112 research outputs found

    Vantagens Competitivas em Instituições de Ensino Superior: proposta e teste de um modelo

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    A presente investigação teve como objetivo propor e testar um modelo conceptual que avalie a gestão estratégica de uma instituição de ensino superior (IES). Neste sentido, o estudo procurou unir três tracionais abordagens teóricas ligadas a estratégias empresariais, adaptando-as ao setor educacional: as Teorias de Competitividade, a Teoria dos Recursos e Capacidades e a Teoria dos Stakeholders. Com o apoio teórico destas três teorias, identificou-se os públicos ligados a estas instituições e os fatores internos e externos às organizações educacionais que influenciam a identificação das vantagens competitivas. O modelo desenvolvido foi testado e validado em um estudo de caso realizado com uma universidade brasileira. Os dados evidenciam uma adequação das variáveis de medição propostas no modelo à instituição estudada. A principal contribuição do estudo foi a descoberta de indicadores de medição de cada variável do modelo proposto.Vantagens competitivas, Competitividade educacional, Serviço educacional, Ensino Superior, Gestão de universidades

    Academic expectations profiles of spanish and portuguese higher education students

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    Las expectativas académicas de los estudiantes son hoy reconocidas como una variable importante en la explicación de su adaptación y éxito académico. Esa importancia es mayor en los alumnos del primer año, ya que, frecuentemente presentan expectativas iniciales muy elevadas que no siempre llegan a concretarse. Con la pretensión de conocer cuáles son esas expectativas iniciales, el trabajo que se presenta analiza el perfil de las mismas en estudiantes de Enseñanza Superior (ES) de primer año. La muestra está compuesta por 719 estudiantes de diversas titulaciones académicas de las Universidades de Vigo-Campus de Ourense y Minho. A los participantes se les aplicó el Cuestionario de Percepciones Académicas (CPA). Los resultados han sido analizados tomando la nacionalidad y el ámbito de estudio (cientifico, juridico-social, tecnológico). Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes portugueses tienden a presentar expectativas más elevadas en general, traduciéndose en una valoración superior de su entrada en la Universidad. A su vez, considerando las siete dimensiones de expectativas evaluadas, se comprueba un perfil similar para ambos países en relación a las expectativas más o menos valoradas. Se destacan las expectativas de obtener una formación que permita acceder a un buen empleo o carrera, en primer lugar, y las expectativas de tener en la Universidad oportunidades de desarrollo personal y social, en segundo lugar, como las más valoradas por los estudiantes.Academic expectations are recognized as an important variable for students’ adjustment and academic success. This importance is higher for first year students, because they often present initial expectations that may not be met. Aiming at identifying these initial expectations, this study presents and analyses the profile of first year students' academic expectations. The sample included 719 students attending different undergraduate programs at University of Vigo - Campus of Ourense, and at University of Minho. Participants completed the Academic Perceptions Questionnaire (APQ). Analyses were based on students’ nationality and study domain (scientific, juridical-social, technological). Results show that Portuguese students present higher expectations, in general, which shows they attribute a higher value to their access to University. On the other hand, and regarding the seven dimensions of assessed expectations, we can see that this difference in average scores is not structural, because there is a similar pattern of higher and lower expectations, for both countries. The most valued expectations are, in first place, expectations of having an education that will lead to a good job or career, and in second place, expectations of having opportunities of personal and social development in University

    Who benefits from HEIs engagement? An analysis of priority stakeholders and activity profiles of HEIs in the United Kingdom

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    It has been suggested that higher education institutions (HEIs) may develop different activity profiles (including research, teaching and socio-economic engagement) in their attempt to maximise the fit between institutional resources and strategic opportunities; the latter include strategies of engagement with different groups of external stakeholders. Understanding the extent to which HEIs’ resources and activity profiles are aligned with their strategic prioritisation of stakeholder groups, allows us to better understand the different ways in which HEIs drive socioeconomic development. Using non-parametric techniques – qualitative and quantitative ordinal multidimensional scaling – applied to data on the universe of HEIs in the United Kingdom, we show that HEIs with different institutional resources and undertaking different sets of activities prioritise their engagement with different stakeholder groups. We also confirm the complex associations between HEIs’ institutional resources, activity profiles and stakeholder prioritisation strategies, which lock HEIs into configurations that are difficult to change

    Pharmacokinetic characteristics and anticancer effects of 5-Fluorouracil loaded nanoparticles

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is expected that prolonged circulation of anticancer drugs will increase their anticancer activity while decreasing their toxic side effects. The purpose of this study was to prepare 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) loaded block copolymers, with poly(γ-benzyl-L-glutamate) (PBLG) as the hydrophobic block and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) as the hydrophilic block, and then examine the 5-FU release characteristics, pharmacokinetics, and anticancer effects of this novel compound.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>5-FU loaded PEG-PBLG (5-FU/PEG-PBLG) nanoparticles were prepared by dialysis and then scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to observe the shape and size of the nanoparticles, and ultraviolet spectrophotometry was used to evaluate the 5-FU in vitro release characteristics. The pharmacokinetic parameters of 5-FU/PEG-PBLG nanoparticles in rabbit plasma were determined by measuring the 5-FUby high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). To study in vivo effects, LoVo cells (human colon cancer cell line) or Tca8113 cells (human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line) were implanted in BALB/c nude mice that were subsequently treated with 5-FU or 5-FU/PEG-PBLG nanospheres.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>5-FU/PEG-PBLG nanoparticles had a core-shell spherical structure with a diameter of 200 nm and a shell thickness of 30 nm. The drug loading capacity was 27.1% and the drug encapsulation was 61.5%. Compared with 5-FU, 5-FU/PEG-PBLG nanoparticles had a longer elimination half-life (t<sub>1/2</sub>, 33.3 h vs. 5 min), lower peak concentration (C, 4563.5 μg/L vs. 17047.3 μg/L), and greater distribution volume (V<sub>D</sub>, 0.114 L vs. 0.069 L). Compared with a blank control, LoVo cell xenografts and Tca8113 cell xenografts treated with 5-FU or 5-FU/PEG-PBLG nanoparticles grew slower and had prolonged tumor doubling times. 5-FU/PEG-PBLG nanoparticles showed greater inhibition of tumor growth than 5-FU (p < 0.01). In the PEG-PBLG nanoparticle control group, there was no tumor inhibition (p > 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In our model system, 5-FU/PEG-PBLG nanoparticles changed the pharmacokinetic behavior of 5-FU, thus increasing its anticancer activity. 5-Fluorouracil loaded nanoparticles have potential as a novel anticancer drug that may have useful clinical applications.</p

    Do stakeholders matter in strategic decision making of a sports organization?

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    This study aims to identify and prioritize the stakeholders involved in making decisions in a sports organization. A multiple linear regression analysis was used to assess the influence of the attributes of power, legitimacy and urgency on the salience of the various stakeholders. The results showed a convergence of external and internal decision makers’ perceptions, concerning the three main stakeholder groups: top management, sponsors and member association. Pearson correlations identified four types of stakeholder: definitive, dangerous, demanding and non-stakeholders. A generalized differentiation was also found in stakeholder classification, regarding evaluation of attributes, between external and internal decision makers. In addition, the study suggests the success of organizations’ management will depend on correct identification of stakeholders and consequent assessment of their relevance, in order to highlight who should get priority, and how, in strategic decision making

    Nanotechnology and the Treatment of HIV Infection

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    Suboptimal adherence, toxicity, drug resistance and viral reservoirs make the lifelong treatment of HIV infection challenging. The emerging field of nanotechnology may play an important role in addressing these challenges by creating drugs that possess pharmacological advantages arising out of unique phenomena that occur at the “nano” scale. At these dimensions, particles have physicochemical properties that are distinct from those of bulk materials or single molecules or atoms. In this review, basic concepts and terms in nanotechnology are defined, and examples are provided of how nanopharmaceuticals such as nanocrystals, nanocapsules, nanoparticles, solid lipid nanoparticles, nanocarriers, micelles, liposomes and dendrimers have been investigated as potential anti-HIV therapies. Such drugs may, for example, be used to optimize the pharmacological characteristics of known antiretrovirals, deliver anti-HIV nucleic acids into infected cells or achieve targeted delivery of antivirals to the immune system, brain or latent reservoirs. Also, nanopharmaceuticals themselves may possess anti-HIV activity. However several hurdles remain, including toxicity, unwanted biological interactions and the difficulty and cost of large-scale synthesis of nanopharmaceuticals

    Evolving uses of oral reverse transcriptase inhibitors in the HIV-1 epidemic: From treatment to prevention

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    The HIV epidemic continues unabated, with no highly effective vaccine and no cure. Each new infection has significant economic, social and human costs and prevention efforts are now as great a priority as global antiretroviral therapy (ART) scale up. Reverse transcriptase inhibitors, the first licensed class of ART, have been at the forefront of treatment and prevention of mother to child transmission over the past two decades. Now, their use in adult prevention is being