183 research outputs found

    Food-Based Dietary Guidelines around the World: A Comparative Analysis to Update AESAN Scientific Committee Dietary Recommendations

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    Food-Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDG) include dietary recommendations based on food groups according to the general and accepted nutrition principles and current scientific evidence. Adoption of FBDG contributes to the prevention of malnutrition in all its forms, promotes human health, and reduces environmental impact. The present review aims to perform an international comparative analysis of the FBDG adopted in different countries from three different continents (America, Asia, and Europe), with particular reference to the Spanish Food Safety and Nutrition Agency (AESAN, Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición) Scientific Committee dietary recommendations. A total of twelve countries with the most updated FBDG and/or closest to the traditional and cultural preferences of Spain were finally selected. All the reviewed FBDG provided recommendations for fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, nuts, milk and dairy products, meat and derivatives, fish, eggs, water, and oil; however, remarkable differences regarding recommended amounts were found among countries

    Estimulación de la lectoescritura en escolares con desviación del desarrollo intelectual

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    Las alteraciones del sistema nervioso que frecuentemente se asumen en la educación como desviaciones del desarrollo psíquico afectan considerablemente el curso del desarrollo de cada individuo en los diferentes períodos etarios. Las primeras manifestaciones intelectuales que desempeña el sujeto en su evolución hacia la madurez psíquica se manifiestan considerablemente desde las áreas de lenguaje y locomoción, siendo la lectoescritura y la psicomotricidad pares indisolubles en la actividad evolutiva de cada sujeto. En consideración a las características funcionales que se manifiestan en los individuos con alteraciones a nivel intelectual en el primer ciclo de la educación especial, la presente investigación se propone diseñar un cuaderno que estimule las habilidades de la lectoescritura en escolares con desviación del desarrollo intelectual. Como referentes metodológicos se promueve la observación mediante encuesta, la escala valorativa, pruebas psicopedagógicas descriptivas, los test de dominancia de funciones cerebrales y el test de integración funcional básica y el criterio de especialistas. Teniendo en cuenta el orden de criterios establecidos y los resultados obtenidos, se puede inferir que la estructura secuencial que promueve la propuesta sirve como referente de estudio aplicativo a diferentes alteraciones con el diagnóstico común de alteración en la grafomotricidad, ya que aúne los requisitos indispensables para estimular las áreas del lenguaje, sensibilidad táctil fina y gruesa, visuoconstrucción, así como las praxias y gnosias. Por lo que se considera una propuesta a tono con los reclamos de las adecuaciones de la educación rumbo a la equidad e igualdad de oportunidades desde una educación inclusiva y diversa. PALABRAS CLAVE: estimulación; lectoescritura; desviación; desarrollo intelectual. Stimulation of literacy in schoolchildren with borderline intellectual functioning ABSTRACT Deficits of the nervous system that frequently it is assumed in the education as deviations of the psychic development they affect considerably the course of the subject development in each different life periods. The first intellectual manifestation that plays the subject in its evolution towards the psychic ripeness is manifested considerably from the areas of language and locomotion, being the reading-writing and psychomotor areas the equal indissoluble in the evolutionary activity in the subject. Under consideration to the functional characteristics that it is manifested in the individuals with alterations at intellectual level in the first cycle of the special education, the investigation proposes design a notebook that stimulates the skills of the reading-writing in escolars with deviation of the intellectual development. As relating methodological promotes the observation by review, the evaluative scale, psychopedagogical descriptive taste, the test of dominium of cerebral functions and the test of functional basic integration and the specialists’ criteria. By keeping in mind, the order of criterions established and the results obtained, can infer to it that the sequential structure that promotes the proposal serves as relating of study applicative to different alterations with the common diagnosis of alteration in the graphic-motoric, since the indispensable requirements to stimulate the areas of the language, tactile sensibility dies and thick, visual construction, as well as praxis and gnosis. For which is considered a proposal in tune with the fittings of the education bound for the equity and equality of opportunities from an inclusive and diverse education. KEYWORDS: stimulation; reading-writing; deviation; intellectual development

    Hablando de VIH y otros temas en la formación curricular de Ciencias Químicas = Addressingg HIV and other issues for Chemistry students at College

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    Resumen: Introducción: La comunicación, la educación y la comunicación en salud están estrechamente relacionadas. Objetivos: Compartir la experiencia en aulas universitarias impartiendo temas sensibles y la visión de los estudiantes acerca del HIV. Metodología: Recopilación de la experiencia de 10 años del tratamiento de los temas sensibles. En cada grupo se fijaban reglas previas a la exposición. La principal: quien no desee exponer una experiencia cercana al HIV no permanecerá en el aula a escuchar a los demás expositores; discreción y respeto de lo ahí expuesto; ajustarse a tiempos precisos a fin de optimizar dinámica y no se permite grabar. Resultados: En los 10 años del tratamiento del tema del HIV la técnica de grupos focales y la discusión en forma circular fue más aceptable una vez que los grupos experimentan las diferentes maneras de abordaje. En la exposición los grupos son de 52 en promedio; en la discusión son de 12 a 15; aún hay aspectos desconocidos biológicos, sociales y las repercusiones del HIV. Conclusiones: La recopilación permitió extraer dos conclusiones principales: a). Hay desconocimiento y subestimación; b). El enfoque de focus group cumple aquello que es la comunicación: poner algo en común.Palabras clave: HIV; estudio de caso; focus group; aulas universitarias.Abstract: Introduction: Communication, education and communication regarding health issues are closely related. Aims: to share the experience of imparting delicate issues in universities, as well as the students’s perspective on HIV. Methodology: ten year experiences compilation of approaches to HIV issues. Each group of students defined rules before the topics were presented. Such rules were: whoever did not want to expose a experience related to HIV could not stay in the classroom nor listen to his/her classmates; discretion on the exposed experiences was requested; adjustment to the defined time for exposition; recording was forbidden. Results: along the ten years adressing HIV issues, the most suitable methodological techniques were focus group and circular discussion. Presentations were performed for groups of 50 students; discussions were performed with groups from 12 to 15 students. There are still biological and social aspects, as well as unknown consequences about HIV. Conclusions: compilation allowed to establish two main conclusions: a) there is ignorance and underestimation about HIV; b) focus group approach fulfills communication’s essence: to put something in common.Keywords: HIV; groups; 10 years; discussion; students

    The Use of Connectors in Writing a Paragraph

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    This research is aimed to analyze the uses of connectors in written paragraphs, due to the fact that the cohesion of a text depends on the adequate use of these linguistic elements. As far as the communicative nature of writing is concerned, cohesion is regarded as an essential textual component both in creating organized texts and rendering the content comprehensible to the reader. Much of this research has focused on text cohesion, so that an important topic in writing research has been the use of cohesive features. Many researchers have explored the connection between the use of cohesive devices and the quality of writing. To gain more insight into this area, this study reviewed some studies focusing on the use of the most common connectors. Moreover, the analysis of collected data from researchers has shown that the connectors overused by students in their paragraphs were: and, so, because. Also, we found that students used connectors in a wrong way because they don’t know the function of each one. It’s difficulty that tell us that the use of connectors influence in the quality of writing, for instance, the findings were obtained by applying a survey for students, a teacher interview and by asking the students to write a descriptive composition. To this end, this study uses corpus linguistics as a framework carry out under the classification of Halliday and Hasan, to investigate how students use connectors when writing paragraphs. Moreover, the study should help raise awareness of various types and uses of connectors and their roles in creating textual cohesion, thus producing effective written text

    Comprehensive analysis of territorial uses for the development of mining degraded areas: the surrounding of Portmán (La Unión)

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    La bahía de Portmán, SE de la Península Ibérica, alberga el escenario de uno de los mayores desastres ambientales del litoral mediterráneo: la colmatación de la bahía provocada por el vertido de toneladas de estériles de minería al mar durante más de treinta años. El análisis de los valores del entorno y el estudio del potencial de desarrollo de la bahía se plantea con el objetivo de obtener alternativas de planificación de un desarrollo local sostenible y respetuoso con el entorno. Se han realizado dos fases de análisis: la primera a través de un estudio sectorial, más pormenorizado; la segunda fase de análisis, con una evaluación global de los usos del suelo para determinar los condicionantes y las oportunidades de desarrollo del entorno de Portmán. El análisis integral llevado a cabo proporciona una visión del espacio en todo su conjunto, y permite definir categorías territoriales en relación a los posibles desarrollos en forma de proyectos residenciales y turísticos, que quedan definidas como: limitantes, condicionantes principales y condicionantes adicionales.The Portmán Bay, Southeast Iberian Peninsula, is home to one of the largest environmental disasters on the Mediterranean coast: the silting of the bay caused by the dumping of million tonnes of mining waste to the sea, over more than thirty years. The analysis of the values of the surroundings, and the assessment of the potential for the development of the bay arises with the aim of obtaining alternatives for planning a sustainable local development and respectful with the environment. Two phases of analysis have been carried out: the first through a partial, more detailed, study; followed by a second phase of analysis, with an overall assessment of land uses to determine the constraints and development opportunities of the surroundings of Portmán. The integral analysis provides a vision of the space as a whole, and allows defining territorial categories in relation to possible developments in the form of residential and tourism projects, which are defined as: limitations, main constraints and additional constraints

    Aprendizaje asistido por dispositivos móviles: UP2B2

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    Este trabajo se enmarca en el enfoque denominado Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) y presenta un prototipo de juego de preguntas y respuestas de opción múltiple que revisa la gramática, el vocabulario y el uso de la lengua inglesa del nivel B2 (Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas-MCERL). La aplicación se caracteriza por presentar una componente de gamificación cuyo objetivo es motivar a los estudiantes a que la usen mediante un sistema de puntuación que los sitúa en un ranking global y que considera tanto los aciertos de cada uno como el tiempo en completar los tests. Se definen distintos índices para la monitorización de la plataforma e indicadores tanto de carácter cualitativo como cuantitativo para la medida de los resultados. ABSTRACT This work is framed within the approach called Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) and presents a game prototype consisting of multiple choice questions and answers that assess the grammar, vocabulary and the use of the English language at level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The application is characterized by a strong gamification component that aims to motivate the students using it. Therefore, response time, correct answers and a ranking with the punctuation centre the most prominent aspects related to its playability. Different indexes are defined for the monitoring of the platform as well as qualitative and quantitative indicators for the study of the results

    Coping with academic stress in students of Medical Sciences.

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    Introducción: el término stress, uno de los más empleados actualmente por los diferentes profesionales de la salud, fue introducido en 1926 por el médico canadiense Hans Selye, quien lo definió como la respuesta general del organismo ante cualquier estímulo estresor. El estrés es uno de los problemas que más afecta la salud física y mental de los estudiantes, en particular de la carrera de Medicina, donde el estudio se caracteriza por una constante y creciente exigencia académica que demandan del estudiante esfuerzos de adaptación. Objetivo: valorar las estrategias de afrontamiento el estrés que pueden ser empleadas por los estudiantes de Ciencias Médicas.Método: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica, empleando los recursos disponibles en la red Infomed, entre los que podemos citar: SciELO y Ebesco, a través de las bases de datos: Medline, Academic Search Premier y Medic Latina. Las búsquedas se realizaron en inglés y español. Se utilizó el buscador Google Académico. Se analizó la calidad, fiabilidad y validez metodológica de los artículos seleccionados para realizar una adecuada revisión y se valoraron las tendencias actuales en la temática. Resultados: la sobrecarga de tareas, el tipo de trabajo requerido, las evaluaciones y los exámenes son considerados los principales factores estresantes en los educandos, probablemente se debe a la disminución del tiempo para realizar otras actividades de carácter familiar y social. Existen diversas maneras de afrontar el estrés en estudiantes de Ciencias Médicas, entre ellas destacan: establecer objetivos y prioridades, administrar bien el tiempo, tener una actitud optimista y ser sistemático en el estudio. Además del método de Relajación muscular progresiva de Jacobson.Introduction: the term stress, one of the most currently used by different health professionals, was introduced in 1926 by the Canadian doctor Hans Selye, who defined it as the body's general response to any stressor stimulus. Stress is one of the problems that most affects the physical and mental health of students, particularly in the Medicine career, where the study is characterized by a constant and growing academic demand that demands adaptation efforts from the student. Objective: to assess the stress coping strategies that can be used by students of Medical Sciences. Method: a bibliographic review was carried out, using the resources available in the Infomed network, among which we can mention: SciELO and Ebesco, through the databases: Medline, Academic Search Premier and Medic Latina. Searches were conducted in English and Spanish. The Google Scholar search engine was used. The quality, reliability and methodological validity of the selected articles were analyzed to carry out an adequate review and current trends in the subject were assessed. Results: task overload, the type of work required, evaluations and exams are considered the main stressors in students, probably due to the decrease in time to carry out other activities of a family and social nature. There are various ways of coping with stress in Medical Sciences students, among them the following stand out: setting goals and priorities, managing time well, having an optimistic attitude and being systematic in studying. In addition to the Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation method

    New strategies invonving upconverting nanoparticles for determining moderate temperatures by luminescence thermometry

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    Producción CientíficaHere we analyze alternative luminescence thermometry techniques to FIR, such as intensity ratio luminescence thermometry between the emission arising from two electronic levels that are not necessarily thermally coupled, but that show different evolutions with temperature, and lifetime luminescence nanothermometry in (Ho,Tm,Yb):KLu(WO4)2 and (Er,Yb):NaY2F5O nanoparticles. (Ho,Tm,Yb):KLu(WO4)2 nanoparticles exhibited a maximum relative sensitivity of 0.61% K−1, similar to that achievable in Er-doped systems, which are the upconverting systems presenting the highest sensitivity. From another side, (Er,Yb):NaY2F5O nanocrystals show great potentiality as thermal sensors at the nanoscale for moderate temperatures due to the incorporation of additional non-radiative relaxation mechanisms that shorten the emission lifetime generated by the oxygen present in the structure when compared to (Er,Yb):NaYF4 nanoparticles exhibiting the highest upconversion efficiency. We used those nanoparticles for ex-vivo temperature determination by laser induced heating in chicken breast using lifetime-based thermometry. The results obtained indicate that these techniques might constitute alternatives to FIR with potential applications for the determination of moderate temperatures, with sensitivities comparable to those that can be achieved by FIR or even higher.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Projects MAT2013-47395-C4-1-4-R, and TEC2014-55948-R)Catalan Government (Projects no. 2014SGR1358 and 2013FI_B 01032

    Dependencia funcional, deterioro cognitivo y características de la marcha en adultos mayores con enfermedades crónicas

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    Objetivo: Identificar el nivel y relación de dependencia funcional (DF), deterioro cognitivo (DC) y características de la marcha en adultos mayores (AM) con enfermedades crónicas, habitantes del área metropolitana de Saltillo, Coahuila. Método: Diseño descriptivo correlacional. Muestra constituida por 105 AM de 60 años o más, usuarios de los Centros de Atención e Integración Familiar (CAIF). El tamaño de la muestra se determinó a través del paquete estadístico nQuery Advisor 7.0 considerando análisis de correlación bivariada, nivel de significancia de 0.5 y potencia del 95%. El muestreo fue por conveniencia. La recolección de datos se realizó a través de una cédula de datos socio-demográficas conjuntamente con cuatro instrumentos: para DF 1. Actividades Básicas de la Vida Diaria (AVD) y 2. Actividades Instrumentales de la Vida Diaria (AIVD); para DC 3. Mini Mental State Examination MMS-E; para las características de la marcha, 4. Sistema para Análisis de Marcha GaitRite ©, alphas de 0.730, 0.765, 0.720 y 0.811, respectivamente. Resultados. La edad promedio de los AM participantes es de 75 años (X = 75 ± 6) y escolaridad de 5 años (X = 5 ± 3). La mayor parte son mujeres (81.9%); que viven sin pareja (74.3%) y reportan alguna enfermedad crónico-degenerativa (65%) como Diabetes, 32.4%; Hipertensión, 61% y Enfermedades Articulares, 42%. La prevalencia de: dependencia severa en ABVD 5.7% y AIVD 21.9 %; DC 24 %; Los AM con mayor edad y menor escolaridad, reportan mayor grado de DC (r= .251; p<.05; r= -.259; p<.05, respectivamente) y dependencia para realizar ABVD (r=.297; p<.05) y AIVD (r=.351; p<.05); Por lo menos, el 30% de AM presentabó dificultades para mantener el equilibrio. Además, el 60% presentó dificultades para sentarse porque tienen problemas al medir la distancia entre su propio cuerpo y la silla, caen en la silla o se apoye en él con movimientos inseguros. 29% presentaba dificultades para elevar su pie derecho completamente. Discusión y Conclusiones. Los resultados de este estudio confirman lo que la literatura reporta acerca de la prevalencia y asociación de DF, DC y presencia de enfermedades crónicas características del AM como Diabetes e Hipertensión. Es necesario profundizar en el análisis de este estudio incorporando mediciones acerca del tiempo de diagnóstico de la enfermedad crónica, co-morbilidad, síntomas de depresión y diferencias de género, entre otros aspectos. También los factores asociados a la problemática de la marcha. Para el profesional de Enfermería, la continuidad de este fenómeno de estudio, fortalecerá el cuerpo de conocimientos disciplinares y la atención a las complejas necesidades de cuidado a la salud que demanda este segmento de la población. Palabras Clave: Adulto Mayor, Dependencia Funcional, Deterioro Cognitivo, Marcha

    Care complexity individual factors associated with adverse events and in-hospital mortality

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    Introduction: Measuring the impact of care complexity on health outcomes, based on psychosocial, biological and environmental circumstances, is important in order to detect predictors of early deterioration of inpatients. We aimed to identify care complexity individual factors associated with selected adverse events and in-hospital mortality. Methods: A multicenter, case-control study was carried out at eight public hospitals in Catalonia, Spain, from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017. All adult patients admitted to a ward or a step-down unit were evaluated. Patients were divided into the following groups based on the presence or absence of three adverse events (pressure ulcers, falls or aspiration pneumonia) and in-hospital mortality. The 28 care complexity individual factors were classified in five domains (developmental, mental-cognitive, psycho-emotional, sociocultural and comorbidity/complications). Adverse events and complexity factors were retrospectively reviewed by consulting patients' electronic health records. Multivariate logistic analysis was performed to identify factors associated with an adverse event and in-hospital mortality. Results: A total of 183,677 adult admissions were studied. Of these, 3,973 (2.2%) patients experienced an adverse event during hospitalization (1,673 [0.9%] pressure ulcers; 1,217 [0.7%] falls and 1,236 [0.7%] aspiration pneumonia). In-hospital mortality was recorded in 3,996 patients (2.2%). After adjustment for potential confounders, the risk factors independently associated with both adverse events and in-hospital mortality were: mental status impairments, impaired adaptation, lack of caregiver support, old age, major chronic disease, hemodynamic instability, communication disorders, urinary or fecal incontinence, vascular fragility, extreme weight, uncontrolled pain, male sex, length of stay and admission to a medical ward. High-tech hospital admission was associated with an increased risk of adverse events and a reduced risk of in-hospital mortality. The area under the ROC curve for both outcomes was > 0.75 (95% IC: 0.78-0.83). Conclusions: Several care complexity individual factors were associated with adverse events and in-hospital mortality. Prior identification of complexity factors may have an important effect on the early detection of acute deterioration and on the prevention of poor outcomes