324 research outputs found

    News or social media? Socioeconomic divide of mobile service consumption

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    Reliable and timely information on socio-economic status and divides is critical to social and economic research and policing. Novel data sources from mobile communication platforms have enabled new cost-effective approaches and models to investigate social disparity, but their lack of interpretability, accuracy or scale has limited their relevance to date. We investigate the divide in digital mobile service usage with a large dataset of 3.7 billion time-stamped and geo-referenced mobile traffic records in a major European country, and find profound geographical unevenness in mobile service usage -especially on news, e-mail, social media consumption and audio/video streaming. We relate such diversity with income, educational attainment and inequality, and reveal how low-income or low-education areas are more likely to engage in video streaming or social media and less in news consumption, information searching, e-mail or audio streaming. The digital usage gap is so large that we can accurately infer the socio-economic status of a small area or even its Gini coefficient only from aggregated data traffic. Our results make the case for an inexpensive, privacy-preserving, real-time and scalable way to understand the digital usage divide and, in turn, poverty, unemployment or economic growth in our societies through mobile phone data.This work has been supported by the research project CANCAN (Content and Context based Adaptation in Mobile Networks), grant no. ANR-18-CE25-0011, funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR). The work of M.F. was partially supported by the Atracción de Talento Investigador grant no. 2019-T1/TIC-16037 NetSense, funded by Comunidad de Madrid. E.M. and I.U. acknowledge partial support by Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de España, grant nos. FIS2016-78904-C3-3-P and PID2019-106811GB-C32

    Height-diameter models for maritime pine in Portugal: a comparison of basic, generalized and mixed-effects models

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    Tree height is a key variable in forest monitoring studies and for forest management. However, tree height measurement is time consuming, and the recommended procedure is to use estimates from height-diameter models. Here, we compare height-diameter model forms and approaches for predicting tree height (h) as a function of tree diameter at breast height (d) and additional stand level covariates. Four model forms were evaluated: (i) basic models (which only used d as predictor variable); (ii) generalized models (which used d and stand-level predictor variables); (iii) a mixed-effects model based on the best basic model; and (iv) a mixed-effects model based on the best generalized model. Several alternatives aimed at minimizing height measurement effort were tested in terms of accuracy and applicability. From a practical point of view, the selected generalized model is recommended for estimating the height of maritime pine in Portugal. The results also show that a calibrated basic mixed model provides more accurate results than a basic model locally fitted when the number of h-d observations is limited.S

    Nutrition supplementation plus standard of care versus standard of care alone or standard of care plus unconditional cash transfer in the prevention of chronic malnutrition in Southern Angola: study protocol for the MuCCUA study, a cluster randomized controlled trial

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    Angola; Food supplementation; Pregnant womenAngola; Suplementación alimentaria; Mujeres embarazadasAngola; Suplementació alimentària; Dones embarassadesBackground Chronic malnutrition is a condition associated with negative impacts on physical and cognitive development. It is multi-causal and can start very early in life, already in utero, thus it is especially challenging to find appropriate interventions to tackle it. The government of Angola is implementing a standard of care program with potential to prevent it, and the provision of cash transfers and the supplementation with small quantity lipid-based nutrients (SQ-LNS) are also promising interventions. We aimed to evaluate the impact of the standard of care program alone and of the standard of care plus a cash transfer intervention in the lineal growth of children less than 2 years old and compare it to the effectiveness of a nutrition supplementation plus standard of care program in Southern Angola. Methods/design The three-arm parallel cluster randomised controlled trial is set in four communes of Huila and Cunene provinces. Clusters are villages or neighbourhoods with a population around 1075 people. A total of twelve clusters were selected per arm and forty pregnant women are expected to be recruited in each cluster. Pregnant women receive the standard of care alone, or the standard of care plus unconditional cash transfer or plus nutritional supplementation during the first 1000 days, from pregnancy to the child reaching 24 months. The primary outcome is the prevalence of stunting measured as height-for-age Z-score (HAZ) < -2 in children below 2 years. Impact will be assessed at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months of children’s age. Secondary outcomes include mortality, morbidity, caring, hygiene and nutrition behaviours and practices, and women and children’s dietary diversity. Quantitative data are also collected on women’s empowerment, household food security, expenditure and relevant clinical and social events at baseline, endline and intermediate time points. Discussion The results will provide valuable information on the impact of the standard of care intervention alone as well as combined with an unconditional cash transfer intervention compared to a nutrition supplementation plus standard of care intervention, carried out during the first 1000 days, in the children´s growth up to 2 years and related outcomes in Southern Angola. Trial registration Clinical Trials NCT05571280. Registered 7 October 2022.The Crescer project is funded by the UE EuropeAid contract nº FED/2020/418 − 106 and co-financed by the Crescer consortium partners. The study protocol was not peer reviewed as part of the funding process

    Microbiome overview in swine lungs

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    Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is the etiologic agent of swine enzootic pneumonia. However other mycoplasma species and secondary bacteria are found as inhabitants of the swine respiratory tract, which can be also related to disease. In the present study we have performed a total DNA metagenomic analysis from the lungs of pigs kept in a field condition, with suggestive signals of enzootic pneumonia and without any infection signals to evaluate the bacteria variability of the lungs microbiota. Libraries from metagenomic DNA were prepared and sequenced using total DNA shotgun metagenomic pyrosequencing. The metagenomic distribution showed a great abundance of bacteria. The most common microbial families identified from pneumonic swine’s lungs were Mycoplasmataceae, Flavobacteriaceae and Pasteurellaceae, whereas in the carrier swine’s lungs the most common families were Mycoplasmataceae, Bradyrhizobiaceae and Flavobacteriaceae. Analysis of community composition in both samples confirmed the high prevalence of M. hyopneumoniae. Moreover, the carrier lungs had more diverse family population, which should be related to the lungs normal flora. In summary, we provide a wide view of the bacterial population from lungs with signals of enzootic pneumonia and lungs without signals of enzootic pneumonia in a field situation. These bacteria patterns provide information that may be important for the establishment of disease control measures and to give insights for further studies

    Impact of Lipodystrophy on the prevalence and components of metabolic syndrome in HIV-infected patients

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    BACKGROUND: In HIV-infected patients, combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) is associated with clinical lipodystrophy (CL) and metabolic abnormalities (MA). This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome (MS) and its components, and to determine whether patients with or without CL had a different prevalence of MA. METHODS: We evaluated 345 HIV-infected patients on cART using two different MS definitions (NCEP-ATPIII-2005 and IDF-2005) and the Framingham risk score. RESULTS: CL was present in 58.7% of the patients. The prevalence of the MS was 52.2% (ATPIII) and 43.2% (IDF), and it was not significantly different between patients with (W) or without (WT) CL, regardless of the definition used (ATPIII WCL 52.9% vs WT CL 51.1%; p = 0.738; IDF WCL 41.3% vs WTCL 46.0%; p = 0.379). Moderate concordance was observed between the 2 definitions (kappa = 0.484; p < 0.001) and after gender stratification there was good concordance in women (kappa = 0.759; p < 0.001). Patients with CL had lower waist circumference and HDL-C and higher triglycerides levels. In women, CL was significantly associated with MS, hypertriglyceridemia and low HDL cholesterol independently of age, cART and BMI. Patients with CL had a significantly higher risk of coronary heart disease at 10 years, measured by the Framingham risk score, than patients without CL. Those with CL and with MS had higher frequencies of moderate and high risk categories than those without MS. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of the MS was high in these HIV-infected patients with an age average of 40 years and this finding could explain why HIV patients have an increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD)

    The repetitive cytoskeletal protein H49 of Trypanosoma cruzi is a calpain-like protein located at the flagellum attachment zone

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    Paracoccidioides brasiliensis causes paracoccidioidomycosis, a systemic mycosis in Latin America. Formamidases hydrolyze formamide, putatively plays a role infungal nitrogen metabolism. An abundant 45-kDa protein was identified as the P. brasiliensis formamidase. In this study, recombinant formamidase was over-expressed in bacteria and a polyclonal antibody to this protein was produced. Weidentified a 180-kDa protein species reactive to the antibody produced in miceagainst the P. brasiliensis recombinant purified formamidase of 45 kDa. The180-kDa purified protein yielded a heat-denatured species of 45 kDa. Both protein species of 180 and 45 kDa were identified as formamidase by peptide massfinger printing using MS. The identical mass spectra generated by the 180 and the45-kDa protein species indicated that the fungal formamidase is most likely homotetrameric in its native conformation. Furthermore, the purified formami-dase migrated as a protein of 191 kDa in native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, thus revealing that the enzyme forms a homotetrameric structure in its native state. This enzyme is present in the fungus cytoplasm and the cell wall. Use of a yeast two-hybrid system revealed cell wall membrane proteins, in addition to cytosolic proteins interacting with formamidase. These data provide new insights intoformamidase structure as well as potential roles for formamidase and its interaction partners in nitrogen metabolism

    Attitude towards Vaccination among Health Science Students before the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Health science students are tomorrow’s health professionals, the duties of whom could include vaccination. This work examines the general attitude towards vaccination in students attending the Faculty of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Chiropody at a university in Madrid, Spain, using the ‘Attitudes and Behaviour With Regard To Vaccination Among Health Science Students Questionnaire’. The results were subjected to multivariate analysis to identify the influence of sex, the degree being pursued, and ‘course year’. The number of students vaccinated against influenza in the campaign preceding the present study was also recorded, as were the factors that influenced decision-making in this regard. A total of 934 students completed the questionnaire. Their beliefs regarding vaccination were positive (mean score 3.23 points out of 4), as was their behaviour (3.35/4). Their general attitude (all variables taken together) was therefore also good (3.27/4). Only 26.8% of the students had been vaccinated against influenza. Beliefs scores among the students of nursing in their more senior course years were significantly better than those recorded for all other groups. These students also showed the best general attitude towards vaccination and formed the largest group vaccinated against influenza. The results obtained are encouraging since nursing students are the most likely of future healthcare professionals to be involved in vaccination programmes

    A game characterisation of tree-like Q-Resolution size

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    We provide a characterisation for the size of proofs in tree-like Q-Resolution and tree-like QU-Resolution by a Prover–Delayer game, which is inspired by a similar characterisation for the proof size in classical tree-like Resolution. This gives one of the first successful transfers of one of the lower bound techniques for classical proof systems to QBF proof systems. We apply our technique to show the hardness of three classes of formulas for tree-like Q-Resolution. In particular, we give a proof of the hardness of the parity formulas from Beyersdorff et al. (2015) for tree-like Q-Resolution and of the formulas of Kleine Büning et al. (1995) for tree-like QU-Resolution

    Modeling of the binodal curve of ionic liquid/salt aqueous systems

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    Ionic Liquid-based Aqueous Two Phase Systems (ILATPS) are an innovative technique to separate biomolecules that combines the advantages of liquid–liquid extraction and hydrophilic ionic liquids. Most ILATPS are based on ionic liquids and conventional inorganic salts, and the phase envelope, described by the binodal curve, is usually modeled by empirical equations that are used to determine the phase compositions and assess the ionic liquid recyclability. However, these empirical equations may provide a poor extrapolation ability or low accuracy at the extreme regions of the binodal curve or suffer from problems of convergence. Therefore, the aim of this work is the analysis of the binodal curve equations, comparing the models reported in the literature to describe ILATPS and proposing alternative equations to improve accuracy or to reduce the mathematical complexity. For this purpose, a database compiling binodal experimental data of 100 ILATPS has been built, so that the analysis could make it possible to obtain representative conclusions for all these systems. Several models were developed, and different statistical criteria were used to assess the advantages and disadvantages of each one of these models for the binodal curve. The results show that, when accuracy is critical, a proposed model with just an additional parameter reduced more than 25% the residual mean squared error (RMSE) with respect to the commonly used equation, without losing the statistical significance of the parameters. For complex problems where an explicit equation in both the concentration of ionic liquid and of salt is needed, the use of an explicit model developed with 3 adjusted parameters that kept high accuracy (R2 > 0.996 and RMSE < 0.66) is proposed. Finally, the analysis also revealed that a fitting method based on the minimization of relative errors is recommended to increase the accuracy of the binodal curve at high salt concentrations, which is the crucial region for assessing the recyclability of the ionic liquid.This work was developed in the scope of the project CICECO Aveiro Institute of Materials (Ref. FCT UID/CTM/50011/2013), financed by national funds through the FCT/MEC and co-financed by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement. The authors also acknowledge FCT for the Post-doctoral grant SFRH/BPD/79263/2011 of S.P.M. Ventura