114 research outputs found


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    Resumen     El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un análisis de los resultados que se obtuvieron en la materia de Cálculo Diferencial en el Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya (ITC). Los estudiantes de todas las carreras de ingeniería que se ofrecen en el ITC, cursan esta materia y se les evaluaron las competencias que requiere la asignatura a través de exámenes departamentales, propiciando las mismas condiciones de aplicación en tiempo y espacio. Con este estudio se pretende visualizar las áreas de oportunidad en el aprendizaje del cálculo diferencial, que permitan dirigir estrategias a fin de reducir la variabilidad en los índices de aprobación por grupo y especialidad. Los resultados muestran que es posible reducir la variación en los índices de aprobación de la asignatura de Cálculo Diferencial a través del trabajo colegiado entre los docentes y los acuerdos tomados por la vocalía de esta asignatura, además de la aplicación de los exámenes departamentales.Palabra(s) Clave(s): Aprendizaje, aprovechamiento académico, competencias, evaluación, variabilidad. AbstractThe objective of this work was to perform an analysis of the results obtained in the subject of Differential Calculus at the Technological Institute of Celaya (ITC). The students of all the engineering careers that are offered in the ITC, study this subject and they were evaluated the competences that the subject requires through departmental examinations, propitiando the same conditions of application in time and space. This study intends to visualize the areas of opportunity in the differential calculus learning, which allow directing strategies in order to reduce the variability in approval rates by group and specialty. The results show that it is possible to reduce the variation in the approval rates of the Differential Calculus course through the collegial work between the teachers and the agreements taken by the vocal of this subject, in addition to the application of departmental exams.Keywords: Academic achievement, competencies, evaluation, learning, variability


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    Resumen En el Tecnológico Nacional de México en Celaya (TecNMC), los índices de reprobación de la asignatura de Cálculo Diferencial oscilan en promedio entre el 50% y el 60%, lo cual ocasiona deserción y rezago de los estudiantes durante los primeros semestres. Esta situación impacta negativamente en la eficiencia terminal de los programas de ingeniería que se ofertan en la institución, pues aproximadamente el 70% de los estudiantes de primer semestre deben cursar por segunda y tercera ocasión esta asignatura para acreditarla. Además, en caso de no acreditarla cuando la cursan por tercera ocasión, causan baja definitiva de la institución y deben abandonar sus estudios. En este contexto, surge la necesidad de implementar acciones para ofrecer acompañamiento académico a los estudiantes que se encuentran cursando la asignatura de Cálculo Diferencial y presentan áreas de oportunidad en sus competencias previas o en temas propios de las competencias que integran la asignatura. El presente trabajo está relacionado con uso de la plataforma Khan Academy como apoyo académico a un grupo de estudiantes de primer semestre. Los resultados obtenidos fueron buenos, pues el índice de aprobación del grupo fue de 82% con promedio final del grupo de 86. Por tal motivo, se concluye que la plataforma Khan Academy es una herramienta atractiva y adaptable a las necesidades de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Palabras Clave: Aprovechamiento académico, Cálculo Diferencial, Dispositivos móviles, Khan Academy. Abstract At the Tecnológico Nacional de México in Celaya (TecNMC), the failure rates for the Differential Calculus subject range on average between 50% and 60%, which causes students to drop out and lag during the first semesters. This situation has a negative impact on the terminal efficiency of the engineering programs offered at the institution, since approximately 70% of first-semester students must take this subject for the second and third time to obtain accreditation. In addition, in case of not accrediting it when they take it for the third time, they cause a permanent withdrawal from the institution and must abandon their studies. In this context, the need arises to implement actions to offer academic support to students who are taking the Differential Calculus subject and present areas of opportunity in their previous competencies or in topics related to the competencies that make up the subject. This work is related to the use of the Khan Academy platform as academic support to a group of first-semester students. The results obtained were good, since the group's approval rate was 82% with a final group average of 86. For this reason, it is concluded that the Khan Academy platform is an attractive tool adaptable to the learning needs of students. Keywords: Academic achievement, Differential Calculation, Khan Academy, Mobile Devices

    Perfil académico de los estudiantes a ingresar al nivel superior

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    En este trabajo se realiza una comparación entre la demanda de competencias académicas previas deseables en los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso al nivel superior con las competencias académicas que poseen al ingresar al primer semestre en el Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya.A través de un examen de exploración que considera las competencias académicas previas necesarias de los aspirantes aplicado a estudiantes de nivel medio superior, se encontró que carecen del nivel de competencias académicas fundamentales para materias de ciencias básicas de primer semestre de ingeniería, lo cual destaca la importancia del desarrollo de esfuerzos institucionales para apoyar a los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso en la transición del nivel medio superior al superior a fin de reducir la reprobación, la deserción y el rezago durante los primeros semestres.Palabra(s) Clave(s): Perfil de ingreso, Competencias académicas, Reprobación


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    Resumen La deserción escolar en el nivel medio superior se ha incrementado significativamente en los últimos años. Para muchos alumnos es común considerar a las matemáticas un gran obstáculo, pues les generan inseguridades y rechazo, lo cual desencadena situaciones o problemáticas que pueden llegar a ocasionar reprobación, rezago y deserción escolar. En este contexto y con la finalidad de proporcionar apoyo y acompañamiento académico a los alumnos en la asignatura de matemáticas, se decide implementar el uso de la plataforma Khan Academy en alumnos del nivel medio superior, a fin de observar la viabilidad de su uso. Desde la perspectiva docente, se encontró que los contenidos de la plataforma no están alineados a los programas de estudio del Nivel Medio Superior, a fin de proporcionar apoyo didáctico que favorezca el desempeño académico del estudiante. Sin embargo, como resultado de esta experiencia, el alumno reconoce que la plataforma Khan Academy propicia un avance significativo en sus procesos de aprendizaje y mejora la comprensión de los temas revisados motivo por el cual manifiestan que volverían a utilizar la plataforma como apoyo didáctico para la materia de matemáticas. Palabras Clave: acompañamiento académico, desempeño académico, Khan Academy, recursos didácticos. Abstract School dropout at the upper secondary level has increased significantly in recent years. For many students, it is common to consider Mathematics a great obstacle, since they generate many insecurities and rejection, which triggers situations or problems that can lead to failure, lag, and school dropout. In this context and in order to provide support and academic accompaniment to students in the subject of Mathematics, it was decided to implement the use of the Khan Academy platform in upper secondary students, in order to observe the viability of using it. . From the teaching perspective, it was found that the contents of the platform are not aligned with the study programs of the Upper Middle Level, in order to provide didactic support that favors the student's academic performance. However, as a result of this experience, the student recognizes that the Khan Academy platform fosters significant progress in their learning processes and improves understanding of the topics reviewed, which is why they state that they would use the platform again as didactic support for the Mathematics subject. Keywords: academic support, academic performance, Khan Academy, teaching resources

    Dynamics of direct inter-pack encounters in endangered African wild dogs

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    Aggressive encounters may have important life history consequences due to the potential for injury and death, disease transmission, dispersal opportunities or exclusion from key areas of the home range. Despite this, little is known of their detailed dynamics, mainly due to the difficulties of directly observing encounters in detail. Here, we describe detailed spatial dynamics of inter-pack encounters in African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus), using data from custom-built high-resolution GPS collars in 11 free-ranging packs. On average, each pack encountered another pack approximately every 7 weeks and met each neighbour twice each year. Surprisingly, intruders were more likely to win encounters (winning 78.6% of encounters by remaining closer to the site in the short term). However, intruders did tend to move farther than residents toward their own range core in the short-term (1 h) post-encounter, and if this were used to indicate losing an encounter, then the majority (73.3%) of encounters were won by residents. Surprisingly, relative pack size had little effect on encounter outcome, and injuries were rare (<15% of encounters). These results highlight the difficulty of remotely scoring encounters involving mobile participants away from static defendable food resources. Although inter-pack range overlap was reduced following an encounter, encounter outcome did not seem to drive this, as both packs shifted their ranges post-encounter. Our results indicate that inter-pack encounters may be lower risk than previously suggested and do not appear to influence long-term movement and ranging

    First description of a fossil chamaeleonid from Greece and its relevance for the European biogeographic history of the group

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    The fossil record of Chamaeleonidae is very scarce and any new specimen is therefore considered important for our understanding of the evolutionary and biogeographic history of the group. New specimens from the early Miocene of Aliveri (Evia Island), Greece constitute the only fossils of these lizards from southeastern Europe. Skull roofing material is tentatively attributed to the Czech species Chamaeleo cf. andrusovi, revealing a range extension for this taxon, whereas tooth-bearing elements are described as indeterminate chamaeleonids. The Aliveri fossils rank well among the oldest known reptiles from Greece, provide evidence for the dispersal routes of chameleons out of Africa towards the European continent and, additionally, imply strong affinities with coeval chamaeleonids from Central Europe

    NUDT2 Disruption Elevates Diadenosine Tetraphosphate (Ap4A) and Down-Regulates Immune Response and Cancer Promotion Genes.

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    Regulation of gene expression is one of several roles proposed for the stress-induced nucleotide diadenosine tetraphosphate (Ap4A). We have examined this directly by a comparative RNA-Seq analysis of KBM-7 chronic myelogenous leukemia cells and KBM-7 cells in which the NUDT2 Ap4A hydrolase gene had been disrupted (NuKO cells), causing a 175-fold increase in intracellular Ap4A. 6,288 differentially expressed genes were identified with P < 0.05. Of these, 980 were up-regulated and 705 down-regulated in NuKO cells with a fold-change ≥ 2. Ingenuity® Pathway Analysis (IPA®) was used to assign these genes to known canonical pathways and functional networks. Pathways associated with interferon responses, pattern recognition receptors and inflammation scored highly in the down-regulated set of genes while functions associated with MHC class II antigens were prominent among the up-regulated genes, which otherwise showed little organization into major functional gene sets. Tryptophan catabolism was also strongly down-regulated as were numerous genes known to be involved in tumor promotion in other systems, with roles in the epithelial-mesenchymal transition, proliferation, invasion and metastasis. Conversely, some pro-apoptotic genes were up-regulated. Major upstream factors predicted by IPA® for gene down-regulation included NFκB, STAT1/2, IRF3/4 and SP1 but no major factors controlling gene up-regulation were identified. Potential mechanisms for gene regulation mediated by Ap4A and/or NUDT2 disruption include binding of Ap4A to the HINT1 co-repressor, autocrine activation of purinoceptors by Ap4A, chromatin remodeling, effects of NUDT2 loss on transcript stability, and inhibition of ATP-dependent regulatory factors such as protein kinases by Ap4A. Existing evidence favors the last of these as the most probable mechanism. Regardless, our results suggest that the NUDT2 protein could be a novel cancer chemotherapeutic target, with its inhibition potentially exerting strong anti-tumor effects via multiple pathways involving metastasis, invasion, immunosuppression and apoptosis