8 research outputs found

    El concepto actual de la diabetes sacarina

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    The use of functionalized carbon xerogels in cells growth

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    In the present study carbon xerogels are used for the first time to study the fibroblast cell growth. For that, carbon xerogel microspheres are synthesized and thereafter functionalized with carbon nanofibers followed by the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of azomethine ylides (the so called \u201cPrato reaction\u201d) or the addition of aryl diazonium salts (the so called \u201cTour reaction\u201d) to improve its wettability. The presence of nanofibers produces a huge improvement of the functionalization degree (59 versus 372 \u3bcmol/g for pristine carbon spheres and carbon spheres with 30% of carbon nanofibers, respectively) in spite of the blockage of the carbon spheres porosity caused after the nanofibers growth. This improvement was explained on the base of the increase of the number of probable active sites for the addition reactions (C[dbnd]C bonds) and the accessibility to these active sites (accessible surface area) by the presence of nanofibers. These high functionalization degrees reflect a promising potential of these materials in biomedical applications. Toxicity results obtained using a fibroblast cell line showed that samples are biocompatible for this kind of cells and that the presence of carbon fibers on the surface of the spheres increases the cells proliferation in a high extend reaching in some case values around 150% regarding the control. This study evidences that carbon aerogels could be interesting materials in biological applications, an unexplored field for this type of materials, being biocompatible, favouring the proliferation of cells and achieving high functionalization degrees

    Biogas upgrading by selective adsorption onto CO2 activated carbon from wood pellets

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    An activated carbon from commercial pine wood pellets was obtained by means of physical activation with carbon dioxide. Carbonized sample was also prepared in order to compare both samples. Carbonization lead to a material with very low micropore volume, which was increased when physical activation was performed (W-0(N-2) from 0.00 to 0.22 cm(3)g (1) and W-0(CO2) from 0.21 to 0.31 cm(3) g (1)). After characterizing their porous texture, samples were tested as CO2 selective adsorbent in a mixture of CH4 and CO2; at first high pressure isotherms of both compounds were obtained at different temperatures to calculate the adsorbed amount of each compound at given pressure and temperature (for PINPEL20: CO2, q(sat) = 6.66 mol kg (1) and Delta H-ads = 28.4 kJ mol (1); CH4, q(sat) = 3.36 mol kg (1) and Delta H-ads = 19.0 kJ mol (1)). Variations on isosteric heat of adsorption with uptake were also analysed (it was increased with uptake in the case of CO2 and the opposite tendency was found for CH4). Selectivity resulted larger for the activated sample (2.9 versus 1.9 at 1 bar and 30 degrees C), so this one was chosen to perform dynamic adsorption experiments. Breakthrough curves demonstrated the outstanding performance of sample as CO2 selective adsorbent in both single component experiments (Breakthrough time 995 s for CH4 and 1545 s for CO2) and competitive adsorption (950 s for CH4 and 1373 s for CO2). Activated sample showed an excellent behaviour as CO2 selective adsorbent for biogas upgrading

    Characterization of the responses to saline stress in the symbiotic green microalga Trebouxia sp. TR9

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    [EN] Main conclusion. For the first time we provide a study on the physiological, ultrastructural and molecular effects of salt stress on a terrestrial symbiotic green microalga, Trebouxia sp. TR9. Although tolerance to saline conditions has been thoroughly studied in plants and, to an extent, free-living microalgae, scientific data regarding salt stress on symbiotic lichen microalgae is scarce to non-existent. Since lichen phycobionts are capable of enduring harsh, restrictive and rapidly changing environments, it is interesting to study the metabolic machinery operating under these extreme conditions. We aim to determine the effects of prolonged exposure to high salt concentrations on the symbiotic phycobiont Trebouxia sp. TR9, isolated from the lichen Ramalina farinacea. Our results suggest that, when this alga is confronted with extreme saline conditions, the cellular structures are affected to an extent, with limited chlorophyll content loss and photosynthetic activity remaining after 72h of exposure to 5M NaCl. Furthermore, this organism displays a rather different molecular response compared to land plants and free-living halophile microalgae, with no noticeable increase in ABA levels and ABA-related gene expression until the external NaCl concentration is raised to 3M NaCl. Despite this, the ABA transduction pathway seems functional, since the ABA-related genes tested are responsive to exogenous ABA. These observations could suggest that this symbiotic green alga may have developed alternative molecular pathways to cope with highly saline environments.Supported by the Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad (MINECO, Spain) and FEDER (CGL2016-79158-P), and the PROMETEO Excellence in Research Program (Generalitat Valenciana, Spain) (PROMETEO/2017/039). Funding for Ernesto Hinojosa-Vidal was also provided by MINECO (BES-2013-065511).Hinojosa-Vidal, E.; Marco, F.; MartĂ­nez-Alberola, F.; Escaray, F.; GarcĂ­a-Breijo, F.; Reig-Armiñana, J.; Carrasco, P.... (2018). Characterization of the responses to saline stress in the symbiotic green microalga Trebouxia sp. TR9. Planta. 248(6):1473-1486. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00425-018-2993-8S147314862486Álvarez R, del Hoyo A, DĂ­az-RodrĂ­guez C et al (2015) Lichen rehydration in heavy metal-polluted environments: Pb modulates the oxidative response of both Ramalina farinacea thalli and its isolated microalgae. 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    Mitochondrial iron homeostasis and its dysfunctions in neurodegenerative disorders

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