15 research outputs found

    Circular economy in firm’s strategies: What are the determinants of eco-innovation for companies in a circular economy context?

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    Sustainability is a growing theme in society and associated with it, comes the concept of circular economy (CE) that tries to reuse products to have greater durability, thus contributing to the reduction of waste. A very important agent in this theme is the eco-innovations (EI) that can be developed to promote the growth of this new economy concept. This study intends to determine the key drivers of EI for Portuguese companies, considering their evolution towards a circular economy. Through a Tobit model, all the variables that were identified throughout the literature review were tested, to understand their impact on firm performance, through turnover growth (TG), using data from the CIS, from where the most appropriate questions were chosen. It was not possible to verify the effect of all variables, because not all were significant. It was also found that not all drivers that appeared to have a positive impact on the TG, do have, which shows that not all potential drivers of eco-innovation are in fact and that they may represent negative impacts for the company, contrary to what one would predict. The negative effect that is still notorious regarding the costs that companies have with the implementation of these new measures should be highlighted, since this is a factor that presents itself as one of the biggest inhibitors for companies to integrate this type of action in their internal strategies.A sustentabilidade é um tema em crescimento na sociedade e associado a este surge o conceito de economia circular (EC) que tenta reaproveitar os produtos de forma a terem uma maior durabilidade, contribuindo assim para a redução do desperdício. Um agente bastante importante neste tema são as eco-inovações (EI) que podem ser criadas em prol do crescimento deste novo conceito de economia. Este estudo pretende determinar os impulsionadores mais significativos de EI para as empresas portuguesas, considerando a sua evolução em relação à economia circular. Através de um modelo Tobit, testaram-se todas as variáveis que foram apuradas ao longo da revisão da literatura, de modo a tentar compreender o seu impacto no desempenho da empresa, através do turnover growth (TG), recorrendo-se a dados provenientes do CIS, de onde foram escolhidas as questões mais adequadas. Não foi possível verificar o efeito de todas as variáveis, por nem todas se terem manifestado significativas e nem todos os determinantes que aparentavam ter impacto positivo no TG, o tiveram. Isto vem demonstrar que nem todos os potenciais impulsionadores de eco inovação o são na verdade, podendo representar impactos negativos para a empresa, contrariamente ao que seria de prever. De salientar o efeito negativo que ainda é notório relativamente aos custos que as empresas têm associados à implementação destas novas medidas, pois este é um fator que se apresenta como um dos maiores inibidores para que as empresas integrem mais este tipo de ações nas suas estratégias internas

    Suspeita de glaucoma num paciente adolescente, insuficiência de convergência, adaptação de lentes de contacto hidrófilas tóricas

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    Este trabalho é o culminar de seis meses de trabalho e relata três casos clínicos compreendidos na vasta área da optometria que foram trabalhados durante o estágio. O primeiro diz respeito a uma patologia, nomeadamente o glaucoma. Esta é uma doença que é considerada uma das principais causas de cegueira no mundo. Afeta as células do nervo óptico, impedindo que a imagem formada pela retina possa chegar ao cérebro. Caracteriza-se por alterações na papila do disco óptico e dos campos visuais, estando geralmente acompanhadas por pressão intraocular elevada. É geralmente assintomático e, por essa razão, detectado tardiamente. A avaliação da visão binocular é uma importante área da Optometria. Caso não esteja totalmente funcional pode provocar sintomas que afetam o normal funcionamento da visão e bem estar. A insuficiência de convergência é um problema de visão binocular que se caracteriza pela incapacidade de obter e/ou manter uma adequada convergência sem esforço, ou seja, pela dificuldade em manter o alinhamento binocular a uma distância próxima. A contactologia é um dos ramos da Optometria. O terceiro caso refere-se a uma adaptação de lentes de contacto hidrófilas, como uma solução alternativa e bem conseguida, à utilização de compensação em lentes oftálmicas em pacientes com astigmatismo. Seguidamente, apresentar-se-á um estudo sobre cada uma destas temáticas.This work is the culmination of six months of work and reports three clinical cases comprised in the vast area of optometry that were worked during the internship. The first concerns a pathology, namely glaucoma. This is a disease that is considered one of the leading causes of blindness in the world. It affects the cells of the optic nerve, preventing the image formed by the retina from reaching the brain. It is characterized by alterations in the optic disc and visual fields, being generally accompanied by elevated intraocular pressure. It is usually asymptomatic and, for this reason, lately detected. The evaluation of binocular vision is an important area of optometry. If not fully functional, it may cause symptoms that affect normal vision and well-being. The convergence insufficiency is a binocular vision problem that is characterized by the inability to obtain and/or maintain an adequate and effortless convergence, that is, by the difficulty in maintaining the binocular alignment at a close distance. Contact lenses adaptation is one of the branches of Optometry. The third case concerns an adaptation of hydrophilic contact lenses, as an alternative and well-achieved solution, to the use of compensation in ophthalmic lenses in patients with astigmatism. Then, a study will be presented on each of these themes

    Género e migração: expetativas, representações e experiências

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    A crise económica que abalou o mundo ocidental em 2008 teve um impacto profundo nos padrões e nos fluxos migratórios no seio da União Europeia. As dificuldades em encontrar emprego e o decréscimo nas condições laborais levaram muitas pessoas a tomarem a decisão de migrar em busca de melhores oportunidades. No entanto, esta vaga migratória tem características específicas, uma vez que, para além dos migrantes pouco qualificados, trabalhadores de setores mais instáveis ou precários, também muitos trabalhadores qualificados, com formação superior, tomaram a decisão de sair do seu país. No caso de Portugal, que depois da grande vaga emigratória dos anos 1960 e 1970, se tinha convertido num país de imigração, esta tendência foi invertida. Tal como aconteceu noutros países, não foram só os trabalhadores pouco qualificados a sair, uma vez que mesmo os mais qualificados se viram com contratos precários ou no desemprego. As mulheres, que há muito representam praticamente metade dos migrantes mundiais, enfrentam normalmente mais constrangimentos à migração, quer pela dificuldade em levar ou deixar a família quer pela panóplia de atividades disponíveis para exercerem nos países de destino, estando mais vulneráveis do que os homens em contexto migratório. As mulheres migrantes qualificadas representam, no entanto, um capital humano diferente, pelo que é importante tentar perceber de que forma isso se traduz na experiência migratória. Portugal tem, nos dias de hoje, mais mulheres qualificadas do que homens em praticamente todas as áreas, e muitas destas mulheres estão também a deixar o país. As ciências, área em que também há mais mulheres formadas do que homens, têm sofrido cortes desde o início da crise, o que levou muitos cientistas a partir em busca de experiências internacionais. Esta investigação pretende perceber se existem diferenças entre as expetativas, as representações e as experiências de portugueses e portuguesas a trabalhar em investigação científica no Reino Unido, por fatores exclusivamente relacionados com o género. O objetivo é tentar perceber se as mulheres se encontram em desvantagem em relação aos homens nos processos de recrutamento e acesso ao emprego, se encontram maiores constrangimentos no exercício do seu trabalho e se têm mais dificuldades em conjugar a vida familiar e a pessoal. Pretendo ainda tentar perceber até que ponto o fator “desigualdade de género” pesou, tanto na saída do país como na escolha do Reino Unido como país de destino. Por último, tentarei avaliar até que ponto as suas experiências estão a ir ao encontro das expetativas e ao que esperavam encontrar no país de destino.The economic crisis hit the western world in 2008 and had a deep impact in the patterns and migratory flows inside the European Union. The difficulties of finding a job and the great decrease in labor conditions led many people to migration, looking for better opportunities abroad. However, this migratory flow has very specific characteristics, because not only low-skilled workers, from unstable or precarious sectors of the workforce, are leaving their countries. Highly-skilled workers, with higher education, are doing the same. After the great migratory wave in the 1960’s and the 1970’s, Portugal has become an immigration country. Nevertheless, this tendency has been inverted. As in other countries, it isn’t just the low-skilled workers who are leaving now, but also the highly-skilled ones who have lost their jobs and found themselves jobless or with precarious work contracts. Women, who represent almost half of the world’s migrants, usually face more constraints towards migration. On the one hand, it is more difficult for them to take their families (or, sometimes, to leave them behind). On the other hand, the labor activities usually available for them in the host countries leaves them at greater disadvantage; they are, therefore, more vulnerable than men in this migratory context. However, highly-skilled migrant women represent a different kind of human capital and, for that reason, it is extremely important to understand how that is reflected in their migratory experience. Nowadays, Portugal has more highly-skilled women than men in almost every professional area, and some of these women are leaving the country too. Scientific research, where they are also more highly-skilled than men, has been receiving less funding, what has led many scientists to leave the country, seeking for a new international experience. This investigation aims to understand if there are different expectations, representations and experiences, between Portuguese women and men working in scientific research in the United Kingdom, concerning gender. My purpose is to try to realize if women are at disadvantage comparing to men, on work recruitment and job access; if they find more constraints on their daily jobs; and if they feel it is more difficult for them to find a good work-family balance. Also, it is important to understand if gender inequality has been an important factor for leaving Portugal or choosing the United Kingdom as their host country. At last, I will try to evaluate if their experiences are meeting their expectations and what they hoped to find in the country

    Preliminary results on the growth and survival of the polychaete Nereis diversicolor (O. F. Müller, 1776), when fed with faeces from the carpet shell clam Ruditapes decussatus (L., 1758)

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    The growth and survival of the polychaete Nereis diversicolor (O. F. Müller, 1776) fed on faeces of the carpet shell clam Ruditapes decussatus (L., 1758) were studied under controlled temperature and salinity conditions. Juvenile worms were fed with clam R. decussatus faeces in the presence or absence of sediment during 65 days. Starvation treatments were tested as a control. The results of the present study show that the worms were able to grow using the clam faeces in the presence or absence of sediment. However, the worms from the trials with sediment showed a higher survival rate and biomass production than those from the trials in which no sediment was used. These findings suggest that a suspension of bivalve faeces can be used in the rearing of juvenile N. diversicolor in an integrated polyculture system.El crecimiento y la supervivencia del poliqueto Nereis diversicolor (O. F. Müller, 1776) alimentado con heces de almeja Ruditapes decussatus (L., 1758) fueron estimados bajo condiciones controladas de temperatura y salinidad. Los poliquetos juveniles fueron alimentados con heces en presencia y ausencia de sedimento durante 65 días. Como control se aplicaron tratamientos de ayuno. Los resultados sugieren que los poliquetos crecieron usando las heces como única dieta en presencia y en ausencia de sedimento. Es más: los poliquetos de los ensayos con sedimiento mostraron supervivencia y producción de biomasa mayores que aquéllos en que no se utilizó sedimiento. Los resultados sugieren que se puede usar una suspensión de heces procedentes de bivalvos en el cultivo de juveniles de N. diversicolor en un sistema de policultivo integrado.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Rebuilding viable spawner patches of the overfished Spisula solida (Mollusca : Bivalvia): a preliminary contribution to fishery sustainability

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    Populations of commercially important bivalves along the coast of Portugal are depleted as a consequence of natural and anthropogenic causes. A pilot experiment was designed to determine the feasibility of transplanting individuals from natural clam beds to a closed fishing area in an effort to rebuild relatively high-density patches of Spisula solida. For this purpose, clams were equally partitioned into two groups (undersize and legal clams) and transplanted at a density of 40 clams m(-2) into two areas 50 m(2). Transplanted and control clams were sampled to estimate survival, condition index, biochemical composition, and reproductive condition. Generally, the physiological condition of clams was not affected by the method of transplanting. One year after transplanting, survival was 45%. The increase in local abundance of mature clams should facilitate successful fertilization and increase the residual reproductive value of each clam relative to its pre-transplant value. Transplanting undersize clams may be more advantageous because they are more likely to spawn at least once before harvest. The experiments demonstrate that spawner transplants may strengthen S. solida populations and can be used in stock-enhancement programmes which, in conjunction with effective management measures, can contribute to the sustainability of the S. solida fishery.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chimeric lentiviral vectors for gene therapy- Characterization of stable producer cells

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    Lentiviral vectors are overtaking gene therapy clinical trials and market, mainly due to their valuable characteristics, distinguishing them from other viral vectors. Bioprocesses relying on stable constitutive production systems are the best option to cope with increased gene therapy market demands. LentiPro26-4070A-mCPGFP, a stable constitutive lentiviral producer cell line, was recently developed using random viral cassette integration. However, alike other stable productions, still presents lower viral yields than transient systems. This work focused on bringing new insights on how lentiviral vector cassettes expression levels shape stable vector production yields and stability. To that end, gene copy number and expression levels of the four vector components were studied using LentiPro26 clones. Furthermore, top producer clones (#54 and #59) viral production and components expression stability over time without antibiotic selective pressure was evaluated. Clones rev and gag/pro/pol cassette expression levels did not restrict physical particles production, since all were able to sustain titers of 109 P.P./mL.day. Incongruent viral genome and functional titers suggested the envelope cassette expression as the main responsible factor of different viral particles functionalization (105-106 T.U./mL.day). Moreover, production stability behaviour was clone dependent. Specifically, clone #54 without antibiotics selective pressure, only decreased envelope expression levels below biological variability, associated to reduced functional titers (2 fold). Clone #59, without antibiotic pressure, decreased all viral components expression, surpassing intrinsic biological variability levels. Although physical particles titers were maintained, similar decline in viral genome (10 fold) and functional titers (8 fold) pointed to transgene cassette as the limiting component hampering viral genome incorporation into physical particles. This work identified the envelope and transgene viral cassettes as preeminent components shaping viral yields. Improved cassette expression strategies are worth to be pursue in search for high quality viral preparations. Overall, the knowledge generated contributes to advance development strategies for constitutive lentiviral vector systems

    Oocyte and embryo quality in

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    Egg quality is one of the most important factors determining larval viability. The study of oocytes released by ‘wild' broodstock will contribute to the definition of quality criteria applied to hatcheries as well as being an indicator of the oyster reproduction potential and aquaculture ongrowing systems. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between condition of Crassostrea gigas spp. angulata (Portuguese strain) from ‘wild' broodstock (condition index, gonadal maturity and number of oocyte released), oocyte biochemistry and hatching rate of eggs during the spring/summer of 1995. Stages of gonadal maturity and condition index indicated that natural spawning of this species occurred between April and August with the highest spawning intensity occurring in June. Analyses demonstrated that C. gigas oocyte organic matter consist of 44–74 % proteins, 16–38 % lipids and 7–12 % carbohydrates. A significant relationship was observed between some biochemical parameters – organic matter and lipid content – and broodstock condition index and hatching rate. It seems that these two oocyte parameters (organic matter and total lipids) could be used to define quality of oocyte and thus larval viability. The oocyte protein content was also found to be associated with broodstock and larval quality. In summary, these data are a contribution to the knowledge of the reproductive cycle of oysters in Europe and may be useful in improving hatchery management of this species

    Cuidados continuados: uma prioridade em saúde?

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    Nas últimas décadas, as constantes alterações das condições de vida em Portugal, provocaram profundas transformações demográficas e determinaram novas necessidades, nomeadamente, para as pessoas mais idosas. O aumento da esperança média de vida, o elevado número de idosos e os problemas de saúde específicos deste grupo etário tornam impreterível a necessidade de repensar o sistema de saúde português. Este cenário impõe uma reflexão conjunta de todos os atores da saúde, sejam estes, formais ou informais. A integração dos cuidados continuados na malha dos serviços prestados à população, parece ser uma proposta plausível para a melhoria dos cuidados

    Reproductive activity and biochemical composition of the pullet carpet shell <i>Venerupis senegalensis</i> (Gmelin, 1791) (Mollusca: Bivalvia) from Ria de Aveiro (northwestern coast of Portugal)

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    The present study characterizes the reproductive cycle of Venerupis senegalensis (=V. pullastra) from Ria de Aveiro (Portugal) as well as its nutrient storage and exploitation strategy. The reproductive cycle followed a seasonal cycle that correlated negatively with sea surface temperature, and comprised a ripe stage in winter followed by a spawning period that began in late winter and ended in the early summer. This extended spawning may be an advantageous strategy for the species because it ensures a continuous supply of settlers. Gametogenesis began in late summer/early autumn and intensified with the decrease in temperature during autumn. The condition index increased even during the spawning period, which indicates that there is rapid recovery and that reserves are accumulated during late summer and used later in the gametogenic process. Proteins did not contribute significantly to gametogenesis and the glycogen pattern is typical of conservative species, since gametogenesis depends largely on the amount of glycogen stored. The lipid storage and utilization cycle showed that gametogenesis took place in autumn/winter and that energy reserves were accumulated in summer

    Flow cytometric assessment of morphology, viability, and production of reactive oxygen species of Crassostrea gigas oocytes. Application to Toxic dinoflagellate (Alexandrium minutum) exposure

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    The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas accounts for a large part of shellfish aquaculture production worldwide. Aspects of morphological and functional characteristics of oyster oocytes remain poorly documented, and traditional techniques, such as microscopic observations of shape or fertilization rate, are time and space consuming. The purpose of this study was to assess for the first time viability and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production of Pacific oyster oocytes using flow cytometry (FCM) and to apply this method to determine oocyte responses to in vitro exposure to the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum. A culture of A. minutum caused a significant increase in oocyte ROS production, which gradually increased with the age of the culture, but viability was not affected. Effect of the supernatant of the same A. minutum culture did not cause any significant modifications of oocyte morphology, viability, or ROS level. This study confirmed that some oocyte cellular characteristics can be assessed using FCM techniques