1,758 research outputs found

    La inundación extraordinaria del 12 de octubre de 2007 en Calpe (Alicante, España): una perspectiva geográfica

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    En el presente trabajo se aborda un estudio post-inundación en una cuenca mediterránea. Concretamente, se han analizado los factores naturales y antrópicos que contribuyeron a la inundación relámpago padecida por Calpe (Alicante, España) el 12 de octubre de 2007. Se estudian los máximos pluviométricos, los caudales potenciales, la superficie inundada durante el evento, así como se presta atención al uso dado al territorio y su vulnerabilidad frente a las inundaciones. Además, se ha examinado la legislación en materia de riesgo de inundación. Finalmente, se detallan una serie de recomendaciones.The present work has tackled a post-flood study in a Mediterranean basin. Specifically, have been analyzed the natural and human factors that contributed to the flash flood suffered by Calpe (Alicante, Spain) on October 12, 2009. Have been studied the maximum pluviometrics, potential flows, the surface water flooding during the event, and pay attention to land uses and its vulnerability. Furthermore, have been examined the legislation on flood risk. Finally, a series of recomendations are detailed

    ¿Qué es la terapia colaborativa?

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    Mi intención en este escrito es situar en contexto y describir un tipo de práctica terapéutica. Se trata de la aproximación colaborativa propuesta por Harlene Anderson y Harold Goolishian

    The use of webcam images to determine tourist–climate aptitude: favourable weather types for sun and beach tourism on the Alicante coast (Spain)

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    Climate has an obvious influence on tourism as a resource and as a location factor for tourist activities. Consequently, the tourist phenomenon in general is heavily controlled by meteorological conditions—in short, by the climate. In this article, the author proposes a set of weather types with which to establish the climate aptitude for sun and beach tourism. To determine these types, the density of use of one of the beaches with the lowest seasonality in continental Europe, the Levante Beach in Benidorm (Alicante, Spain), was analysed. Beach attendance was monitored using a webcam installed by the “Agencia Valenciana de Turismo”. The relationship between the density of use of the lower and upper beach areas on the one hand, and meteorological variables on the other, allowed comfort (physiological equiv- alent temperature) and enjoyment (fractions of solar radiation) thresholds to be established. The appropriate hydric comfort values were obtained by comparing the ranges proposed by Besancenot in 1989 [Besancenot (1989) Clima et turismes. Massom, París] with numbers of visitors to the beach. The wind velocity and precipitation thresholds were selected following consultation with the literature and considering the climatic characteristics of the environment under analysis. Based on a combination of these thresholds, weather types suitable for this specific tourist activity are defined. Thus, this article presents a method for assessing the extent to which a day on the beach can be enjoyed. This has a number of applications, for planners, the tourism business and consumers alike. The use of this (filter) method in climate databases and meteorological forecasts could help determine the tourist season, the suitability of setting up a business associated with sun and beach tourism, as well as help plan holidays and program a day’s leisure activities. Thus, the article seeks to improve our understanding of the climate preferences of that tourist activity par excellence: sun and beach tourism.The findings presented in this paper form part of the author’s PhD thesis “Consideraciones Geográficas en torno a binomio clima-turismo: aplicación al litoral alicantino”, written with the support of an FPU pre-doctoral grant from the Ministry of Science and Education in Spain, and part of the project “Evaluación de la vulnerabilidad del turismo litoral del Mediterráneo español al clima y al cambio climático”, reference CSO 2008-01348/GEOG, granted also by the aforementioned bod

    Climate preferences for hiking in Spain: preliminary results

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objeto dar a conocer una primera aproximación inédita sobre las preferencias climáticas para la práctica del senderismo en España. Para ello se ha puesto en práctica la técnica de la encuesta, procedimiento de uso habitual en climatología turística. El cuestionario se ha elaborado teniendo en cuenta el marco teórico y metodológico en climatología turística, basado en la influencia de las facetas atmosféricas en el disfrute, confort, salud y riesgo de los turistas. Los resultados reflejan ciertas particularidades en las preferencias climáticas de quiénes practican el senderismo sobre otras actividades turísticas. En futuros trabajos se pretende seguir ahondando en el conocimiento de la relación clima-senderismo.This study is the first of its kind in addressing the climatic preferences for hiking in Spain. To do so, the survey technique has been used, which is a procedure that is commonly used in tourism climatology. The design of the questionnaire takes into account the theoretical and methodological framework in tourism climatology, based on the influence that atmospheric facets have on the enjoyment, comfort, health and risk of the tourists. The results reflect certain peculiarities in the climatic preferences of those who practice hiking in relation to other tourist activities. In future research we will continue working on expanding our knowledge of the relationship between climate and hiking

    Visibilidad en la Web de los Colegios Oficiales de Aparejadores, Arquitectos Técnicos e Ingenieros de Edificación de Andalucía

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    A measurement instrument is designed and tested to analyze the Web visibility of the Official Associations of Surveyors, Technical Architects and Building Engineers of Andalusia (Spain), which includes mechanisms to make an objective assessment. In order to that, a methodological development has been performed using qualitative parameters. These parameters are assigned a value, within a previously established range, for subsequent quantification. The results provide insights into the visibility of the web sites of these corporations. The tool as well as the methodology of usage is presented so that this procedure can be extrapolated to other institutions.Se diseña y testa un instrumento de medida para analizar la visibilidad en la Web de los Colegios Oficiales de Aparejadores, Arquitectos Técnicos e Ingenieros de Edificación (COAATIEs) de Andalucía que contempla mecanismos para efectuar una evaluación objetiva. Se expone el desarrollo metodológico de la elección y definición de los indicadores cualitativos utilizados a los que se les asigna un valor, dentro de un rango previamente establecido, para su posterior cuantificación. Los resultados permiten conocer la visibilidad de las sedes web de estas corporaciones. Se presenta tanto la herramienta como la metodología de uso para que este procedimiento pueda ser extrapolable a otras instituciones

    Clinical and genetic aspects of Turner’s syndrome

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    Turner’s syndrome, or monosomy X, is defined as the total or partial loss of the second sex chromosome. The clinical phenotype is highly variable and includes short stature, gonadal dysgenesis, pterygium colli, cubitus valgus and low hairline. The variable expressivity of height and other physical features may be only partially related to the chromosomal formula. Currently, the delay in the diagnosis of Turner’s syndrome remains a problem, as only 15---30% of patients are diagnosed during their first year of life. Understanding its complex etiology and learning more about its clinical variability and complications will allow us to advance the therapeutic and management approach of such patients. This review summarizes the clinical characteristics of, and diagnostic tests for, Turner’s syndrome and the advances in the study of its underlying genetic factor

    The fanciful optimism of Miguel Sánchez-Mazas. Let us calculate... = Freedom and Justice

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    May 2020 marked the 25th anniversary of the death of Miguel Sánchez-Mazas, founder of Theoria. An International Journal of Theory, History and Foundations of Science, and regarded as the person who brought mathematical logic to Spain. Here we present some of his biographical features and a summary of his contributions, from his early work in the 1950s - introducing contemporary advances in logic and philosophy of science in a philosophically backward milieu dominated by the scholasticism of that era in Spain - to the development of a project of Lebnizian lineage aimed at producing an arithmetic calculation that would elude some of the difficulties confronting Leibniz’s calculus.; En mayo de 2020 se cumplen 25 años del fallecimiento de Miguel Sánchez-Mazas, fundador de Theoria. An International Journal of Theory, History and Foundations of Science y considerado como el introductor de la lógica matemática en España. En esta contribución presentamos algunos sus rasgos biográficos, así como un resumen de sus aportaciones, desde las iniciales en la década de los cincuenta del siglo XX introduciendo los avances en lógica y filosofía de la ciencia contemporáneos en un medio filosóficamente retrasado como el dominado por la escolástica de aquel tiempo en España hasta el desarrollo de un proyecto de estirpe lebniziana orientado a elaborar un cálculo aritmético que eludiera algunos de los problemas con los que se vio confrontado el calculo de Leibniz

    Convivencia vecinal y satisfacción con la colonia en los conjuntos habitacionales de México

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    La política urbana y de vivienda de México enfa-tiza la importancia del medio ambiente social, a través de la promoción de la cohesión social. La convivencia con los vecinos es un componente de dicha cohesión. En este artículo, analizamos la in-fluencia de la convivencia vecinal en el grado de satisfacción con la colonia, un determinante de la calidad de vida de las personas, de los residen-tes en conjuntos habitacionales mexicanos. Usa-mos los resultados de la Encuesta de Satisfacción Residencial 2013, agregados en los 512 conjun-tos habitacionales que incluye. Estimamos dife-rentes especificaciones por mínimos cuadrados generalizados, probit y logit. Encontramos que las variables relacionadas con la convivencia ve-cinal ayudan a explicar las variaciones en la satis-facción con la colonia entre conjuntos habitacio-nales. Este resultado es consistente entre métodos de estimación y variables de control.Mexican housing and urban policy emphasize the importance of the social environment by promoting social cohesion. Neighborly relations are a component of social cohesion. This article analyzes the influence of neighborly relations on neighborhood satisfaction, a decisive factor for individual quality of life in Mexican housing complexes. With data from the Residential Satisfaction Survey of 2013, which includes 512 housing complexes, different specifications are estimated using generalized least squares, probit and logit. Results show that neighborly relations variables help explain variations in neighbor-hood satisfaction across housing complexes. This result is consistent using different methods of estimation and control variables