109 research outputs found

    Electrochemical synthesis of peroxomonophosphate using boron-doped diamond anodes

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    A new method for the synthesis of peroxomonophosphate, based on the use of boron-doped diamond electrodes, is described. The amount of oxidant electrogenerated depends on the characteristics of the supporting media (pH and solute concentration) and on the operating conditions (temperature and current density). Results show that the pH, between values of 1 and 5, does not influence either the electrosynthesis of peroxomonophosphate or the chemical stability of the oxidant generated. Conversely, low temperatures are required during the electrosynthesis process to minimize the thermal decomposition of peroxomonophosphate and to guarantee significant oxidant concentration. In addition, a marked influence of both the current density and the initial substrate is observed. This observation can be explained in terms of the contribution of hydroxyl radicals in the oxidation mechanisms that occur on diamond surfaces. In the assays carried out below the water oxidation potential, the generation of hydroxyl radicals did not take place. In these cases, peroxomonophosphate generation occurs through a direct electron transfer and, therefore, at these low current densities lower concentrations are obtained. On the other hand, at higher potentials both direct and hydroxyl radical-mediated mechanisms contribute to the oxidant generation and the process is more efficient. In the same way, the contribution of hydroxyl radicals may also help to explain the significant influence of the substrate concentration. Thus, the coexistence of both phosphate and hydroxyl radicals is required to ensure the generation of significant amounts of peroxomonophosphoric acid

    Acute inflammatory response of patients with Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections: a prospective study

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    The severity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) infection may be determined by the interaction with the host immune system. We designed a prospective study to assess the relationship between the inflammatory response and the clinical presentation and outcome of PA infection. We also investigated whether there are differences in the inflammatory response depending on the resistance profile of PA. Interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-10, procalcitonin (PCT), and C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured. Sixty-nine infection episodes were recorded; 40 caused by non-multidrug-resistant (non-MDR) strains [29 (73%) respiratory; 8 (20%) bacteremia], 12 by MDR non-extensively drug-resistant (MDR-non-XDR) [9 (75%) respiratory; 3 (25%) bacteremia], and 17 by XDR strains [9 (53%) respiratory; 7 (41%) bacteremia]. All inflammatory parameters were significantly higher in patients who developed acute organ dysfunction and bacteremia. PCT levels were higher in patients with early mortality [p = 0.050]. Inflammatory biomarkers were higher in patients with XDR than in those with non-MDR PA [IL-6 430 (67-951) vs. 77 (34-216), p = 0.02; IL-10 3.3 (1.5-16.3) vs. 1.3 (0-3.9), p = 0.02; and PCT 1.1 (0.6-5.2) vs. 0.3 (0.1-1.0), p = 0.008]. The intensity of inflammatory response was associated with the severity of PA infection, particularly if bacteremia occurred. Only PCT was documented useful to predict the outcome. XDR infections presented a higher inflammatory response; related in part to the larger number of bloodstream infections in this group

    Renewable energy from Cyanobacteria: energy production optimization by metabolic pathway engineering

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    The need to develop and improve sustainable energy resources is of eminent importance due to the finite nature of our fossil fuels. This review paper deals with a third generation renewable energy resource which does not compete with our food resources, cyanobacteria. We discuss the current state of the art in developing different types of bioenergy (ethanol, biodiesel, hydrogen, etc.) from cyanobacteria. The major important biochemical pathways in cyanobacteria are highlighted, and the possibility to influence these pathways to improve the production of specific types of energy forms the major part of this review

    TIC Y SISTEMAS INTELIGENTES como herramientas de soporte para el manejo, educación y prevención del trauma

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    La corporación ecuatoriana para el desarrollo de la investigación y la academia,. CEDIA, promueve la exploración y resultados de proyectos innovadores que vinculan a instituciones ecuatorianas. A inicios del año 2014, CEDIA conformó grupos de trabajo en varias áreas d einterés; una de ellas fue Telemedicina y Telesalud debido al gran impacto que tiene dentro de la investigación. Este grupo cuenta con la participación de seis universidades ecuatorianas: Universidad de Cuenca, Universidad Salesiana, Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Universidad del Azuay, Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes y Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. El objetivo de este grupo de trabajo es fortalecer, impulsar y motivar actividades de investigación entre las instituciones miembros de CEDIA en bienestar d ela comunidad. En este libro se visualiza el trabajo realizado por el Grupo de Trabajo en temas de trauma utilizando múltiples formas de tecnología, desde aplicaciones móviles, e-learning, objetos de aprendizaje, hasta sistemas de recolección automatizada de datos; desarrollando programas que impactan en la atención de la salud en el área pre-hospitalaria, prevención de lesiones, registro de trauma, modalidades de educación y aprendizaje, mediante el uso de las TIC

    An evolving research agenda for human–coastal systems

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    Conducción eléctrica una experiencia considerando imagen y trabajo colaborativo en la enseñanza

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    This paper shows an experience with pupils of the Secondary School Juan de la Cierva y Codorniu (Totana, Murcia Region) in Spain. It was used multimedia about electromagnetism and superconductivity. It was used the module "Electric Conduction". Experience assesses teaching-learning process about: a) knowledge of computers, b) the medium, c) knowledge of the unit studied, d) conducts observed. Tools of assessment were adapted to the context of the experience. It is very interesting the multimedia access available in http://online.supercomet.no.Se presenta una experiencia realizada con alumnado del Instituto de Educación Secundaria Juan de la Cierva y Codorníu (Totana, Región de Murcia) en España. Se ha trabajado con multimedia dirigido al estudio del electromagnetismo y la superconductividad. Se ha utilizado el módulo "Conducción eléctrica". La experiencia evalúa el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje sobre: a) conocimiento que tenía el alumnado sobre el medio informático, b) el medio empleado, c) conocimientos del tema estudiado, d) conductas observables. Los instrumentos de evaluación fueron adaptados de acuerdo al contexto de la experiencia. Resulta muy interesante indicar que se puede acceder al multimedia en http://online.supercomet.no