42 research outputs found

    Estudo do escoamento laminar sólido-líquido em anular excêntrico empregando a técnica de dinâmica de fluidos computacional

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    Técnicas de exploração como poços horizontais, para aumentar a eficiência de produção, têm sido praticadas, porém isso traz um cenário desafiador para a operação, o que inclui o transporte de cascalhos durante a perfuração do poço. Diversos parâmetros afetam a eficiência desse transporte, incluídos, principalmente, nas propriedades do fluido de perfuração e nas características do sistema de perfuração. Além da ampla gama de parâmetros, e suas interações, o que dificulta os estudos deste tema, as condições reais às quais estas variáveis se aplicam como, torna o desafio ainda mais complexo, pois essas condições nem sempre reprodutíveis em unidades experimentais. Nesse sentido, buscou-se modelar, através da técnica de CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), o fenômeno multifásico de transporte dos cascalhos pelo fluido de perfuração. O modelo computacional foi baseado na abordagem Euleriana Granular para simulação do escoamento multifásico sólido-líquido em regime laminar, sendo seu desempenho avaliado a partir dos dados experimentais de Yu et. al. (2007). Com esse modelo, analisou-se a fluidodinâmica do escoamento para um fluido não-Newtoniano tipo plástico de Bingham em uma coluna horizontal com excentricidade de 13,74 mm (offset), abordando os efeitos da vazão do fluido, da rotação da coluna e da taxa de penetração na eficiência do transporte dos cascalhos utilizando o planejamento experimental do tipo composto central de 16 ensaios. A comparação dos resultados experimentais de Yu et. al. (2007) e do modelo mostrou boa concordância, com desvios médios de |6,6%|. Posto isso, foi possível elucidar a ordem de grandeza dos efeitos das variáveis sobre a concentração de cascalhos e a queda de pressão, com destaque para o efeito potencializador da rotação da coluna na eficiência da limpeza do poço e o importante efeito da vazão na queda de pressão. Entretanto, a vazão apresentou insignificante efeito sobre a concentração de cascalhos, mostrando que dentro da faixa do escoamento laminar, a eficiência da limpeza do poço é pouco afetada da vazão do fluido de perfuração. Os resultados das simulações numéricas corroboraram com os resultados encontrados na literatura.Exploration techniques such as horizontal wells to increase production efficiency have been practiced but it brings a challenging scenario for the operation, which includes the transport of cuttings during the drilling operation. Several parameters affect the efficiency of the transport including mainly properties of the drilling fluid and the characteristics of the drilling system. Besides the wide range of variables, and their interactions, which affects this efficiency and makes this study difficult, the real conditions in which these variables are applied as high temperature and pressure, it makes the challenge even more complex, especially because these conditions are not always possible to be reproduced in experimental units. In this sense the multiphase flow phenomenon of carrying cuttings by the drilling fluid was modeled through the technique of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). The computational model was based on the Eulerian Granular approach for simulating the solid-liquid multiphase flow in a laminar regime and the model was validated by the experimental data from Yu et al. (2007). With this model the fluid dynamics of a non-Newtonian fluid Bingham plastic was analyzed in a horizontal column with eccentricity of 13.74 mm (offset) studying the effects of the drilling fluid flow, the drilling pipe rotation and penetration rate in the efficiency of cuttings removal, using central composite design with 16 runs. The comparison of the experimental results of Yu et al. (2007) and the model showed good agreement with average deviations of |6.6%|. That said, it was possible to elucidate the order of magnitude of the effects of the variables on the cutting removal and the pressure drop, giving special attention for the maximizing effect of drilling pipe rotation on the hole cleaning efficiency and for the important effect of fluid flow on the pressure drop. However, the flow had insignificant effect on the cuttings concentration, showing that within the tested range of laminar flow, the hole cleaning efficiency is little affected by flow of the drilling fluid. The results of the numerical simulations agreed with the results found in the literature

    A decision support system for water quality issues in the Manzanares River (Madrid, Spain)

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    The Manzanares River, located in Madrid (Spain), is the main water supplier of a highly populated region, and it also receives wastewater from the same area. The effluents of eight Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTPs) downstream of the river, which represent 90% of the flow in the middle and lower parts of the river, are the primary sources of water pollution. Although the situation has improved slightly in the last two years, the water in the river is highly polluted, making it uninhabitable for aquatic life. Water quality modelling is typically used to assess the effect of treatment improvements in water bodies. In this work, the GESCAL module of the Aquatool Decision Support System Shell was used to simulate water quality in the Manzanares River. GESCAL is appropriate for modelling in an integrated way water quality for whole water resources systems, including reservoirs and rivers. A model was built that simulates conductivity, phosphorous, carbonaceous organic matter, dissolved oxygen, organic nitrogen, ammonia, and nitrates. The period from October 2006 to September 2008 was selected for calibration due to the many treatment modifications that occurred during this time. An earlier and longer period, from October 2000 to September 2006, was used for validation. In addition, a daily model was used to analyse the robustness of the GESCAL model. Once the GESCAL model was validated, different scenarios were considered and simulated. First, different combinations of nutrient elimination among the different WWTPs were simulated, leading to the conclusion that investments have to focus on three of the proposed WWTPs. Moreover, these treatments will not be sufficient to maintain fish habitat conditions at all times. Additional measures, such as the increment of the flow in the river or oxygen injection, were simulated. Incrementing the flow of the Manzanares River has been shown to be an efficient means of increasing water quality, but this implies an increment in the risk of water scarcity situations in the Madrid water supply system. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the project Consolider-Ingenio 2010 CSD2009-00065.Paredes Arquiola, J.; Andreu Álvarez, J.; Solera Solera, A. (2010). A decision support system for water quality issues in the Manzanares River (Madrid, Spain). Science of the Total Environment. 408:2576-2589. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2010.02.037S2576258940

    Global sensitivity analysis in hydrological modeling: Review of concepts, methods, theoretical framework, and applications

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    Sensitivity analysis (SA) aims to identify the key parameters that affect model performance and it plays important roles in model parameterization, calibration, optimization, and uncertainty quantification. However, the increasing complexity of hydrological models means that a large number of parameters need to be estimated. To better understand how these complex models work, efficient SA methods should be applied before the application of hydrological modeling. This study provides a comprehensive review of global SA methods in the field of hydrological modeling. The common definitions of SA and the typical categories of SA methods are described. A wide variety of global SA methods have been introduced to provide a more efficient evaluation framework for hydrological modeling. We review, analyze, and categorize research into global SA methods and their applications, with an emphasis on the research accomplished in the hydrological modeling field. The advantages and disadvantages are also discussed and summarized. An application framework and the typical practical steps involved in SA for hydrological modeling are outlined. Further discussions cover several important and often overlooked topics, including the relationship between parameter identification, uncertainty analysis, and optimization in hydrological modeling, how to deal with correlated parameters, and time-varying SA. Finally, some conclusions and guidance recommendations on SA in hydrological modeling are provided, as well as a list of important future research directions that may facilitate more robust analyses when assessing hydrological modeling performance

    Object Tracking and Motion Capturing in Hardware-Accelerated Multi-camera System

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    Project research on CphVolunteers organisation: leadership in times of crisis

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    Penetrating Ocular Injuries in Pediatric Age Group in a Rural Area of Western Maharashtra, India

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    Background: Ocular injuries comprise a group of disorders with a wide variation in clinical presentation, causes, and visual outcome. Penetrating injury is defined as a single full thickness laceration of the eyeball usually caused by a sharp object.Aims: The purpose of this study was to know the causes, clinical features, and visual outcome of various penetrating ocular injuries in the pediatric age group. Settings and Design: It was a hospital based longitudinal study.Subjects and Methods: In this hospital based longitudinal study, 50 consecutive patients in the pediatric age group (up to 14 years) presenting to the ophthalmic OPD or casualty with penetrating ocular injuries were studied during a periodof 2 years (August 1998–July 2000).Results: The present study showed the highest incidence (48%) of penetrating ocular injury in the age group of 6–10 years. Incidence of penetrating eye injury was found to be more in males (74%) as compared to females (26%). Wooden stick (34%) injuries are the most commonly observed penetrating eye injuries. Final visual outcome of more than 6/36 was seen in 79.31% of those patients in which only anterior segment was involved as against it was seen in only 23.08% of those in which posterior segment was involved. Conclusions: Penetrating ocular injuries are the most common cause of mono‑ocular preventable blindness in pediatric age group. The three most important factors determining the final visual outcome were size and site of injury, as well as the time interval, between the injury and the presentation.Keywords: Blindness, pediatric age group, penetrating injury, visual outcom