2,099 research outputs found

    Luces y sombras en la formación sobre prevención y violencia de género. Valoración y percepción del profesorado, estudiantado y movimientos sociales

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    A través del trabajo de campo realizado con estudiantado, profesorado de Facultades de Formación del Profesorado de diferentes universidades españolas y agentes sociales se han identificado las barreras que impiden la implementación de estrategias orientadas al aprendizaje de conocimientos y habilidades para la prevención y detección precoz de la violencia de género en la formación del futuro profesorado; así como también se han identificado experiencias que han superado estas barreras. Se recogen las percepciones acerca de las realidades que se viven en los centros educativos respecto a los casos de violencia de género y las opiniones sobre una formación de calidad en este tema

    DDT: a research tool for automatic data distribution in HPF

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    This article describes the main features and implementation of our automatic data distribution research tool. The tool (DDT) accepts programs written in Fortran 77 and generates High Performance Fortran (HPF) directives to map arrays onto the memories of the processors and parallelize loops, and executable statements to remap these arrays. DDT works by identifying a set of computational phases (procedures and loops). The algorithm builds a search space of candidate solutions for these phases which is explored looking for the combination that minimizes the overall cost; this cost includes data movement cost and computation cost. The movement cost reflects the cost of accessing remote data during the execution of a phase and the remapping costs that have to be paid in order to execute the phase with the selected mapping. The computation cost includes the cost of executing a phase in parallel according to the selected mapping and the owner computes rule. The tool supports interprocedural analysis and uses control flow information to identify how phases are sequenced during the execution of the application.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Dark Energy Perturbations Revisited

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    In this paper we study the evolution of cosmological perturbations in the presence of dynamical dark energy, and revisit the issue of dark energy perturbations. For a generally parameterized equation of state (EoS) such as w_D(z) = w_0+w_1\frac{z}{1+z}, (for a single fluid or a single scalar field ) the dark energy perturbation diverges when its EoS crosses the cosmological constant boundary w_D=-1. In this paper we present a method of treating the dark energy perturbations during the crossing of the wD=1w_D=-1 surface by imposing matching conditions which require the induced 3-metric on the hypersurface of w_D=-1 and its extrinsic curvature to be continuous. These matching conditions have been used widely in the literature to study perturbations in various models of early universe physics, such as Inflation, the Pre-Big-Bang and Ekpyrotic scenarios, and bouncing cosmologies. In all of these cases the EoS undergoes a sudden change. Through a detailed analysis of the matching conditions, we show that \delta_D and \theta_D are continuous on the matching hypersurface. This justifies the method used[1-4] in the numerical calculation and data fitting for the determination of cosmological parameters. We discuss the conditions under which our analysis is applicable.Comment: 10 pages and 1 figure

    Los Rajiformes (Chondrichthyes, Batomorphii) del Plioceno inferior de la Formación Arenas de Huelva, suroeste de España

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    EL Neógeno marino del suroeste de España ha sido objeto de numerosos estudios, su contenido fosilífero ha sido objeto de numerosos trabajos, abordando diferentes grupos como malacofauna (Andrés, 1982; González-Delgado, 1983), foraminíferos (Sierro, 1984; González-Regalado, 1986), nanoplancton calcáreo (Flores, 1985), ostrácodos (González-Regalado y Ruiz, 1990, 1991; Ruiz y González-Regalado, 1996), polen (Valle y Peñalba, 1987), así como aspectos generales de tafonomía y paleoecología (Mayoral, 1986) y vertebrados (Ruiz et al., 1997). Algunos de estos trabajos indicaban la presencia de restos ictiológicos, como dientes de seláceos y otolitos. En este trabajo se presentan los registros inéditos de los Rajiformes de Formación Arenas de Huelva, Provincia de Huelva, España (Fig. 1) de la tesis doctoral de García (2008)

    Defect-induced π-magnetism into non-benzenoid nanographenes

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    The synthesis of nanographenes (NGs) with open-shell ground states have recently attained increasing attention in view of their interesting physicochemical properties and great prospects in manifold applications as suitable materials within the rising field of carbon-based magnetism. A potential route to induce magnetism in NGs is the introduction of structural defects, for instance non-benzenoid rings, in their honeycomb lattice. Here, we report the on-surface synthesis of three open-shell non-benzenoid NGs (A1, A2 and A3 ) on the Au(111) surface. A1 and A2 contain two five-and one seven-membered rings within their benzenoid backbone, while A3 incorporates one five-membered ring. Their structures and electronic properties have been investigated by means of scanning tunneling microscopy, noncontact atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling spectroscopy complemented with theoretical calculations. Our results provide access to openshell NGs with a combination of non-benzenoid topologies previously precluded by conventional synthetic proceduresThis project has received funding from Comunidad de Madrid [projects QUIMTRONICCM (Y2018/NMT-4783), MAD2D, and NanoMagCost], and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (projects SpOrQuMat, CTQ2017-83531-R, PID2019-108532GB-I00, and CTQ2016-81911- REDT). IMDEA Nanociencia is appreciative of support from the “Severo Ochoa” Programme for Centers of Excellence in R&D (MINECO, grant SEV-2016-0686). The EU Graphene Flagship (Graphene Core 3, 881603), H2020-EU.1.2.2.-FET Proactive Grant (LIGHT-CAP, 101017821), the Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed) and the DFG-SNSF Joint Switzerland-German Research Project (EnhanTopo, No. 429265950) are acknowledged for financial support. We acknowledge support from the Praemium Academie of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic and the CzechNanoLab Re-search Infrastructure supported by MEYS CR (LM2018110). P.J. acknowledges the support of the GACR 20-13692X. J.I.U. thanks the funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. [886314

    Towards outperforming conventional sensor arrays with fabricated individual photonic vapour sensors inspired by Morpho butterflies.

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    Published onlineJournal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tResearch Support, U.S. Gov't, Non-P.H.S.Combining vapour sensors into arrays is an accepted compromise to mitigate poor selectivity of conventional sensors. Here we show individual nanofabricated sensors that not only selectively detect separate vapours in pristine conditions but also quantify these vapours in mixtures, and when blended with a variable moisture background. Our sensor design is inspired by the iridescent nanostructure and gradient surface chemistry of Morpho butterflies and involves physical and chemical design criteria. The physical design involves optical interference and diffraction on the fabricated periodic nanostructures and uses optical loss in the nanostructure to enhance the spectral diversity of reflectance. The chemical design uses spatially controlled nanostructure functionalization. Thus, while quantitation of analytes in the presence of variable backgrounds is challenging for most sensor arrays, we achieve this goal using individual multivariable sensors. These colorimetric sensors can be tuned for numerous vapour sensing scenarios in confined areas or as individual nodes for distributed monitoring.We would like to acknowledge H. Ghiradella (University at Albany), M. Blohm and S. Duclos (GE) and V. Greanya, J. Abo-Shaeer, C. Nehl and M. Sandrock (DARPA) for fruitful discussions. This work has been supported in part from DARPA contract W911NF-10-C-0069 ‘Bio Inspired Photonics’ and from General Electric’s Advanced Technology research funds. The content of the information does not necessarily reflect the position or the policy of the US Government

    Elevated Baseline Salivary Protease Activity May Predict the Steadiness of Gingival Inflammation During Periodontal Healing: A 12-Week Follow-Up Study on Adults

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    Aim was to profile salivary total protease, Porphyromonas gingivalis gingipain, and neutrophil elastase activities in relation to the resolution of periodontal inflammation, salivary macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC), and macrophage inflammatory protein-1α concentrations. Nonsurgical periodontal treatment was performed in 24 periodontitis patients in a prospective interventional study design. Periodontal clinical parameters were recorded, and stimulated saliva samples were collected at baseline and 2, 6, and 12 weeks after treatment. Salivary total protease and gingipain activities were determined using fluorogenic substrates, elastase activity by chromogenic substrates, and cytokine concentrations by Luminex immunoassay. For statistical analyses, generalized linear mixed models for repeated measures were used. Salivary total protease activity elevated, while gingival inflammation and plaque accumulation decreased 2 and 6 weeks after periodontal therapy. Salivary MDC concentration was elevated 12 weeks after periodontal treatment. Patients with elevated protease activities at baseline in comparison to patients with low baseline total protease activities, had higher levels of gingival inflammation before and after periodontal treatment. In conclusion, elevations in salivary total protease activity seem to be part of periodontal healing at its early phases. Higher levels of salivary total protease activities before periodontal treatment may predict the severity and steadiness of unresolved gingival inflammation.</p

    Impaired development of the cerebral cortex in infants with congenital heart disease is correlated to reduced cerebral oxygen delivery

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    Neurodevelopmental impairment is the most common comorbidity associated with complex congenital heart disease (CHD), while the underlying biological mechanism remains unclear. We hypothesised that impaired cerebral oxygen delivery in infants with CHD is a cause of impaired cortical development, and predicted that cardiac lesions most associated with reduced cerebral oxygen delivery would demonstrate the greatest impairment of cortical development. We compared 30 newborns with complex CHD prior to surgery and 30 age-matched healthy controls using brain MRI. The cortex was assessed using high resolution, motion-corrected T2-weighted images in natural sleep, analysed using an automated pipeline. Cerebral oxygen delivery was calculated using phase contrast angiography and pre-ductal pulse oximetry, while regional cerebral oxygen saturation was estimated using near-infrared spectroscopy. We found that impaired cortical grey matter volume and gyrification index in newborns with complex CHD was linearly related to reduced cerebral oxygen delivery, and that cardiac lesions associated with the lowest cerebral oxygen delivery were associated with the greatest impairment of cortical development. These findings suggest that strategies to improve cerebral oxygen delivery may help reduce brain dysmaturation in newborns with CHD, and may be most relevant for children with CHD whose cardiac defects remain unrepaired for prolonged periods after birth

    On-surface synthesis of a dicationic diazahexabenzocoronene derivative on the Au(111) surface

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    The atomically precise control over the size, shape and structure of nanographenes (NGs) or the introduction of heteroatom dopants into their sp2-carbon lattice confer them valuable electronic, optical and magnetic properties. Herein, we report on the design and synthesis of a hexabenzocoronene derivative embedded with graphitic nitrogen in its honeycomb lattice, achieved via on-surface assisted cyclodehydrogenation on the Au(111) surface. Combined scanning tunnelling microscopy/spectroscopy and non-contact atomic force microscopy investigations unveil the chemical and electronic structures of the obtained dicationic NG. Kelvin probe force microscopy measurements reveal a considerable variation of the local contact potential difference toward lower values with respect to the gold surface, indicative of its positive net charge. Altogether, we introduce the concept of cationic nitrogen doping of NGs on surfaces, opening new avenues for the design of novel carbon nanostructure

    Model and Simulation Engines for Distributed Simulation of Discrete Event Systems

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    The construction of efficient distributed simulation engines for discrete event systems (DES) remains a challenge. The vast majority of simulations that are developed today are based on federation of modular sequential simulations. This paper proposes the steps to fill the gap from specifications based on Petri Nets to an efficient simulation of the net throughout a distributed application devoted to this purpose and exploiting the versatility of cloud infrastructures. The outcomes of the proposed DES distributed simulation are: (1) an adapted execution model of PN that is based in the generation and management of events related to the enabling and occurrence of transitions; (2) simple simulation engines for these adapted PN, each hosting a subset of transitions; (3) an scheme for deployment of a set of connected simulation engines; and (4) a simple mechanism for dynamic load balancing by merging/splitting the subsets of transitions hosted in simulation engines