89 research outputs found

    Empleo de isótopos ambientales para discernir la contaminación salina de la cuenca del río Llobregat

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    La formación geológica salina de la comarca del Bages(Barcelona) y su explotación minera en diferentes puntos de la cuenca del Llobregat, influyen en la salinización de los ríos Cardener y Llobregat. La cuenca potásica catalana presenta dos peculiaridades: la formación salina tiene un afloramiento en Cardona, y en algunas zonas las capas de mineral se encuentran cerca de la superficie pero sin aflorar. La geología del terreno puede influir en la salinidad de las aguas de la cuenca por contacto directo con los materiales salinos. La actividad minera de Cardona (cerrada en 1990), Suria,Balsareny y Sallent, genera en la producción del mineral un residuo salino que se acumula en el exterior de las minas formándose las escombreras salinas o «runams». Sus salessolubles se disuelven con la lluvia, y pueden llegar a las aguas superficiales y aguas subterráneas del entorno. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar las aportaciones salinas a la cuenca del río Llobregat, separando las de origen natural y las de procedencia antrópica, utilizando la composición isotópica del azufre y del oxigeno del sulfato disuelto en sus aguas. También se cuantifica el origen natural y antrópico de los cloruros que se aportan

    Empleo de isótopos ambientales para discernir la contaminación salina de la cuenca del río Llobregat.

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    [eng] The geological saline formation of Bages (Barcelona) and its mining exploitation in the different places along the Llobregat Basin, strongly influence the salinity of the water of both Cardener River and Llobregat River. The Catalan potash basin has two peculiarities: the saline formation has an outcrop in Cardona and in some areas of the basin, the layers of saline mineral are very close to the surface but do not crop out. Therefore, the geology of the area can influence directly on the salinity of the underground and surface waters by being in direct contact with the saline deposits. The mining activity of Cardona (closed in 1990), Suria, Balsareny and Sallent, generated a mineral waste that is accumulated in the outside of the mines salt tailings forming. Their soluble salts are dissolved with the rainwater, and can arrive at superficial water and groundwater. The aim of this work is to evaluate the saline contributions to the Llobregat hydrographic system trying to separate the ones of natural origin from the anthropic ones using the sulphur and oxygen isotopic composition of the sulphates dissolved in the waters. Also quantify the natural and anthropogenic origin of the chlorides to be contributed. [CAT] La formació geològica salina de la comarca del Bages (Barcelona) i la seva explotació minera en diferents punts de la conca del Llobregat, influeixen en la salinizació de l'aigua dels rius Cardener i Llobregat. La conca potàssica catalana presenta dues peculiaritats: la formació salina té un aflorament a Cardona, i en algunes zones les capes de mineral es troben prop de la superfície però sense aflorar. La geologia del terreny pot influir en la salinitat de les aigües de la conca per contacte directe amb els dipòsits salins. L'activitat minera de Cardona (tancada al 1990), Súria, Balsareny i Sallent, genera un residu salí durant la producció del mineral, que s'acumula en l'exterior de les mines formant-se runams salins. Les seves sals solubles es poden dissoldre amb l'aigua de la pluja, i arribar a les aigües superficials i aigües subterrànies de l'entorn. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és avaluar les aportacions salines a la conca del riu Llobregat, separant les d'origen natural i les de procedència antròpica, utilitzant la composició isotòpica del sofre i de l'oxigen del sulfat dissolt en les seves aigües. També es quantifica l'origen natural o antròpic dels clorurs que s'aporten a la zona.[spa] La formación geológica salina de la comarca del Bages (Barcelona) y su explotación minera en diferentes puntos de la cuenca del Llobregat, influyen en la salinización de los ríos Cardener y Llobregat. La cuenca potásica catalana presenta dos peculiaridades: la formación salina tiene un afloramiento en Cardona, y en algunas zonas las capas de mineral se encuentran cerca de la superficie pero sin aflorar. La geología del terreno puede influir en la salinidad de las aguas de la cuenca por contacto directo con los materiales salinos. La actividad minera de Cardona (cerrada en 1990), Suria, Balsareny y Sallent, genera en la producción del mineral un residuo salino que se acumula en el exterior de las minas formándose las escombreras salinas o «runams». Sus sales solubles se disuelven con la lluvia, y pueden llegar a las aguas superficiales y aguas subterráneas del entorno. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar las aportaciones salinas a la cuenca del río Llobregat, separando las de origen natural y las de procedencia antrópica, utilizando la composición isotópica del azufre y del oxigeno del sulfato disuelto en sus aguas. También se cuantifica el origen natural y antrópico de los cloruros que se aportan

    Do Thiols Merely Passivate Gold Nanoclusters?

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    A Comment on the Letter by H. Hakkinen, R. N. Barnett, and U. Landman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3264 (1999)

    Genetic association study of childhood aggression across raters, instruments, and age

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    Genòmica; Comportament humàGenómica; Comportamiento humanoGenomics; Human behaviourChildhood aggressive behavior (AGG) has a substantial heritability of around 50%. Here we present a genome-wide association meta-analysis (GWAMA) of childhood AGG, in which all phenotype measures across childhood ages from multiple assessors were included. We analyzed phenotype assessments for a total of 328 935 observations from 87 485 children aged between 1.5 and 18 years, while accounting for sample overlap. We also meta-analyzed within subsets of the data, i.e., within rater, instrument and age. SNP-heritability for the overall meta-analysis (AGGoverall) was 3.31% (SE = 0.0038). We found no genome-wide significant SNPs for AGGoverall. The gene-based analysis returned three significant genes: ST3GAL3 (P = 1.6E–06), PCDH7 (P = 2.0E–06), and IPO13 (P = 2.5E–06). All three genes have previously been associated with educational traits. Polygenic scores based on our GWAMA significantly predicted aggression in a holdout sample of children (variance explained = 0.44%) and in retrospectively assessed childhood aggression (variance explained = 0.20%). Genetic correlations (rg) among rater-specific assessment of AGG ranged from rg = 0.46 between self- and teacher-assessment to rg = 0.81 between mother- and teacher-assessment. We obtained moderate-to-strong rgs with selected phenotypes from multiple domains, but hardly with any of the classical biomarkers thought to be associated with AGG. Significant genetic correlations were observed with most psychiatric and psychological traits (range |rg|: 0.19–1.00), except for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Aggression had a negative genetic correlation (rg = ~−0.5) with cognitive traits and age at first birth. Aggression was strongly genetically correlated with smoking phenotypes (range |rg|: 0.46–0.60). The genetic correlations between aggression and psychiatric disorders were weaker for teacher-reported AGG than for mother- and self-reported AGG. The current GWAMA of childhood aggression provides a powerful tool to interrogate the rater-specific genetic etiology of AGG.We very warmly thank all participants, their parents, and teachers for making this study possible. The project was supported by the “Aggression in Children: Unraveling gene-environment interplay to inform Treatment and InterventiON strategies” project (ACTION). ACTION received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no 602768. Cohort-specific acknowledgements and funding information may be found in the Supplementary text

    Height and timing of growth spurt during puberty in young people living with vertically acquired HIV in Europe and Thailand.

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to describe growth during puberty in young people with vertically acquired HIV. DESIGN: Pooled data from 12 paediatric HIV cohorts in Europe and Thailand. METHODS: One thousand and ninety-four children initiating a nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor or boosted protease inhibitor based regimen aged 1-10 years were included. Super Imposition by Translation And Rotation (SITAR) models described growth from age 8 years using three parameters (average height, timing and shape of the growth spurt), dependent on age and height-for-age z-score (HAZ) (WHO references) at antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation. Multivariate regression explored characteristics associated with these three parameters. RESULTS: At ART initiation, median age and HAZ was 6.4 [interquartile range (IQR): 2.8, 9.0] years and -1.2 (IQR: -2.3 to -0.2), respectively. Median follow-up was 9.1 (IQR: 6.9, 11.4) years. In girls, older age and lower HAZ at ART initiation were independently associated with a growth spurt which occurred 0.41 (95% confidence interval 0.20-0.62) years later in children starting ART age 6 to 10 years compared with 1 to 2 years and 1.50 (1.21-1.78) years later in those starting with HAZ less than -3 compared with HAZ at least -1. Later growth spurts in girls resulted in continued height growth into later adolescence. In boys starting ART with HAZ less than -1, growth spurts were later in children starting ART in the oldest age group, but for HAZ at least -1, there was no association with age. Girls and boys who initiated ART with HAZ at least -1 maintained a similar height to the WHO reference mean. CONCLUSION: Stunting at ART initiation was associated with later growth spurts in girls. Children with HAZ at least -1 at ART initiation grew in height at the level expected in HIV negative children of a comparable age

    Height and timing of growth spurt during puberty in young people living with vertically acquired HIV in Europe and Thailand

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to describe growth during puberty in young people with vertically acquired HIV. Design: Pooled data from 12 paediatric HIV cohorts in Europe and Thailand. Methods: One thousand and ninety-four children initiating a nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor or boosted protease inhibitor based regimen aged 1-10 years were included. Super Imposition by Translation And Rotation (SITAR) models described growth from age 8 years using three parameters (average height, timing and shape of the growth spurt), dependent on age and height-for-age z-score (HAZ) (WHO references) at antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation. Multivariate regression explored characteristics associated with these three parameters. Results: At ART initiation, median age and HAZ was 6.4 [interquartile range (IQR): 2.8, 9.0] years and -1.2 (IQR: -2.3 to -0.2), respectively. Median follow-up was 9.1 (IQR: 6.9, 11.4) years. In girls, older age and lower HAZ at ART initiation were independently associated with a growth spurt which occurred 0.41 (95% confidence interval 0.20-0.62) years later in children starting ART age 6 to 10 years compared with 1 to 2 years and 1.50 (1.21-1.78) years later in those starting with HAZ less than -3 compared with HAZ at least -1. Later growth spurts in girls resulted in continued height growth into later adolescence. In boys starting ART with HAZ less than -1, growth spurts were later in children starting ART in the oldest age group, but for HAZ at least -1, there was no association with age. Girls and boys who initiated ART with HAZ at least -1 maintained a similar height to the WHO reference mean. Conclusion: Stunting at ART initiation was associated with later growth spurts in girls. Children with HAZ at least -1 at ART initiation grew in height at the level expected in HIV negative children of a comparable age

    Children living with HIV in Europe: do migrants have worse treatment outcomes?

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    Malignancies among children and young people with HIV in Western and Eastern Europe and Thailand

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    Genomic Relationships, Novel Loci, and Pleiotropic Mechanisms across Eight Psychiatric Disorders

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    Genetic influences on psychiatric disorders transcend diagnostic boundaries, suggesting substantial pleiotropy of contributing loci. However, the nature and mechanisms of these pleiotropic effects remain unclear. We performed analyses of 232,964 cases and 494,162 controls from genome-wide studies of anorexia nervosa, attention-deficit/hyper-activity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, and Tourette syndrome. Genetic correlation analyses revealed a meaningful structure within the eight disorders, identifying three groups of inter-related disorders. Meta-analysis across these eight disorders detected 109 loci associated with at least two psychiatric disorders, including 23 loci with pleiotropic effects on four or more disorders and 11 loci with antagonistic effects on multiple disorders. The pleiotropic loci are located within genes that show heightened expression in the brain throughout the lifespan, beginning prenatally in the second trimester, and play prominent roles in neurodevelopmental processes. These findings have important implications for psychiatric nosology, drug development, and risk prediction.Peer reviewe