10 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Improved endoscopic imaging allows the differential diagnosis of colorectal lesions in real time through the study of the microvasculature. Objective: To review the use of Blue Laser Imaging (BLI) in analyzing the capillary patern for the differential diagnosis between neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions. Method: This is an integrative review of the literature that collected information published on virtual platforms in Portuguese and English. The search for reading and analysis was carried out on the SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online, Google Scholar, Pubmed and Scopus platforms. The descriptors taken from DeCS/MESH were: “Blue laser imaging. Endoscopy. Chromoendoscopy, Colorectal polyps. Magnification” and its English counterparts “Blue laser imaging. Image-enhanced endoscopy. Chromoendoscopy. Colorectal polyps. Magnification” with AND or OR search, considering the title and/or abstract. Only those that had the greatest correlation to the topic were included, and the review was based on them, with reading, in full, of the texts. Results: In the end, 22 articles resulted that made up this review. Conclusion: BLI associated with magnification showed good results in real-time predictive histological diagnosis for colon and rectal lesions.Introdução: Imagem endoscópica aprimorada permite o diagnóstico diferencial das lesões colorretais em tempo real através do estudo da microvasculatura. Objetivo: Revisar o uso do Blue Laser Imaging (BLI) na análise do padrão dos capilares para o diagnóstico diferencial entre lesões neoplásicas e não neoplásicas. Método: Esta é revisão integrativa da literatura  que colheu informações publicadas em plataformas virtuais em português e inglês. A busca para leitura e análise foi realizada nas plataformas SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online, Google Scholar, Pubmed e Scopus.  Os descritores retirados do DeCS/MESH foram: “Blue laser imaging. Endoscopia. Cromoendoscopia, Pólipos colorretais. Magnificação” e seus correspondentes em inglês “Blue laser imaging. Image-enhanced endoscopy. Chromoendoscopy. Colorectal polyps. Magnification” com busca AND ou OR, considerando o título e/ou resumo. Foram incluídos somente os que tivessem maior correlação ao tema, e neles foi baseada a revisão com leitura, na íntegra, dos textos. Resultados: Ao final resultaram  22 artigos que compuseram esta revisão. Conclusão: BLI associada à magnificação mostrou bons resultados no diagnóstico histológico preditivo em tempo real para as lesões de cólon e reto


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    Introduction: Burns are injuries caused by various agents that promote the destruction of the skin and can lead to the exposure of deeper tissues. To make better use of this variety of treatment options, it is important to know its causes, extent and treatment methods. Objective: Update the use of nanocellulose membranes with glycerol, vascular endothelial growth factor and other complements in burn healing. Method: Review carried out with material and analysis selected from research on virtual platforms (SciELO, Google Scholar, Virtual Health Library, Pubmed and Scopus) using the descriptors: “bacterial membrane proteins; vascular endothelial growth factor; VEGFR; biological dressings; dressings” with AND or OR search, considering the title and/or abstract. Afterwards, the articles were read in full. Result: 45 articles were included. Conclusion: Although more research is needed, published studies show that the enrichment of nanocellulose membranes with some additives such as Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor VEGF) and incorporation of sensors that can monitor wound conditions will result in highly effective dressings. Considering the technological advances to produce low-cost membranes, associated with artificial intelligence and the efforts of researchers, the benefit to public health will soon be evident.Introdução: Queimaduras são lesões causadas por diversos agentes que promovem a destruição da pele podendo chegar à exposição de tecidos mais profundos. Para melhor uso desta variedade de opções de seu tratamento é importante conhecer-se suas causas, extensão e métodos de tratamento. Objetivo: Atualizar o uso de membranas de nanocelulose, fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular e outros complementos na cicatrização de queimaduras. Método: Revisão feita com material e análise  selecionados a partir de pesquisa em plataformas virtuais (SciELO, Google Scholar, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Pubmed e Scopus) por meio dos descritores: “proteínas da membrana bacteriana; fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular; VEGFR; curativos biológicos; curativos” e seus equivalentes em inglês “bacterial outer membrane proteins; vascular endothelial growth fator; dressing; VEGFR; biological dressings” com busca AND ou OR, considerando o título e/ou resumo. Após, foi feita leitura na íntegra dos artigos. Resultado: Foram incluídos 45 artigos. Conclusão: Embora sejam necessárias mais pesquisas, estudos já publicados evidenciam que o enriquecimento das membranas de nanocelulose com alguns aditivos como o Fator de Crescimento do Endotélio Vascular VEGF) e incorporação de sensores que possam monitorar as condições das feridas resultará em curativos altamente eficazes. Considerando o avanço tecnológico para produzir membranas de baixo custo, associado à inteligência artificial e os esforços dos pesquisadores, em breve o benefício à saúde pública será evidente


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    Introduction: Colorectal cancer is among the most common malignant neoplasms worldwide and the pre-malignant lesions that lead to its appearance are polyps in their various types. As a minimally invasive method, endoscopic resection emerges as the preferred method for focused lesions. Objective: To carry out a review verifying whether endoscopic therapy is safe and efficient in the treatment of lesions located in the rectum. Method: Narrative review collecting information published on virtual platforms (SciELO, Google Scholar, Pubmed and Scopus). Initially, a search was carried out for descriptors related to the topic, which were identified through DeCS/MeSH, namely: “colorectal cancer, adenoma, mucosectomy, dysplasia, polyp” with AND or OR search, considering the title and/or abstract. Afterwards, only those that were most similar were chosen, and the works were read in full. Results: 41 articles were evaluated. Conclusion: With the evolution of concepts and technological improvements, there is an increasing possibility of diagnosing non-polypoid or superficial lesions (superficially elevated, flat or depressed) and laterally spreading or laterally growing lesions or tumors (LST). ) that, by definition, have a diameter greater than 10 mm. Mucosectomy may be indicated for minimally invasive treatment or prevention in cases that have not yet advanced and can be cured endoscopically.Introdução: O câncer colorretal está entre as neoplasias malignas mais comuns em todo mundo e as lesões pré-malignas que levam ao seu surgimento são os pólipos em seus variados tipos. Como forma minimamente invasiva a ressecção endoscópica desponta como método preferencial nas lesões focadas. Objetivo: Efetuar revisão verificando se a terapêutica endoscópica é segura e eficiente no tratamento de lesões localizadas no reto. Método: Revisão narrativa colhendo informações publicadas em plataformas virtuais (SciELO, Google Scholar, Pubmed e Scopus). Inicialmente foi realizada busca por descritores relacionados ao tema, os quais foram identificados por meio do DeCS/MeSH, a saber: “câncer colorretal, adenoma, mucosectomia, displasia, pólipo” e seus equivalentes em inglês “colorectal cancer, adenoma, mucosectomy, dysplasia, polyp” com busca AND ou OR, considerando o título e/ou resumo. Após, foram escolhidos somente os que tinham maior similitude, e realizada a leitura na íntegra dos trabalhos. Resultados: Foram avaliados 41 artigos. Conclusão: Com a evolução dos conceitos e com a melhora tecnológica, há possibilidade de diagnosticar cada vez maior lesões não-polipoides ou superficiais (superficialmente elevadas, planas ou deprimidas) e as lesões ou tumores de espraiamento ou crescimento lateral (LST, Laterally Spreading Tumor) que por definição apresentem diâmetro maior que 10 mm. A mucosectomia pode ser indicada para o tratamento minimanente invasivo ou prevenção nos casos ainda não avançados e que possam ser curados endoscopicamente


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    Introduction: Pancreatic cystic lesions are common and are not exclusively benign. There are 3 guidelines that help recommend surgery if there is a risk factor, sign of malignancy or follow the patient with imaging tests. Objective: To review and compare the performance of these guidelines in asymptomatic patients with mucinous neoplasms. Method: The literature review was carried out by collecting information published on virtual platforms in Portuguese and English. The material for reading and analysis was selected from the SciELO, Google Scholar, Pubmed and Scopus platforms. Initially, a search was carried out using the keywords “mucinous cystic neoplasm. pancreatic intraductal neoplasms. endoscopic ultrasound. fine needle aspiration” with AND or OR search, considering the title and/or abstract. Afterwards, considering only those that were most related to the topic, the full texts were read. Results: 37 articles were included. Conclusion: The European Guideline-DE-2018 proved to be more accurate for use in patients with asymptomatic mucinous neoplasia after the diagnosis obtained by EUS-PAF.Introdução: As lesões císticas pancreáticas são comuns e não são exclusivamente benignas. Existem 3 diretrizes que ajudam a indicar cirurgia no caso de haver algum fator de risco, sinal de malignidade ou acompanhar o paciente com exames de imagem. Objetivo: Revisar e comparar o desempenho dessas diretrizes em neoplasias mucinosas identificados de forma incidental. Método: A revisão da literatura foi feita colhendo informações publicadas em plataformas virtuais em português e inglês. O material para leitura e análise foi selecionado das plataformas SciELO, Google Scholar, Pubmed e Scopus. Inicialmente foi realizada busca por descritores “neoplasia cística mucinosa. neoplasias intraductais pancreáticas. ultrassonografia endoscópica. aspiração por agulha fina” com busca AND ou OR, considerando o título e/ou resumo. Após, considerando-se somente os que tinham maior relação ao tema, foi realizada a leitura da íntegra dos textos. Resultados: Foram incluídos 37 artigos. Conclusão: A Diretriz Europeia- DE-2018 mostrou-se mais precisa para ser utilizada em pacientes com neoplasia mucinosa assintomática após o diagnóstico obtido pela USE-PAF


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    Introduction: Non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) comprises a group of neoplasms with a high incidence in the world population. It is divided into basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). As it is highly prevalent, understanding the process of oncogenesis and the relationship with ions, proteins and cellular receptors in CPMN can contribute to the evaluation of new therapies. Objective: To understand the oncogenesis process of non-melanoma skin tumors and its relationship with the immunolocalization of IP3R. Method: Integrative literature review with evidence synthesis. The database was PUBMED; the search strategy: “squamous cell carcinoma, AND/OR basal cell carcinoma, AND/OR IP3R, AND/OR immunohistochemistry”. Works published between 2018 and 2023 were considered for review; 40 works were included, fully read and summarized. Results: NMSC is the most common malignant tumor worldwide, with 75-80% being BCC, and up to 25% being SCC. Molecular interactions in general involve a large participation of tumor suppressor molecules, as well as procto-oncogenes. Furthermore, voltage-dependent ion channels control the cytosolic flow of ions, including calcium. The IP3R (phosphatidyl inositol-3 receptor) allows the exit of calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum so that it can be used by the cell for physiological activities such as proliferation, angiogenesis, motility and invasion capacity. Conclusion: The IP3R, due to its immunohistochemical expression characteristics, appears may also be related to the pathophysiology of NMSC.Introdução: O câncer de pele não melanoma (CPNM) compeende grupo de neoplasias com alta incidência na população mundial. É dividido em carcinoma basocelular (CBC) e de células escamosas (CEC). Por ser de grande prevalência, entender o processo de oncogênese e a relação com íons, proteínas e receptores celulares no CPMN pode contribuir para que novas terapêuticas sejam avaliadas. Objetivo: Entender o processo da oncogênese dos tumores de pele não melanomas e sua relação com a imunolocalização do IP3R. Método: Revisão integrativa da literatura com síntese de evidências. A base de dados foi o PUBMED; a  estratégia de busca: “carcinoma espinocelular, AND/OR carcinoma basocelular, AND/OR IP3R, AND/OR imunoistoquímica”. Foram considerados para revisão os trabalhos publicados entre 2018 e 2023. Foram incluídos 40 trabalhos, integralmente lidos e resumidos. Resultados: CPNMs são os tumores malignos mais comuns em todo o mundo, sendo 75-80% o CBC, e até 25% o CEC. As interações moleculares de forma geral, envolvem grande participação de moléculas supressoras tumorais, assim como de procto-oncogenes. Além disso, canais iônicos voltagem dependente controlam o fluxo citosólico de íons, dentre eles o cálcio. O IP3R (receptor do fosfatidil inositol-3) permite a saída de cálcio do retículo endoplasmático para que seja utilizado pela célula para atividades fisiológias como proliferação, angiogênese, motilidade e capacidade de invasão. Conclusão: O IP3R, pelas características de expressão imunoistoquímica, parece estar relacionado também, à fisiopatologia do CPNM


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    Introduction: Evaluating the scarring differences between areas previously anesthetized with different local anesthetics is interesting to verify whether the choice of anesthetic helps in surgical healing in relation to inflammation, neovascularization and collagen deposition. Objectives: Review the existing literature with a focus on analyzing the role of local anesthetics in aiding the healing of surgical wounds. Method: Narrative review of literature selected from the SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online, Google Scholar, Pubmed and Scopus platforms. Initially, the review searched for keywords in the focus of the research, based on MESH/DeCS with the following terms: “local anesthetics, healing, neovascularization, collagen” with AND or OR search, considering the title and/or abstract. Next, only those that were most related to the topic were included, and the texts were read for inclusion. Results: 73 articles were included, read and interpreted focusing on the role of anesthetics in healing, pain, side effects and the best that currently emerge in analgesia and scar potential. Conclusions: No differences were observed between the anesthetics studied in terms of healing, inflammation and neovascularization. However, there was a significant difference in the production of collagens with an intensity of 6 to 12 times greater than collagen types I, II and III with the use of levobupivacaine.Introdução: Avaliar as diferenças cicatriciais entre áreas previamente anestesiadas com diferentes anestésicos locais é interessante para verificar se a escolha do anestésico auxilia na cicatrização cirúrgica em relação à inflamação, neovascularização e deposição de colágeno. Objetivos: Revisar a literatura existente com foco de análise sobre o papel dos anestésicos locais no auxílio da cicatrização de feridas cirúrgicas. Método: Revisão narrativa da literatura selecionada das plataformas SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online, Google Scholar, Pubmed e Scopus.  Inicialmente a revisão realizou a busca por palavras-chave no foco da pesquisa, com base no MESH/DeCS com os seguintes termos: “anestésicos locais, cicatrização, neovascularização, colágeno” com busca AND ou OR, considerando o título e/ou resumo. A seguir, foram incluídos somente os que tinham maior relação ao tema, e realizada a leitura dos textos para inclusão. Resultados: Foram incluídos, lidos e interpretados 73 artigos enfocando o papel dos anestésicos na cicatrização, dor, efeitos colaterais e os melhores que despontam na atualidade na analgesia e potencial cicatricial. Conclusões: Não se observou diferenças entre anestésicos pesquisados quanto à cicatrização, inflamação e neovascularização. Contudo, verificou-se diferença significativa na produção de colágenos com intensidade de 6 a 12 vezes maior de colágenos tipos I, II e III com o uso da levobupivacaína


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    Introduction: Papillary carcinomas are the most prevalent and least aggressive thyroid carcinomas (PTC). In some cases, the diagnosis is doubtfull and the prognosis is poor. The search for tissue biomarkers that ensure both the diagnosis for indeterminate cases and the prognosis, identifying the most aggressive cases, has been studied in recent decades. Objective: To review the literature in search of cyclin D1 as a marker of papillary thyroid carcinomas and multinodular goiters and evaluate whether its expression correlates with the clinicopathological characteristics of papillary thyroid carcinomas. Methods: Narrative review carried out by collecting information for reading and analysis from online research on virtual platforms. Initially, a search was carried out from MESH descriptors related to the topic, using the following terms: “papillary thyroid carcinoma, cyclin D1, immunohistochemistry, diagnosis, prognosis.” with AND or OR search, considering the title and/or abstract and those chosen were read in full. Results: The search included 77 articles that were compiled in this review. Conclusion: Cyclin D1 was expressed in the vast majority of PTCs, with diffuse distribution being predominant. There was no correlation between its expression and any clinicopathological characteristic of PTC.Racional - Os carcinomas papilíferos são os mais prevalentes e menos agressivos de tireoide (CPT). Em alguns casos, o diagnóstico é duvidoso e o prognóstico ruim. A busca de biomarcadores teciduais que permitam assegurar tanto o diagnóstico para casos indeterminados, quanto o prognóstico, identificando os casos de maior agressividade, têm sido estudadas nas últimas décadas. Objetivo: Revisar na literatura na busca da ciclina D1 como marcador dos carcinomas papilíferos de tireoide e nos bócios multinodulares, e avaliar se a expressão dela apresenta correlação com as características clínico-patológicas dos carcinomas papilíferos de tireoide. Métodos: Revisão narrativa feita colhendo informações para leitura e análise a partir de pesquisa online em platoformas virtuais. Inicialmente foi realizada busca por descritores DECs relacionados ao tema, utilizando os seguintes termos: “carcinoma papilífero de tireoide, ciclina D1, imunoistoquímica, diagnóstico, prognóstico.” com busca AND ou OR, considerando o título e/ou resumo e os escolhidos foram lidos na íntegra. Resultados: A busca incluiu 77 artigos que foram compilados nesta revisão.  Conclusão: A ciclina D1 foi expressa na grande maioria dos CPT sendo a distribuição difusa predominante. Não houve correlação entre a expressão dela com qualquer característica clinicopatológica dos CPT

    Goodbye Hartmann trial: a prospective, international, multicenter, observational study on the current use of a surgical procedure developed a century ago

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    Background: Literature suggests colonic resection and primary anastomosis (RPA) instead of Hartmann's procedure (HP) for the treatment of left-sided colonic emergencies. We aim to evaluate the surgical options globally used to treat patients with acute left-sided colonic emergencies and the factors that leading to the choice of treatment, comparing HP and RPA. Methods: This is a prospective, international, multicenter, observational study registered on ClinicalTrials.gov. A total 1215 patients with left-sided colonic emergencies who required surgery were included from 204 centers during the period of March 1, 2020, to May 31, 2020. with a 1-year follow-up. Results: 564 patients (43.1%) were females. The mean age was 65.9 ± 15.6 years. HP was performed in 697 (57.3%) patients and RPA in 384 (31.6%) cases. Complicated acute diverticulitis was the most common cause of left-sided colonic emergencies (40.2%), followed by colorectal malignancy (36.6%). Severe complications (Clavien-Dindo ≥ 3b) were higher in the HP group (P < 0.001). 30-day mortality was higher in HP patients (13.7%), especially in case of bowel perforation and diffused peritonitis. 1-year follow-up showed no differences on ostomy reversal rate between HP and RPA. (P = 0.127). A backward likelihood logistic regression model showed that RPA was preferred in younger patients, having low ASA score (≤ 3), in case of large bowel obstruction, absence of colonic ischemia, longer time from admission to surgery, operating early at the day working hours, by a surgeon who performed more than 50 colorectal resections. Conclusions: After 100 years since the first Hartmann's procedure, HP remains the most common treatment for left-sided colorectal emergencies. Treatment's choice depends on patient characteristics, the time of surgery and the experience of the surgeon. RPA should be considered as the gold standard for surgery, with HP being an exception

    Characterisation of microbial attack on archaeological bone

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    As part of an EU funded project to investigate the factors influencing bone preservation in the archaeological record, more than 250 bones from 41 archaeological sites in five countries spanning four climatic regions were studied for diagenetic alteration. Sites were selected to cover a range of environmental conditions and archaeological contexts. Microscopic and physical (mercury intrusion porosimetry) analyses of these bones revealed that the majority (68%) had suffered microbial attack. Furthermore, significant differences were found between animal and human bone in both the state of preservation and the type of microbial attack present. These differences in preservation might result from differences in early taphonomy of the bones. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Delayed colorectal cancer care during covid-19 pandemic (decor-19). Global perspective from an international survey

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    Background The widespread nature of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been unprecedented. We sought to analyze its global impact with a survey on colorectal cancer (CRC) care during the pandemic. Methods The impact of COVID-19 on preoperative assessment, elective surgery, and postoperative management of CRC patients was explored by a 35-item survey, which was distributed worldwide to members of surgical societies with an interest in CRC care. Respondents were divided into two comparator groups: 1) ‘delay’ group: CRC care affected by the pandemic; 2) ‘no delay’ group: unaltered CRC practice. Results A total of 1,051 respondents from 84 countries completed the survey. No substantial differences in demographics were found between the ‘delay’ (745, 70.9%) and ‘no delay’ (306, 29.1%) groups. Suspension of multidisciplinary team meetings, staff members quarantined or relocated to COVID-19 units, units fully dedicated to COVID-19 care, personal protective equipment not readily available were factors significantly associated to delays in endoscopy, radiology, surgery, histopathology and prolonged chemoradiation therapy-to-surgery intervals. In the ‘delay’ group, 48.9% of respondents reported a change in the initial surgical plan and 26.3% reported a shift from elective to urgent operations. Recovery of CRC care was associated with the status of the outbreak. Practicing in COVID-free units, no change in operative slots and staff members not relocated to COVID-19 units were statistically associated with unaltered CRC care in the ‘no delay’ group, while the geographical distribution was not. Conclusions Global changes in diagnostic and therapeutic CRC practices were evident. Changes were associated with differences in health-care delivery systems, hospital’s preparedness, resources availability, and local COVID-19 prevalence rather than geographical factors. Strategic planning is required to optimize CRC care