (in green on Fig. 2K). The file "Stim_X.txt" contains the time points for the stimulation period. The file "Recov_X.txt" contains the time points for the recovery period

    Fits OLFP amplitude and latency vs power

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    This file contains the fit parameters of the OLFP amplitude vs power and OLFP latency vs power curves for 9 mice. See README.txt for a detailed description of the fit parameters
