1,386 research outputs found

    Patient Satisfaction in the Spanish National Health Service: Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling

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    The aim of this article was to determine which key indicators influence patient satisfaction with the Spanish NHS to provide useful information for policy decision-making. A total of 33 variables for each of the 17 Spanish autonomous communities were collected from the statistical portal of the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services, and Equality between 2005 and 2016. A cross-sectional study was applied using Partial Least Squares to a Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). The influence of expenditures, resource allocation, and safety were hypothesized about patient satisfaction. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and life expectancy were used as control variables. Moreover, the influence of resource allocation on use was tested. The model explained 57.1% of patient satisfaction with the Spanish NHS. It was positively influenced mainly by resource allocation and expenditures, followed by safety and life expectancy. Additionally, resources directly influenced the level of use. The number of hospital beds, hemodialysis equipment, rate of adverse drug reactions, and expenditure positively influenced patient satisfaction. In contrast, the number of posts in day hospitals, the hospital infection rate, and the percentage of pharmacy spending negatively influenced patient satisfaction

    Investigación para la mejora docente en las Ciencias Sociales

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic: 2017/2018Actualmente las metodologías utilizadas en las clases de Ciencias Sociales pueden ser muy variadas, utilizando diferentes recursos y mecanismos a la hora de impartirlas en los colegios, sobretodo en las aulas de primaria. De esta forma es importante descubrir que metodologías y recursos son los más utilizados por los maestros en los Centros de Educación Infantil y Primaria en los municipios de la Vall de Uxó, Onda y Chilches. Las metodologías utilizadas en el momento de abarcar las ciencias sociales en las aulas de primaria son muy variadas y tienen una gran importancia a la hora de que los alumnos adquieran el conocimiento teórico, debiendo combinarlas y apoyándose en los recursos que nos ofrece el centro. Por eso nos preguntamos si son las metodologías innovadoras mejores en las Ciencias Sociales que las clásicas. De esta forma se ha realizado una encuesta a los maestros de diferentes centros de la Vall de Uxó, de Onda y de Chilches para conocer como realizan las clases de Ciencias sociales en las aulas de primaria y tras la obtención de los datos, los resultados de las encuestan ha dejado ver que las metodologías más utilizadas son el aprendizaje en proyectos y la lección magistral, por otro lado, los recursos más utilizados son la pizarra digital y el ordenador del profesor. Con todo esto, hay que remarcar que la importancia de las metodologías es muy alta a la hora de enseñar las Ciencias Sociales pero es necesario utilizar muchos recursos y tener una actitud muy buena enfrente de los alumnos

    Passat, present i futur del món immobiliari

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    El plantejament de l’àmbit d’estudi serà doncs, fer un anàlisi de la situació política, econòmica, financera i immobiliària actual, per poder així, situar-nos en l’espai-temps. Complementant això amb l’estudi de l’últim any de la vivenda a Espanya i l’anàlisi del mercat barceloní, pretenem conèixer mitjançant un cas pràctic, el futur d’aquest món immobiliari

    El uso del libro de texto de Historia de España en Bachillerato: diez años de estudio, 1993-2003, y dos reformas (LGE-LOGSE)

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados del uso que se hace del libro de texto de Historia en las aulas de Bachillerato, más concretamente en la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia, abarcando el periodo 1993-2003. Se ha recurrido a los relatos realizados por 1523 alumnos y ha llegado a todos los Centros de Secundaria de la Comunidad. Tres ideas podemos destacar: la primera es su importancia como mediador de la enseñanza, ya que es utilizado por 7 de cada 10 profesores; la segunda su carácter simbólico, al estar presente en todo el quehacer de docentes y discentes dentro y fuera del aula y, la tercera, su tendencia a aumentar en ésta década, aunque su uso decae en los dos últimos años, sobre todo como material único

    On the global dynamics of a three-dimensional forced-damped differential system

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    In this paper by using the Poincaré compactification of ℝ³ we make a global analysis of the model xʹ = ax + y + yz, yʹ = x - ay + bxz, zʹ = cz - bxy. In particular we give the complete description of its dynamics on the infinity sphere. For a + c = 0 or b = 1 this system has invariants. For these values of the parameters we provide the global phase portrait of the system in the Poincaré ball. We also describe the α and ω-limit sets of its orbits in the Poincaré ball

    Global dynamics of a Lotka-Volterra system in ℝ³

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    In this work we consider the Lotka-Volterra system in R³ x˙ = −x(x − y − z), y˙ = −y(−x + y − z), z˙ = −z(−x − y + z), introduced recently in [7], and studied also in [8] and [14]. In the first two papers the authors mainly studied the integrability of this differential system, while in the third paper they studied the system as a Hamilton-Poisson system, and also started the analysis of its dynamics. Here we provide the global phase portraits of this 3-dimensional Lotka-Volterra system in the Poincaré ball, that is in R³ adding its extension to the infinity

    Clarifying the Disruptive Innovation Puzzle: A Critical Review

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    Purpose - Disruptive innovation theory has attracted the interest of researchers and practitioners across many areas, resulting in the development of new business models and strategies. Despite the increasing scholarly attention, its definition has not yet been understood, the understanding of the term 'disruptive' and the complex nature of this innovation has provoked some misinterpretations, and the meaning remains ambiguous. To address this confusion, this article undertakes a critical review of disruptive innovation in an attempt at providing a solid theoretical grounding. Design/methodology/approach - The review examines the key issues of published articles, identified after conducting a search in the Web of Science scholarly database. The analysis highlights the basic definitions of disruptive innovation, showing its evolution, types and its characteristics. This article also examines the behaviours adopted by the actors associated with disruptive innovation (i.e. incumbents, entrants and customers). Findings - Overall, this article finds that disruptive innovation has its own elements to be identified, requiring an in-depth analysis to avoid confusing with other innovation approaches. The findings suggest that disruptive innovation affects businesses and sectors in varied and complex ways because customers from lowend market and mainstream market appreciate this innovation. Further, its impact on practice is huge and incites further efforts in establishing a stronger theoretical grounding. Originality/value - Our research contributes on the evolution of this theory, helping to better understand the phenomenon of disruption and can be used for different types of research settings

    Role of histone modifications in marking and activating genes through mitosis

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    The global inhibition of transcription at the mitotic phase of the cell cycle occurs together with the general displacement of transcription factors from the mitotic chromatin. Nevertheless, the DNase- and potassium permanganate-hypersensitive sites are maintained on potentially active promoters during mitosis, helping to mark active genes at this stage of the cell cycle. Our study focuses on the role of histone acetylation and H3 (Lys-4) methylation in the maintenance of the competency of these active genes during mitosis. To this end we have analyzed histone modifications across the promoters and coding regions of constitutively active, inducible, and inactive genes in mitotic arrested cells. Our results show that basal histone modifications are maintained during mitosis at promoters and coding regions of the active and inducible RNA polymerase II-transcribed genes. In addition we have demonstrated that, together with H3 acetylation and H3 (Lys-4) methylation, H4 (Lys-12) acetylation at the coding regions contributes to the formation of a stable mark on active genes at this stage of the cell cycle. Finally, analysis of cyclin B1 gene activation during mitosis revealed that the former occurs with a strong increase of H3 (Lys-4) trimethylation but not H3 or H4 acetylation, suggesting that histone methyltransferases are active during this stage. These data demonstrate a critical role of histone acetylation and H3 (Lys-4) methylation during mitosis in marking and activating genes during the mitotic stage of the cell cycle. © 2005 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.This work was supported by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Grants SAF2002-00741 and PAMNBMB (to M. M.-B.)Peer Reviewe