49 research outputs found

    Person-Centered Planning: support methodology for persons with disabilities to lead their own life. The experience of ASPRODEMA

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    Este artículo ha sido desarrollado a partir de la ponencia presentada por Santiago Urizarna en el II Congreso Internacional de Trabajo Social celebrado en abril de 2016 en La Rioja –España-La Planificación Centrada en la Persona (PCP) es una metodología desarrollada en los años 80 del siglo XX, orientada a promover que las personas con discapacidad intelectual o del desarrollo tengan la oportunidad de dirigir su propia vida. Durante el proceso de PCP la persona cuenta con el apoyo de personas de confianza que ella elige entre familiares, profesionales y amigos de su entorno. Esta metodología es coherente con varios de los principios de la práctica profesional del trabajo social y otras profesiones de la intervención social. Este artículo, aparte de describir en que consiste la PCP, describe cuál ha sido el proceso seguido por el Grupo ASPRODEMA para implantar la PCP como metodología de apoyo para la elaboración de Planes de Vida de personas usuarias de sus servicios desde 2008, y el cambio de modelo de atención que ha supuesto en el conjunto de la organización. Esta experiencia ha conseguido que 49 personas, algunas de ellas durante al menos 10 años, planifiquen metas personales y dirijan su vida. Esta metodología responde a los conceptos de Derechos Humanos, Calidad de Vida y Autoderminación que deben orientar, tanto los servicios dirigidos a la prestación de apoyos y atención de las personas con discapacidad intelectual, como la intervención profesional del Trabajo Social con este colectivo de personas. Al final de este artículo presentamos seis ejemplos de experiencias de éxito, algunos resultados globales en las personas, sus familiares y circulo de apoyo, y unas conclusiones en relación con la experiencia en PCP del Grupo ASPRODEMA en estos últimos años.The Person-Centered Planning (PCP) is a methodology developed in the eighties in the XX century, it is oriented to achieve that people with intellectual or developmental disabilities will have the opportunity to lead their own life. During the PCP’s process, the protagonists count on the support of the confident people chosen by themselves among their own family, professionals or friends within their environment. This methodology is coherent with many principles of the professional practice of Social Work and others professions within the Social Intervention field. The Group ASPRODEMA has implemented the PCP as support methodology in the elaboration of user’s Life Plans included within their services since 2008. This experience has succeeded in helping 49 persons, some of them for at least 10 years, plan their personal goals thus leading their own life. This methodology is based on the concepts of Human Rights, Quality of Life and Self-determination that should guide, both the services aimed at providing support and care for people with intellectual disabilities, as well as the professional intervention of Social Work with this group of people. At the end of this paper, six examples of successful experiences are presented, showing some global results with people, their family and their circle of support, giving some conclusions in relation to the PCP experience of the Group ASPRODEMA during these years

    Stream flow regime, temperature and climate change: the loss of fish habitat

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    This study is aimed at forecasting the changes in the suitability of brown trout habitat (Salmo trutta L.), caused by alterations in the stream temperature and the flow regime under climate change scenarios. The stream temperature and instantaneous flow in several streams in Central Spain were modelled from daily temperature and precipitation data. Logistic models were used for stream temperature modelling whereas M5? model trees were used to develop the precipitation-runoff models. These models were utilized to simulate the running flows under the climate change scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 (5thIPCC). The resulting forecasts suggested a different response of the stream temperature to the atmospheric warming in accordance with the geologic nature of basins. At the same time, significant decreases in summer flow and increases in the frequency of zero-flow events were predicted. In the future, significant declines in summer flow could exacerbate the negative impact on trout populations of increased water temperature by reducing both the suitable spatial habitat and the warming resistance of the water mass

    Detailed predictions of climate induced changes in the thermal and flow regimes in mountain streams of the Iberian Peninsula

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    The present study aimed at predicting the effects of climate change on the thermal and flow regime in the Iberian Peninsula, refining the resolution of previous studies. For this purpose, the study encompassed 28 sites at eight different mountain rivers and streams in the central part of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain). The daily flow was modelled using different daily, monthly and quarterly lags of the historical precipitation and temperature time series. These precipitation-runoff models were developed by means of M5 model trees. On the other hand water temperature was modelled at similar time scale by means of nonlinear regression from dedicated site-specific data. The developed models were used to simulate the temperature and flow regime under two Representative Concentration Pathway (RCPs) climate change scenarios (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) until the end of the present century by considering nine different GCMs, which were pertinently downscaled

    Determinacion del efecto antibacteriano de Resveratrol frente a Salmonella entérica hadar y heidelberg

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    Los serotipos de Salmonella entérica hadar y heidelberg, son agentes causales de salmonelosis, una infección intestinal, ampliamente distribuida por todo el mundo. Actualmente, las principales fuentes de infección en humanos incluyen productos avícolas, como el consumo de carne de ave o huevos contaminados. S. entérica hadar y heidelberg infectan animales de granja, principalmente aves, provocando una infección subclínica que se resuelve en 2 a 3 días. Sin embargo, en humanos ocasiona una gastroenteritis auto-limitada, caracterizada por diarrea, fiebre y dolor abdominal. Por otro lado, diversos estudios demuestran que S. hadar y heidelberg presentan resistencia a diversos antibióticos

    Hypermedia : taller de configuración arquitectónica

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    El Grupo "Hypermedia. Taller de configuración arquitectónica" lo formamos un colectivo de profesores (doctores y asociados), doctorandos y becarios agrupados en la enseñanza del dibujo y el dibujar como herramienta para la elaboración profesional de proyectos de arquitectura en los primeros (1º y 2º año) semestres de la carrera de Arquitecto Superior. Algunos de nosotros empezamos hace más de 35 años alrededor de los ordenadores, estudiando y simulando procesos de generación de propuestas arquitectónicas. Trabajábamos en el Centro de Cálculo de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (desde el año 1968, en un seminario denominado: "Análisis y generación de formas arquitectónicas"). Después, desde el 1974, en la Cátedra de Análisis de Formas Arquitectónicas, hemos participado y contribuido a la definición del Área de conocimiento denominada "Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica" y hemos constituido la asociación de Departamentos del Área de todas las Escuelas de Arquitectura del Estado Español, que, en paralelo, ha creado una Revista especializada (EGA lleva editados 10 números anuales) y sostiene la convocatoria bianual de un Congreso Internacional sobre los temas propios de nuestra especialización. Hoy el Grupo, amplio por razón de la situación estratégica del dibujar (inespecífico, geométrico y arquitectónico) como medio indispensable en el trabajo de proyectar arquitectura, se organiza en varios subgrupos que se reparten puntualmente las preocupaciones y temáticas globales (colectivas) que sistemáticamente aparecen, produciendo gran cantidad de trabajos que, en forma de encargos subvencionados, tesis doctorales, monografías, ponencias y artículos aparecen año tras año en diversos medios de difusión (u edición). Nuestros trabajos no son todos estratégicos, pero son todos (sean o no aplicaciones) centrales en la formación arquitectónica, concernidos con la fundamentación teórica, social, científica y técnica de lo medio ambiental (lo arquitectónico entendido como lo envolvente adecuado al albergue de actividades humanas socializadas)

    Patients with Invasive Lobular Carcinoma Show a Significant Increase in IRS-4 Expression Compared to Infiltrative Ductal Carcinoma—A Histopathological Study

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    Background and Objectives: Breast cancer (BC) is the first diagnosed type of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related mortality in women. In addition, despite the improvement in treatment and survival in these patients, the global prevalence and incidence of this cancer are rising, and its mortality may be different according to the histological subtype. Invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) is less common but entails a poorer prognosis than infiltrative ductal carcinoma (IDC), exhibiting a different clinical and histopathological profile. Deepening study on the molecular profile of both types of cancer may be of great aid to understand the carcinogenesis and progression of BC. In this sense, the aim of the present study was to explore the histological expression of Insulin receptor substrate 4 (IRS-4), cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2), Cyclin D1 and retinoblastoma protein 1 (Rb1) in patients with ILC and IDC. Patients and Methods: Thus, breast tissue samples from 45 patients with ILC and from 45 subjects with IDC were analyzed in our study. Results: Interestingly, we observed that IRS-4, COX-2, Rb1 and Cyclin D1 were overexpressed in patients with ILC in comparison to IDC. Conclusions: These results may indicate a differential molecular profile between both types of tumors, which may explain the clinical differences among ILC and IDC. Further studies are warranted in order to shed light onto the molecular and translational implications of these components, also aiding to develop a possible targeted therapy to improve the clinical management of these patients

    Treatment with tocilizumab or corticosteroids for COVID-19 patients with hyperinflammatory state: a multicentre cohort study (SAM-COVID-19)

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    Objectives: The objective of this study was to estimate the association between tocilizumab or corticosteroids and the risk of intubation or death in patients with coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) with a hyperinflammatory state according to clinical and laboratory parameters. Methods: A cohort study was performed in 60 Spanish hospitals including 778 patients with COVID-19 and clinical and laboratory data indicative of a hyperinflammatory state. Treatment was mainly with tocilizumab, an intermediate-high dose of corticosteroids (IHDC), a pulse dose of corticosteroids (PDC), combination therapy, or no treatment. Primary outcome was intubation or death; follow-up was 21 days. Propensity score-adjusted estimations using Cox regression (logistic regression if needed) were calculated. Propensity scores were used as confounders, matching variables and for the inverse probability of treatment weights (IPTWs). Results: In all, 88, 117, 78 and 151 patients treated with tocilizumab, IHDC, PDC, and combination therapy, respectively, were compared with 344 untreated patients. The primary endpoint occurred in 10 (11.4%), 27 (23.1%), 12 (15.4%), 40 (25.6%) and 69 (21.1%), respectively. The IPTW-based hazard ratios (odds ratio for combination therapy) for the primary endpoint were 0.32 (95%CI 0.22-0.47; p < 0.001) for tocilizumab, 0.82 (0.71-1.30; p 0.82) for IHDC, 0.61 (0.43-0.86; p 0.006) for PDC, and 1.17 (0.86-1.58; p 0.30) for combination therapy. Other applications of the propensity score provided similar results, but were not significant for PDC. Tocilizumab was also associated with lower hazard of death alone in IPTW analysis (0.07; 0.02-0.17; p < 0.001). Conclusions: Tocilizumab might be useful in COVID-19 patients with a hyperinflammatory state and should be prioritized for randomized trials in this situatio

    FCC-ee: The Lepton Collider – Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 2

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