108 research outputs found

    A Systematic Review of Augmented Reality in Health Sciences: A Guide to Decision-Making in Higher Education

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the usability of the augmented reality (AR) in higher education in the area of health sciences to describe what type of interventions have been developed, their impact on various psychopedagogical aspects of the students as well as the main advantages, disadvantages and challenges in incorporating AR in the teaching-learning process. A systematic review was carried out in the CINAHL, PsycINFO, MEDLINE,Web of Science databases and the Google Scholar search engine. The search was limited to original research articles written in English, Spanish or Portuguese since 2014. The quality of the selected articles (n = 19) was assessed using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). The applications and electronic devices used and the measurement instruments used were described. The use of AR made it easier for students to acquire skills, especially in courses with a high component of three-dimensional visualization, and positively influenced various aspects of the learning process such as motivation, satisfaction or autonomous learning. As an educational technological tool applied to higher education in health sciences, AR improves the teaching-learning process by influencing it in a multidimensional wayS

    Efectividad del consejo médico a pacientes alcohólicos y bebedores excesivos atendidos en consultas de atención primaria

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    ObjetivoComprobar la efectividad del consejo médico antialcohólico que se da en las consultas de atención primaria.DiseñoEstudio cuasi-experimental de tipo «antes-después», abierto, multicéntrico.EmplazamientoCatorce consultas médicas de atención primaria (7 rurales y 7 urbanas) de la provincia de Córdoba (España).ParticipantesUn total de 306 pacientes de ambos sexos, captados mediante búsqueda de casos, que presentaban un consumo de alcohol ≥ 35 (varones) y 21 (mujeres) U a la semana, y/o síndrome de dependencia alcohólica (SDA) (MALTS-O ≥ 11).IntervencionesA todos se les ofreció consejo médico breve antialcohólico y se les hizo un seguimiento para valoración de su estado a los 3 meses, 1 y 2 años.Mediciones principalesLa variable de respuesta fue la suma del consumo autorreferido, más valores normales de GGT, y la confirmación del familiar. El análisis del estudio fue por «intención de tratar».ResultadosDe los 306 pacientes incluidos, en un 95,1% de los casos se trataba de varones y un 78,4% presentaba SDA. Al cabo de 2 años, el 38,89% (IC del 95%, 32,2-44,3%) había alcanzado el objetivo terapéutico: un 23,85% se encontraba en abstinencia total y el 15,0% presentaba un consumo moderado de alcohol, por debajo del límite de riesgo. El comienzo del consumo excesivo antes de los 16 años (odds ratio [OR], 3,0885), vivir en un barrio marginal (OR, 3,2103), consumir tabaco (OR, 1,7187) y un test de CAGE positivo (OR, 1,9949) se asociaron al fracaso de la intervención (p < 0,05).ConclusionesSe demuestra la alta efectividad del consejo antialcohólico impartido por el médico de familia en condiciones habituales de consulta, tanto en bebedores excesivos como en aquellos con SDA.AimTo determine the effectiveness of medical counseling for alcohol abuse, when it is provided in primary care centers.DesignQuasi-experimental, open, multicenter before-after study.Setting14 primary care physician's practices (7 rural, 7 urban) in the province of Córdoba (Spain).Participants306 patients of both sexes, recruited with a case-finding strategy, who consumed ≥35 (men) or ≥21 (women) IU per week, or who had alcohol dependence syndrome (ADS) (MALTS score O≥11).InterventionsAll patients were offered brief counseling to reduce drinking, and all were followed to evaluate their status 3 months, 1 year and 2 years later.Main measuresThe response variable was selfreported alcohol consumption together with normal GGT values or confirmation of alcohol consumption by a relative. The results were subjected to intention-to-treat analysis.ResultsOf the 306 patients included in the study, 95.1% were men and 78.4% had ADS. After 2 years 38.89% (95% CI, 32.2%-44.3%) had attained their treatment goal: 23.85% were in complete abstinence, and 15.0% consumed moderate amounts of alcohol below the limit considered to indicate risk. Starting excessive consumption at less than 16 years of age (odds ratio [OR], 3.0885), living in a slum (OR, 3.2103), smoking (OR, 1.7187), and a positive CAGE test (OR, 1.9949) were associated with failure of the intervention (P<.05).ConclusionsCounseling provided by the family doctor was highly effective under the usual conditions of general practice, both for patients with excessive alcohol consumption and for patients with con ADS

    Higher baseline irisin concentrations are associated with greater reductions in glycemia and insulinemia after weight loss in obese subjects

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    Irisin is assumed to be a relevant link between muscle and weight maintenance as well as to mediate exercise benefits on health. The aim of this study was to assess the possible associations between irisin levels and glucose homeostasis in obese subjects with metabolic syndrome (MetS) following an energy-restricted treatment. Ninety-six adults with excessive body weight and MetS features underwent a hypocaloric dietary pattern for 8 weeks, within the RESMENA randomized controlled trial (www.clinicaltrials.gov; NCT01087086). After the intervention, dietary restriction significantly reduced body weight and evidenced a dietary-induced decrease in circulating levels of irisin in parallel with improvements on glucose homeostasis markers. Interestingly, participants with higher irisin values at baseline (above the median) showed a greater reduction on glucose (P=0.022) and insulin (P=0.021) concentrations as well as on the homeostasis model assessment index (P=0.008) and triglycerides (P=0.006) after the dietary intervention, compared with those presenting low-irisin baseline values (below the median). Interestingly, a positive correlation between irisin and carbohydrate intake was found at the end of the experimental period. In conclusion, irisin appears to be involved in glucose metabolism regulation after a dietary-induced weight loss

    Higher baseline irisin concentrations are associated with greater reductions in glycemia and insulinemia after weight loss in obese subjects

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    Irisin is assumed to be a relevant link between muscle and weight maintenance as well as to mediate exercise benefits on health. The aim of this study was to assess the possible associations between irisin levels and glucose homeostasis in obese subjects with metabolic syndrome (MetS) following an energy-restricted treatment. Ninety-six adults with excessive body weight and MetS features underwent a hypocaloric dietary pattern for 8 weeks, within the RESMENA randomized controlled trial (www.clinicaltrials.gov; NCT01087086). After the intervention, dietary restriction significantly reduced body weight and evidenced a dietary-induced decrease in circulating levels of irisin in parallel with improvements on glucose homeostasis markers. Interestingly, participants with higher irisin values at baseline (above the median) showed a greater reduction on glucose (P=0.022) and insulin (P=0.021) concentrations as well as on the homeostasis model assessment index (P=0.008) and triglycerides (P=0.006) after the dietary intervention, compared with those presenting low-irisin baseline values (below the median). Interestingly, a positive correlation between irisin and carbohydrate intake was found at the end of the experimental period. In conclusion, irisin appears to be involved in glucose metabolism regulation after a dietary-induced weight loss

    Biopsychosocial factors related to the length of hospital stay in older people

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    This study aimed to know what variables influence increased length of hospital stay. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted through an integrated geriatric assessment of 81 people over 65 years of age, admitted to a tertiary acute care hospital. Data were collected through the Pfeiffer Scale, Barthel Index, Goldberg Questionnaire, Family APGAR and Gijón Scale. The length of hospital stay increased in people over 80 years, people living alone or in a retirement home, patients with great physical dependence and those with a risk or problem of social exclusion. The most influential variable for longer hospitalization was cognitive impairment (pEste estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer qué variables influyen en el aumento de la duración de la estancia hospitalaria. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo transversal en el que se realizó una Valoración Geriátrica Integral a 81 personas mayores de 65 años de edad que ingresaron en un hospital de agudos de tercer nivel. Para ello, los datos fueron recogidos por medio de la Escala de Pfeiffer, el Índice de Barthel, el Cuestionario de Goldberg, el APGAR familiar y la Escala de Gijón. Se observó un aumento de la duración de la estancia hospitalaria entre los mayores de 80 años, las personas que vivían solas o en una residencia geriátrica, los pacientes que presentaban gran dependencia física y también, entre quienes tenían un riesgo o problema de exclusión social. La variable que más influyó en la mayor duración de la hospitalización fue el deterioro cognitivo (pEste estudo teve como objetivo conhecer quais as variáveis que influenciam o aumento do tempo de internação hospitalar. Trata-se de estudo descritivo e transversal, conduzido mediante ampla avaliação geriátrica de 81 pessoas com mais de 65 anos, internadas em hospital terciário de cuidados agudos. Os dados foram coletados através da Escala Pfeiffer, Índice de Barthel, Questionário de Goldberg, Apgar da Família e Escala de Gijón. Observou-se aumento no tempo de internação entre pessoas com mais de 80 anos, pessoas que vivem sozinhas ou em lar de idosos, pacientes que tinham grande dependência física, e entre aqueles com algum risco ou problema de exclusão social. A variável mais influente, para a maior duração da hospitalização, foi a deterioração cognitiva (p<0,05), em comparaç��o à maior colaboração do paciente sem essa condição ou ao seu desejo de superar a fase aguda da patologia que levou à internação hospitalar

    SIT4ME: seismic imaging for mining exploration in Sotiel-Elvira (Spain)

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    [EN]This presentation summarizes an effort to develop cost effective techniques for mining exploratio

    Estrategias de estudio y trabajo en estudiantes universitarios de la UIB

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    El estudio se centra en el conocimiento de los procesos de aprendizaje que se desarrollan en la enseñanza superior, siendo su objetivo principal la evaluación de las estrategias de aprendizaje utilizadas por estudiantes universitarios a lo largo de su formación inicial. Responde a un diseño descriptivo-exploratorio, dirigido a las estrategias de estudio y trabajo de la población universitaria de la Universidad de las Islas Baleares (UIB). Para ello, se procedió a la elaboración de un cuestionario como instrumento de recogida de datos1 sobre estrategias de estudio y trabajo, categorizado en cuatro grupos de estrategias (disposicionales y de apoyo; de búsqueda, recogida y selección de información; de procesamiento y uso de información; metacognitivas, de regulación y control) y sus correspondientes subcategorías. Se trabajó con una muestra de 949 estudiantes de la UIB, clasificados por ámbitos disciplinares y estudios, agrupados en grandes dimensiones (sexo; estudios de ciclo corto y de ciclo largo; rama de estudios; dedicación al estudio y actividad laboral), aportando, para cada una de ellas los datos estadísticos en los que se constata una diferencia significativa.L’estudi està centrat en el coneixement dels processos d’aprenentatge que es desenvolupen a l’ensenyament superior, i el l’objectiu principal és l’avaluació de les estratègies d’aprenentatge utilitzades per estudiants universitaris al llarg de la seva formació inicial. Respon a un disseny descriptiu-exploratori, dirigit a les estratègies d’estudi i treball de la població universitària de la Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB). En aquest sentit, es va confeccionar un qüestionari com a instrument de recollida de dades sobre estratègies d’estudi i treball, categoritzat en quatre grups d’estratègies (disposicionals i de suport; de cerca, recollida i selecció d’informació; de processament i ús d’informació; metacognitives, de regulació i control) i les subcategories corresponents. Es va treballar amb una mostra de 949 estudiants de la UIB, classificats per àmbits disciplinaris i estudis, agrupats en grans dimensions (sexe; estudis de cicle curt i de cicle llarg; branca d’estudis; dedicació a l’estudi i activitat laboral), que varen aportar, per a cadascuna, dades estadístiques en els quals es constata una diferència significativa.The study is focused on the knowledge of learning processes developed in Higher Education and the main objective is to assess the learning strategies of university students along their initial training. This is a response to a descriptive-exploratory design addressed to the learning and working strategies among the students of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB). Regarding to this, a question paper was designed as a tool for the collection of data on the studying and working strategies sorted by four strategy groups (dispositional and backup groups; research, collection and selection of information; processing and use of information; metacognitive, regulation and control groups) with their respective subcategories. We took a sample of 949 students from the UIB, sorted by study and disciplinary areas, and we gathered them in larger-dimension groups (gender, shorter and longer degrees, field of study and commitment to studies and work). These groups provided, for each of the samples, statistical information in which an important difference is stated

    Luria-Delbrück estimation of Turnip mosaic virus mutation rate in vivo

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    [EN] A potential drawback of recent antiviral therapies based on the transgenic expression of artificial microRNAs is the ease with which viruses may generate escape mutations. Using a variation of the classic Luria-Delbruck fluctuation assay, we estimated that the spontaneous mutation rate in the artificial microRNA (amiR) target of a plant virus was ca.6 x 10(-5) per replication event.This work was supported by grants BFU2009-06993 from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, RGP12/2008 from the Human Frontier Science Program Organization, and PROMETEO2010/019 from Generalitat Valenciana to S.F.E.; by CSIC grant 2010TW0015 to J.-A.D.; and by U.S. National Institutes of Health grants R01GM079843-01 and ARRA PDS#35063 and EC grant FP7231807 to P.J.G. F.M. was supported by a fellowship from Universidad Politénica de Valencia, J.H. was supported by a fellowship from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, and J.M.C. was contracted under the CSIC JAE-Doc program.De La Iglesia Jordán, F.; Martinez Garcia, F.; Hillung, J.; Cuevas Torrijos, JM.; Gerrish, PJ.; Daros Arnau, JA.; Elena Fito, SF. (2012). Luria-Delbrück estimation of Turnip mosaic virus mutation rate in vivo. Journal of Virology. 86(6):3386-3388. https://doi.org/10.1128/JVI.06909-11S3386338886