89 research outputs found

    Effect of moderate beer consumption (with and without ethanol) on cardiovascular health in postmenopausal women

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    The main aim of this 2-year non-randomized parallel controlled clinical pilot trial was to evaluate the long-termeffect of a moderate daily intake of beer (with and without alcohol) on cardiovascular health in postmenopausal women. A totalof 34 participants were grouped into three study arms: 16 were administered alcoholic beer, 6 consumed non-alcoholic beer,and 12 were in the control group. Changes in glucose metabolism, lipid profile, liver enzymes, anthropometric measurements,body composition, and blood pressure variables were monitored. Data on medical history, diet, and exercise were collected,and gustatory capacities were determined.RESULTS: Moderate consumption of beer, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, seemed to have positive effects on biochemicalindicators of cardiovascular health in postmenopausal women, with 660 mL day−1of non-alcoholic beer reducing low-densitylipoprotein cholesterol blood levels, and 330 mL day−1of alcoholic beer increasing high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Theevolution of changes in android and gynoid fat percentage and their ratio differed significantly between study groups, whichwas attributable to either the interventions or the disparity between groups regarding the time elapsed since menopauseonset. Iso-⊍-acids recognition threshold could be involved in intervention group election, whereas the sensory phenotypesstudied were not associated with alcohol drinking frequency.CONCLUSIONS: Moderate beer consumption was found to improve the lipid profile of postmenopausal women, although theireffects in preventing cardiometabolic alterations deserve further research (trial registration number: ISRCTN13825020;https://doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN13825020

    Respiratory viruses detected in Mexican children younger than 5 years old with community-acquired pneumonia: a national multicenter study

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    Background: Acute respiratory infections are the leading cause of mortality in children worldwide, especially in developing countries. Pneumonia accounts for 16% of all deaths of children under 5 years of age and was the cause of death of 935 000 children in 2015. Despite its frequency and severity, information regarding its etiology is limited. The aim of this study was to identify respiratory viruses associated with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in children younger than 5 years old. Methods: One thousand four hundred and four children younger than 5 years of age with a clinical and/or radiological diagnosis of CAP in 11 hospitals in Mexico were included. Nasal washes were collected, placed in viral medium, and frozen at ïżœ70 C until processing. The first 832 samples were processed using the multiplex Bio-Plex/Luminex system and the remaining 572 samples using the Anyplex multiplex RT-PCR. Clinical data regarding diagnosis, clinical signs and symptoms, radiographic pattern, and risk factors were obtained and recorded. Results: Of the samples tested, 81.6% were positive for viruses. Respiratory syncytial virus (types A and B) was found in 23.7%, human enterovirus/rhinovirus in 16.6%, metapneumovirus in 5.7%, parainfluenza virus (types 1–4) in 5.5%, influenza virus (types A and B) in 3.6%, adenovirus in 2.2%, coronavirus (NL63, OC43, 229E, and HKU1) in 2.2%, and bocavirus in 0.4%. Co-infection with two or more viruses was present in 22.1%; 18.4% of the samples were negative. Using biomass for cooking, daycare attendance, absence of breastfeeding, and co-infections were found to be statistically significant risk factors for the presence of severe pneumonia. Conclusions: Respiratory syncytial virus (types A and B), human enterovirus/rhinovirus, and metapneumovirus were the respiratory viruses identified most frequently in children younger than 5 years old with CAP. Co-infection was present in an important proportion of the children

    Zoonotic "Enterocytozoon bieneusi" genotypes in free-ranging and farmed wild ungulates in Spain

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    Microsporidia comprises a diverse group of obligate, intracellular, and spore-forming parasites that infect a wide range of animals. Among them, Enterocytozoon bieneusi is the most frequently reported species in humans and other mammals and birds. Data on the epidemiology of E. bieneusi in wildlife are limited. Hence, E. bieneusi was investigated in eight wild ungulate species present in Spain (genera Ammotragus, Capra, Capreolus, Cervus, Dama, Ovis, Rupicapra, and Sus) by molecular methods. Faecal samples were collected from free-ranging (n = 1058) and farmed (n = 324) wild ungulates from five Spanish bioregions. The parasite was detected only in red deer (10.4%, 68/653) and wild boar (0.8%, 3/359). Enterocytozoon bieneusi infections were more common in farmed (19.4%, 63/324) than in wild (1.5%, 5/329) red deer. A total of 11 genotypes were identified in red deer, eight known (BEB6, BEB17, EbCar2, HLJD-V, MWC_d1, S5, Type IV, and Wildboar3) and three novel (DeerSpEb1, DeerSpEb2, and DeerSpEb3) genotypes. Mixed genotype infections were detected in 15.9% of farmed red deer. Two genotypes were identified in wild boar, a known (Wildboar3) and a novel (WildboarSpEb1) genotypes. All genotypes identified belonged to E. bieneusi zoonotic Groups 1 and 2. This study provides the most comprehensive epidemiological study of E. bieneusi in Spanish ungulates to date, representing the first evidence of the parasite in wild red deer populations worldwide. Spanish wild boars and red deer are reservoir of zoonotic genotypes of E. bieneusi and might play an underestimated role in the transmission of this microsporidian species to humans and other animal

    5to. Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad. Memoria académica

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    El V Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, TecnologĂ­a e InnovaciĂłn para la Sociedad, CITIS 2019, realizado del 6 al 8 de febrero de 2019 y organizado por la Universidad PolitĂ©cnica Salesiana, ofreciĂł a la comunidad acadĂ©mica nacional e internacional una plataforma de comunicaciĂłn unificada, dirigida a cubrir los problemas teĂłricos y prĂĄcticos de mayor impacto en la sociedad moderna desde la ingenierĂ­a. En esta ediciĂłn, dedicada a los 25 años de vida de la UPS, los ejes temĂĄticos estuvieron relacionados con la aplicaciĂłn de la ciencia, el desarrollo tecnolĂłgico y la innovaciĂłn en cinco pilares fundamentales de nuestra sociedad: la industria, la movilidad, la sostenibilidad ambiental, la informaciĂłn y las telecomunicaciones. El comitĂ© cientĂ­fico estuvo conformado formado por 48 investigadores procedentes de diez paĂ­ses: España, Reino Unido, Italia, BĂ©lgica, MĂ©xico, Venezuela, Colombia, Brasil, Estados Unidos y Ecuador. Fueron recibidas un centenar de contribuciones, de las cuales 39 fueron aprobadas en forma de ponencias y 15 en formato poster. Estas contribuciones fueron presentadas de forma oral ante toda la comunidad acadĂ©mica que se dio cita en el Congreso, quienes desde el aula magna, el auditorio y la sala de usos mĂșltiples de la Universidad PolitĂ©cnica Salesiana, cumplieron respetuosamente la responsabilidad de representar a toda la sociedad en la revisiĂłn, aceptaciĂłn y validaciĂłn del conocimiento nuevo que fue presentado en cada exposiciĂłn por los investigadores. Paralelo a las sesiones tĂ©cnicas, el Congreso contĂł con espacios de presentaciĂłn de posters cientĂ­ficos y cinco workshops en temĂĄticas de vanguardia que cautivaron la atenciĂłn de nuestros docentes y estudiantes. TambiĂ©n en el marco del evento se impartieron un total de ocho conferencias magistrales en temas tan actuales como la gestiĂłn del conocimiento en la universidad-ecosistema, los retos y oportunidades de la industria 4.0, los avances de la investigaciĂłn bĂĄsica y aplicada en mecatrĂłnica para el estudio de robots de nueva generaciĂłn, la optimizaciĂłn en ingenierĂ­a con tĂ©cnicas multi-objetivo, el desarrollo de las redes avanzadas en LatinoamĂ©rica y los mundos, la contaminaciĂłn del aire debido al trĂĄnsito vehicular, el radĂłn y los riesgos que representa este gas radiactivo para la salud humana, entre otros

    Prospective individual patient data meta-analysis of two randomized trials on convalescent plasma for COVID-19 outpatients

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    Data on convalescent plasma (CP) treatment in COVID-19 outpatients are scarce. We aimed to assess whether CP administered during the first week of symptoms reduced the disease progression or risk of hospitalization of outpatients. Two multicenter, double-blind randomized trials (NCT04621123, NCT04589949) were merged with data pooling starting when = 50 years and symptomatic for <= 7days were included. The intervention consisted of 200-300mL of CP with a predefined minimum level of antibodies. Primary endpoints were a 5-point disease severity scale and a composite of hospitalization or death by 28 days. Amongst the 797 patients included, 390 received CP and 392 placebo; they had a median age of 58 years, 1 comorbidity, 5 days symptoms and 93% had negative IgG antibody-test. Seventy-four patients were hospitalized, 6 required mechanical ventilation and 3 died. The odds ratio (OR) of CP for improved disease severity scale was 0.936 (credible interval (CI) 0.667-1.311); OR for hospitalization or death was 0.919 (CI 0.592-1.416). CP effect on hospital admission or death was largest in patients with <= 5 days of symptoms (OR 0.658, 95%CI 0.394-1.085). CP did not decrease the time to full symptom resolution

    Global scaling of the heat transport in fusion plasmas

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    Overview of the JET results in support to ITER

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    Neutral pathways and heat flux widths in vertical- and horizontal-target EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations of JET

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    This paper further analyses the EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations presented by Chankin et al (2017 Nucl. Mater. Energy 12 273), of L-mode JET plasmas in vertical-vertical (VV) and Vertical-horizontal (VH) divertor configurations. As expected, the simulated outer divertor ionisation source peaks near the separatrix in VV and radially further out in VH. We identify the reflections of recycled neutrals from lower divertor tiles as the primary mechanism by which ionisation is concentrated on the outer divertor separatrix in the VV configuration. These lower tile reflection pathways (of neutrals from the outer divertor, and to an even greater extent from the inner divertor) dominate the outer divertor separatrix ionisation. In contrast, the lower-tile-reflection pathways are much weaker in the VH simulation and its outer divertor ionisation is dominated by neutrals which do not reflect from any surfaces. Interestingly, these differences in neutral pathways give rise to strong differences in the heat flux density width λq at the outer divertor entrance: λq = 3.2 mm in VH compared to λq = 11.8 mm in VV. In VH, a narrow channel exists in the near scrape-off-layer (SOL) where the convected heat flux, driven by strong Er × B flow and thermoelectric current, dominates over the conducted heat flux. The width of this channel sets λq and is determined by the radial distance between the separatrix and the ionisation peak in the outer divertor

    Investigation into the formation of the scrape-off layer density shoulder in JET ITER-like wall L-mode and H-mode plasmas

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    The low temperature boundary layer plasma (Scrape-Off-Layer or SOL) between the hot core and the surrounding vessel determines the level of power-loading, erosion and implantation of material surfaces, and thus the viability of tokamak-based fusion as an energy source. This study explores mechanisms affecting the formation of flattened density profiles, so-called ‘density shoulders’, in the low-field side (LFS) SOL, which modify ion and neutral fluxes to surfaces – and subsequent erosion. There is evidence against local enhancement of ionization inducing shoulder formation. We find that increases in SOL parallel resistivity, Λdiv (=[L||Îœei Ωi ]/cs Ωe), postulated to lead to shoulder growth through changes in SOL turbulence characteristics, correlates with increases in upstream SOL shoulder amplitude, As only under a subset of conditions (D2-fuelled L-mode density scans with outer strike point on the horizontal target). Λdiv fails to correlate with As for cases of N2 seeding or during sweeping of the strike point across the horizontal target. The limited correlation of Λdiv with As was also found for H-mode discharges. Thus, while Λdiv above a threshold of ~1 may be necessary for shoulder formation and/or growth, another shoulder mechanism is required. More significantly we find that in contrast to parallel resistivity, outer divertor recycling as quantified by the total outer divertor Balmer Dα emission, I-Dα, does scale with shoulder amplitude where Λdiv does and even where Λdiv fails. Divertor recycling could lead to SOL density shoulder formation through: a) reducing the parallel to the field flow (loss) of ions out of the SOL to the divertor; and b) changes in radial electric fields which lead to ExB poloidal flows as well as potentially affecting the SOL turbulence birth characteristics. Thus changes in divertor recycling may be the sole process in bringing about SOL density shoulders or in tandem with parallel resistivity

    Observations and modelling of ion cyclotron emission observed in JET plasmas using a sub-harmonic arc detection system during ion cyclotron resonance heating

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