799 research outputs found

    Efectos farmacológicos y nutricionales de los extractos de Curcuma longa L. y de los cucuminoides

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    La Curcuma longa L., es una planta de origen asiático muy usada comúnmente como una especia en la culturaasiática. El principal componente es la curcumina, uno de los ingredientes activos responsables de su actividadbiológica. Se sabe que esta sustancia es estable en el estómago y en el intestino delgado; su elevada lipofilia le permiteuna rápida absorción gastrointestinal por difusión pasiva. Tras su administración, es metabolizada y excretadaprincipalmente por bilis y heces, y también por orina. Sus principales metabolitos también son bioactivos.Desde antiguo, se han descrito muchas propiedades para los extractos de Curcuma longa y para la curcumina. Seconoce su actividad antibacteriana, antifúngica y antiparasitaria, y recientemente se ha demostrado su capacidadpara inhibir la integrasa del HIV-1. También se han demostrado efectos específicos en otros tejidos y órganos, comola piel, el sistema gastrointestinal y respiratorio y en el hígado.Todas estas propiedades son debidas a distintos mecanismos de acción. Se ha demostrado que la cúrcuma poseeefectos antiinflamatorios, a través de la modulación del metabolismo de los eicosanoides, tiene capacidadinmunomoduladora, principalmente alterando el perfil de las citoquinas Thl de los linfocitos T helper, y actividadhipolipidémica, disminuyendo el colesterol, los triglicéridos y los fosfolípidos plasmáticos así como en las LDL.Hay muchos estudios que demuestran la capacidad de la cúrcuma para estabilizar membranas y para prevenir laperoxidación lipídica, un proceso fundamental en el establecimiento, la progresión y las complicaciones de muchaspatologías como las enfermedades hepáticas, renales, cardiovasculares, neurodegenerativas, en la diabetes y en lascataratas. Las últimas investigaciones sobre los efectos biológicos de los extractos de cúrcuma y de los curcuminoidesestán encaminados a estudiar su actividad anticancerosa, principalmente frente al cáncer de piel, colon y duodeno

    Fundamental properties of the Population II fiducial stars HD 122563 and Gmb 1830 from CHARA interferometric observations

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    We have determined the angular diameters of two metal-poor stars, HD 122563 and Gmb 1830, using CHARA and Palomar Testbed Interferometer observations. For the giant star HD 122563, we derive an angular diameter theta_3D = 0.940 +- 0.011 milliarcseconds (mas) using limb-darkening from 3D convection simulations and for the dwarf star Gmb 1830 (HD 103095) we obtain a 1D limb-darkened angular diameter theta_1D = 0.679 +- 0.007 mas. Coupling the angular diameters with photometry yields effective temperatures with precisions better than 55 K (Teff = 4598 +- 41 K and 4818 +- 54 K --- for the giant and the dwarf star, respectively). Including their distances results in very well-determined luminosities and radii (L = 230 +- 6 L_sun, R = 23.9 +- 1.9 R_sun and L = 0.213 +- 0.002 L_sun, R = 0.664 +- 0.015 R_sun, respectively). We used the CESAM2k stellar structure and evolution code in order to produce models that fit the observational data. We found values of the mixing-length parameter alpha (which describes 1D convection) that depend on the mass of the star. The masses were determined from the models with precisions of <3% and with the well-measured radii excellent constraints on the surface gravity are obtained (log g = 1.60 +- 0.04, 4.59 +- 0.02, respectively). The very small errors on both log g and Teff provide stringent constraints for spectroscopic analyses given the sensitivity of abundances to both of these values. The precise determination of Teff for the two stars brings into question the photometric scales for metal-poor stars.Comment: accepted A&A, 8 dbl-column pages, incl. 7 tables and 4 figure

    Global distribution of two fungal pathogens threatening endangered sea turtles

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    This work was supported by grants of Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain (CGL2009-10032, CGL2012-32934). J.M.S.R was supported by PhD fellowship of the CSIC (JAEPre 0901804). The Natural Environment Research Council and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council supported P.V.W. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Thanks Machalilla National Park in Ecuador, Pacuare Nature Reserve in Costa Rica, Foundations Natura 2000 in Cape Verde and Equilibrio Azul in Ecuador, Dr. Jesus Muñoz, Dr. Ian Bell, Dr. Juan Patiño for help and technical support during samplingPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Death in the sun: the bioarchaeology of an early post-medieval hospital in Gibraltar

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    In 2014, during construction work at the ex-Civil Hospital in Gibraltar, excavations led by the Gibraltar Museum revealed a major, previously unknown burial ground containing more than 200 skeletons. We present the historical, archaeological and radiometric dating evidence from the site alongside the results of initial osteological analyses. The data indicate that the burials pertain to an earlier 16th-century Spanish hospice, and therefore stand to offer new insights into the functioning of this early modern hospital and the health and movements of people at a time of incipient globalization

    Evaluación de la abundancia relativa y percepción de la presencia de palomas Columba livia (Columbiformes: Columbidae) en la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica

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    The presence of Columba livia dove in infrastructures leads to their deterioration. The increase of these birds in large cities has alarmed the population; the same situation occurs at the National University of Costa Rica premises. This study aimed to monitor the population due to its relative abundance. Five buildings within the university were selected, following the criterion of the presence of pigeons. Direct observation was conducted over a period of five months, three times a week. It was found that the west side of the Chemistry building is the most crowded (4.37 ± 1.17); the birds use spaces, such as air conditioners and holes on the roofs, as sites for nesting. 53% of the University workers interviewed disagreed in eradication processes. The availability of food resources and infrastructure are key factors to attract pigeons as these factors are ideal for nesting and roosting, which directly contributes to the growth of their populations. We recommend reducing artificial sites that can be used as perch, covering all the possible holes used for nesting, and educating people about potential problems that these pigeons can create.La presencia de la paloma Columba livia en las obras de infraestructura conlleva a un deterioro de estas mismas; el aumento de estas aves en grandes ciudades ha alarmado a la población, igual situación ocurre en las instalaciones de la Universidad Nacional. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en monitorear la población para conocer la abundancia relativa. Para ello, se seleccionaron cinco edificios dentro de la Universidad, cuyo criterio de selección fue la presencia de palomas. Se realizaron observaciones directas durante un periodo de cinco meses, tres veces por semana. Se encontró que el costado oeste de Química es el más concurrido (4.37 ± 1.17), utilizan, ahí, espacios como los equipos para el aire acondicionado y agujeros en los techos como sitios para anidación. Un 53% de personal de la Universidad encuestado está en desacuerdo en procesos de erradicación. La disponibilidad de infraestructura y los recursos alimentarios son factores ecológicos claves para atraer palomas, ya que favorecen sitios para la anidación y descanso, lo que contribuye directamente en el crecimiento de sus poblaciones. Se recomienda reducir los sitios artificiales de percha, tapar entradas existentes que puedan utilizarse para la anidación y educar a la población acerca de los problemas potenciales que representa el incremento poblacional de las palomas

    Plan de negocios para la implementación de una tienda de conveniencia en el Distrito de San Isidro

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    La actual coyuntura social y sanitaria ha llevado al consumidor urbano de alimentos a tomar mayor consciencia sobre características saludables y condiciones sanitarias de los productos y compras con mínimo contacto. Nuestra investigación busca cubrir las necesidades identificadas a través de la implementación de una tienda de conveniencia, que englobe propuestas de alimentos predominantemente saludables, amigables con el medio ambiente, contribución a marcas solidarias, practicidad de compra y eficiente interacción digital. Se denominará Sentido Natural, frase que envuelve conceptos de valores sociales y medioambientales, que definen nuestra propuesta. Para nuestra investigación empleamos metodologías cualitativas y cuantitativas a través de encuestas y observaciones en campo, que concluye en una necesidad de mercado con potencial de crecimiento. El público objetivo está definido por personas con estilo de vida saludable cuyas edades oscilan entre los 18 a 55 años, pertenecientes al NSE A, B y C, que residen y visitan la zona 4 del distrito de San Isidro, donde se encuentra la mayor concentración de tráfico diario de público, residentes y flotantes. De acuerdo con nuestra en encuesta, el 84% considera que la alimentación saludable es importante o muy importante; y al 98% le gustaría encontrar alimentos saludables en una tienda de conveniencia. Se emplearán canales digitales como redes sociales y páginas web para conectar con el segmento objetivo. Contará con 2 canales de venta: tienda física y tienda virtual (e-commerce). Realizamos un estudio de factibilidad que demuestra que el proyecto es viable en los aspectos: comercial, operativo y financiero, con una inversión de S/ 286,472.00, financiado en un 71% de capital propio y un 29% financiado con un préstamo bancario con un plazo de 3 años, y una tasa de interés de 11.20%; obteniendo un VAN positivo y un TIR superior al costo de oportunidad de los socios. Asimismo, el payback de la inversión es en 3.6 años, el cual consideramos que es un tiempo razonable y refuerza la atractividad del negocio.The current social and health situation has led urban food consumers to become more aware of the healthy characteristics and sanitary conditions of the products and purchases with minimal contact. Our research seeks to cover the needs identified through the implementation of a convenience store, which encompasses predominantly healthy food proposals, friendly to the environment, contribution to solidarity brands, practicality of purchase and efficient digital interaction. It will be called Natural Sense, a phrase that involves concepts of social and environmental values, which define our proposal. For our research we use qualitative and quantitative methodologies through surveys and observations in the field, which concludes in a market need with growth potential. The target audience is defined by people with a healthy lifestyle whose ages range from 18 to 55 years old, belonging to NSE A, B and C, who reside and visit zone 4 of the San Isidro district, where the highest concentration is found. daily traffic of public, residents and floating. According to our survey, 84% consider that healthy eating is important or very important; and 98% would like to find healthy food at a convenience store. Digital channels such as social networks and web pages will be used to connect with the target segment. It will have 2 sales channels: physical store and virtual store (e-commerce). We carried out a feasibility study that shows that the project is viable in the aspects: commercial, operational and financial, with an investment of S / 286,472.00, financed by 71% of its own capital and 29% financed with a bank loan with a term 3 years, and an interest rate of 11.20%; obtaining a positive NPV and an IRR higher than the opportunity cost of the partners. Likewise, the payback of the investment is in 3.6 years, which we consider to be a reasonable time and reinforces the attractiveness of the business.Tesi

    Functional and neurometabolic asymmetry in SHR and WKY rats following vasoactive treatments

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    A lateralized distribution of neuropeptidase activities in the frontal cortex of normotensive and hypertensive rats has been described depending on the use of some vasoactive drugs and linked to certain mood disorders. Asymmetrical neuroperipheral connections involving neuropeptidases from the left or right hemisphere and aminopeptidases from the heart or plasma have been suggested to play a role in this asymmetry. We hypothesize that such asymmetries could be extended to the connection between the brain and physiologic parameters and metabolic factors from plasma and urine. To assess this hypothesis, we analyzed the possible correlation between neuropeptidases from the left and right frontal cortex with peripheral parameters in normotensive (Wistar Kyoto [WKY]) rats and hypertensive rats (spontaneously hypertensive rats [SHR]) untreated or treated with vasoactive drugs such as captopril, propranolol and L-nitro-arginine methyl ester. Neuropeptidase activities from the frontal cortex were analyzed fluorometrically using arylamide derivatives as substrates. Physiological parameters and metabolic factors from plasma and urine were determined using routine laboratory techniques. Vasoactive drug treatments differentially modified the asymmetrical neuroperipheral pattern by changing the predominance of the correlations between peripheral parameters and central neuropeptidase activities of the left and right frontal cortex. The response pattern also differed between SHR and WKY rats. These results support an asymmetric integrative function of the organism and suggest the possibility of a different neurometabolic response coupled to particular mood disorders, depending on the selected vasoactive drug.This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation through project no. SAF 2008 04685 C02 01

    Towards the Physical Map of the Trypanosoma cruzi Nuclear Genome: Construction of YAC and BAC Libraries of the Reference Clone T. cruzi CL-Brener

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    Strategies to construct the physical map of the Trypanosoma cruzi nuclear genome have to capitalize on three main advantages of the parasite genome, namely (a) its small size, (b) the fact that all chromosomes can be defined, and many of them can be isolated by pulse field gel electrophoresis, and (c) the fact that simple Southern blots of electrophoretic karyotypes can be used to map sequence tagged sites and expressed sequence tags to chromosomal bands. A major drawback to cope with is the complexity of T. cruzi genetics, that hinders the construction of a comprehensive genetic map. As a first step towards physical mapping, we report the construction and partial characterization of a T. cruzi CL-Brener genomic library in yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) that consists of 2,770 individual YACs with a mean insert size of 365 kb encompassing around 10 genomic equivalents. Two libraries in bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) have been constructed, BACI and BACII. Both libraries represent about three genome equivalents. A third BAC library (BAC III) is being constructed. YACs and BACs are invaluable tools for physical mapping. More generally, they have to be considered as a common resource for research in Chagas diseaseInstituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología MolecularEscola Paulista de MedicinaCBMUniversidade de São PauloUniversidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroIPBUniversidad Central de VenezuelaUSBInstituto Oswaldo CruzCEPHUNIFESP, EPMSciEL